Adams County BOCES Northwest BOCES Centennial BOCES Pikes Peak BOCES Colorado River BOCES Rio Blanco BOCES Educaon reEnvisioned BOCES San Juan BOCES East Central BOCES San Luis Valley BOCES Expedionary BOCES Santa Fe Trail BOCES Front Range BOCES South Central BOCES Colorado Grand Valley BOCES Southeastern BOCES Boards of Cooperave Mount Evans BOCES Uncompaghre BOCES Educaonal Services Mountain BOCES Ute Pass BOCES Northeast BOCES Rev. 11/2/19 16 WEBSITES A PUBLICATION OF THE COLORADO BOCES ASSOCIATION (CBA) Colorado BOCES Associaon Official Website www.coloradoboces.org MISSION Supporng cooperave endeavors to help maximum educaonal opportuni- CBA Food Service/Child Nutrion es for Colorado’s children. Program www.coloradoboces.org/cba‐food‐service‐program PREFACE Associaon of Educaonal Service Boards of Cooperave Educaonal Services (BOCES) are an important and vital part of the public educaonal system in Colorado. The purpose of this docu- Agencies ment is to provide an overview of the role of BOCES and the services they pro- www.aesa.us vide districts and students across Colorado. BOCES services are those needed by children, their families, and school per- Associaon of Educaonal Purchasing sonnel, which can be more efficiently provided across school districts; exam- Agencies ples of such services are provided on page 4. Beer understanding of the pro- www.aepacoop.org cess will potenally emphasize the important contribuons of BOCES to the educaonal system of Colorado. Colorado BOCES Cooperave Purchasing Program Colorado’s BOCES (or Educaonal Services agencies) are unique in that they www.coloradoboces.org/aesa‐coop‐intro/about‐aepa‐cooperave‐ are an extension of the local member school districts. A BOCES in Colorado purchasing exists at the discreon of its members and provides only those programs and services authorized by its members. For more informaon contact: Dr. Dale McCall, Execuve Director LET’S START WITH THE NAME—BOCES Colorado BOCES Associaon 11274 County Road 17 BOCES is an acronym made up of the individual leers of the longer tle— Longmont, CO 80504 Board of Cooperave (Educaonal) Services. It is pronounced BO-Sees for a Email: [email protected] more simple and concise term. The statutory name of BOCES is Board of Co- Phone: 970‐785‐2064 operave Services, as set forth by Title 22, Arcle 5, C.R.S., Boards of Coopera- Cell: 970‐381‐0720 ve Services Act of 1965. 2 15 School Districts/Associate Member BOCES Districts/Colleges/Universies: WHO ARE THE BOCES AND HOW MANY MEMBERS ARE IN SOUTH CENTRAL BOCES Aguilar RE-6 323 Purcell Blvd Branson RE-82 EACH Pueblo, CO 81007 Cotopaxi RE-3 Phone: 719-647-0023 Crowley County RE-J Fax: 719-647-0136 Custer Consolidated C1 www.sc-boces.org Fowler RE-4J WHAT IS THE LEGAL STATUS OF BOCES? Hoehne RE-3 Huerfano RE-1 BOCES were established under the Boards of Cooperave Services Act of 1965 LaVeta RE-2 and upon adopon, the General Assembly declared: Manzanola 3J “…this arcle is enacted for the general improvement and expansion of educa- Primero RE-2 onal services of the public schools in the state of Colorado; for the creaon of Trinidad 1 boards of cooperave services wherever feasible for purposes of enabling two Associate Members or more school districts to cooperate in furnishing services authorized by Pueblo City 60 law…” Non‐member Partner: Canon City RE-1 Pueblo 70 ARE BOCES UNIQUE TO COLORADO? SOUTHEASTERN BOCES Campo School District RE-6 Eads School District RE-1 703 South 3rd Street Yes and no. Forty-nine states have established what are commonly known as PO Box 1137 Granada School District RE-1 Educaonal Service Agencies (ESA’s) or Regional Educaonal Service Agencies Lamar, CO 81052 Holly School District RE-3 Phone: 719-336-9046 Kim Reorganized School District 88 (RESA’s). Fax: 719-336-9679 Lamar School District RE-2 www.seboces.org McClave School District RE-2 In many states these agencies funcon at a regional level between the State Plainview School District RE-2 Educaonal Agency and the local school district. It may serve as an extension Pritche School District RE-3 of the State Educaonal Agency or it may operate as an independent agency Springfield School District RE-4 from either state or local control. Sll in other states, the RESA or ESA have Vilas School District RE-5 specific dues and tasks assigned by the State. They are governed by an elect- Walsh School District RE-1 ed board, which has the authority to levy a tax, receive direct financial support UNCOMPAHGRE BOCES Norwood and provide mandated services to local school districts. 1115 W. Clinton Ouray P O Box 728 Ridgway Ridgway, CO 81432-0728 Telluride Phone: 970-626-2977 West End THE CREATION OF THE FIRST BOCES Fax: 970-626-2978 www.unboces.org On May 23, 1966, the school board presidents of the fourteen school districts in the San Luis Valley met and established the first BOCES in Colorado. Today UTE PASS BOCES Manitou Springs District 14 there are 21 BOCES in Colorado with several established as Special Purpose 405 El Monte Place Woodland Park School District Manitou Springs, CO 80829 Cripple Creek-Victor School District BOCES providing limited programs or a single service. Most of the BOCES in Phone: 719-685-2640 Colorado are general purpose in nature and provide a broad range of services Fax: 719-685-4536 and programs. www.upboces.org 14 3 School Districts/Associate Member BOCES CAN A BOCES CONDUCT INDEPENDENT PROGRAMS? Districts/Colleges/Universies: No. Any programs or acvies operated by a BOCES must be approved and SAN LUIS VALLEY BOCES Alamosa authorized by its Board of Directors. Some programs may be for all members 2261 Enterprise Dr. Centennial while other acvies may be for a smaller number of BOCES members. Alamosa, CO 81101 Center Phone: 719-589-5851 Creede WHY DO WE HAVE BOCES? Fax: 719-589-5007 Del Norte www.slvboces.org Moffat BOCES exist to provide educaonal services to two or more school districts or a Monte Vista school district and a higher educaon instuon that alone cannot afford the Mountain Valley service, or find it advantageous and cost-effecve to cooperate with other dis- North Conejos tricts. These services represent a financial commitment that is best met by Sanford several districts sharing costs and programs. In some instances, BOCES also Sangre De Cristo operate as Special Educaon Administrave Units, in which Colorado Revised Sargent Statutes require approval of the Colorado Department of Educaon to serve as Sierra Grande an administrave Unit. South Conejos The following examples are not intended to limit or define the scope of a BO- Associate Member Districts/Colleges/ CES, but rather are illustrave of the variety of services currently provided: Universies: Trinidad State Junior College Special Educaon Adams State University Curriculum/Staff Development Implementaon of Standards and Assessments Migrant Educaon SANTA FE TRAIL BOCES Cheraw Alternave Schools/Programs for at-risk and suspended students 302 Colorado Avenue East Otero Federally Funded, Specialized Programs Including ESEA PO Box 980 Las Animas Standards and Assessment Report La Junta, CO 81050 Rocky Ford Cooperave Purchasing Phone: 719-383-2623 Swink Technology Support Fax: 719-383-2627 Wiley Data Management and Ulizaon www.sboces.org Career and Technical Educaon Alternave Schools Gied and Talented Coordinaon Alternave Licensure Programs for Teachers and Principals Grant Wring and Grant Management Professional Development Distance and Online Learning Other (as defined by member districts 4 13 School Districts/Associate Member BOCES Districts/Colleges/Universies: The success of the BOCES concept is rooted in its cooperave, service-driven philosophy. Each BOCES exists because the school districts it serves see the PIKES PEAK BOCES (Cont’d) D-11 Colorado Springs value of the services provided. Individual districts may lack the personnel or 2883 South Circle Drive D-20 Colorado Springs the fiscal resources required to provide a broad range of administrave and Colorado Springs, CO 80906 D-38 Lewis Palmer student services. By pooling resources, districts reduce costs, avoid duplica- Phone: 719-570-7474 D-49 Falcon on, and provide for a more comprehensive range of services and programs. Fax: 719-380-9685 D-60 (Pueblo) www.ppboces.org Fountain Ft. Carson Being service-driven, BOCES have the flexibility to respond quickly to the evolv- Widefield ing needs of today’s changing student populaon. Programs can be devel- Harrison oped, training provided, or outside experse engaged as situaons arise. BO- Cheyenne Mountain CES also understand that school districts do not exist in isolaon and most Ute Pass BOCES reach out to engage the community–at-large. To that end, the BOCES work in CSI (Charter School Instute) partnership with colleges, libraries, health care providers, mental health pro- DOC (Department of Correcons) fessionals and others. RIO BLANCO BOCES Meeker 402 W. Main St, Suite 219 Rangely HOW ARE BOCES GOVERNED? Rangely, CO 81648 Phone: 970-675-2064 Associate Member Each BOCES is governed by a Board of Directors. Each legal member of the Fax: 970-675-5023 Districts/Colleges/Universies: BOCES appoints one or more of its board members to serve on the BOCES www.rioblancoboces.org Southwest Community College Board. An alternate is usually appointed as well. Addionally any post- sec- Fort Lewis College ondary member of the BOCES may have its governing board appoint its as- signed member to the BOCES Board. The Board is required by law to meet at least four mes a year. The Board of Directors appoints an Execuve Director who serves as the per- SAN JUAN BOCES Archuleta School District 50 JT son responsible for the administering the affairs of the BOCES. It is important 162 Stewart St. Suite A Bayfield School District 10 JT-R to note that since the BOCES serves its member school districts, there is a need Durango, CO 81303 Dolores School District RE-4A for communicaon and informaon among the members.
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