Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names

Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names

L.120 = clay, Robertson 22 (1954). laavenite = låvenite, Dana 6th, 375 (1892). labite = palygorskite, AM 22, 811 (1937). laboentsowiet = labuntsovite-Mn, Council for Geoscience 765 (1996). laboita = vesuvianite, de Fourestier 191 (1999). laboundsovite = labuntsovite-Mn, Kipfer 181 (1974). labountsovite = labuntsovite-Mn, MM 35, 1141 (1966). Labrador (Frankenheim) = meionite, Egleston 118 (1892). labrador (Rose) = Na-rich anorthite, MM 20, 354 (1925). Labrador-Bytownit = Na-rich anorthite, Hintze II, 1513 (1896). labradore-stone = Na-rich anorthite, Kipfer 181 (1974). Labrador feldspar = Na-rich anorthite, Dana 6th, 334 (1892). Labrador-Feldspat = Na-rich anorthite, Kipfer 107 (1974). Labrador-Feldspath = Na-rich anorthite, Clark 383 (1993). labrador-felspar = Na-rich anorthite, Clark 383 (1993). Labrador hornblende = Fe-rich enstatite or Mg-rich ferrosilite, AM 63, 1051 (1978). labradorische Hornblende = Fe-rich enstatite or Mg-rich ferrosilite, Dana 6th, 348 (1892). Labradoriserende Feltspat = Na-rich anorthite, Zirlin 71 (1981). labradorite (intermediate) = Na-rich anorthite, Dana 6th, 334 (1892). labradorite-felsite = Na-rich anorthite, Dana 6th, 334 (1892). labradorite-moonstone = gem Na-rich anorthite, Schumann 164 (1977). Labradorit-Mondstein = gem Na-rich anorthite, Chudoba EIV, 48 (1974). labradorkő = Na-rich anorthite, László 155 (1995). labrador moonstone = gem Na-rich anorthite, Read 131 (1988). Labrador oder schillerenden rauten förmigen Feldspath = chrysotile ± lizardite or talc or anthophyllite, Clark 620 (1993). labrador schiller spar = Fe-rich enstatite or Mg-rich ferrosilite, Egleston 162 (1892). labrador spar = gem Na-rich anorthite, Read 131 (1988). Labradorstein = Na-rich anorthite, Dana 6th, 334 (1892). labrador stone = Na-rich anorthite, Chester 149 (1896). labradownite = Na-rich anorthite, Kipfer 181 (1974). labratownite = Na-rich anorthite, AM 11, 138 (1926). labrodorite = Na-rich anorthite, AM 44, 893 (1959). labsuntovite = labuntsovite-Mn, AM Index 41-50, 14 (1968). labuncovit = labuntsovite-Mn, László 155 (1995). labuntsovite (Milton et al.) = paralabuntsovite-Mg, CM 41, 801 (2003). labuntsovite (Semenov & Burova) = labuntsovite-Mn, EJM 14, 169 (2002). labuntsovite-(NaKBaFe) = Na4K4BaFeTi8[Si4O12]4(O,OH)8·10H2O, IMA 1998-051. labuntsovite-(NaKBaMg) = Na4K4BaMgTi8[Si4O12]4(O,OH)8·10H2O, IMA 1998-050. labuntsovite-• = (•,Na,K)8(•,Mg,Fe)2Ti8[Si4O12]4(OH,O)8·nH2O, EJM 14, 168 (2002). labuntsovite-I = labuntsovite-•, EJM 14, 171 (2002). labuntsovite-II = Na-rich labuntsovite-Mn, EJM 6, 503 (1994); 14, 171 (2002). labuntsovite-III = lemmleinite-K, EJM 14, 171 (2002). Labuntsowit = labuntsovite-Mn, Clark 383 (1993). labuntzovite = labuntsovite-Mn, MM 31, 964 (1958). Labuntzowit = labuntsovite-Mn, Chudoba EII, 747 (1959). labunzovite = labuntsovite-Mn, MM 35, 1141 (1966). Labunzowit = labuntsovite-Mn, Chudoba EII, 747 (1959). laceachát = blue + white banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, László 1 (1995). lace agate = blue + white banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, O'Donoghue 309 (2006). Lac Lunae = fine-grained calcite, Clark 383 (1993). lacre = massive quartz ± red hematite ± brown goethite, Cornejo & Bartorelli 223 (2010). Lacroisit = rhodochrosite + rhodonite, MM 13, 370 (1903). lacroixite (?) = rhodochrosite + tephroite + rhodonite, Dana 7th II, 171 (1951). laculite = lazulite, AM 44, 910 (1959). lacullan = calcite + coal, Bates & Jackson 365 (1987). Ladin = iridium, Hintze I.1, 137 (1898). Ladlokit = ludlockite, Chudoba EIV, 48 (1974). lady's ice = transparent gypsum, Bukanov 284 (2006). lady's slipper = siderite pseudomorph after baryte, Clark 384 (1993). lafittite = laffittite, MA 26, 1395 (1975). Laforetit = laforêtite, Weiss 146 (2008); MR 39, 133 (2008). Lagenachat = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, Extra LAP 19, 7 (2000). lágenkő = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, László 138 (1995). Lagenquarz = layered quartz, Hintze I.2, 1346 (1905). Lagenstein = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, Haditsch & Maus 112 (1974). laggisite = unknown, MP 94, 175 (2008). lagonite = sassolite + goethite ± ferrihydrite, Dana 7th I, 663 (1944). Lagoriolith = hypothetical garnet Na6Al2[SiO4]3, AM 57, 1317 (1972). Laguna = pale-violet quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, Bukanov 135 (2006). Lagunit = sassolite + goethite ± ferrihydrite, Dana 6th, 882 (1892). lágyezüstérc = acanthite, László 155 (1995). lágymangánérc = pyrolusite, László 293 (1995). La-hectorite = La-exchanged hectorite, CCM 32, 103 (1984). laihoeniet = laihunite, Council for Geoscience 765 (1996). Laitakariitti = laitakarite, Clark 384 (1993). lait de lune = fibrous calcite, Egleston 63 (1892). lait de montagne = dendritic calcite, Egleston 65 (1892). laiton = Cu+Zn (brass), Novitzky 367 (1951). lajhunit = laihunite, László 155 (1995). lajwar = sodalite, Bukanov 156 (2006). Lake copper = copper, Thrush 621 (1968). Lake County diamond = transparent quartz, Bukanov 391 (2006). Lake George-Diamant = transparent quartz, Haditsch & Maus 112 (1974). Lake George diamond = transparent quartz, Dana 7th III, 193 (1962). Lake George-igyémánt = transparent quartz, László 95 (1995). lake ore = goethite, Bates & Jackson 366 (1978). lake salt = halite, Egleston 147 (1892). Lake Superior agate = thomsonite-Ca or banded quartz-mogánite mixed- layer, Webster & Anderson 957 (1983). Lake Superior fire agate = glass (imitation opal), László 1 (1995). Lake Superior greenstone = pumpellyite-(Mg), Read 131 (1988). lal = spinel, Bukanov 409 (2006). lamber = amber, Thrush 622 (1968). lambertite = uranophane, AM 11, 157 (1926). lambourdes = calcite (limestone), de Fourestier 191 (1999). lambre = amber, Thrush 622 (1968). Lambrit = cohenite or schreibersite (meteorite), Clark 384 (1993). lambur = amber, Thrush 622 (1968). lamellar chalcocite = chalcocite + digenite + covellite + bornite, Uytenbogaardt & Burke 59 (1985). lamellarer Kupferglanz = chalcocite, Dana 7th I, 187 (1944). lamellar heavy spar = baryte, Egleston 39 (1892). lamellar mica = muscovite, Egleston 223 (1892). lamellar pyrites = marcasite, Bates & Jackson 367 (1987). lamellar serpentine = antigorite, Novitzky 181 (1951). lamellar zeolite = heulandite, de Fourestier 192 (1999). Lamellenachat = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, Haditsch & Maus 112 (1974). laminated mica = muscovite, Egleston 223 (1892). (La)-monazite = monazite-(La), EJM 7, 1353 (1995). La-montmorillonite = La-exchanged montmorillonite, CCM 33, 89 (1985). La3+-montmorillonite = La3+-exchanged montmorillonite, CCM 33, 92 (1985). lampadite = Cu-bearing asbolane or crednerite ?, CM 44, 1559 (2006). Lampatit = Cu-bearing asbolane or crednerite ?, Kipfer 108 (1974). lampreophyllite = lamprophyllite, Deer et al. 1B, 626 (1986). Lamprit = cohenite or schreibersite (meteorite), Dana 6th, 29 (1892). lamprobolite = Fe3+-rich ferrohornblende or magnesiohornblende or hastingsite or magnesiohastingsite, AM 63, 1051 (1978). Lamprofan = Na-K-Ca-Pb-Mn-Mg-S-O-H, Chester 149 (1896). lamprofillit = lamprophyllite, László 155 (1995). Lamprophan or lamprophanite = Na-K-Ca-Pb-Mn-Mg-S-O-H, Dana 6th, 977 (1892). lamprophyllite-orthorombique = lamprophyllite-2O, Aballain et al. 196 (1968). Lamprostibian = melanostibite, AM 53, 1779 (1968). lamprosztibián = melanostibite, László 155 (1995). lana de Salamandra = fibrous amphibole or chrysotile, de Fourestier 192 (1999). lana montana = fibrous amphibole, Dana 6th, 386 (1892). Lancaster diamond = transparent quartz, Bukanov 391 (2006). lancasterite = hydromagnesite + brucite, Clark 385 (1993). landerite = pink grossular, MM 14, 402 (1907). landevanite = pink Mn-rich montmorillonite pseudomorph after albite, MM 14, 402 (1907). landonite = unknown, IMA 1999-014. landsbergite = moschellandsbergite, MM 27, 271 (1946). landscape agate = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite, Read 131 (1988). landscape jasper = red massive Fe-rich quartz + pyrolusite, Egleston 283 (1892). landscape-marble = fine-grained banded calcite + pyrolusite + clay, Chester 150 (1896). landscape quartz = quartz + tourmaline, Bukanov 84 (2006). landscape ruin marble = fine-grained banded calcite + pyrolusite + clay, CGM Glossary Gem Materials 60 (2006). landscape stone = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer or mordenite, Bukanov 136, 247 (2006). Landschaftsachat = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite, Chudoba RI, 37 (1939). Landschaftsagat = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite, Hintze I.2, 1472 (1906). Landschaftsjaspis = red massive Fe-rich quartz + pyrolusite, László 118 (1995). Landschaftsmarmor = fine-grained banded calcite + pyrolusite + clay, LAP 26(10), 15 (2001). laneite = ferrohornblende or ferropargasite, AM 63, 1051 (1978); MM 61, 309 (1997). langaitukuang = brabantite, MM 46, 521 (1982). langasite = synthetic La3[(Ga5Si)O14], GG 37, 241 (2001). längbanite = långbanite, Lacroix 117 (1931). Langbanit = långbanite, Weiss 147 (2008); MR 39, 133 (2008). Langbanshyttanit = långbanshyttanite, LAP 36(7), 75 (2011). Langizit = langisite, Zirlin 73 (1981). lángopál = red opal-A, László 204 (1995). lángspinell = orange-red spinel, László 250 (1995). langstaffite = chondrodite, Chester 150 (1896). Languedoc marble = compact calcite, Egleston 64 (1892). lannaeite = linnaeite, Dana 8th, 1800 (1997). lantanita = lanthanite, Atencio 52 (2000). lantanita-(La) = lanthanite-(La), Atencio 52 (2000). lantanita-(Nd) = lanthanite-(Nd), Atencio 52 (2000). lantanocerit = La-rich cerite-(Ce), László 155 (1995). lanthan-cerium-scapolite = cerite-(Ce), Egleston 72 (1892). lanthanian lueshite = isolueshite, de Fourestier 192 (1999). Lanthanit =

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