10 T,,:n ple Seth El 70 orchard Ave. Provldence, R ■ I ■ Seventeen Year Old Jewish Refugees Threatened After From Congo Revolt Testifying In Court Arrive In Brussels MIAMI, Fla. - A slender 17- THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. BRUSSELS - The number of year-old Jewish girl bore the brunt Jews fleeing from the Congo and of bitter and threatening verbal VOL. XLIV, No. 21 FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1960 12 PAGES arriving in Belgium continued to attacks last week after having mount last week. Many families testified in court that she was of­ from Luluabourg, one of the hard- fended by school prayers "to a God .On Professor Surplus Of Food In Israel est hit centers of rebellious native who is not mine," according to a Technl assaults on European whites, ar- New York Post article by Milt M l d T N f • f C • • rived here without luggage or Sosin. The telephone at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Milman Admits Espionage J!!ALEMea Israel's~ood ~a:~r~~ the ol~·~:~vim ~£:}!aE1{~t~:~~vi~1::!~}~ rang constantly for six hours until TEL AVIV _ Professor Kurt shortage has ended and in its claim that gluts in certain crops for four generations. after midnight "with nasty and Sitte, internationally known phy- place is a food surplus in many and dropping prices have made The refugees called the situation threatening" calls for their daugh­ sicist who headed the physics de- crops - and herein is the making farming too precarious. But for in Luluabourg "very grave" and ter, Lois. partment of the Haifa Institute of of what the Jerusalem Post terms the drought, Israel would have expressed deep concern about male Police cruisers kept a protective Technology until his arrest in a "permanent, national farm crisis been inundated with plums and members of their families who re­ eye on the house through the June has admitted contacts with -of terrifying proportions." grapes this year. Good farms mained and who are now presum- night but there were no incidents. a foreign agent it was reliably re- Discussing Israel's new farm stand empty, while good farmers ed to be isolated in that Congo Lois, who graduated from Dade ported, crisis, the Jerusalem Post editorial seek jobs in town. city. says: Saphir suggested in the Knes- Arrive In Nightclothes Country High School a month ago, Dr. Sitte, who conducted various denied in court that her God was research projects at the Te·chnion The first surpluses showed that set that the cure· was to let the Some· of the refugees arrived in the same as the Christian God. under contract with the U. S. Air small-scale farming is too expen- best and most efficient farmers ' nightclothes and described scenes "These people (Christians) don't Force particularly in cosmic radia­ sive to compete in world markets, survive, including those fortun- of violence and pillage. Many of believe m one God," she said. tion, also admitted passing infor­ especially when products must be ate enough to have a little dairy- them said they wanted to emigrate "They pray to a Trinity or to the mation to a foreign power through shipped over considerable dis- farm on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, to Israel. Son of God." that agent. It was also reported tances. Only Israeli oranges are and not the radical reorganization J ewish social welfare agencies She said she had been offend­ that Dr. Sitte, who was sent to produced by economic units, and that is already bemg enacted by swung into action to aid the· refu­ ed by prayers in school that used Israel specifically to conduct even these can hold the market Minister of Agriculture Moshe gees. phrases such as "in Jesus' name." espionage, met once a month with only because of their better quality. Dayan. Previously a group arrived from Outside the coourtroom she was the foreign diplomat who was re­ Exodus From Farms Saphir's recommendation is at- Leopoldville on a U.S. Army plane. greeted by a small but angry crowd portedly sent to Israel to meet him While the new villages are tractive· for the consumer, but it They included an Israeli family of t.hat heckled her. One woman for espionage purposes. just beginning to find their feet, spells disaSter for the immigrants six persons, a Tunisian woman and shouted: there has been a market exodus who were deliberately settled in a French woman. They had fled to "Who taught you to hate like The meetings took place at a from the villages that were most the diStant and empty lands in Brazzaville from Leopoldville leav- that?" cafe in Haifa and were· secretly successful before the State. the Negev which are a liability ing all their possessions l;_.-,__>,1,-,:1 _ Lois was only one of a parade photographed by Israel security and not an asset if they have no They reported that 5,000'bf Leo- of witnesses who testified during forces. Dr. Sitte now holds a West population. poldville's 10,000 white residents a hearing on two suits before Cir­ German passport which he ob­ Dayan Confident had sought refuge in Brazzaville cuit Judge J. Fritz Gordon which tained two years ago. Between Religious Zionists Israel cannot afford to aband- community of Leopoldville joined seek to outlaw religious programs 1954, when he arrived in Israel, on half the country because it is and described the situation as one in Florida public schools. and 1958 he had no nationality Plan $2,000,000 harder to make a living there of complete chaos. The Jewish The programs include class­ status and traveled with an Israeli than in the Sharons. The country with the rest of the whites in the room observances of feasts like "laissez passe" document serving Campaign In 1961 is too small for such a luxury. trek to Brazzaville as refugees. 1 Christmas, Easter and Chanu­ the functions of a passport. There is no way of settling un- Not Alarming NEW YORK - The Religious kah and daily readings from the Police sources said that the in­ skilled immigrants except on the At Eli:ffibethville, where most Bible. The suits were fil ed by Har­ vestigation had been completed Zionists of America announced last land. The tools for every other Congo Jews reside, the situation low Chamberlin, an agnostic, and and data handed over to the Israel week plans for the launching of a form of employment are even was reported as not alarming. by four Jewish parents and a Uni­ attorney general's office for use in $2,000,000 campaign for the sup­ more costly. Chief Rabbi Levy has not left tarian. Hearings are entering their preparing an indictment. port of religious institutions in Minister of Agriculture Dayan, Elizabethville. The situation in third day. Israel. The campaign will be start­ admits no insuperable problems. Stanleyville was reported, in tele­ The Czech-born· physicist was ed at the beginning of 1961. Livestock breeding is relatively phonic communications received The J ewish witnesses complain­ reported to have been under Israel Rabbi Bernard Bergman, presi­ profitable, and a good share of the In Brussels, to be calm. The Jew­ ed most bitterly about daily de­ Security Service surveillance since market must be reserved for the ish population was not molested votional exercises which make dent of the RZA, said that the his arrival in 1954. Accordfng to campaign was made necessary by new villages. and there has been no pillaging. references to Christ as the Lord an earlier report, he had become and Savior. the cancellation of a $750,000 an­ Pull Up Stakes Information from Leopoldville, very friendly, as an inmate in the nual allocation to the organization Ha'aretz observes that the dif- an area of considerable disorder Nazi Buchenwald Concentration by the United Jewish Appeal. The ficult situation in the Galilean said that, Maurice Alhadeff, presi­ Dispute Rages Over Camp to which he had been sent fund-raising campaign will be settlements is to be seen in the dent of the Leopoldville J ewish for anti-Nazi activities, with Com­ known as the Religious Israel Ap­ southward trek of scores of fam- community, and his staff were "all munists who now hold important peal and the funds will be sought ilies who are· heading for the cit- right." Election Of Rabbis posts in the Communist worl<1 . from local federations in cities ies and development towns in In Panicky State JERUSALEM - The chaotic During his interrogation, he tried throughout the United States. The quest of a livelihood. In some Many members of the J ewish situation which has developed over to deny the charges but when he RZA will conduct independent places, individuals are pulling up community of the Congo are in a the election of new chief rabbis was shown documents and photo­ campaigns \n communities where their stakes who have been on panicky state because they do not the land for the past 10-15 years. for Israel took an unusual turn graphs he admitted his espionage requests for allocations were re­ have Belgaian nationality but Expensive water, higher labour last week when the chairman of activities. Subsequently, he has jected, Rabbi Bergman said. none of them have been harmed, and equipment costs: lower income the nominations board a nnounced cooperated with his interrogators. "The United J ewish Appeal will according to an eye-witness report that one phase of the dispute had no longer include the Religious and the burden of nigh t vigilance, are the causes of this movement by an Israeli offi cial who returned been directed to a secular au­ Zionists of America among its to Tel Aviv from the strife-torn thority, the Israel attorney gene­ BEGIN WAR GAMES from village to town.
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