Planning, Taxi Licensing and Rights of Way Committee Report Application No: P/2016/0319 Grid Ref: 325534.52 315159.05 Community Llandrinio Valid Date: Officer: Council: 05/04/2016 Kate Bowen Applicant: TP Davies & Co, Bryn Perthy, Arddleen, Llanymynech, Powys, SY22 6RT Location: Land at Bryn Perthy, Arddleen, Llanymynech, Powys, SY22 6RU Proposal: Erection of up to 9 dwellings and construction of access (outline) Application Application for Outline Planning Permission Type: Reason for Committee determination The proposal is a departure from the development plan and is recommended for approval. Site Location and Description The application site is located on the north western side of the B4392 highway, to the north east of the dwelling known as The Vine and to the north west of the cluster of properties within the detached settlement boundary within the area known as Burgedin. The site is currently in agricultural use and forms part of a larger field which is bound by a hedgerow on the northern boundary, a fence and gappy sections of hedgerow along the eastern boundary and a fenceline along the southern boundary. There is no field boundary along the western boundary. The application is submitted in outline with access to be considered at the outline stage for the erection of up to nine detached dwellings with various indicative scales as set out below: Two, two bedroom semi-detached houses (75 square metres, 7.5m x 5.5m); Five, four bedroom detached houses (104 square metres to 141 square metres, 7.7m x 8.5m to 8.7m x 11m); and Two, five bedroom detached houses (189 square metres, 11m x 12m). The indicative layout indicates that access would be gained off the B4392 highway with an adoptable road leading to a private drive providing access, turning and parking facilities. The layout also sets out public open space areas. The application site has an area of 0.7 hectares. 1 Consultee Response Llandrinio Community Council The Community Council discussed the above at a site meeting held on Tuesday 14th April 2016. It was agreed to support this application as although outside the development boundary the site is opposite the existing development at Burgedin. There is however one condition in that we would request that a condition be included that a pavement be constructed along the frontage of this development to link into the existing footpath which finishes at Llwyn Perthi. This has been requested several times by the residents of Burgedin and would allow safe access to the School and Community Hall. The Community Council would also like to suggest that 3 bedroomed properties are included in the mix of housing but we understand that this would be dealt with at a later stage. PCC Building Control Building Regulations required. PCC Highway Authority First response dated 7th April 2016: I will be visiting the site to verify if the visibility splays can be achieved. In addition, the internal adoptable layout will require some additional minor amendments ie larger turning head to accommodate refuse vehicle, etc. The fundamental concern I have with this site is the lack of footway back into the village. In order to comply with our obligations under the Active Travel Bill we need to ensure there is adequate provision for pedestrians. I suggest you go back to the agent and request a new footway in order for us to support the application. I revert back once I have been to site. Second response: Further to my email dated 7th April 2016 and subsequent site visit. From measuring the visibility splays on site the visibility towards Arddleen will involve the relocation of the hedgerow in order to comply with the required splays as noted on the submitted plan. Additionally, when the footpath is provided the hedgerow will need to be set- back any way to accommodate this feature. I assume the proposed adoptable highway layout for the internal access road is indicative only if not then they will need to provide a larger turning head to facilitate refuse vehicles using the estate road. 2 Third response: In view of the applicant now providing a footway to link up to the existing footway into the village please apply the following conditions to any decision notice:- HC1 Prior to the occupation of the dwelling any entrance gates shall be constructed so as to be incapable of opening towards the highway and shall be retained in this position and form of construction for as long as the dwelling/development hereby permitted remains in existence. HC2 The gradient of the access shall be constructed so as not to exceed 1 in 30 for the first 9 metres measured from edge of the adjoining carriageway along the centre line of the access and shall be retained at this gradient for as long as the development remains in existence. HC3 The centre line of the first 15 metres of the access road measured from the edge of the adjoining carriageway shall be constructed at right angles to that edge of the said carriageway and be retained at that angle for as long as the development remains in existence. HC4 Within 5 days from the commencement of the development the access shall be constructed so that there is clear visibility from a point 1.05 metres above ground level at the centre of the access and 2.4 metres distant from the edge of the adjoining carriageway, to points 0.26 metres above ground level at the edge of the adjoining carriageway and 120 metres distant in each direction measured from the centre of the access along the edge of the adjoining carriageway and 10 metres distant from the edge of the adjoining carriageway and 10 metres in each direction. Nothing shall be planted, erected or allowed to grow on the areas of land so formed that would obstruct the visibility and the visibility shall be maintained free from obstruction for as long as the development hereby permitted remains in existence. HC7 Within 5 days from the commencement of the development the area of the access to be used by vehicles is to be constructed to a minimum of 410mm depth, comprising a minimum of 250mm of sub-base material, 100mm of bituminous macadam base course material and 60mm of bituminous macadam binder course material for a distance of 15 metres from the edge of the adjoining carriageway. Any use of alternative materials is to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the access being constructed. HC9 Prior to the occupation of any dwelling, provision shall be made within the curtilage of the site for the parking of not less than 1 car per bedroom (maximum 3) excluding any garage space provided. The parking areas shall be retained for their designated use in perpetuity. HC11 Within 5 days from the commencement of the development provision shall be made within the curtilage of the site for the parking of all construction vehicles together with a vehicle turning area. This parking and turning area shall be constructed to a depth of 0.45 metres in crusher run or sub-base and maintained free from obstruction at all times such that all vehicles serving the site shall park within the site and both enter and leave the site in a forward gear for the duration of the construction of the development. HC12 The width of the access carriageway, constructed as Condition HC7 above, shall be not less than 5.5 metres for a minimum distance of 10 metres along the access measured 3 from the adjoining edge of carriageway of the county highway and shall be maintained at this width for as long as the development remains in existence. HC13 Prior to the occupation of the development a radius of 10.5 metres shall be provided from the carriageway of the county highway on each side of the access to the development site and shall be maintained for as long as the development remains in existence. HC14 Any internal side-road junctions shall have a corner radii of 6 metres. HC15 The centre line radii of all curves on the proposed estate road shall be not less than 20 metres. HC17 Prior to the occupation of the development a 1.8 metre wide footpath shall be provided from the new access in a Northerly direction up to the existing footway by the entrance to Llwyn Perthi and shall be retained at for as long as the development hereby permitted remains in existence. HC19 No building shall be occupied before the estate road carriageway and one footway shall be constructed to and including binder course level to an adoptable standard including the provision of any salt bins, surface water drainage and street lighting in front of that building and to the junction with the county highway. HC20 The estate road carriageway and all footways shall be fully completed, in accordance with the details to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, upon the issuing of the Building Regulations Completion Certificate for the last house or within two years from the commencement of the development, whichever is the sooner. The agreed standard of completion shall be maintained for as long as the development remains in existence. HC21 Prior to the occupation of any dwelling the area of the access to be used by vehicles is to be finished in a 40mm bituminous surface course for a distance of 15 metres from the edge of the adjoining carriageway. This area will be maintained to this standard for as long as the development remains in existence, HC30 Upon formation of the visibility splays as detailed in HC4 above the centreline of any new or relocated hedge should be positioned not less than 1.0 metre to the rear of the visibility splay and retained in this position as long as the development remains in existence.
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