587 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1914. LAU-LEA Stapley Mrs

587 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1914. LAU-LEA Stapley Mrs

• 587 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1914. LAU-LEA Stapley Mrs. .Annie Elizabeth, 3 Bedford Tunbridge C. & Sons, Datchelor place & Williams H.J.19Beethoven st.Queen's l'kW LEATHER BAG MAKERS. road & 169 Ferndale road, Clapham SW 48 Church street, Camberwell SE & 143 Williams Mrs.E.100Bayonne rd.HmrsmthW See Bag Makers. Star Laundry Co. Limited, 6 & 8 Anton Lavender sweep, Battersea SW Williams Mrs. Rose, 13 Hanley road, street, Hackney NE & 171 Clarence Turner E. 26 Glenburnie rd. Up. Tooting SW Finsbury Park N road, Lower Clapton NE Turner Henry William, 114 Elth{)rne road, Williams 'Mrs. Rosina, 19 Landor road, LEATHER CASE MAKERS. Stark Mrs.Emma,ll3 Batte.rsea Park rdSW Hornsey Rise N Stockwell SW Adams S. R. & Co. 222 Battersea Bridge Starlight Laundry,179 Queen's rd.PckhmSE Turner J.40~outhbrook st.Shphrd.'s B~hW Willmott Mrs.M.A. 13 Ronver rd. Lee SE road SW Statham John, 23 South row, Nth.Kens W Tnrrell J. 30a, Lordship la.E.Dulwich BE Wimpole Steam Laundry Co. Limited, Hawkins & Whiteheart (hat), 125 Rye Station Laundry (The), 6 Coulgate street, TUNell J. De H.2b, Beaufoy rd.S.LmbtbSW 63 Standen road, Wandsworth SW lane, Peckham SE Brockley SE Tyrer Mrs.A.61 Kynaston rd.Stk.NwngtnN Wingfield Mrs. Mary, 266 Kensal road, Stephens Jas. & Son, 303 Southampton st. Tyrrell Sidney Chas. 16 Lee st.Plumstd SE Kensal New Town W CamberwellSE & 18Perry vale,Frst.Hl SE Udall Fredk. John, 5 Sefton st.Putney SW Winn Richd.18Wendell rd.Shphrd.'sBsb W LEATHER CUTTERS. Stephenson Herbert, 48 Jervis road & 101 Underhill Mrs. Mary Ann, 33 Hackford Winn W.26 Wendell rd.Shepherd's Bush \\ Winstone House Laundry Ltd. 12a, Grove Bowen Timothy, 12 Balham New road SW Dawes road, Fulham SW roaa, Brixton SW Thain Mortimer, 105 High st.Homerron NE Stevens Mrs. .Alice, 14 Ethelburga ~treet, Ussell Miss Elizabeth, 9 Turner rd.Lee SE road & 4 Ravenswood road, Balham SW Battersea SW Va.rney F.20 Wendell rd.Shepherd's Bsh W Wodehou~e MI"s. Alice Caroline, 205 Ken­ Stevens Miss Caroline, 1 Inman road, Villar A. 115 Herries st. Queen's Pa.rk W sal road, Kensal New Town W LEATHER DRESSERS. Wandsworth SW Vine Geo.9 Jeddo rd.Rhepherd's Bush W Wood Mre. .Yary, 163 Lower Park road, Davis Samuel, Radnor yard, Bird-in-Bllllb Stevens J as.219a,Lordship la.E.DulwichSE Vine Geo. 4 Studland st. Hammersmith W Peckham SE rood, Peckbam SE Stevens Mrs. Marian, 4 Lettsom street, Virgo James, 11 Eltham green, Eltham SE Woodhams J. & L. 164 Stewart's road, Edwards E.T.& Son,213b,Rye la.PckhmSE Camberwell SE Waight Fredt>rick, 318 Kensal road W South Lambeth SW Miller Emil., & Co. (& dysrs), Uhfton Stevens Mrs.Sarah Jane,51 Hornsey riseN Walker Mrs. Constance Mary, 39 Hall Woodhurst Richd.157 Glyn rd.Lw.CiptnNE works, King Arthur street, Peckham SE Stewart Mrs.A. 33 South row, N. Kens W road, Peckham SE Woodroofe Walt.66 Herries st.Queen's PkW Stone & Moyce,244 Merton rd.WndswthSW Walker Mrs.E. 54 Charlmont rd. TootngSW Woodward Mrs. Lizzie, 5 Boutflower road, Stradwicke George, 7 New Church road, Walker Mrs. Eleanor, 45 Red Lion lane, Battersea SW LEATHER GOODS MANFRS. Camberwell SE Shooter's hill, Woolwich SE Woolf John, 34 Miall rd.Lw.Sydenham SE George & Jarvis (fancy), 51 Clarence rd. Stratton Albt.Ernst.163 Sth.Lambeth rdSW Wall James William, 39 Revelstoke road, Woolveridge Evelyn, 7 Stronsa road, Lower Clapton NE Stride Miss A. 77 Paradise rd.Claphm SW Wandsworth SW Shepherd's Bush W Homewood John, sen. (fancy), 10 Turle Stringer Hbt. 21 Trafalgar rd. Grnwch SE Wallace Hampton, 19 Furzedown market, Woredell Geo.Arth.95 Victoria rd.Chrltn SE road, Tollington Park N Strong Frank, 21 Lemuel st. Wndswrvh SW Tooting SW Wright Mrs. E. 29 Bickersteth rd.Ttng SW Homewood Sidney Charles (fancy), 20 Sturman Miss Amy, 10 Ladywell Park ter- Wallen J.A. 42 Beethoven st.Queen·~ PkW Wright F. 3 Ga.yford rd.Shepherd's BshW Sussex road, Holloway N race, Lewisham SE Wangler Mrs.Mary,44Dagnan rd.BalhmSW Wright Hy.118 Greyhound la.Streathm SW Magnus Bros. Heatherley st.Stk.Nwngtn N Style J.76 & 78 Herries st.Queen's ParkW Warby W. 2 Tyssen rd.Stk. Newington N Wright Mrs.L.54 Hammrsmth.Bridge rd W Robert William & Co. (fancy), 30 High Superb LaundriesLtd.Besson st.N ewCrssSE Wnrd Miss Caroline, 29 Parkhouse st. & Wyard Edgar J. V. 41 Parkhouse street, street, Peckham SE Surn.>y Hand Laundry, 50 Wells street, receiving office, 27 Grove la.Cmbrwll SE Camberwell SE Weeks Thomas J. & Sons Ltd. (fancy), Camberwell SE Ward Miss Mary Ann,35 Beethoven street, Wynne Mrs. F. 6S6 Stree.tham High rd SW 152 Clarence road, Lower Clapton NE Swain Albert George, 77 South row, Queen's Park W Wynter D.123 Hanley rd. Finsbury Park N Williams Gibson & Co. (fancy), 61 Warner. North Kensington W Warne Mrs. Marion, 16 Pope's rd. Brixton Yapp Herbert Alfred, 187 New King's rd. road, Camberwell SE Swain C.187 Kensal rd.Kensal New TownW SW; 17 Bellenden road, Peckham SE & Fulham SW Sweetland E. 13!1 Larkhall la. Olapham SV\ 116 Falcon road, Battersea SW Yates Mrs. Alice A. M. 8 & 9 British LEATHER MANUFACTRS. Switzer Mrs. Anne, 35a, Beethoven st. Warne Mrs. Miriam, 3 Ringstead bldgs. grove, Chiswick W Queen's Park W Catford SE & 179 Manor st. Claphm SW York Mrs. H. 65 Beadnell rd. Forest HIRE Chuter & Son Limited, Ohamois leather· Switzer W.J.21 Beethoven st.Queen's PkW Warren Wm. E.141 Denmark rd.CmbwllSE Young J. R. 262 West End la.Kilburn NW mills. Summerstown, Tooting SW Symons Mrs.Louise,175Church rd.BttrsaSW Wates A.E.27 Parkhouse st.Camberwell SE Oriental Leather & Leatherette Co. (1908) Tabor Miss Olive Emily, 16 Sunnyhill Wathen Miss Julia, 127 Landor road, LAUNDRY ENGINEERS. Ltd. (Ernest Pearce, sec. & manager), road, Streatham SW Stockw;ell SW Baker Bros. 23b, Baylin rd.Wndswrth SW 154 Olapham Park road SW Taylor Mrs. Lavmia Elizabeth, 39 South­ Watts Mrs. Lilian,37 South row, N.KensW Baker Wm. E. 62 Gipsy rd. W.Norwd SE ReynoldsFrnk.&Sons,38Leyton sq.PckhmSE fields road, Wandsworth SW Watson Jn. la & 128 High st.Plumstd SE Carline Thos. 23a, British gro.Hmmrsth W Tebbitt Brothers, Latona rd. Peckham SE Taylor Miss M. I. 52 Askew road, Shep­ Wat>on Jn. 69 Vicarage rd. Plumstead SE Croxon W. C. 286 Kilburn la. N. Kens W Underwood J. T. Ltd. 109a, St. George's herd's Bush W Wat~on Mrs. Minnie, 91 O!d Woolwich rd. Polysulphin Co. Ltd. 89-93 Fonthill road, road, Peckham SE Taylor Miss Louisa Jane, 122 Herries st. Greenwich SE Finsbury Park N Queen's Park W Weaver Mrs. Amy, 96 Adelaide road, Pope Lionel,13 St. Mark's rd.Camberwll SE LEATHER MERCHANTS. Taylor Waiter, 40 Perry hill, Catford SE Shepherd's Bush W Thomas & Taylor, 99 Fonthill rd. Fins­ Taylor Wm. 292 Sandley rd. Catford SE Webb Fredk. 38 Church rd. Brixton SW bury Park N Ashman Thomas Nathaniel & Co. 155 King Tearle Mrs. L. 44 South row, Nth.Kens W Webb MM.H.E. 128 Wellfield rd.StrthmSW street, Hammersmith W Barton Geo. F. 114 Queen's rd.Peckhm SE Tebb Mrs. A.16 West row,KensalNewTnW Webb Rarry,71 Becklow rd.Shphrd.'sBshW LAUNDRY EXPERTS. Tebbit Mrs. Adelaide, Blackwater street, Webb Harry, 98 ~erton rd.Wandswrth SW Beaver's Stores Ltd.39 Lewis gro.LwshmSE Newlands Bros. & Mumford, 141 & 275 Bolwell Frank, 81 Goldhawk: rd. Shep- East Dulwich SE & llOa, Forest hill SE Webber John Frederick, 179 Abbey Wood Kensal road, Kensal New Town W Tebbit Mrs. Adeline, 120 & 346 Lordship road, Abbey Wood SE herd's Bush W lane, East Dulwich SE; 90a, Evelina rd. W ebber Mrs. M. 67 Alderbrook rd. Balbam SW Drue Bros. 152 Falcon xoad, Battersea SW Peckham SE & 3 Nunhood crescent, Web8ter Mi81! E. 3 Willow rd.Hampstd N"\\" LAUl-iDRY REQUISITES. Daniels Jn. B. 156 High st. Peckham SE Peckham Rye SE Weeden Mrs. Maud, 93 Stockwell road R"\\" Harvey's Glaze Ltd. 125 Peckham rye BE Daniels Joseph, 92 High st. Peckham SE Fostercreed Percy, 12 Lewisham Higb Tebbit Mrs. Adelaide, llOa, Forest Hill Welch Ry.Jsph.77 Frederick pl.Plumstd SE Newlands Bros. & Mumford, 275 & 141 road, East Dulwich SE Welch Miss J. 67 Askew crescent, Shep- Kensal road W road, New Cross SE herd:s Bush W . Harris Z. 158 Plumstead rd. Plumstead SE Textile 01eansing Co. 24 Blackstock road, Wilkie, White & Co. 22 St. Peter's squa.re, Patent Stud Co. 115 Upper Tooting rdSW Finsbury Park N Weller Mrs.S.23Bndge rd.we.Battersea SW HammeJ"8mith W Thomas Mrs. Ellen, 146 Kensal road W Wells Mrs. Lydia, 41l South row,N.KensW 1 Pepper Jn.E. 433 Coldharbour Ia.BrxtnSW­ Templeman Fredericlt T. 119 High street, Tbompson Jn. 2 Harwood rd. Fulbam SW Welsh Mrs. Annie, 466 Garratt lane, LAW STATIONERS. Tlhompson Jn.35:1 King- st. HammersmithW Wandsworth SW Clapham SW Reynolds Thomas James & Co. 9 Ashness Twist Wm. D. 29 Wilcox rd.S.Lambth SW Thompson Mrs.Mary,197Clapham Pk.rdSW Welsh Chas. Brathway rd. Wandswrth SW road, Battersea SW Wenham Mrs. Emma, 36 & 38 Sussex Wittenberg Max & Co. 33 Broadway, Ham. Thomson Harry,l15 Gaskarth rd.BalhmSW mersmith W i'hornhill Laundry, 20 York rise, High- road, Brixton SW LAWN MOWING MACHINE gate road NW Wenham Mrs. Eunice, 122 Wells road, Thornley Mrs. Hepzibah, 31 Inman road Sydenham SE MAKERS. Pocock Bros. 235 Southwark Bridge rd SE & 156 Penwith road, Wandsworth SW; Weot Mrs.

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