BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOL. 68. PP. 1225-1262. 15 FIGS.. 6 PLS. OCTOBER 1967 GEOLOGIC EVOLUTION OF THE BEARTOOTH MOUNTAINS, MONTANA AND WYOMING PART 1. ARCHEAN HISTORY OF THE QUAD CREEK AREA By F. DONAU) ECKELMANN AND ARIE POUDEEVAART ABSTRACT The Beartooth Mountains form an elongated range with longer axis trending north- west and consist of a core of granitic gneiss flanked by migmatites and metasediments. The Quad Creek area is astride the northeast boundary of granitic gneiss and migma- tites and metasediments. The area is 7 square miles in extent and is occupied by a large syncline with axis striking north-northeast and plunging 10°-30°S.-SW. Detailed field studies indicate the following geologic history. (1) Original deposition of an Archean sedimentary sequence. (2) Emplacement of metagabbro and ultramafic intrusions, followed by folding; fold axes strike north-northeast. (3) Regional metamor- phism and granitization, resulting in a core of granitic gneiss and mantle of migmatites and metasediments with boundaries trending northwest. The last expression of graniti- zation was the production of pegmatites; a few metanorite intrusions were emplaced before pegmatite formation. (4) Emplacement of a metabasaltic dike swarm, younger than the pegmatites but probably within the same plutonic cycle, and striking mainly northwest. (5) Emplacement of a younger Precambrian dolerite dike swarm which has the same dominant strike as the older dike swarm. (6) Peneplanation and deposition of Paleozoic sediments. (7) Laramide uplift and thrusting, and emplacement of felsic porphyries early in this cycle. Laramide structures are controlled by basement structures. The dominant northwest trend was established in the Archean cycle of regional meta- morphism and granitization, yet the direction of the oldest foldings is unique. Field and laboratory studies indicate in situ formation of granitic gneiss. Fold axes pass continuously and without deflection from the mantle of metasediments and migma- tites across the boundary zone into the core of granitic gneiss, although the folds inter- sect the boundary zone at 40°-50°. The boundary zone consists of interdigitating tongues of migmatites and granitic gneiss, and these rock types grade into one another along and across strike. In the boundary zone more resistant rock types persist at definite horizons, continuous with skialiths of similar rocks in granitic gneiss. Foliation in granitic gneiss and banding in migmatites are parallel throughout to bedding in metasediments. Growth phenomena shown by zircons of different rocks also indicate autochthonous formation of granitic gneiss. Mineral assemblages of resisters of para-amphibolite, ultramafic rocks, biotite schists, and banded ironstones indicate metamorphism in sillimanite-almandine subfacies of amphibolite facies; temperatures probably were 500°-600° C. Subsequent increase in water concentrations can be traced in seemingly regressive changes in mineral assem- blages. This culminated in metasomatic changes which produced granitic gneisses from pre-existing rocks. The writers conclude that granitization was effected by migrating alkaline aqueous solutions during a prolonged Archean cycle of thermal activity .Twenty- three chemical analyses are given, and chemical variation during granitization is dis- cussed. CONTENTS TEXT Pa«e Methods of investigation 1228 Page Previous work 1229 Introduction 1226 Acknowledgments 1229 Regional setting 1226 Tectonic structures 1230 Beartooth research project 1227 Quad Creek syncline 1230 1225 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/68/10/1225/3416640/i0016-7606-68-10-1225.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 1226 ECKELMANN AND POLDERVAART—BEARTOOTH MOUNTAINS Page Figure Page Attitudes of dikes 1230 5. Attitudes of 89 Precambrian mafic dikes.. 1231 Petrography 1233 6. Attitudes of 56 Precambrian pegmatite Granitic gneisses 1233 dikes 1232 Migmatites 1236 7. Granitic gneisses 1233 Metasediments 1237 8. Migmatites 1236 Meta-igneous rocks 1240 9. Para-amphibolites 1237 Pegmatites 1242 10. Metasediments 1238 Mineralogy 1242 11. Metasediments 1239 Zircon studies 1242 12. Pre-pegmatite mafic intrusives 1241 Metamorphic fades 1244 13. Post-pegmatite mafic dikes 1243 So-called regressive changes 1245 14. Field sketch of siliceous biotite-cordierite- Metasomatic effects 1246 bronzite-anthophyllite rock 1253 Chemical data 1247 15. Differentiation-index diagram for para- Origin of rocks 1249 amphibolites, migmatites, and granitic Granitic gneiss 1249 gneisses 1256 Pegmatites 1250 Para-amphibolites 1251 Plate Following page Siliceous biotite-cordierite-bronzite-antho- 1. Aerial view of Rock Creek face of the Quad] phyllite rocks 1251 Creek area 2. Quartzite, migmatite, and pegmatite Quartzites 1253 124J 0 Banded ironstones 1254 3. Agmatite, ultramafic, and migmatite f Granitization in Beartooth Mountains 1254 4. Outgrowths and overgrowths on zircons of Type of granitization 1254 of granitic gneiss J Chemical variation 1255 Facing page Geologic chronology 1255 General statement 1255 5. Map and cross sections of the Quad Creek Mae West metagabbro 1256 area 1262 Ultramafic rocks 1257 Folding and metamorphism 1257 TABLES Metamorphism and granitization 1257 Quad Creek metanorite 1258 Table Page Metabasaltic dikes 1258 1. Chemical and petrographic data 1234 Precambrian dolerite dikes 1258 2. Characters of zircons 1244 Laramide revolution 1258 3. Trace-element standards 1248 Absolute ages and correlations 1259 4. Trace-element data for ultramafic and References cited 1259 mafic rocks of igneous origin 1248 5. Ca-Sr data for mafic rocks of igneous ILLUSTRATIONS origin 1249 6. Trace-element data for amphibolites and Figure Page migmatites 1249 1. Geologic setting of Beartooth Mountains. 1227 7. Compositions of basalts, para-amphibolites 2. Area of Beartooth research project 1228 and dolomitic shales 1252 3. Attitudes of 89 felsic porphyry dikes 1231 8. Siliceous cordierite-anthophyllite rocks. 1252 4. Development of low-angle fractures 1231 9. Geologic chronology of Quad Creek area.. 1257 INTRODUCTION (Bucher, Thorn, and Chamberlin, 1934, p. 187), whereas in the surrounding mountains the Regional Setting basement stands 10,000-12,000 feet above sea level. Fold structures in the basin are The Bighorn Basin of Montana and Wyo- related in age, trend, and asymmetry to ming (Fig. 1) is surrounded by mountain Laramide structures in the adjacent uplifted ranges which expose cores of Archean rocks: the mountains (Bucher, Thorn, and Chamberlin, Beartooth Mountains to the northwest, the 1934, p. 173-174). The axis of the Bighorn Owl Creek and Bridger mountains to the Basin is in the western part of the basin and south, and the Bighorn and Pryor mountains passes underneath the Beartooth thrust just east and north of the basin. The Absaroka- south of Red Lodge (Bucher, Chamberlin, and Shoshone Mountains west of the basin consist Thorn, 1933, p. 681). of Tertiary lava flows and pyroclastic rocks The Beartooth Mountains trend northwest which accumulated in the Yellowstone struc- and are approximately 60 miles long by 30 tural basin. The Bighorn Basin contains a miles wide (Fig. 1). They consist mainly of a thick sequence of Paleozoic and younger sedi- core of granitic gneiss flanked by migmatites ments. In the basin the surface of the crystalline and metasediments (Lammers, 1939, unpub- basement is almost 10,000 feet below sea level lished ms.). In addition there are basaltic and Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/68/10/1225/3416640/i0016-7606-68-10-1225.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 INTRODUCTION 1227 metabasaltic intrusions of several ages and tionary history of the Bighorn Basin region as felsic porphyry dikes, stocks, and sheets of a typical mountain and mountain-border re- early Laramide age (Rouse et al., 1937, p. gion. The Beartooth research project was 736-737). A few erosion remnants of Paleozoic initiated in 1952 to augment knowledge of the sediments are also present, as at Beartooth geologic history and structural and petrogenetic BIGHORN BASIN REGION FIGURE 1.—GEOLOGIC SETTING OF BEARTOOTH MOUNTAINS Butte (Scheufler, 1954, M.S. thesis, Wayne development of Precambrian rocks of this Univ.). mountain range. Structurally the Beartooth Mountains form The main area of investigation is a zone an archlike uplift, bounded by the Beartooth about 10 miles wide, which extends across the thrust to the northeast and the Gardner fault range from Red Lodge to Cooke City. Recon- to the southwest. During the Laramide Revolu- naissance work within this larger area and tion the Beartooth block was tilted to the detailed mapping (scale 400 feet to the inch) southwest and thrust northeastward (Bucher, of a series of carefully selected key areas are in Thorn, and Chamberlin, 1934, p. 174). progress. The Quad Creek area is the first of these key areas (Fig. 2). It was selected because Beartooth Research Project of (1) accessibility from U.S. Highway 12 which provides many excellent road cuts, (2) The basic research program of the Yellow- position astride the northeastern boundary of stone-Bighorn Research Association at Red the core of granitic gneiss and mantle of migma- Lodge, Montana, is the study of the evolu- tites and metasediments, and (3) the relief of Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/68/10/1225/3416640/i0016-7606-68-10-1225.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 1228 ECKELMANN AND POLDERVAART—BEARTOOTH MOUNTAINS
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