Newsletter on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) with a special focus on Africa Volume 3, Issue 3 (CITES) with a special focus on Africa July 2010 35th Anniversary of CITES The Africa Regional Bu- protection of internationally in Sierra Leone that showed reau of the Species Survival traded species, CITES re- that the population is dou- Network (SSN) is devoting mains an invaluable tool for ble previous estimates. We this issue to the 35 th anni- the conservation of species also express our warmest versary of the entry into in trade. SSN and its mem- congratulations to the Gov- force of CITES. SSN ber organizations are hon- ernment of Liberia for its warmly congratulates ored to work with the decision to suspend wildlife CITES Parties for joining CITES Parties to strengthen exports as a precautionary efforts to protect endan- the conservation of these measure to preserve the gered and threatened spe- species. This month, the country's wildlife. Finally, cies against the harmful newsletter presents the very we address the need for effects of unregulated inter- encouraging results of a increased protection for national trade by ratifying recent chimpanzee survey hippopotamuses in Burkina and implementing the Faso, and review re- CITES treaty. SSN has ports showing the exis- been an active partici- tence of an illegal trade pant in CITES meetings in cheetahs from East for the last 17 years and Africa to the Middle stands as a prime wit- East. ness to the multiple Enjoy! successes of the Con- vention. Despite the Will Travers, Shelley many challenges that Waterland and Alice the 175 CITES Parties Stroud, SSN Africa Re- still need to overcome Display warning tourists not to illegally import protected gional Bureau to ensure sufficient Felidae’ skins, Atlanta airport, United States. Latest CITES Postings and Notifications ♦The Secretariat informed should be identified to the site (CITES Notification Parties of changes to the species level where feasible No. 2010/016). The CITES Standing Committee’s rec- (CITES Notification No. Trade Data Dashboards can ommendations to suspend 2010/014). be accessed at <http:// trade made in accordance ♦The Secretariat informed cites.org/eng/news/ with Resolution Conf. 12.8 Parties that the Standing sundry/2010/ (Rev. CoP13) or with Reso- Committee had adopted a dashboards.shtml>. lution Conf. 8.9 (Rev.), recommendation to suspend ♦The Secretariat informed which the later resolution trade with Madagascar in Parties of the publication replaced (CITES Notifica- Nile crocodile ( Crocodylus (in English only) of a Case tion No. 2010/012) niloticus ) specimens. Par- Study Handbook on Wild- ♦The Secretariat distrib- ties are requested not to life Smuggling Conceal- uted revised Guidelines for accept imports of Nile ment by the General Secre- the preparation and sub- crocodile specimens com- tariat of ICPO-INTERPOL mission of CITES annual ing from Madagascar until (CITES Notification No. reports (CITES Notifica- further notice (CITES Noti- 2010/017). The handbook tion No. 2010/013). The fication No. 2010/015). will soon be made available revised guidelines can be ♦The Secretariat informed in pdf format via the En- downloaded at <http:// Parties that the thirty-fifth forcement Authority Forum www.cites.org/eng/ anniversary of the entry on the CITES website. Of- notif/2010/E013A.pdf> into force of CITES was on ficial governmental law ♦The Secretariat distrib- 1 July 2010, and provided enforcement agencies can uted a list of stony coral details on the celebration of also request hard copies by genera for which identifica- this benchmark and on the contacting the General Se- tion to genus level only is launch of the "CITES Trade cretariat of ICPO- acceptable, and reminded Data Dashboards", a new INTERPOL at : environ- Parties that these taxa section on the CITES web- [email protected] Inside this issue: Important CITES Dates Illegal trade in cheetahs from East Africa to the 2 • 19-23 July 2010: CITES-FAO workshop to review the CITES AFRIQUE Middle East CITES AFRIQUE application and effectiveness of international regula- New chimpanzee population estimates in Sierra 3 tory measures for the conservation and sustainable use of elasmobranchs Leone • 31 July 2010: deadline for Parties to submit informa- Need for increased protection of hippos in 3 tion relating to incidents of poaching of and illegal Burkina Faso / Ban of wildlife exports in Liberia trade in tigers • 31 December 2010: deadline for African elephant Capacity building corner 3 range States that wish to authorize export of raw ivory in accordance with Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP15) to communicate in writing to the Secretariat SSN member and CITES species of the month SPECIES SURVIVAL NETWORK’S AFRICA REGIONAL BUREAU 4 export quotas for raw ivory for 2011 Illegal Trade in Cheetahs from East Africa to the Middle East On 10 June 2010, UAE authorities con- cheetahs are imported illegally, as 4-8 seized ( ibid ). SSN is concerned by the fiscated a cargo of 15 cheetah cubs week old cubs, for the pet trade and for volume of this illegal trade in juvenile (Acinonyx jubatus ) illegally shipped from hunting, primarily from Somalia or Sudan cheetahs, and congratulates the UAE Somalia and intercepted at Dubai Interna- (Haas van Dorsser et al., 2002). The authorities for this successful seizure. tional Airport. Six out of the 15 animals value of a six-week old cheetah ranges SSN also encourages UAE authorities to had died before arrival because of poor between US$3,000-5,000 in the UAE, strengthen their enforcement efforts, and transport conditions, and the rest of the and can reach higher prices depending on to collaborate with cheetah range States animals are now being treated for severe the buyer. Between 1998 and 2002, 39 to stop this illegal trade. stress, dehydration, malnutrition and pos- juvenile cheetahs were confiscated at the sible bacterial and parasitic infections. Sharjah airport alone, one of the less busy SSN has created a Big Cat Working Cheetahs are listed as Vulnerable in the airports of the UAE, and authorities be- Group to inform discussion and decision- IUCN Red List and are included in lieve that only making at CITES meetings with regards CITES Appendix I, which prohibits their a fraction of to conservation and trade in Appendix I commercial trade and requires that all illegal imports and II African and Asian big cats. Be- animals transported for non-commercial are actually tween CITES meetings, members of the trade be accompanied by the SSN Big Cat Working Group undertake necessary CITES permits and independent and collaborative efforts to be “so prepared and shipped as raise the profile of the species in range to minimize the risk of injury, and consumer States. Please contact the damage to health or cruel treat- SSN Africa Regional Bureau if you need ment” (CITES Article III). The additional information on illegal trade in United Arab Emirates (UAE) cheetahs or if you need assistance with activities related to their conservation. are a common destination for Confiscated cheetah cub showing loss of hair from poor transport illegal imports of cheetahs. conditions (left) and confiscated cheetah (right) © Breeding Center Available reports show that for Endangered Arabian Wildlife Estimates of Sierra Leone’s Wild Chimpanzee Population Double Experts from the Tacugama Chim- agement policies for the species, both in Leone authorities to build on the results panzee Sanctuary recently conducted Sierra Leone and within the region. A of the survey by ensuring that all zones countrywide survey of endangered West- population and habitat viability assess- occupied by chimpanzees become pro- ern chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes verus) ment workshop in Sierra Leone, to be tected areas. In July 2007, the govern- in Sierra Leone, with support from ment of Sierra Leone prohibited the SSN member organization the Pan capture, killing, and possession of African Sanctuary Alliance (http:// chimpanzees, demonstrating its com- pasaprimates.org/) and endorsement mitment to strong conservation of the from the Sierra Leone authorities. Re- species within its borders. SSN strongly sults of the survey revealed that the believes that the enforcement of this Sierra Leone population of Western law is of paramount importance for the chimpanzee includes about 4000 ani- protection and survival of this species mals, a figure twice as large as previ- in the country and encourages all stake- ous estimates for this population (the holders to provide assistance to the previous survey from 1980 led to an Sierra Leone government in this regard. estimate of about 2000 wild chimpan- zees located primarily within protected The survey results for the Sierra areas). The survey also revealed that Leone population of chimpanzees were almost half of these chimpanzees are Western chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes verus), announced at the same time as the surviving in highly threatened and CITES Appendix I - © Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary IUCN Eastern Chimpanzee ( Pan troglo- marginal habitats outside of the coun- dytes schweinfurthii ) Status Survey and try’s protected forest reserves, making held at the end of 2010, will allow the Conservation Action Plan for 2010-2020. them more susceptible to such threats as authorities and the various stakeholders This Action Plan provides information habitat loss and degradation, poaching involved to draft a Chimpanzee Conser- about the status of Eastern chimpanzees and illegal trade. vation Action Plan that fully incorporates in each range State (Burundi, Central the new data provided in the survey. Si- African Republic, Democratic Republic SSN warmly congratulates the team of erra Leone’s shared border with Guinea, of the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania researchers from the Tacugama Chimpan- where the chimpanzee population is esti- and Uganda) and can be downloaded at zee Sanctuary for undertaking this sur- mated at 25,000, is one of the highest- <http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/ vey.
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