AGENDA for the University of the Fraser Valley SENATE October 12, 2012 - 2:30 pm Mission Campus, Room D245 Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 2.1 Agenda THAT the agenda for today's meeting of Senate be approved as presented. 4-14 2.2 Minutes THAT the minutes of the September 14, 2012 meeting of Senate be approved as presented. 3. PRESENTATION 3.1 Karin Jager, Program Co-ordinator, Graphic and Digital Design 4. DECISION ITEMS 4.1.Education Plan Update - Peter Geller 15-153 4.1.1 2012 Update THAT Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the 2012 Update to the 2011-15 Education Plan, as presented. 4.2.Senate Governance Committee - Gerry Palmer 154-158 4.2.1 Course Loads, Academic Program Policy (63) - Revisions THAT Senate approve the revisions to the Course Loads, Academic Program policy (63) to change the measurement of student workload from courses to credits, as recommended by the Senate Governance Committee. 159 4.2.2 Standing Committees of Senate - Nomination of Chairs for 2012-13 160-167 4.2.3 Senate and Board Election Procedures Document Revision THAT Senate approve the revisions to the procedures document for the conduct of elections at Senate and the Board of Governors, pursuant to amendments to Board Bylaw 110.07 Board Composition, Appointments, Elections, and Succession which specifies the terms for faculty membership on the Board of Governors. Page 1 of 319 UFV Senate Meeting, Public Session October 12, 2012 Page 168-169 4.2.4 Graduate Studies Committee - Addition to Membership THAT Senate approve the Senate Governance Committee’s recommendation to add the chairs of graduate programs as ex officio non- voting members of the Senate Graduate Studies Committee. 4.3.Academic Planning and Priorities Committee - Chantelle Marlor 170-176 4.3.1 Mathematics and Statistics THAT Senate approve the changes to the Mathematics major (BA) as recommended by the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee, effective September 2013. THAT Senate approve the changes to the Mathematics minor (BA), extended minor (BA), minor (statistics option) (BA), and extended minor (statistics option) (BA) as recommended by the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee, effective September 2013. 177-178 4.3.2 English Programs - Arts 100 THAT Senate approve ARTS 100 as an alternative to ENGL 105 in the English Honours, majors (English Literature, Drama, Creative Writing, and Writing and Rhetoric concentrations), extended minor, and minor as recommended by APPC, effective immediately. 179-180 4.3.3 Electrical Entry Level Trades Training Program THAT Senate approve the changes to the Electrical Entry Level Trades Training program, including a name change from Electrical Work certificate to Construction Electrician certificate, as recommended by APPC, effective November 5, 2012. 181-182 4.3.4 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing Certificate THAT Senate approve the changes to the Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing certificate completion report, as recommended by APPC, effective immediately. 4.4.Undergraduate Education Committee - Samantha Pattridge 183-191 4.4.1 Delegation of Course Approvals to the Undergraduate Education Committee THAT Senate delegate the authority to approve new courses and course changes to the Undergraduate Eduation Committee. 192-253 4.4.2 Course Approvals 4.5.University Secretary and Registrar - Al Wiseman 254-258 4.5.1 Approval of Graduands - THAT Senate approve the appropriate graduation award for the candidates listed in the report presented at Senate. 4.5.2 2013-14 Sessional Dates - exhibit to be distributed at meeting THAT Senate approve the 2013-14 sessional dates for semester-based Page 2 of 319 UFV Senate Meeting, Public Session October 12, 2012 Page courses as presented. 259-263 4.5.3 Standing Academic Appeal Committee under the Academic Appeals Policy - exhibit to be distributed at meeting Approval for an interim solution for the Standing Academic Appeal Committee (SAAC) under the Academic Appeals (61) Policy 5. REPORT 5.1 Report from the President and Vice-Chancellor - Mark Evered 6. INFORMATION ITEMS 264-268 6.1 Bachelor of Arts in Global Development Studies - Revisions to Curriculum 269-272 6.2 Changes to June 2012 Final Graduation Roll 273-316 6.3 Board of Governors Information Items 317-319 6.4 Senate Governance Committee Information Items 7. IN-CAMERA SESSION - Agenda under separate cover 8. ADJOURNMENT and NEXT MEETING Page 3 of 319 ... Agenda Item # 2.2 Minutes for the University of the Fraser Valley SENATE September 14, 2012 PRESENT: Alumni: Kelly Chahal Deans: Sue Brigden John English Rosetta Khalideen Joanne MacLean Ian McAskill Jacqueline Nolte Faculty Members: Trudy Archie Tom Baumann Maria Bos-Chan Steven Marsh Sylvie Murray Gerry Palmer (Vice-Chair) Teresa A. Piper Christine Slavik Maggie Theron John Todrick Noham Weinberg Zoe Dennison President: Mark Evered (Chair) Provost/VP Academic: Eric Davis University Secretary Al Wiseman and Registrar: Staff: Colleen Bell Mark Brosinski Students: Alycia Bradley Theresa Coates Brad Derbyshire University Librarian: Kim Isaac Guests: Peter Geller Kathy Gowdridge Regrets: Tim Cooper Dan Harris Kamal Moghrabi Minutes Page 4 of 319 ... Agenda Item # 2.2 UFV Senate Meeting, Public Session September 14, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Evered welcomed members, new members, and guests to today's meeting and called the meeting to order at 2:35 pm. Vice-Chairman Palmer congratulated Chairman Evered for receiving the Diamond Jubilee. 2. ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 2.1. Agenda The agenda for today's meeting was approved with the following addition: Senate election updates, as University Secretary and Registrar item 5.3.7. MOTION: THAT the agenda for today's meeting of Senate be approved as revised. T. Baumann/J. Nolte CARRIED 2.2. Minutes MOTION: THAT the minutes for the public session of the June 1, 2012 meeting of Senate be approved as presented. A. Bradley/S. Brigden CARRIED MOTION: THAT the minutes for the August 22, 2012 orientation of Senate be approved as presented. C. Slavik/K. Isaac CARRIED 3. SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORT - Chief Financial Officer Jackie Hogan 3.1. 2013-14 Budget Principles Chief Financial Officer Jackie Hogan presented the 2013-14 budget principles and timelines prepared by the Senate Budget Committee for information and comments. 4. BUSINESS ARISING 4.1. Senate Standing Committee for Student Appeals: Membership Composition Revision - SGC Recommendation - Gerry Palmer Membership composition requirements for the Senate Standing Committee for Student Appeals are five faculty members of Senate, none of whom are from the same faculty and two faculty members who are not members of Senate. The Senate Governance Committee recommended amending the terms of reference to add one more Senate faculty position to the appeals committee to serve in a Minutes Page 5 of 319 ... Agenda Item # 2.2 UFV Senate Meeting, Public Session September 14, 2012 one-year term, ending July 31, 2013. This Senate faculty member may be from a faculty already represented on the appeals committee. At its August 22, 2012 orientation, Senate approved the nomination of Senator Zoe Dennison, faculty member from the Faculty of Social Sciences, to serve in this one-year position to assist the committee with inaugural tasks and procedures. The Senate Governance Committee's motion was approved at Senate with a friendly amendment to the motion to clarify that the terms of reference were being revised to include one more Senate faculty position to the appeals committee, to serve in a one-year term, ending July 31, 2013. MOTION: THAT Senate approve an amendment to the terms of reference of the Senate Standing Committee for Student Appeals to allow the addition of one faculty member of Senate to serve in a one-year term, ending July 31, 2013, on the Senate Student Committee for Student Appeals, and that this membership may be from a faculty already represented on the appeals committee. G. Palmer/ T. Baumann CARRIED 5. DECISION ITEMS 5.1. Senate Governance Committee Recommendations - Gerry Palmer 5.1.1. Faculty Council for Health Sciences - Inaugural Nominations and Elections Procedures The Senate Governance Committee has reviewed the inaugural nomination and election procedures for the faculty council of Health Sciences and recommended them to Senate for approval. MOTION: THAT Senate approve the inaugural nominations and elections procedures for the Faculty Council for Health Sciences as recommended by the Senate Governance Committee. G. Palmer/ T. Baumann CARRIED 5.1.2. Revisions to the Rules for the Conduct of Business for Standing Committees of Senate The Senate Governance Committee, in consultation with the University Secretary, recommended that the attendance requirement procedures in the rules for the conduct of business for the standing committees of Senate be revised. MOTION: THAT Senate approve revisions to the rules for the conduct of business for standing committees of Senate to amend the attendance requirement procedures, as recommended by the Senate Governance Committee in consultation with the University Secretary. T. Baumann/J. Todrick Minutes Page 6 of 319 ... Agenda Item # 2.2 UFV Senate Meeting, Public Session September 14, 2012 CARRIED 5.2. Academic Planning and Priorities Committee Recommendations - Eric Davis 5.2. English Program Review 1. http://ufv.ca/Assets/Senate/Academic+Planning+$!26+Priorities+Committee/Progra m+Reviews/English+Program+Review.pdf At the November 2011 APPC meeting, Jacqueline Nolte, Dean of Arts, presented the English program review. APPC accepted the documentation related to the English program review as presented and recommended acceptance by Senate. MOTION: THAT Senate accept the English program review. E. Davis/T. Baumann CARRIED 5.2.2. Institutional Learning Outcomes E. Davis presented the UFV Institutional Learning Outcomes document for Senate approval. The document is the product of a collective and democratic year-long exercise that was composed by the entire UFV community. It was suggested at Senate that the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee look at producing a timeline for revising the learning outcomes and the process by which they be revised.
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