Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla Management Plan Earl Grey Lithium Project leefowl Version No. 1 May 2017 PO BOX 82 CLAREMONT WA 6910 www.blueprintstratgies.com.au Banksia Management Plan | Kidman Resources Limited DOCUMENT CONTROL Version Date Authorisation Signature 1.0 15 May 2107 Siobhan Pelliccia Banksia Management Plan FINAL V1 Banksia Management Plan | Kidman Resources Limited EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla (Banksia) Management Plan is submitted to support environmental referrals under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 for the Earl Grey Lithium Project (the Project) which will be developed by Kidman Resources Limited (Kidman). Table 1 presents the purpose of the Management Plan in the context of Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) objectives. Table 1: Purpose of the Banksia Management Plan Item Description Title of proposal Earl Grey Lithium Project Proponent name Kidman Resources Limited Ministerial Statement number Not applicable Purpose of the management This management plan is submitted to support referrals under the Environmental plan Protection Act 1986 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It also provides a framework to ensure that impacts on Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla attributable to the Earl Grey Lithium Project are minimised and impacts do not conflict with the EPA objective for flora and vegetation. Key environmental factor Flora and Vegetation, notably Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla. Objective To protect flora and vegetation so that biological diversity and ecological integrity are maintained. This Management Plan is designed to be adaptive and will be updated over the life of the Project (approximately 30 to 40 years) with increased knowledge about Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla in the Great Western Woodlands, and the effectiveness of implemented management measures. Prior to commencement of mining Kidman will update this plan in consultation with all relevant departments or agencies, if appropriate. As such this plan remains a working document. Table 2 presents the environmental criteria to measure achievement of environmental objectives through implementation of this Management Plan. Table 2: Environmental Objectives and Targets Management Objective Management Targets Minimise the potential for clearing to cause damage or Minimal unauthorised or accidental clearing of significant death to individuals or populations. flora individuals or populations. Minimise the risk of weed invasion Minimal new weeds introduced to site. Minimise the risk of dust impacting flora & vegetation. Minimal death or decline in health due to dust. Minimise the risk to flora from unauthorised off road Minimal damage or death attributable to off-road driving. driving. Minimise requirements for clearing which causes No clearing outside approved clearing areas. fragmentation. Progressive rehabilitation undertaken. Minimise the increase in feral species abundance, Waste and water sources not available to feral herbivores. particularly herbivores (goats, camels, rabbits, pigs). Feral species control program implemented No increase in feral species abundance. Minimise the increase in fire frequency or intensity No fires attributed to mining and associated activities. Key provisions of the management plan to protect flora and vegetation, including Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla comprise: • Avoidance: The footprint required for the Project has been minimised as far as practicable. The footprint maximises use of existing disturbed areas, minimising the need for new disturbance. Banksia Management Plan FINAL V1 i Banksia Management Plan | Kidman Resources Limited The development envelope has been adequately surveyed for Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla and infrastructure has been sited to avoid disturbance to known populations. Pre-clearance surveys will be completed prior to any clearing activities to further reduce the risk of unauthorised clearing of the species. Newly identified specimens/populations will be avoided wherever possible. • Demarcation – Prior to commencement of construction or operational activities all known locations of Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla will be demarcated by installing flagging and signage as Threatened Flora Exclusion Zones. Physical barriers may be erected at locations to protect populations at risk of being cleared. • Access Management – All vehicle movements to be undertaken on designated access tracks i.e. no driving in areas that are not authorised as access or for disturbance. Access to native vegetation areas containing Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla will be prohibited except for monitoring. • Dust Management – Speed limits will be signed and enforced on Project roads and dust suppression activities will be undertaken on roads and stockpiles. • Saline Water in Dust Suppression Management – Dust suppression along roads with Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla will utilise dribble bars to prevent saline overspray. • Weed control – Implementation of hygiene procedures and where required, weed control programs. • Fire Management – Prevention of large scale wildfires with consideration of the Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla required fire regime. • Monitoring – Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla populations will be monitored to enable early detection of adverse impacts as a result of construction and mining activities. Monitoring will be undertaken prior to construction, commencement of operations, during operations and post-closure. • Contingency Planning – If impacts are detected on individual or community health, condition or size, the Registered Manager will advise the relevant agencies. The cause will be investigated to determine if the change is a result of the Project, and operations will be modified to ensure further adverse impacts are avoided. Kidman will liaise with the relevant agencies to determine appropriate remedial actions. • Seed Collection – Seed and/or cuttings will be collected by a suitably qualified environmental professional in consultation with DPaW and Kings Park and Botanic Garden and stored appropriately for rehabilitation, where appropriate. • Reporting – Non-compliances with this plan will be reported to the Registered Manager within 24 hours. Kidman will notify the relevant agencies. All records of monitoring kept in accordance with this plan will be summarised in the Annual Environmental Report, which will be submitted to the relevant agencies. • Progressive rehabilitation will be undertaken, including rehabilitation of existing state liabilities where used by Kidman. This will include trials for the growth and establishment of self-sustaining Banksia populations. • Pest animal control for the Project and coordination with regional programs. • Awareness – Staff training and awareness including an induction and regular Toolbox sessions. A summary of the location of the complete environmental management provisions of this Management Plan are provided in Table 3. Table 3: Key Provisions of the Banksia Management Plan Key Provision Location in Chuditch MP Rationale for choosing management based provisions. Section 1.4 Comprehensive list of management actions. Section 2, Table 5 Comprehensive summary of management targets. Section 2, Table 5 Banksia Management Plan FINAL V1 ii Banksia Management Plan | Kidman Resources Limited CONTENTS CONTEXT, SCOPE AND RATIONALE ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Proposal.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Key Environmental Factor: Flora and Vegetation ........................................................................ 4 1.3 Condition Requirements ............................................................................................................ 4 1.4 Rationale and Approach ............................................................................................................ 5 1.4.1 Survey and Results .................................................................................................. 5 1.4.2 Description of Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla .............................................. 9 1.4.3 Distribution of Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla ............................................ 10 1.4.4 Key Assumptions and Uncertainties ....................................................................... 10 1.4.5 Management Approach .......................................................................................... 10 1.4.6 Rationale for Choice of Provisions .......................................................................... 10 BANKSIA MANAGEMENT PLAN PROVISIONS ....................................................................................... 11 2.1 Objective ................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2 Management Actions ............................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Management Targets............................................................................................................... 11 MONITORING..........................................................................................................................................
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