"THE CLARION of SKYE'.' an.d Inter.,Isll.and Advertiser. May -1st 1951 No. 4• PRI CE J d. I s sued Monthly by: A.W .. Nicolson , Struan House , STRUAN, Isle o'f Skye. Motto : ONWARD SKYE, "QUEEN OF THE WEST" ' Mo nthly Poetic Quotati on.- Such are the scenes where savage grancleur wakes An ~wful thr:ill that softens into si gh~; Such feel'ings rouse them. by dim Hannocks Lakes " ' . In da~k Glencoe such glooiD.y raptur:es rise Or fitrther, where, b.eneath the northern skies Chides wild Loch Eribol his c~verns hoar. I3ut, he the minstrel judge , they yield the prize ­ Of desert dignity to that dread shore, That sees GRIM COOLIN RISE - AI~ HEAR CORUIS KIN ROAR. Walter Scott. E D I T 0 R I A L · · TBF S't'ONE OF TlESTUW . - - It may '6e noted that a Skyeman has had a hand in looking around this famous Stone which was t aken away from Westminster Abbey some time ago, ant has now been r ecovered. 'I'he merits or demerits of this action by somebody has been already discussed in the public press., t herefore the "Clarion" w·i ll ·dw ell only on - · _ : - Fo r a long time the Famous Co ronation Stone was preserved near Dunstaffnage, a Pictish Dun near Oban, b efore that i t was brought to rona by Fe r gas from Ireland, 1n the year 850 A.D. it was taken to Scone by Kenneth II of Sc otland, and was subsr;quently removed by Edward I to wes t mi nst er Abbey , where ever since, . it has forme d t he support of t he Chair i n JJilhich the ceremony of Cr owni ng of t he monarchs of the Briti:;h Empire is performed . An ancient Monkish distich thus rL).ns :- "Ni falJ.at fatwn, £coti: Quscumque Locatum Inveni ent lapidem regena·re Qenent ur ibidem!~ and translated by Sir Walter Scott as follows :- Unless the fates are faithless· found And proph et's voi ce be vain Where ' er t his Monument i s Found -· The Scottish · rae ~ shall reign • If .the ;removers of the s tone of Destiny were i nspired by sentimental reasons; it would appear to any patriotic Sc ot that, instead of strengthen---­ ing .the . pro:wess of the Scottish Ra ce ,~ they have unwittingly weakened such a claim, as "dur5.ng the centuries, Scotsmen have reigned in many· cases , i n Indus try., commerce 1 t he Arts, and next to ~he, Throne , T.t:e See of Cant erbury,. The monks distich ciid no t sa;y King , but saJ.d Th~ ScottJ.sh Rae~ and many scotsmen do not s ee wh.at dif'ferencethe removal of the S ton~ Wlll do other than needless expense incurred in tra~ing it, ill afforded J.n the pr esent economic pr es sure . .n 'God Save the King . The . Editor. ? c, THE CLAR I ON OF SKYE. 2. ADVERTISEMENTS . WANTED : 1 Pantry M~;~.id , 1 Ki tcherunaid, 1 Cook, 1 Housemaid, for Akin Ar ms Hotel . Must be experienced. Cast 2. Apply M. GRAHAM . FOR SALE . ~ palrs of new cart Ha rness. Very su1table Sllze .- Apply: MacFarlane Bros ., The ~to r es, E£._i nbane, Skye . Phone : Edinbane 10 . ONE BRITANNIA OUTBOARD E]-JGINE 'rvnn Cy lu1der. 23 1.nch Shaft. 4 H. P. 1947. Still almost new condition, very reliable , good reason disposal. £35 or n ear offer. Apply: Al ex Stewart, Harlosh post ·Office, Dunvegan, Skye. ONE OVERMANrEL Bevelled Gl ass , new condltlon. 4 x 3 ft £2 , also 1 small couch recovered recently )0/-. Apply: John Campbe ll, 9 Tasach, Gl endal e , Skye FOR SALE : Oak Tel escope Tao1e , 5 ft 3 1nch l ong without 2 extra l eaves included, width 3 ft 9. New condition. To o l arge for present house. Apply Mrs . Macinnes 8 Roag , Dunvegan, Skye . FOR SALE: old Highland Quirn or St one used for grinding corn by the ancients, j,ust unearthed and in spl endid condition. What offers ? Apply R.J, MacKinnon, We llfield., St ruan, Skye . Phone : Struan 4·. WANTED: A Tilley or Paraffin Heat er lmm€aiatelt. Apply: W.C ampbell, Sub Post master, Struan 1 Skye . IF YOU WISH t o trace oTa1''"'"r~i-e-n~d.-s·-a-n-d..--relations, try anaavert in the "Clarion of Skye". ; . HOLI DAY ACCON~ODATION now onwards , near Loch coru1sk on Cooiin Hllls. Hous e commanding wide sweep of beautiful scenery. Apply MacKinnon, Cnox Bhan, Elgoll, Skye . THANKS TO APPL I Ci~NTS. A·rt1cles so~J.C. Glencra.Ie. FOR SALE : Britlsn.Ame r ioa:Barome"Ee r, Round Dial :zrr-;-octagonal Frame 8" di ameter. Price £2. Reason, owne r of 2. Apply: Ma cL ean~School House, Struan, Skye . ___ _ SPECIAL ATTENTION FOR SALE , THE FOLLOWING : 1 r:l_nlng Room door, sOTidoak, s i ze 31" by 6 ft 8", loc.k etc. , perfe excell ent condition. "Cook and Heat", No.20 Cooker, complete wi th rack and extending chronium clothes airer, hotwater boiler, Ci stern Tank 30 gals and pipes in copper connected t r-,.erewith included, could b <;: scJ..d together or rr seperately. ' Clothes Washing Boil er, 14 gallons, compl ete with lid, and Fir e rec one unit on legs hardly us ed. 2 Wooden , well-made, Mantlepieces, oak, one hi ghly rough marble mottl ed a.nd ma ssi ve construction, ordinar y size . The above are all ·in per fect order in every way, reason fo r sale, renovation. Thi s is an unusual opportunity of purchasing superior artie nea r hand. Can be seen .in Dunv egan Dtstrt ct. Apply : Box No . 25 Cl a rion · Off ic e~ Struan, Skye . FOR SALE : ·--"---------- orie Cart, Cr oft size wit h Hay Fr ame and peat sides extra, al l in perfect condition. Apply: Cha rles Beaton, Tot arder Hous e , Struan. ONE SHORTHORN cow 8 years oia:. Calv.ing JOth May served by Po lled Bull. G uarant e._~ _corr e _ct. Apply: An~~ Ferguson, Feorlig, Skye. SKYE 'S EVENT I DE HOME. In the Month of Mar ch there was b e ~-un 3. subscri ption campaign in aid ·of the Fund establj P.h Ad to hu.i.ld or buy a suttable Home for the Aged Pea of Skye . It has "been sporwnred by the "Skye Committee of Social service" and one feels that we r e this t h e only good service it would ever perform its existenue na s been justified. To the h eart of marw a Skyeman and woman a feeling of h ope goes that of when n e a~ing the " ~nd of the Roa d", they will find strength, friends and home golng down w1 t h t he years , there still will be a haven of rest provJdecl for them, amongst t:.heir own nat ive hills. The dread of being exiled to an unfamiliar nei ghbourhood on the mainland and among unfamil faces, ha s been a sour ce of distr ess to ma ny in the past however should their fortune i n life deem it necessa.ry t o ent er a home,'their beloved hills will l ook down. upon them ·until their native soil claims them· for it's own. To Skyemen all over t he wo rld, an appeal goes forth to subscri to this. nobl e cause . To remember t hese genial old folk they ·left behind who, al ways Lived far f rom the madding crowds ignobl e strife. Their sober wishes never l earned to stray; Along the cool sequest ed vale of life. They kept th.e noisel ess tenor of their way. Donations can be sent to the secretary, Skye Social Service Bank Street, Portr ee, Skye . The "Cl arion" will continue to appeal. THE EDITOR. __.t=vra~y<--...J.1-..~.9....L5..~...1_,_. _______---=. THE CLARI ON OF SKYE . The Yearly Cornmun ~ons of ?o~h. the Fr ee Church and Free Fr esbyterian Church Vlere held ln t he Mi gl nlsh Ward. of the Parish of Br a cadal e on the· week-end of ~he 1st $abbath in Ap ril. In. the Fr ee Church, Rev .D .11acLeay was_ably asslst ed by-Rev . MacLennan of- Edinburgh, while in the Fr ee Pre$by­ t erlan Church, tJ:le Rev.Malcolm M<:wswean was s :j_ mil CJ. rly assisted by Rev. · F.Mac~eod of Dor~och~ a~d Rev ~D. MacDona ld of Edinburgh. In the pass~ng lt ls worthy ?f' note t hat it was in the Mi ginish ward of the above Parlsh that, the JHa tlona. J. Covenant of Scotl <;md was l aid open to be signed by the willing pens C·f Skyemen who were t~ue to t heir convictions. At t hat t ime Skye was unde~ the jurisdiction of the Synod of Argyle !1ence t he old chapel in Eynos t was selected as the nearest place sui~able for such a0 occasion, as in th ~t time , 1(28 , and for 2 centuries afterwards, t he main route of t-ra•rel to Skye was by sea. At t he present time the graveyard of Eynort in which the :ruins of the chapel are situated is consider ed to be the oldest still used for burial in the Island. One wonders if this burial ground is "Kilmolruy in Bracadale" Which Nigel M&wNeill, L.L.D.
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