SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES FANWOOD VOLUME 26 • NUMBER 37 SCOTCH PLAINSFANWOOD, N.J. SEPTEMBER IS, 1883 25 Cents FAN. REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE TO HOLD FLEA MARKET "Saturday, September 17 is the date of one of S.P. paired parking proves the biggest and most varied flea markets of the season," exclaimed Gary Laniara, chairman of the Fanwood Republican Municipal Commit- beneficial to area shoppers tee, 1 There is something The Committees Flea Market will be held at new in downtown the Fanwood Railroad Station from 8 a.m. to 4 Scotch Plains. Have p.m.; raindate is Sunday, Sept. 18. The market you noticed the new will feature handorafted wood^ items, collec- crossed off spaces on tibles, clothes and the Famous Fanwood Frank. Park Avenue, nestled in Fanwood Republican Mayoral Candidate between two "paired" Doug Clausen and Fanwood Council Can- parking spaces? didates Paul Abbott and Carla Lanzara will be The brainchild of on hand to help new voters register. township engineer The Fanwood Police will continue their John Meyer who con- fingerprinting of children who are accompanied ceived the idea about 4 by parents. years ago, the paired or - For further information, call Kathy Hursh at "tandem" parking as It 322.8935. is called in some municipalities, was im- COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE AT plemented with the aid FAN. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of the Downtown A community blood drive will be held at Fan- Beautificatlon Commit- wood Presbyterian" Church, Martine and tee, said Tom Atkins, LaGrande Avenues, on Friday, September 23rd. township manager. Co-sponsors of the drive are the Plainfield Area "John studied the Red Cross and New Jersey; Blood Services. problems of parking on The blood drive will be held from 3:00 • 8:30 Park Avenue for some p.m. For further information or to schedule a time," Atkins said, time to donate; call mornings at the church of- "and with the input of fice at 889-8891 or you may walk-in the day of the Police Department Park Avenue is a very the flow of traffic. Now space and ;egress' is a you can slide into a rnatter of pulling ahead the drive. Traffic Safety Division, heavily trafficked street n a workable plan was and parking has always parking place without ' one smooth move- JAYCEES LAUNCH FALL designed." been a bottleneck to having to back into a Continued on page 23 RECYCLING PROGRAM The Fanwood-Scotch Plains Jayeees will Governor Kean proclaims sponsor their monthly recycling program at the Council & DRC agree south side of the Fanwood Train Station from Sept. Organ Donor month 9:00 a.m. • 12:00 noon on September 17. to blight hearing delay Newspapers and glass will be collected. Please bundle newspapers and separate glass accor- by Liz Qautier to discuss "land ac- ding to color. Magailnes, cardboard and paper At the agenda setting quisition" for the bags cannot be accepted. meeting on Thursday, redevelopment project, This project helps to support the many com- Sept. 8, the Fanwood but turned into an hour munity oriented activities of the Jaycees. For council met in*closed and a half instead. more information on the Jaycees, call Len session with the At the close of the Bnozowski at 889-6242. Downtown Redevelop- session , it was an- ment Committee for nounced that Mayor SCHOOL ONE PTA TO SPONSOR what was supposed to Ted Trumpp and the FLEA MARKET, SEPTEMBER 24 be a half-hour meeting Continued on page 23 The School One PTA will sponsor its first flea market on Saturday, September 24 from 9 aim. to 4 p.m. at the Fanwood Railroad Station. The Teachers ratify rain date is Sunday, September 25 from noon to 5 p.m. contract with Board Shoppers will find a large variety of in- by Liz Qautier of Education and a teresting and useful items and bargains galore. The two-day Scotch mediator from the New Refreshments will also be available, including Plains-Fanwood Educa- Jersey Education coffee, soda, hot dogs and home baked tion Association strike Association. delicacies. ended shortly before 2 The rank and file Chairpersons for this event are Anne Rogalin a.m., Friday, Sept. 9 ratified the new con- and Jane Lorber. Funds raised will go to sup- after a marathon tract package at 6:30 port various School One services and cultural 10-hour bargaining ses- a.m. and were in school arts activities. sion between in time for the opening For space reservations or more information negotiators for the bell on Friday. please call 322-5019 or 322-5716. teachers' union, Board Continued on page 23 FANWOOD JUNIORS PLAN FALL FLEA MARKET Planning Bd. puzzled On Saturday, October 1, the Fanwood Junior Woman's Club will hold its annual fall'flea over postponement market at the Fanwood Train Station from 10:00 = by Liz Gautier As there had been no a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The rain date is Sunday, Oc- About 12 citizens ap- public notice that the tober 2. peared at the Planning hearing had been Governor Thomas Kean chats with Eva Qott- Dealers are still needed to maKe the flea Board's agenda cancelled by the Mayor schos chairman of the Ruth Gottscho Kidney market a success. Information about the flea meeting on Monday' and council at last Foundation, after signing a proclamation market can be obtained by calling 889.8950 or night, expecting to air Thursday's council designating September as "Organ Donor 322-7288. their opinions for the agenda session, the Month" in New Jersey. The Foundation spon- proposed blight hear- Board was at a loss to sors "Operation Lifeline", a 24-hour telephone 17KT€FULLV YOIM ing for the Downtown know why they had not service for the speedy matching of donors with Redevelopment pro- been notified officially, patients in need of kidneys and other vital On Page organs for transplantation. ject. Continued on page 23 Police News and found a youfh stan- expanded October 8th F.-S.P. College Club to hear ding there. When asked Neighborhood Watch program that should be annual radio broadcaster Sept. 19 in what he was doing, the youth replied his carready about mid- a October. Scotch Plains LU was broken down. m About 10 minutes later UJ a North Avenue resi- SCOTCH PLAINS Day SCOTCH PLAINS dent (near Terrill Road) Capt. Bill Mineo Saturday, October 8 LU found a youth answer- has been set for the An- en On Wednesday, Sept. reported that the 7, a purse was stolen ing the same descrip- township experienced nual Scotch Plains Day w" tion on his back porch. festivities. The year's LU from a Paterson Road a very light Labor Day S home while residents Police are looking for a weekend with only program has been i- were in their back yard. black male in his late three incidents in- greatly expanded to in- UJ Thief walked in through teens, 5'11", heavy vestigated. On the 9th clude something for an unlocked screen build, wearing a grey everyone? sweat suit. (Ml door and got $30 cash iarceryes from cars on Starting at 8:00 a.m., and credit cards, Police warn Scotland Road, Cook the Scotch Plains Vandals smashed a residents to report Ave. and Route 22 net- Lion's Club will be rear view mirror and anyone not familiar to ted thieves radios, etc. holding a Flea Market damaged parking lights them in their from the vehicles. in the Municipal Park- on autos on Marian neighborhood, thus ing Lot. At 8:30 there Avenue on the 8th andpreventing possible Two bikes were will be a 1 mile Fun Run 9th. burglaries. stolen from a residence • followed by a. 5 mile Also on the 9th a Lt. Bob Carboy said in the 2000 block of Road Race run through Scotch Plains. Tiiiotson Road resident that the department Church Street on the PATRICIA MC CANN said a car radio was will be fingerprinting 10th and a burglary in A Scotch Plains stolen from his parked children on Saturday at the 400 block of Willow Awards ceremony will Patricia McCann, supply committed by vehicle and a man the Republican Club Avenue was in- be held at 10:30 follow- formerly off WOR, willl major food companies. reported cash was flea market from 10 vestigated that same ed by a performance of be the guest speaker at Her parents, Alfred, taken from his jooker at a.m. to noon in the the Scotch Plains/Fan- the September 19 Jr. and Dora McCann the Fanwood Racquet- Community House at wood High School meeting of the College were known for their bail Club on South Ave. the railroad station. day. Entry to the home Band. From 11 am to 2 Club of Fanwood- program, "The Mo- On the 10th a Stewart Pre-schooi children will was gained by breaking pm there will be an Art Scotch Plains, at the Canns At Home". Place resident said that also be Included. out a glass panel on a Show Exhibition spon- First Methodist Patricia McCann while the family was He also announced rear door where the sored by the Scotch Church, 1171 Terrill followed in their picnicking in their back that the police depart- thief crawled through. Plains/Fanwood Arts Road, Scotch Plains at footsteps but broaden- yard, a family member ment is preparing a Jewelry and cash were Association. 8:00 p.m. ed her scope to Include entered the living room more comprehensive, taken. Then at 1:00 p.m. the McCann, the third medical research, show .Scotch Plains generation ot the Mc-business, travel, con- Iwestfieid Football Cann family to broad- sumerism, public af- Game will be held.
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