Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ömer Koçak List of the Publications (795 items) (1975-2019) ! 1. Koçak,A.Ö., 1975, New Lepidoptera from Turkey-I. Atalanta 6 (1): 24-30, figs. 2. Koçak,A.Ö., 1975, A new species of genus Lysandra from Turkey (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Atalanta 6 (1): 31-34, 6 figs. 3. Koçak,A.Ö., 1975, New Lepidoptera from Turkey-II. Atalanta 6 (1): 50-55, 10 figs. 4. Koçak,A.Ö., 1976, A new subspecies of Melanargia larissa from Turkey (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Atalanta 7 (1): 40-41, 2 figs. 5. Koçak,A.Ö., 1976, A new subspecies of Myrmeleonidae (Neuroptera) from Turkey. NachrBl. bayer. Ent. 22 (5): 97- 100, 4 figs. 6. Koçak,A.Ö., 1977, Studies on the family Lycaenidae (Lep.) I. New taxa and records from East Turkey. Atalanta 8 (1): 41-62, 24 figs. 7. Koçak,A.Ö., 1977, New Lepidoptera from Turkey V. Atalanta 7 (2): 126-146, 47 Abb, 1 map. 8. Koçak,A.Ö., 1977, New Lepidoptera from Turkey IV. Description of a new subspecies of Archon apollinus (Herbst,1789) (Parnasiidae). NachrBl. bayer. Ent. 26 (3): 54-60, 7 figs. 9. Koçak,A.Ö., 1978, Pseudochazara mamurra Herrich-Schäffer aus dem Libanon mit Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart (Lep., Satyridae). Atalanta 9 (4a): 372-375, 4 Abb. 10. Koçak,A.Ö., 1979, Studies on the family Lycaenidae II. New Taxa and Records from Turkey. Atalanta 10 (4a): 309- 325, 37 figs. 11. Koçak,A.Ö., 1980, Studies on the family Lycaenidae III. A review of the subspecies of Agrodiaetus (Sublysandra) myrrhus (H.-S.,1852). Atalanta 11 (4): 262-272, 14 figs. 12. Koçak,A.Ö., 1980, Changes in the generic names of some West-Palaearctic Lepidoptera (Part 1). Communs Fac. Sci. Univ. Ankara, (Ser C3, Zool.) 24: 27-41. 13. Koçak,A.Ö., 1980, Some notes on the nomenclature of Lepidoptera. Communs Fac. Sci. Univ. Ankara, (Ser C3, Zool.) 24: 7-25. 14. Koçak,A.Ö., 1980, On the nomenclature of some genus- and species-group names of Lepidoptera. Nota lepid. 2 (4): 139-146. 15. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, On the criticisms made by Dr.I.W.B.Nye regarding my two recent papers published in this journal in 1980. Communs Fac. Sci. Univ. Ankara, (Ser C3, Zool.) 25: 11-23. 16. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, Buszkoiana nom.nov. A Replacement name in the family Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (1): 10. 17. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, On the nomenclature of some genera of the family Psychidae (Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (1): 7-10; 1(3): 122-123. 18. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, On the status of the family names Nymphalidae and Heliconiidae described by Swainson. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (2): 93-96. 19. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, Nomenclatural note on the genus Petersenia Gozmany,1960 (Tineidae). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (2): 45. 20. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, On the type-species of the genus Proterebia Roos & Arnscheid,1980 (Satyridae, Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (1): 6-7. 21. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, Khayyamia (nom.nov.) A replacement name for Dinaria Popov,1951 (Orthoptera) from Iran. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (1): 41-42. 22. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, A replacement name in the family Limoniidae (Diptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (3): 111. 23. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, On the nomenclature of some genera of Orthoptera. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (3): 124-128. 24. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, Nomenclatural notes on Homoptera. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (1): 41. 25. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, A replacement name for the genera of Homoptera. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (3): 124-125. 26. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981, On the nomenclature of some genera of Lepidoptera. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1(1): 18-23; 1(3): 97- 109, 112-122. 27. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981-1984, List of the genera of Turkish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), with some replacement names for the genera existing in other countries. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (1): 30-40; 1 (3): 128-138; 1 (4): 141-154; 3 (2): 43-85. 28. Koçak,A.Ö., 1981-1984, Critical Check-list of European Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 1 (2): 46-90; 1 (4): 155-167; 2 (2): 69-92; 3 (1): 11-37. 29. Koçak,A.Ö., 1982, Notes on Archon apollinus (Herbst,1798) (Papilionidae, Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 2 (1): 44-63, figs., map. 30. Koçak,A.Ö., 1982, On the date of publication of "Nachtrag" of Heydenreich's Lepidopterorum Europaeorum Catalogus Methodicus (3.ed.), 130pp. 1851. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 2 (2): 92-95. 31. Koçak,A.Ö., 1982-1983, Additions and corrections to the names published in "Systematic and Synonymic List of the Lepidoptera of France, Belgium and Corsica" by Leraut,1980. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 2 (3): 97-133; 2 (4): 137-157. 32. Koçak,A.Ö., 1982-1987, On the validity of the species group names proposed by Denis & Schiffermüller,1775 in "Ankündung (sic!) eines systematischen Werkes von den Schmetterlingen der Wiener Gegend". Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 2 (1): 4-42; 3 (3): 98-130; 3 (4): 133-154; 4 (1/2): 22-36; 4 (3): 81-86. 33. Koçak,A.Ö., 1983, Some notes on "Classification of the superfamily Sesioidea (Lepidoptera, Ditrysia)" by J. P. Heppner & W. D. Duckworth,1981. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 2 (4): 169-170. 34. Koçak,A.Ö., 1983, On the nomenclature of the genus Hipparchia Fabricius,1807 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 2 (4): 166-169. 35. Koçak,A.Ö., 1983, Foodplants of the adults of Turkish Butterflies -I. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 3 (2): 86-92. 36. Koçak,A.Ö., 1983, On the nomenclature of Thersamonia thersamon (Esper,1784) from the West Palaearctic Region (Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 3 (1): 3-5. 37. Koçak,A.Ö., 1983, Ecological Notes. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 3 (1): 6. 38. Koçak,A.Ö., 1983-1986, More notes on the homonymy of the specific names of Lepidoptera. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 2 (1983) (4): 164-166; 3 (1983) (2): 41-42; 4 (1986) (1/2): 55-60. 39. Koçak,A.Ö., 1984, More additions and corrections to the names published in "Systematic and Synonymic List of the Lepidoptera of France, Belgium and Corsica" by Leraut 1980. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 3 (4): 155-168. 40. Koçak,A.Ö., 1984, On the nomenclatural status of two species group names in Orthoptera. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 3 (4): 169-170. 41. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, Replacement names in the order Homoptera. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 21. 42. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, A replacement name in the family Linyphiidae (Araneae). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 21. 43. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, On the paper "Lepidoptera names of Denis & Schiffermüller - A case for stability" by K.Sattler & W.G. Tremewan in 1984. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1): 3-12. 44. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, A New Species of the genus Ethmia Hübner from Turkey (Lep., Azinidae). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 62-64, figs. 45. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, Türkiye Lepidopter'lerinin Dağılış Haritaları Hakkında. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 48-51, harita. 46. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, Ayaş Dağları Lepidopterleri Hakkında. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 66-77. 47. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, Charaxes jasius Linn.'un gece uçuşu ve Anadoludaki yayılışı. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 45- 46. 48. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, On the foodplants of Turkish Lepidoptera-I. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 13-18. 49. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, Pseudozarba bipartita H.-Sch. Türkiye'den yeni bir Noctuidae Türü (Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 19-20. 50. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, On the nomenclature of the species Mirificarma interuptella (Hübner,1793). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 65-66. 51. Koçak,A.Ö., 1986, Eratophyes aleatrix Diakonoff. Türkiye'den yeni bir Epigraphiidae (=Oecophoridae) cins ve türünün ilk kaydı hakkında (Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (1/2): 52-54. 52. Koçak,A.Ö., 1987, Diurnal Lepidoptera of Çal Dağı (Central Anatolia) 1. Remarks on the Ecology of the species. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (3): 87-114. 53. Koçak,A.Ö., 1987, Chersotis (Cyrebia) adili sp.n. Description of a new species from N.E. Turkey, with some notes on other closely related species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (3): 121-125, figs. 54. Koçak,A.Ö., 1987, Panstegia meciti sp.n. Description of a new species in the family Pyralidae (Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (3): 115-116, figs. 55. Koçak,A.Ö., 1987, Sultania lophotalis (Hampson) Koçak in Turkey, with a description of a new genus (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 4 (3): 117-120, figs. 56. Koçak,A.Ö. & Ş.Yücel, 1989, Tabanus laetetinctus Becker in Pakistan (Tabanidae, Diptera). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 5 (1/2): 26-30, 3 figs., 1 map. 57. Koçak,A.Ö., 1989, Geometra purissima Wiltshire in North Pakistan (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 5 (3): 100-102, 2 figs. 1 map. 58. Koçak,A.Ö., 1989, Autobibliography of Prof. Dr.Ahmet Ö. Koçak. Cent. ent. Stud., Misc. Pap. 1: 1-4. 59. Koçak,A.Ö., 1989, Notes on the taxonomy and nomenclature of the Palaearctic Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)-I. Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 5 (3): 103-104. 60. Koçak,A.Ö., 1989, On the Lepidoptera taken from Elmadağ (Central Anatolia). Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus 5 (1/2): 23- 25. 61. Koçak,A.Ö., 1989, Croesia bergmanniana (Linn.). New to the fauna of Turkey (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Cent. ent.
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