UnitUnit 55 Unit 5 UnitUnit 55 Change Advance Planning ChangeChange Chapter 14 Through Time I Order diatomaceous earth for MiniLab 14-1. Unit Overview ThroughThrough I Order the chemicals for the In this unit, students will study Alternative Lab. I the concepts and principles of Order a live culture or pre- evolution and classification. TimeTime served slides of Oscillatoria for Chapter 14 deals with the history the Quick Demo. I of life on Earth, and some Life on Earth has a history of change Order live cultures or pre- hypotheses about how life began. served slides of bacteria and that is called evolution. An enormous Students will learn about fos- cyanobacteria for the Biology sils—what they are, how they are variety of fossils, such as those of early Journal. formed, and how they can be birds, provide evidence of evolution. Chapter 15 used to reconstruct the history of Genetic studies of populations of bacteria, I Order bacterial cultures, nutri- life on Earth. In Chapter 15, protists, plants, insects, and even humans ent agar, and other materials Darwin’s theory of evolution by for the Alternative Lab. natural selection is discussed. provide further evidence of the history The role of natural selection in Unit Projects Chapter 16 of change among organisms that live or I the evolution of new species is Obtain casts of various fossil have lived on Earth. presented. In Chapter 16, evi- hominids and ape skulls for the dence of the ancestry of humans BioLab. is explored. Chapter 17 intro- Chapter 17 duces taxonomy and the diversity UNIT CONTENTS I Obtain guidebooks that have of organisms. dichotomous keys for local 14 The History of Life trees and shrubs, perhaps from Introducing the Unit 15 The Theory of Evolution your state’s Bureau of Forestry, Have students look at the birds in for MiniLab 17-1. 16 Primate Evolution I the photo and describe their suc- 16 Obtain identification guides to cessful adaptations. Tell students 17 Organizing Life’s Diversity insects and other organisms that they will learn in this unit for the Biolab. why the ancestors of modern BIOIODIGESTIGEST Change Through birds may be a group of extinct Time dinosaurs. Explain to students that as the environment changes populations may adapt, migrate, NIT ROJECT or become extinct. UNIT PROJECT Use the Glencoe Science Web Site for more project activities that are connected to this unit. www.glencoe.com/sec/science 374 Unit Projects UnitUnit ProjectsProjects Display Making a Collection Interview Using the Library Final Report Diversity of Organisms Visual-Spatial Students can use Naturalist Have student groups Linguistic Students can interview Intrapersonal Students can read Have students present oral reports of photographs or illustrations from study leaves or insects in your area professionals at nature preserves, Chapter 17, which is “Galapagos their findings about the diversity of Have students do one of the projects for magazines and science journals to make a and add them to the school collection. parks, or local environmental departments Archipelago,” of Voyage of the Beagle organisms. P COOP LEARN this unit as described on the Glencoe collage showing different living things. Students should identify differences in to find out how they care for the diverse by Charles Darwin to find out about the Science Web Site. As an alternative, L1 ELL habitats, behaviors, and needs that con- life forms under their protection. Have diversity of birds and reptiles in the P students can do one of the projects tribute to the diversity among the students prepare their interview questions Galapagos. L3 described on these two pages. organisms. L2 ELL in advance. L1 LS 374 P LS 375 P P LS P P LS P LS LS LS LS Unit Projects Chapter 14 Organizer The History of Life Refer to pages 4T-5T of the Teacher Guide for an explanation of the National Science Education Standards correlations. Teacher Classroom Resources Activities/FeaturesObjectivesSection MastersSection TransparenciesReproducible Reinforcement and Study Guide, pp. 61-62 L2 Section Focus Transparency 35 L1 ELL Section 14.1 1. Identify the different types of fossils MiniLab 14-1: Marine Fossils, p. 379 Section 14.1 and how they are formed. Problem-Solving Lab 14-1: p. 380 Concept Mapping, p. 14 L3 ELL Reteaching Skills Transparency 23 L1 ELL The Record of Life 2. Summarize the major events of the Inside Story: The Fossilization Process, p. 381 The Record of Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, p. 14 L3 National Science Education Geologic Time Scale. Careers in Biology: Animal Keeper, p. 382 Life BioLab and MiniLab Worksheets, pp. 67-68 L2 P Standards UCP.2-4; A.1, MiniLab 14-2: A Time Line, p. 384 Laboratory Manual, pp. 99-102 PL2 P A.2; C.3, C.6; D.3; G.1-3 Investigate BioLab: Determining a Fossil’s Content Mastery, pp. 69-70, 72 L1 (2 sessions, 1 block) Age, p. 394 P P P LS Reinforcement and Study Guide, pp. 63-64 L2 Section Focus Transparency 36 L1 ELL Section 14.2 LS P LS 3. Analyze early experiments that support Problem-Solving Lab 14-2: p. 392 BioLab and MiniLab Worksheets, pp. 69-70 L2 Basic Concepts Transparency 20 L2 ELL Section 14.2 P the concept of biogenesis. Biology & Society: How Did Life Begin: The Origin of Life Content Mastery, pp. 69, 71-72LS L1 LSP The Origin of Life 4. Compare and contrast modern theo- Different Viewpoints, p. 396 P LS P ries of the origin of life. National Science Education Assessment Resources Additional Resources LS P Standards UCP.2-5; A.1, 5. Relate hypotheses about the origin of LS A.2; B.2, B.3; C.1, C.3, C.6; cells to the environmental conditions of Chapter Assessment, pp. 79-84 P SpanishLS Resources ELL P D.2; F.3, F.4; G.1-3 early Earth. MindJogger Videoquizzes LS English/Spanish Audiocassettes ELL LS (2 sessions, 1 block) P P Performance Assessment in the Biology Classroom Cooperative Learning in the Science Classroom COOPP LEARNLS Alternate Assessment in the Science Classroom LS Lesson Plans/Block SchedulingP Computer Test Bank P LS P Need Materials? Contact Carolina Biological Supply Company at 1-800-334-5551 KeyKey toto TeachingTeaching StrategiesStrategies BDOL Interactive CD-ROM, Chapter 14 quiz LS LS or at http://www.carolina.com LS L1 Level 1 activities should be appropriate LS LS MATERIALS LIST for students with learning difficulties. LS LS L2 Level 2 activities should be within the BioLab gum arabic solution, pH paper, micro- ability range of all students. p. 394 shoebox with lid, pennies, scope, microscope slides, coverslips, L3 Level 3 activities are designed for above- Teacher’s graph paper hydrochloric acid, test tube, stirring rod average students. Corner MiniLabs Quick Demos ELL ELL activities should be within the ability The following multimedia resources are available from Glencoe. range of English Language Learners. Products Available From Products Available From p. 379 microscope, microscope slide, p. 381 igneous rock, sedimentary rock, Biology: The Dynamics of Life COOP LEARN Cooperative Learning activities Glencoe National Geographic Society coverslip, diatomaceous earth, water metamorphic rock P CD-ROM ELL P are designed for small group work. To order the following products, To order the following products, p. 384 meterstick, adding machine p. 385 microscope, prepared slide of P Video: Discovering Dinosaurs Oscillatoria P These strategies represent student prod- call Glencoe at 1-800-334-7344: call National Geographic Society P tape ucts that can be placed into a best-work Exploration: The Record of Life p. 389 beef bouillon cube (2), flasks CD-ROM at 1-800-368-2728: P portfolio. VideodiscP Program Alternative Lab (2), water, rubber stopper NGS PictureShow: Age of Video LS Discovering Dinosaurs p. 390 gelatin solution, droppers (3), LS These strategies are useful in a block Dinosaurs Dinosaurs: Then and Now LS scheduling format. Curriculum Kit Plate Tectonics LS LS GeoKit: Earth’s History The Infinite Voyage TheLS Dawn of Humankind The Great Dinosaur Hunt The Secret of Life Series Diatom Layers in Time Plate Tectonics Archaebacteria What’s in Stetter’s Pond: The Basics of Life 376A 376B ChapterChapter 1414 ChapterChapter SECTION PREVIEW Section Objectives Section 14.1 Identify the different types of fossils and how 14.1 The Record they are formed. ETTING TARTED EMO The History of Life GETTING STARTED DEMO 14 Summarize the major Prepare of Life events of the Geologic Visual-Spatial Have stu- Time Scale. Key Concepts dents examine the vol- Vocabulary Students will explore different cano in the photograph. Ask What You’ll Learn ou may have seen thrilling fossil movies and read books that plate tectonics types of fossils and their scientific them to compare the events in I You will examine how rocks value. They will learn how scien- and fossils provide evidence Ydescribed travel in time the existence of a volcano with of changes in Earth’s machines. The characters in such tists use the fossil record to recon- the events on the time line organisms. stories speed forward or backward struct the history of life on Earth. they made in Getting Started. I You will correlate the through time, often encountering Point out that events that take Geologic Time Scale with unusual organisms and strange Planning either long or short periods of biological events. P I environments. The differences you I Gather meter sticks and rolls time may be shown on such You will sequence the steps by which small molecules may saw and read about probably didn’t of adding machine tape for time lines. L2 have produced living cells. surprise you. After all, everything MiniLab 14-2.
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