FLORIDAWWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | August 2018 Catholic MIAMI ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY REUNITED POPE FRANCIS AND THE DEATH PENALTY Moral theologian considers revised papal teaching TOM TRACY Florida Catholic correspondent MIAMI | Asked about the newly announced changes to Catholic teaching on the death penalty, Fa- ther Alfred Cioffi, associate pro- fessor of biology and bioethics at St. Thomas University, delved into issues of papal infallibility, human dignity and the need to protect so- ciety. Father Cioffi has doctorates in both moral theology and genetics and has been a priest for 33 years. He is the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Endowed Chair of Bioethics in STEM at STU. His professional in- terests are in human life bioethics, environmental bioethics and the Father Alfred Cioffi, who has doctorates in moral theology and dialogue between science and reli- bioethics, is associate professor of biology and bioethics at St. gion. At STU, he also researches ur- Thomas University, Miami Gardens. (FILE PHOTO) ban forest conservation and green energy alternatives to burning fos- Church to working toward its abo- of questions yet on this change to sil fuels. lition worldwide. (See old and new the catechism? He is associated with the Na- wording, Page 6.) A: As classes don’t begin at STU tional Catholic Bioethics Center, The change was communicated until the end of August, I suspect the Florida Conference of Catho- Aug. 2 by Cardinal Luis Ladaria, that in the days ahead I will be lic Bishops, the Catholic Medical prefect of the Congregation for the getting more questions and com- Association, the Knights of Co- Doctrine of the Faith. Father Ci- ments on the issue. Also, the pope lumbus, Catholic Health Services, offi spoke with the Florida Catholic here is not speaking infallibly, Rescate Prison Ministry, the Lay Aug. 4. since the catechism is part of the Ministry program, and Respect ordinary magisterium, and not Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Q: The Church in Florida and an extraordinary, infallible state- Miami. elsewhere has had a long engage- ment from the pope — as would Pope Francis revised the Cat- ment with prison ministry and be, for example, the Immaculate echism of the Catholic Church to capital punishment issues, amid a Conception or the Assumption of Maria (not her real name) is reunited with her children in Miami after assert that “the death penalty is in- diversity of differing public opin- the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and a 49-day separation. They entered the U.S. without authorization. admissible because it is an attack ions among the faithful on the mo- soul, into heaven — both infallible See story, Page 8. (COURTESY | CATHOLIC LEGAL SERVICES) on the inviolability and dignity rality and applicability of capital of the person,” and to commit the punishment. Are you fielding a lot PLEASE SEE TEACHING, 7 FAST FACTS: Local Catholics pray for end of opioid epidemic OPIOIDS AND First in a two-part series behind the scene since 2010 to end Feb. 2, the feast of the Purification, NEWBORNS the opioid crisis in Florida. to pray for an end to the opioid epi- • Approximately 4,215 babies were ANNE DIBERNARDO It has been an uphill battle but demic and healing for those affected Florida Catholic correspondent born addicted to drugs in Florida in she hopes to engage the Catholic by addiction. The Mass took place at 2016, an increase of 1,147 percent community at large by bringing La Milagrosa (Miraculous) Mission, MIAMI from the 338 recorded in 2005, | The opioid epidemic awareness to bishops, priests and la- part of Corpus Christi Parish in Mi- according to the Florida Agency for plaguing the nation is not bypassing ity, and asking for their prayers and ami. Health Care Administration. Florida: Of the 146 people who died support. “Broward County is the epicenter • Using opioids during pregnancy each day in the United States in 2016 “Being informed is the first step of the opiate epidemic and we must can result in a drug withdrawal from an opioid overdose, 14 were to making change. We need a louder demand change,” Msgr. Castañeda syndrome called neonatal absti- from Florida, with Broward County voice on both a state and national said, acknowledging the work of nence syndrome, which causes accounting for the lion’s share — level,” Colbert said. Colbert, who founded STOPPNow lengthy and costly hospital stays for one per day, according to the Florida “As the chaplain at Jackson Me- — an acronym for “Stop the Orga- newborns. Medical Examiners Commission. morial Hospital, unfortunately I nized Pill Pushers Now.” • Symptoms of NAS include fever, Miami Dade Police Department “If dolphins were washing up on see very frequently young people A parishioner of St. David in Da- diarrhea, excessive crying, seizures, Maj. Jesus Ramirez prays for the shore, everyone would be up in suffering from an overdose or also vie, Colbert has no prior experience excessive sucking, vomiting, sleep those afflicted by addition. arms,” said Janet Colbert, a commit- dying from it,” said Msgr. Oscar problems and tremors. (ANNE DIBERNARDO | FC) ted Catholic who has been working Castañeda, who celebrated a Mass PLEASE SEE OPIOID, 2 2 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic August 2018 As she lobbies for solutions to opioid epidemic, Catholic relies on rosary ANNE DIBERNARDO She also attends the annual Fed Up bert directed her lobbying efforts to Florida Catholic correspondent Rally, a meeting in Washington, Florida Senate Bill 8 and House Bill D.C., of a grass-roots coalition that 21. HB21 passed unanimously this MIAMI | Since her retirement as seeks action from the federal gov- March and was signed into law by a neonatal intensive care nurse at ernment to end the opioid epidemic. Gov. Rick Scott. Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in The measure imposes a three- Broward County, St. David parishio- ‘OXY EXPRESS’ day limit on most opioid prescrip- ner Janet Colbert has been clutching “We weren’t known for our tions, although doctors can provide her rosary, praying for the Blessed beaches anymore,” Colbert said of a seven-day supply if it is deemed Mother’s intercession to end the opi- this area, notoriously dubbed “Oxy medically necessary. The prescrib- oid epidemic plaguing the nation. Express” due to the ease of obtain- ing limit does not apply to patients But since “faith without works is ing prescriptions for oxycodone. with pain related to “cancer, termi- dead,” in 2011 she founded a non- Those lax laws enabled people, nal illness, palliative care or serious profit organization to raise aware- mostly from Appalachia, to come traumatic injuries.” The law also ness of the growing problem. Her to southeast Florida to fuel their ad- requires doctors to check Florida’s new uniform is a bright red T-shirt diction. Prescription Drug Monitoring Pro- Opioid activist and “STOPPNow” author Janet Colbert hands out boldly displaying her logo, a giant In 2010, the Drug Enforcement gram to prevent patients from “doc- fliers at the Broward County opioid epidemic town hall meeting in white circle depicting the controver- Administration reported that 98 of tor shopping” for prescriptions. August 2017. (ANNE DIBERNARDO | FC) sial pain pill oxycodone, with her or- the top 100 oxycodone dispensing “It will help curtail new addic- ganization’s name STOPPNow (Stop physicians in the nation were in tions by limiting opiate prescribing the Organized Pill Pushers Now) Florida. A grand jury investigation during the acute phase of an ill- Congress had removed the power community action infrastructure. written across the pill. also cited this figure to show that ness,” where many addictions start, of the DEA to control the wide-scale The local community also recog- Colbert’s lobbying efforts began the number of pain clinics in Bro- said Colbert. illegal distribution and enforce reg- nized Colbert’s efforts in addressing in response to the drug-addicted ward County outpaced the number ulations,” Hall said. He noted that the opioid crisis. In 2017, she was babies — technically born with neo- of McDonald’s fast-food restaurants. EXPANDED EPIDEMIC Republican Rep. Tom Marino of named one the 100 Most Outstand- natal abstinence syndrome — that During that time, opioids claimed Despite all these efforts, how- Pennsylvania, who was nominated ing Women of Broward County by she was caring for at the hospital in seven deaths a day. ever, the epidemic has expanded. It to be the “drug czar,” or director of the Boys and Girls Clubs. 2009. Overwhelmed, she said she Colbert found that out and more now includes heroin, illicitly manu- the Office of National Drug Control Colbert says she will continue to could not sit and watch without do- while doing research for her recent- factured fentanyl and its analogs, Policy, sponsored the bill. work on behalf of the crying babies ing anything. ly published book, “STOPPNow,” which account for most of the 14 “However, his nomination was who cannot speak or vote, as well as At the same time, her dear friend which she dedicated to all the par- statewide deaths per day in Florida, quickly rescinded after it was re- the grieving families of those lost to Renee Doyle’s two sons, Cory and ents who have lost their children. according to the Florida Medical vealed that he had ties to the drug addiction. Blayne Lewis, were experiencing She wrote it, she said, “to promote Examiners Commission most re- industry. But Janet told it in the book “There is much left to be done to the ravages of opioid addiction, awareness of what caused the opiate cent annual report, for 2016. before the Washington Post or ‘60 help those who have already suc- which likely contributed to Blayne’s epidemic, the greed and corruption Jim Hall, a nationally recognized Minutes’ told the story,” Hall said.
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