15646 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 19, 1977 T he following-named N avy enlisted scien- to the qualifications therefor as provided by INTERNATIONAL BANK PosTs tific education program candidates to be per- law: R ichard N . Cooper, of Connecticut, to be manent ensigns in the line of staff corps of *John E . Bonnette *Darrell L. K ulhanek U.S . A lternate Governor of the International the N avy, subject to the qualifications there- *William D. Brown, Jr. *James D. Lauerman. Bank for R econstruction and Development for as provided by law: *James W. Clark *Philip E . Lutz for a term of 5 years; U.S . A lternate Gover- *K erry A . Canby *Patrick R . N orton *R onald W. Curtis *Charles H. M ulligan nor of the Inter-A merican Development Bank *K irk R . DeBerry David B. Smith *Patricio P. Dungca *F rankie L. Phillips for a term of 5 years; U.S . Governor of the A sian Development Bank, and U.S . Governor T he following-named (N aval R eserve O f- *R ichard C. Dowden *Lee R . Ploeg ficers) to be appointed permanent command- *E ldon P. Henry, Jr. *M elville W. of the A frican Development F und, vice Wil- ers in the M edical Corps of the U.S . N avy, *Danny D. K och Volbrecht, Jr. liam D. R ogers, resigned. subject to the qualifications therefor as pro- T he following-named (N aval R eserve of- vided by law: ficers) to be appointed tem porary com - *CDR Victor C. Heath, M C, USNR manders in the M edical Corps of the U.S . *CDR Ludwig A . R ossillo, M C, USN R N avy, subject to the qualifications therefor CONFIRMATIONS *CDR Joseph W. Weaver, M C, USN R as provided by law: E xecutive nominations confirmed by T he following-named (N aval R eserve of- *CDR Latimer T. Albert, M C, USNR the Senate M ay 19, 1977: *CDR Robert D. Chaney, M C, USNR ficers) to be appointed permanent lieutenant IN THE AIR FORCE commanders in the M edical Corps of the U.S . *CDR Philip S. M etz, M C, USNR N avy, subject to the qualifications therefor *CDR Hugh P. Scott, M C, USNR T he following officer to be placed on the as provided by law: *CDR Ronnie D. Thomas, M C, USNR R etired List in the grade indicated under the *Cdr Latimer T. A lbert, M C, USN R *CDR M argaita V. Velasquez, M C, USNR provisions of S ection 8962, T itle 10 of the *Lcdr James C. Baggett, Jr., M C, US N R T he following-named temporary C hief United S tates Code: *Lcdr Louis A . Bernhardi, II, M C, US N R Warrant O fficers to be appointed lieutenants To be lieutenant general *Lcdr James A. Bloys, M C, USNR ( junior grade) in the U.S . N avy, for limited Lieutenant General R obert E . H ails, CDR R obert D. Chaney, M C, USN R duty, for temporary service, in the classifica- xxx-... 9 F R (M ajor General, R egular A ir *Lcdr Jesus E . F ajardo, M C, US N R tion indicated, subject to the qualifications xxx-xx-x... *Lcdr James F. M ayhew, M C, USN R therefor as provided by law: F orce) , United S tates A ir F orce. T he following officer to be placed on the *Cdr Philip S. M etz, M C, USN R *M ark D. Berner, A dministration. *LCDR John T. O'Brian, M C, USNR *John E . Bonnette, A vionics. R etired List in the grade indicated under the *LCDR Bolar R. Rao, MC, USNR *Patricio P. Dungea, E ngineering/R epair provisions of S ection 8962, T itle 10 of the United S tates Code: *CDR Hugh P. Scott, M C, USNR (Surface) . *LCDR Robert D. Shipworth, M C USNR T he following-named enlisted candidates To be lieutenant general *LCDR James L. Staiger, M C, USNR to be appointed tem porary chief warrant Lieutenant General Winton W. M arshall, officers, W-2, in the U.S . N avy, in the classi- *CDR Ronnie D. Thomas, M C, USNR xxx-xx-xxxx 0F R (M ajor General, R egular A ir fication indicated, subject to the qualifica- Force) , United States A ir Force. *LCDR Augusto C. Velasquez, M C, USNR tions therefor as provided by law: *CDR M argarita V. Velasquez, M C, USNR *R onald M . Decker, E xplosive O rdnance IN THE NAVY *LCDR John A. Yauch, M C, USNR Disposal T echnician. Vice A dmiral R obert E . A damson, Jr., U.S . T he following-named (N aval R eserve of- *T ommy L. K irchner, E lectronics T ech- N avy, for appointment to the grade of vice ficer) to be appointed a perm anent lieu- nician (S urface) . admiral on the retired list pursuant to the tenant commander in the D ental Corps of The following-named (U.S. N avy officer) to provisions of T itle 10, United S tates Code, the U.S . N avy, subject to the qualifications be appointed a temporary commander in Section 5233. therefor as provided by law: the M edical C orps in the R eserve of the A dmiral John P. Weinel, U.S. N avy, for ap- LCDR John C. Schroer, DC, USNR U.S . N avy, subiect to the qualifications pointment to the grade of admiral on the re- T he following-named temporary chief war- therefor as provided by law: tired list pursuant to the provisions of T itle rant officers to be appointed permanent chief CDR David A. John, M C, USN 10, United S tates Code, S ection 5233. warrant officers, in the U.S . N avy, subject V ice A dmiral John J. S hanahan, Jr., U.S . WITHDRAWAL N avy, for appointment to the grade of vice admiral on the retired list pursuant to the * A ppointment sent out A d Interim (Dur- Executive nomination withdrawn from provisions of T itle 10, United S tates Code, ing the recess of the S enate) the Senate M ay 19, 1977: Section 5233. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LIM ITED BAN ON SACCHARIN that should be of concern to every M em- foodstuff, all one has to do is find an animal ber of the House. which will develop some form of cancer when The letter follows: fed the foodstuff regardless of w hether HON. DON BONKER amounts are reasonable or even possible on THE MASON CINIO, OF WASHINGTON the human scale and one can then run his Seattle, Wash., March 19, 1977. com petitor out of business, all the w hile IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hon. D ON B ONK ER, appearing as a protector of humanity whose House Office Building, Wednesday, M ay 18, 1977 only aim is to prevent cancer. Washington, D.C. T o go to the case of saccharin, it appar- M r. BO N K ER. M r. Speaker. FDA 's re- D EAR MR. BO N K ER: A s a rhysician who, for ently is true that in certain strains of mice cent decision to impose a limited ban on the last quarter century or more, has devoted or rats bladder cancers apparently had de- saccharin has stirred much comment, most of his life to the treatment of diabetic veloped in a proportion of these anim als and most of it has been adverse. A s a patients, I feel it incum bent upon m e to when they are exposed to extremely high result, a number of bills have been in- write to you and other members of the Con- concentrations of the particular foodstuffs. troduced and hearings are scheduled to gre=s in regard to the recent ban on the use If the newspaper article I read is correct, to of saccharin in the United S tates. I have apply these doses to human scale it would determine whether the ban is justified waited several days to write in the hopes that mean drinking something like 37 or 38 gal- and necessary. m y tem per would cool sufficiently and I lons of saccharin flavored pop per day for Like many of my colleagues in the might be able to put forth a reasoned opinion life to run a modest chance of developing House. I have received hundreds of let- and argument. bladder cancer. E xcept in the largest adults, ters from constituents who are upset Properly applied, who can argue with a law the imbibing of 37 gallons of liquid per day With the F DA 's rulirig. O ne such letter which attempts to prevent human consump- w ould in itself be fatal. S im ilar logistics comes from Dr. William J. Steenrod, Jr., tion of materials in foods which are known apply in the case of the cyclamate ban of a few years ago. who has made a persuasive rase against to cause cancer in anim als? T he answ er obviously is no one as long as the law is Perhaps the part which raises my ire the the Government's decision on saccharin. reasonably applied. However, in the case of most is that the perpetuators of this debacle Dr. S teenrod, a professional who deals both the cyclam ates and saccharin a sort callously disregard the comfort of a few mil- w ith these m atters on a day-to-day of adversary approach has been used. If one lion diabetics who cannot, in good health, basis, raises some troubling questions has a competitor who makes a competing tolerate sugar in order to thw art the m il- May 19, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15647 lions of dieters who can eat sugar, if no cost".
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