E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1997 No. 28 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL The vote was taken by electronic de- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vice, and there wereÐyeas 75, nays 293, pore (Mr. QUINN). Chair has examined the Journal of the not voting 64, as follows: [Roll No. 32] f last day's proceedings and announces to the House his approval thereof. YEASÐ75 DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Abercrombie Gephardt Nussle PRO TEMPORE nal stands approved. Allen Harman Olver Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Andrews Hastings (FL) Owens The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on Barrett (WI) Hefner Pallone Becerra Hinojosa Payne fore the House the following commu- agreeing to the Speaker's approval of Berman Hooley Pelosi nication from the Speaker: the Journal. Blagojevich Hoyer Price (NC) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Brown (CA) Jefferson Reyes Washington, DC, March 6, 1997. Brown (OH) John Rothman question is on the Chair's approval of Clyburn Johnson (WI) Sandlin I hereby designate the Honorable JACK the Journal. DeGette Kaptur Slaughter QUINN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this The question was taken; and the DeLauro Kennedy (MA) Smith, Adam day. Speaker pro tempore announced that Dellums Kennedy (RI) Stark NEWT GINGRICH, the ayes appeared to have it. Deutsch Kennelly Tauscher Speaker of the House of Representatives. Dicks Lantos Taylor (MS) Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, I object to Doggett Lipinski Thompson f the vote on the ground that a quorum Eshoo Maloney (CT) Tierney is not present and make the point of Evans Martinez Torres Farr Matsui Towns PRAYER order that a quorum is not present. Fazio McDermott Waters The Chaplain, Rev. James David The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Filner Meehan Watt (NC) ant to clause 5, rule I, further proceed- Ford Millender- Wexler Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- Frank (MA) McDonald Weygand er: ings on this question will be postponed. The point of no quorum is considered Frost Miller (CA) Yates Hold us, O gracious God, when we fal- Gejdenson Mink withdrawn. ter; lift us, O God, when we fall; Gekas Neal f strengthen us when we are weak and NAYSÐ293 keep us ever in Your grace. With grate- MOTION TO ADJOURN Aderholt Buyer Cummings fulness we pray for guidance along Mr. MILLER of California. Mr. Armey Callahan Cunningham life's way and with humility we pray Bachus Calvert Danner Speaker, I offer a motion. Baker Campbell Davis (FL) for reconciliation in all that divides The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Baldacci Cannon Davis (IL) and separates us from each other and Clerk will report the motion. Ballenger Capps Davis (VA) from Your will for us. Show us Your The Clerk read as follows: Barr Cardin Deal Barrett (NE) Carson DeLay bountiful gifts that justice will be our Mr. MILLER of California moves Bartlett Castle Diaz-Balart focus and mercy Your everlasting that the House do now adjourn. Barton Chabot Dickey blessing. This is our earnest prayer. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bateman Chambliss Dixon Amen. question is on the motion to adjourn Bereuter Chenoweth Dooley Berry Christensen Doolittle offered by the gentleman from Califor- f Bilbray Clay Doyle nia [Mr. MILLER]. Bilirakis Clayton Duncan The question was taken; and the Bishop Clement Edwards MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Speaker pro tempore announced that Bliley Coble Ehlers Blumenauer Coburn Ehrlich A message from the Senate by Mr. the noes appeared to have it. Boehlert Collins Emerson Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- Mr. MILLER of California. Mr. Boehner Combest English nounced that the Senate has passed a Speaker, I object to the vote on the Bonilla Condit Ensign ground that a quorum is not present Bonior Cook Etheridge Joint Resolution of the following title Bono Cooksey Everett in which the concurrence of the House and make the point of order that a Borski Costello Ewing is requested: quorum is not present. Boswell Cox Fattah Boyd Coyne Fawell S.J. Res. 5. Joint resolution waiving cer- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- dently a quorum is not present. Brown (FL) Cramer Foley tain provisions of the Trade Act of 1974 relat- Bryant Crane Forbes ing to the appointment of the United States The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Bunning Crapo Fowler Trade Representative. sent Members. Burton Cubin Fox b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H769 H770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 6, 1997 Franks (NJ) Lowey Roukema LAMPSON, BOYD, and DIXON changed borrow the money against our chil- Frelinghuysen Lucas Royce Gibbons Luther Rush their vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' dren's future to pay for the program? Gilchrest Manton Ryun Mr. OWENS and Mr. JOHN changed We have heard much talk about bal- Gillmor Manzullo Sabo their vote from ``nay'' to ``yea.'' ancing the budget and the President Gilman Markey Salmon So the motion to adjourn was re- has even said in this Chamber that the Goode Mascara Sanford Goodlatte McCarthy (NY) Sawyer jected. era of big government is over. Let us Goodling McCollum Saxton The result of the vote was announced help him to fulfill his proclamation. Gordon McDade Scarborough as above recorded. Talk will not balance the budget, but Goss McHale Schaefer, Dan Graham McHugh Schaffer, Bob f spending less will. Let us start by clos- Granger McInnis Scott ing the books on AmeriCorps. Green McIntosh Sensenbrenner PERSONAL EXPLANATION f Greenwood McIntyre Sessions Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Gutierrez McKeon Shadegg IN TRIBUTE TO SAMOAN would like the RECORD to reflect that had I Gutknecht McKinney Shaw HEAVYWEIGHT BOXER DAVID TUA Hall (TX) Meek Shays been present for rollcall vote No. 32, I would Hamilton Menendez Sherman have voted ``nay.'' (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA asked and Hansen Metcalf Shimkus was given permission to address the Hastert Mica Sisisky f Hayworth Miller (FL) Skaggs House for 1 minute and to revise and Hefley Minge Skeen PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE extend his remarks.) Hill Moakley Skelton The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, Hilleary Mollohan Smith (MI) I rise today to pay tribute to a very Hilliard Moran (KS) Smith (NJ) QUINN). Will the gentleman from Ohio Hobson Moran (VA) Smith (OR) [Mr. TRAFICANT] come forward and lead special member of our Samoan commu- Holden Morella Smith (TX) the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. nity here in these United States of Horn Murtha Smith, Linda America, heavyweight boxer David Hostettler Myrick Snowbarger Mr. TRAFICANT led the Pledge of Hulshof Nethercutt Snyder Allegiance as follows: Tua, who was recently honored in Hon- Hunter Neumann Solomon I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the olulu as the Samoan professional ath- Hyde Ney Souder United States of America, and to the Repub- lete of the year. Inglis Northup Spence Mr. Speaker, David Tua, now only 23 Istook Norwood Spratt lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Jackson (IL) Oberstar Stearns indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. years old, became heavyweight cham- Jackson-Lee Obey Stenholm f pion of New Zealand at a very young (TX) Ortiz Stokes age and subsequently represented New Jenkins Oxley Stump REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Zealand at the Barcelona Olympics, Johnson, E. B. Packard Sununu AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 811 Johnson, Sam Pappas Talent where he was awarded a bronze medal. Jones Parker Tanner Mr. BARR of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I This young athlete has a most im- Kanjorski Pascrell Taylor (NC) ask unanimous consent to have my pressive record as a professional boxer. Kasich Pastor Thomas Kelly Paul Thornberry name removed as a cosponsor of H.R. David Tua is the first Polynesian and Kildee Pease Thune 811. the first Samoan to be ranked 8th in Kim Peterson (MN) Thurman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the world in the heavyweight division. Kind (WI) Peterson (PA) Tiahrt King (NY) Petri Traficant objection to the request of the gen- He has won every single one of his 26 Kingston Pickering Turner tleman from Georgia? professional fights, 22 by knockouts, Klink Pickett Upton There was no objection. and 11 of those were knockouts in the Klug Pitts Velazquez first round. Knollenberg Pombo Vento f Kolbe Porter Visclosky The great fighter, Mr. Mike Tyson, Kucinich Portman Walsh CLOSING THE BOOKS ON currently holds the record, Mr. Speak- LaFalce Poshard Wamp AMERICORPS WILL START THE er, with 15 knockouts in the first LaHood Pryce (OH) Watkins BALANCED BUDGET PROCESS Lampson Quinn Watts (OK) round. Largent Radanovich Waxman (Mr. TIAHRT asked and was given David Tua is an inspiration and a Latham Rahall Weldon (FL) permission to address the House for 1 champion role model for the Samoan Lazio Ramstad Weldon (PA) minute and to revise and extend his re- community, working with and encour- Leach Regula Weller Lewis (CA) Riley White marks.) aging our youth to maintain strong Lewis (GA) Rivers Whitfield Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, the Sen- ties with their families and to study Lewis (KY) Roemer Wicker ate has defeated the balanced budget. hard in school. Linder Rogan Wolf Keep an eye on David Tua. Livingston Rogers Woolsey We have heard repeatedly from the LoBiondo Ros-Lehtinen Wynn party of big government, the opponents f of the balanced budget, that we do not CHILDREN'S HEALTH NOT VOTINGÐ64 need to amend the Constitution to bal- Ackerman Gallegly Nadler ance the budget.
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