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Filmed as received. ){ero){ University Micromms 300 North Zoeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 4B106 75-17,118 DRESSENDORFER p Rudolph H., Jr., 1943­ COMPARISCN OF CARDIORESPIRATORY RESPONSES TO GRADED UPRIGIff EXERCISE IN AIR AND WATER. University of Hawaii, Ph.D., 1974 Physiology Xero}{ University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 COMPARISON OF CARDIOq~SPIRATORY RESPONSES TO GRADED UPRIb~T EXERCISE IN AIR AND WATER A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE DIVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN PHYSIOLOGY DECEMBER 1974 By Rudolph H. Dressendorfer, Jr. Dissertation Committee: Martin D. Rayner, Chairman Vincent DeFeo Suk Ki Hong Terence O. Moore Richard M. Smith Robert A. Tracy iii ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of head-out water immersion per se on the cardiorespiratory response to graded upright cycling exercise. The use of a standard Monark bicycle ergometer for cycling underwater enabled the subjects to perform the same exercise in air and water. The energetics of this innovated underwater ergometer are evaluated. The submaximal to maximal exercise responses of 7 trained male subjects cycling in 22-25 C air and 30 C water, and running on a treadmill were compared. Four athletes within this group were also tested in 25 and 35 C water. Oxygen uptake (V02), heart rate (fh), cardiac stroke volume (Qs; determined by impedance cardiography), expiratory minute volume (~E)' respiratory frequency (fR)' and rectal temperature (Tre) were measured during rest and exer­ cise bouts of 5 min duration. Work rates were adjusted to elicit approximately 20, 35, 50, 70 and 100% of maximum oxygen uptake (~02max). Total immersion time was 50 min. The V0 2max (N=7) for cycling was 3.29 L/min in air and 3.18 L/min in 30 C water. The 3% decrease in V02max during im~ersion was not statistically significant. Treadmill Vo 2max (N=7) was 3.67 L/min. The values for V02max in the athletes were 3.88 L/min (cycling in air), 3.75 L/min (cycling in 25, 30, and 35 C water) and 4.47 L/min (running). During submaximal exercise fh in 30 C water was 5-7 bpm slower than in air while 0E and fR were unchanged. During maximal exercise, however, peak fh and VE were sig­ nificantly lower in 30 C water by 10 bpm and 16 L/min, respectively. Oxygen transport was maintained by increases in Qs and the fraction of iv oxygen removed from the inspired air which compensated for the reduc­ tions in fh and VE. V0 2max was unchanged by the use of SCUBA in 30 C water in spite of further reductions in VE and maximal voluntary ven­ tilation. V02max and submaxima1 VE were unaffected by water temperature (Tw). Tre , fh, and calculated cardiac output (6), however, increased with Tw at all levels of V02. Peak 6 values obtained in the 4 athletes were 24.3 L/min (cycling in air), 23.1, 25.2, and 27.1 L/min (cycling in 25, 30, and 35 C water, respectively), and 26.8 L/min (running). The distribution of the elevated Qduring cycling in 30 and 35 C water versus 25 C water must have been to the skin or other organs with low 02 extraction since v02max was unchanged. Blood lactate was higher and pyruvate lower following maximal exercise in 35 C compared to 25 C immersion suggesting a greater anaerobic work component in the warm water. The above findings show that aerobic power is not significantly altered by head-out immersion in 25 C to 35 C water. Moreover, V02max during cycling in water appears to be limited by factors other than pulmonary ventilation or the pumping capacity of the heart. In addition Tw should be considered when making cardiorespiratory measurements in water. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ... iii LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 Background ..... 1 State of the Problem 5 The Purpose ..... 6 The Hypothesis .... 7 CHAPTER 2 MATERIAL AND GENERAL METHODS 9 Subjects ...... 9 Methodology . 10 Experimental Protocol 21 Statistics . 25 List of Abbreviations. 27 CHAPTER 3 THE MONARCH BICYCLE ERGOMETER AS A SUITABLE UNDERWATER EXERCISER 30 Introduction 30 Methods ........... 31 Results . 32 Discussion ..... 36 CHAPTER 4 COMPARISON OF CARDIORESPIRATORY RESPONSES TO GRADED CYCLING EXERCISE IN AIR AND WATER 40 Introduction 40 Methods ................ 42 Resu1 ts ................ 44 Discussion . 59 CHAPTER 5 EFFECT OF SCUBA ON PULMONARY VENTILATION DURING SUBMAXIMAL AND MAXIMAL CYCLING EXERCISE IN WATER 64 Introduction 64 Methods .. 66 Results . 68 Discussion . 74 vi Page CHAPTER 6 THE EFFECT OF WATER TEMPERATURE ON CARDIORESPIRATORY AND METABOLIC RESPONSES TO MAXIMAL EXERCISE . 82 Introduction 82 Methods ..... 85 Results . 87 Discussion . 91 CHAPTER 7 THE EFFECTS OF BODY POSITION AND WATER IMMERSION ON STROKE VOLUME 97 Introduction 97 Methods ......... 99 Results . 104 Discussion . 107 CHAPTER 8 CARDIORESPIRATORY RESPONSES TO GRADED CYCLING EXERCISE IN AIR AND IN 25 C, 30 C, AND 35 C WATER ... 112 Introduction · . .. 112 Methods ... · ... 115 Resu1 ts ... ... .. 121 Discussion . .. 146 CHAPTER 9 GENERAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 150 APPENDIX A CHARACTERISTICS OF SUBJECTS · 156 APPENDIX B INDIVIDUAL DATA COMPARING RESTING AND EXERCISE RESPONSES IN AIR AND 30 C WATER . 160 APPENDIX C INDIVIDUAL DATA COMPARING THE USE OF COLLINS VALVE OR SCUBA DURING REST AND EXERCISE IN 30 C WATER ........ 162 APPENDIX D INDIVIDUAL DATA COMPARING MEASUREMENTS MADE DURING REST AND EXERCISE IN AIR, WARM WATER (35 C) AND COLD WATER (25 C) 166 APPENDIX E INDIVIDUAL DATA COMPARING CARDIORESPIRATORY RESPONSES TO REST AND EXERCISE FOR CYCLING IN AIR, 25, 30, AND 35 C WATER, AND TREADMILL RUNNING 168 BIBLI OGRAPHY ................... 172 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Reliability of Quantitative Determinations 19 2 Reproducibility of Repeated Determinations on Separate Days ..... .. .. .. 20 3 Description of Subjects 43 4 Comparison of Mean Cardiorespiratory and Rectal Temperature Responses to Rest and Submaxima1 Upright Cycling in Air and 30 C Water ..... 46 5 Comparison of Mean Cardiorespiratory and Rectal Temperature Responses to Maximal Upright Cycling in Air and 30 C Water ............. 48 6 Maximum Voluntary Ventilation in Air, 30 C Water, and in Water Using SCUBA . 49 7 Effect of SCUBA on the Cardiorespiratory Response to Rest and Exercise in 30 C Water . 69 8 Description of Subjects 86 9 Effect of Water Temperature on Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Parameters During Rest, Submaxima1 Exercise, and Maximum Effort Exercise 88 10 Description of Subjects 100 11 Effect of Body Position and Immersion on Heart Rate and Stroke Volume .. 105 12 Description of Subjects 116 13 Mean Cardiorespiratory Responses to Rest, Sub­ maximal, and Maximum Exercise for Upright Cycling in Air, 25, 30, 35 C Water, and Treadmill Running 122 14 Regression Equations for Cardiac Output During Exercise Found in Present Study Compared with Published Values . 131 15 Percentage Change in Maximal Cardiorespiratory Responses for Various Conditions of Exercise . 143 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Cut-Away Diagram of Immersion Tank 12 2 Experimental Protocol 22 3 Oxygen Up~ake as a Function of Aerobic Work Rate . 23 4 Oxygen Uptake as a Function of Pedal Frequency for "No-Load" Cycling in Water and Air .. 33 5 Regression Equation of Oxygen Uptake as a Function of Pedal Frequency . 34 6 Oxygen Uptake as a Function of Work Load During Cycling in Air and 30 C Water . 35 7 Heart Rate and Rectal Temperature as a Function of Submaximal Oxygen Uptake ......... 50 8 Regression of Heart Rate in Air on %V02 max 51 9 Regre~sion of Heart Rate in 30 C Water on % V0 2 max ............... 52 10 Oxygen Pulse as a Function of % V0 2 max 53 11 Expiratory Minute Volume and Breathing Frequency as a Function of Submaximal Oxygen Uptake 54 12 Regression of Expiratory Minute Volume in Air on Oxygen Upta ke ...................
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