Bernard Villersbq. Didier hb%ieu. For sukrscrlption (2 issues a >.ear) for French-English edition in November and May, 120 FF for Europe and 160 FF outside the MEWS European Union. Send to the above address in Saint- Urieix-la-Perche, France. Eric Gilt Conference $i Exhibitions, to be heEd in Sokember 2000, at the Gni\ersits of Notre Dame ~ith The Cotnambia College Chicago Ceates for Bwk & ,a conference on Eric Gill and the Guild of St. Pager Arts has moved to 1104 So. Wabash, Znd flr., Dominic. There uall also be: esltaibi~onsat the Sniae Chicago, EL 60605. Phone: (3 12)3446630, fax: L",.~seua?.,of Art and the Sfesbazrgh Libra3 Specid (3 i2(343-8082, e-snail: Coilections. Call for Papers due in Msch 2000, and BookdPir~er2~u~mail.coltlm.edu and website: ihe fo11ouing web site: Iktt~:/h~~w,coham.edu/cenPemh~ii I:t!p:i ?t\~$%i.,nd ed-LLJ-jsinem~anlgiiiJ Ann 3foore has been named director of the Center for Library and Archi~talExhibitierras are now on the Web Book Am in New Uork City. She formerly was at the at &ttg:lIwwu.siP.si.cduiSliLP~tbEicaQiunsi~n1inc- Alien Memorial Apt Museum Ga31ery of OberIin EsAibitions/onlia~c-exhibitions-titIeehtis the site %iiai"i Coiiege in Oberlin, Ohio. 3SO-c links, DEALERS Reparation da: Poesie Artist Book #I 1. Send 100 Paul-Uon Bisson-Millet has a new list, available Ifom originzl pages or multiple. a ~sualart. rnaiiB art. \ isud Saarserassc 62, D-=69 I5 f. Ncckargemund, Germany. poetq, postcards, computer art, cop) apt. Mas. si~e. 8:4 x 555 inches (13 Y 21 5cm) t\;oju~,copy of book Coillant, Via Trinchera 10, 80138 Napoli, Italia has a n~ilbe scnt to each pa&cipant, an! theme. Deadline: bimomhly catalog of art books, artist baoks, periodicals, I &%arch2000. Send ~+orkao RCparat~onde pdsie, c/o xndripIes, etc. Amazing lists! Jean-Claude Gagnon, 359 me Lavipemr, app. 1, Qutbec hQc>, Canada GIR 1B3. Book Central bas ~noslly"how-to" books to increase the suxival skills of book artists. Included are books Centre dcs Livres d'Artistes Pays-Paysage has a about contracts and legal forms. healthy and safety wondcdul oversized catalog of their Biennale I999 guides, and much more. Go to wnih aikepaflicipation of Paolo Ar~abrosio,Book Works, htt~:fl~tw'~i'.arti~tb~~k~~c~n~to read what is available Alaln Buyse, Les Cahier de B'Atelier, "Container" and how to order. from Granada, F. Despalles Editions. Ecole Nationale Supmielkre des Beaus-Arts paris). Ed' Iflark\vork, Juan 9. Agius, P.O. Box 5243, CH-1211 Geneva 11, Editions Hitabah, Fil~lgranes Editions, Mael Sni?zerland offers magazines and publications, Flicf~man, Gefn Press, Editions Heros-Lirn~te, assemblings froin K - Z in his latest catalog. E-mail: Innpri~abs,Editions Francois Janamd, Le Petit Jaunais, a&$. hooks 3netsz~ifer.ch Ed~tioa~sLe Mot et Ee Reste, Librairie Livresse, Matirat, Ljdia Mcgcrt Editions. Editions Nornades. NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS Bnciale-Sergent Fulbcrt. Les Petits Ctassiques du The Canyon Poem by Judy Tuwaletstiwa (Galisteo, Grand Pirate, Rougier V. Ebjteur. Jan-Paul Ruiz, New Mexico, GalPiisteo Press, 1999, ed. 100, signed 'and Editions Schuber, Editions Shirk!, Sharoff, numbered of a Special Edition with i I hand colored Sixtub'Edliions, Studio Rapide, Sun Moon and Stars plates and an original collage for each book. ($1500). Press, te Tailleur d'Images. Tarabuste Editeur, A Collector's edition is available for $125 minus the Galerie Toner, 13 L. Michael Wmlnorth Publ~cations, original collage, slipcase or hand colored plates, ed. WeprcKiuctions, Papetenes de Lana, and Pagefs). The 400. The collages reflect tile awesome landscape catalog 1s available from 17 me Jules Ferry, 87500 surrounding the very special viliage of Galisteo. Saint-Yneix-la Pcrclie, France. Feather combined with river writings and poem pieces The Centre also announces the publ~cationof Revue were the source for this book. As the artist says, "I No. I i AutrlnliLJMrtnter 1999) nit11articles by Johanna experience land as a reservoir of the unconscious. Its Dnlcker, Rcnte Rjesc-Hubert aird Judd Hubert, Olivier rock, wind, water and skq carry tales in a language of Verseau. Ramon. Hcnri Chopln and the books of eternal change, a language of fonn and light and dream.'' Contact LindaDurlaam Conle~npraryArt, 12 juried exhibition in its 6th year of artists books, hands La Vega, GaIisteo, NM 87540. Hdtrrham %&66.cornl on, in Italy at Russi (province of bvenna) at the Ex- or (505)466-6600. church Abis in the Piazza Farini 8 December 1999 - 16 January 2000. Informnation: 0513/58764l The Seeing Glass, designed. edrked and produced bg Pat Baldwan (Biske, AZ, Peqrmefio Press, 1999, $80) Ark $ooraaamx:'Fhe Art of the Adist.s9Magzines at invol\es the mlrror images of people, ideas and forms the KasseZer Kunst Verein from 30 Jmuaq - 13 March corning from a vaned collection of authors French 2000. Covers art~sts'publications fom 1950s until door style of bxnding with Japanese printed paper over today from View (I 945) of Marcel Duchamp. the first, boards Double accord~onstructure Ed of 50 P.O complete magazlnte arranged bg an anist. This Box 171 1, Blsbee, AZ 85603 exhibliion includes the collection of Rolf Dittmar pirtboclks1*;p8-5n1eniet.com (Wiesbaden), who was arnong others responsible for the Lhasa Blues by Tom Leech ~nvolvesimpressions of section of ''mist books" at documenta 6. The exhibition present day Tibet from the vlewpoinnt of an mist and is in his memory, because he died sudde~llyin the astube obsencr of the human condition Leech has autumn of 1999. Inciudes more than 356) artists' taken 7 journeqs to T~betto reach llarld papcnnaklng ~nagazir~esfrom Warlaol and Rausche~~bergto Beuls, and learn about tlris counlrj beset by stniggles Po Weiner, Adib Fricke. Includes a reading room where sunriveas a vital culture Printed on Ilandlnade Nepali visitors can handle and read the many titles. Also a Lokta paper Boards covered tli~hprinted mantra trade fair avill be held froln 2 March through 4 March paper form Tibet $85 froin Pequefio Press in Kassel, Germany.A catalog with 350 colored ilaushrations costing 35 DM w.ill be available. Write to The Secret Books by Sean Kernan is a stunning Kasscler Kunst Verein, Fridericianum, Friedrichsplatz, esperience on Colophon Page D-31117 Kassel, Germany. (http:/!colophon.co~/gilIIe~~-1In whiclr the artlst Iaas created a reaction to Borges' stories about books, in Archive for SmalQPress & Communication is now a which ~t was books that allotsed Borges not on14 to permanent section of the News Museum Weserburg survive in the darkness of his blindness but to grow Bremen with more than 35.000 pieces including artist and deepen. "No one should read self-pity or reproach books, zfiist magazines. records, ~nultiples, graphic into this statement of tlae majesty of God, who with works and ephemera. From 13 Novezriber, there is an such splendid irony granted me books and blindness at exhibition of Daniel Buren. as well as videotapes of one touch." And Kernan has created a remarkable U'iises Carrion and Guy Schraenen about artist books. book and an animated, quiet, spiritual response on-line on Colopllon Page for ail to enjoy. Order the book, Miniature Books at the hluseum of the Book. read the essay and look at the exquisite images. Meer~nanoWestreenianurn. Prirnsessegracht 30, The Published by Leetes Island Books in 1999. Hague through 15 January 2000. A Thousand Years A Thousand Words, published by NORTH AMERICA the Carnbenvell Press in association will1 the Royal Clemente at the Guggcnheirn Museum from 7 October - Mail. has been publislled in an edition of 2000 to 9 January 2000. celebrate the Royal Mail Millenrliurn Starnps project. Available from Millennium Stamps Book Order, The Book Is Art: Works by Genie Shenk at the Geisel DALI, Carnbenvell College of Arts, Peckham Rd., Library, UCSD, La Jolla, California from 6 October - 3 London SES 8UF, England. 2595. E-tnail: January 2000. csnrbrrui.ell'~linst.ae.uk Women of the Book: Jewish Artists,Jewish Themes. EXHIBITS At the University Muscirm, University of Arizona, EUROPE Tucson, AZ from 12 December - 27 January 2000. See Exhibition of one-of-a-kind books curated by htbp:!/roloph0n.~om/gid1e~ Caroline Corre at the Antoine BourdelIe Museum in Paris tl~rougll16 January 2000. New %Iluminations:Mixed Media U'ords 62 Images by Bertha Rogers at the Jefferson Market Regional Libri mai mai Visli 1999 (Books Never Ever Seen),a Library, Second Floor Reading Room, 425 Avenue of the Americas (at 10th Street) New York, I'Si 198 1 1.1 - - 4 there will be an exhibit of the works of art and at 4 29 Februarq.. p.m. in your respective time zone High Tea (or Coffee) wifl %seed along with the works ofart disseminated You Can't Judge a Bosk By Its Cover, artist's books as the audience wishes. Tickets could be sold for thc by Tara Bryan and Kathleen Knobvling, will be on event. A videotaping of the event is also suggested. display at Women's Art Resource Centre in Toronto Each venue can use this as a fundraiser, or a sale, or from January 6th to 291h, 2000. whatever, but it must be documented for a potential book emanating from Umbrella Editions. This event is Book as Art at the Catherine 6. Murphy Gallery at supported by Umbrella Editions and Colophon Page. the College of St. Catherine, St. Pad, Minnesota. 3 1 Contact Umbrella when you are ready to plan an event. January - 29 February 2000. Lecture by Daniel Kelm on 25 February. Washington University in Sf.
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