DAILY STAFF JOURNAL OR DUTY OFFICER'S LOG Page No. No. of Pages 1 4 CONFIDENTIAL Period Covered From To Organization or Installation Location Hour Date Hour Date AMERICAL DIVISION TOC CHU LAI, RVN 0001 01 Dec 69 2400 01 Dec 69 Item Time Incidents, Messages, Orders, Etc. 1 0001 Journal Opened. 2 0225 11 Bde, Sp Douglas, A/1-20, BS833437 at 0209H. Obsr & eng 3xVC/NVA approx 50m fr perimeter w/SAF. Res: Unk. 0715H Update: at 0708H swept area & fd 1xVC KIA, 1xNVA unif, 1xNVA flag, 1xM-26 HG, 1xChicom H/gren, & docu at BS808441. 1xpaper included name, age & village of 1xindiv (NFI). All equip dest. Docu will be evac to LZ Bronco. While on sweep rec 2xH/gren w/NCD. 3 0405 (DELAYED) 198 Bde, Sgt Hill, 4/6 ARVN, BS724823 at 301600H Nov 69. Rec sniper fire. Res: 1xARVN WIA(E). 0200H at BS718830, 4/6 amb & cptr 1xVC. To be evac to Son Tinh. (Info only) 4 0530 198 Bde, CPT Lange, 4/6 ARVN, BS720820 at 0330H. Rec unk amt 60mm mort rd, B-40 rkts & ground attack w/H/gren. Res: 7xARVN WIA(E), 2xARVN KIA, 4xVC KIA, & 10xChicom H/gren CIA. (Info only) 5 0600 11 Bde, CPT Small, S2. Req LRRP AO #42. Area: Fr BS6046 S to 600446 W along bdry of AO ext #109 to 5944 S to 5943 E to 6343 N to 6346 W to 6046. Time: 0600H-1700H. Appr by G3, CPT Pate. Ntfy: FSE, CPT Sullivan; 11 Bde, Sp Douglas. 6 0605 CLDC, Sgt Redman, at 0430H. Practice alert condition code#1. Ntfy: 11 Bde, Sp Douglas; 198 Bde, Sp Westerman; 196 Bde, Sp Parks. Alert personnel rear area at 0515H-0600H; complete, 11 Bde, CPT McNeal; 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer; 196 Bde, Sp Parks. 7 0535 CLDC, Sp Gull at 0530H. CLDC alert cond is CLDC code #4, eff: 0540H. 8 0645 CLDC, Sgt Rickman,, CLDC alert cond is CLDC code #5, eff: 0650H. 9 0705 198 Bde, Sgt Early, D/1-6, BS445032 at 0645H. Tracker Dog Req. Time: 010800H-030800H Dec. Reason: Follow trail of 3xVC. Passed to 63d Scout Dog Plat, Sgt King. Appr by Sgt King. Appr by G3, CPT Smith. Passed to 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer. Pick up at Ranger Pad at 0800H. 10 0800 11 Bde, Sp Pedraza, BS599445 at 0645H. LRRP tm Oregon was inserted in Box #42 at above time & grid. Ntfy: G2, Sp White; FSE, CPT Sullivan. 11 0845 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-1 Cav, BS495755 at 0700H. Obsr & eng 1xVC evad. Res: 1xVC KIA. 12 0850 AMCAL, MAJ Boozer, G3. Fire Fly Msn. Time: (1) 012330H-020130H Dec. (2) 020330H-020530H Dec. Passed to 198 Bde, Sp Burnett; FSE, CPT Sullivan; G3 Air, SFC McConnell; AAE, CPT Spies. 13 0910 196 Bde, Sp Boquard, C/3-21, BT015223 at 0800H. Fd 1xburned US rucksack, 1xUS helmet,1xUS dest flight helmet in hut. 2xhelmets extracted to LZ Center. 14 0920 196 Bde, Sp Boquard, A/4-31, AT906220 at 0843H. Dtn 2xVN fem trying to evad when A Co entered village. Evac DET to LZ West. 15 0930 196 Bde Sp Boquard, B/1-1 Cav, BT183466 at 0825H. Resupply UH-1 rec 15-20 rds SAF fr approx 400m E of B Trp loc w/NCD. B Trp rtn SAF w/unk res. 16 0930 196 Bde, Sp Boquard, D/2-1, BT171254 at 0825H. Fd 1000 lbs unpol rice in baskets hidden in hay stacks. Dtn 3xVN fem and 7xchildren w/neg ID. Rice was locally grown & D Co was on search & clear msn. Ntfy: III MAF, Sgt Stabbs at 1000H. 17 0930 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-52, BS507884 at 0750H. Det 1xB/T M-26 H/gren w/trip wire. Res: 3xUS WIA(E) & 1xKCS WIA(E). D/O compl at 0825H. 18 0940 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-1 Cav, BS486770 at 0700H. Obsr signs of rec actv in last 12 hrs. Area appeared to be 2xsqd NDP. Also obsr new huts & 9’ deep bunkers reinforced w/timber. Helix processed A/S. BDA 12xbnkrs dest & 3xVC KBA/S. 19 1010 11 Bde, PFC Robinson, C/3-1, BS423622 at 0925H. Fd base camp w/sleeping pos for 40xmen. Neg huts or bnkrs. Appeared to be infiltration route thru area. Used w/in last week. Pos dest. 20 1017 196 Bde, Sp Boquard, F/8 at 0955H. BT087204. Obsr 1xhut, 1xpack & 1xUS helmet. Eng & dest hut. BT082204, eng partially dest 1xhut. BT080210, dest 2xhuts. BT104212, dest green uniforms BT105213, dest 1xhut w/uniforms outside. BT101217, eng 4xVC evading. Res: 3xVC KIA. 21 1100 196 Bde, CPT Wineman, S2 at 1050H. Req AO ext for LRRP Box #11 W to BS0297 & BS0295. Time: 010600H- 052400H Dec. appr by G3, CPT Pate. Ntfy: 196 Bde, Sp Boquard; FSE, CPT Sullivan. 22 1115 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-52 BS505879 at 1000H. Det 1xbouncing betty mine. Res: NCD. Det by a bulldozer. 23 1115 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, A/1-52, Bs595825 at 1005H. Fd 1xB/T 105 rd in a hole covered w/bamboo & w/det wires running fr it . Res: dest. 24 1140 11 Bde, PFC Robinson, A/1-1 Cav, BS910151 at 1100H. Fd 1x5” naval rd B/T w/pressure release device. Dest. 25 1145 196 Bde, Sp Boquard, A/3-21, BT051229 at 1115H. Eng 2xVC w/neg packs or wpns 50m E of loc. Res: 2xVC KIA. 26 2115 (DELAYED) 11 Bde, SSG Champo. LRRP Req. Box#42: Team Oregon. Area: BS5946 to 6346 to 5943 to 6343. Msn: area recon. Time: 010600H-051700H Dec. Passed to Minh Long, initials S.R.B.; appr by initials D.E.S. thru 11 Bde, Sp Gilroy. Appr by G-3, CPT Pate. Passed to 11 Bde, Sp Gilroy. 27 0840 DTOC, CPT Stewart, G2. Req LRRP Box #6. Box: UL Bs3077, LR BS3573. Time: 020600H-072400H Dec. Passed to Ha Thanh thru B-11, SFG, Sgt Leleux; disapprov by Sgt Leleux. Disapprov by G3, CPT Pate. Ntfy: G2, Sp Duke. DAILY STAFF JOURNAL OR DUTY OFFICER'S LOG Page No. No. of Pages 2 4 CONFIDENTIAL Period Covered From To Organization or Installation Location Hour Date Hour Date AMERICAL DIVISION TOC CHU LAI, RVN 0001 01 Dec 69 2400 01 Dec 69 Item Time Incidents, Messages, Orders, Etc. 28 0930 11 Bde, Sgt Baker. Req time ext to AO ext #33. Time: Fr 012400H-032400H Dec. Passed to Ha Thanh thru B-11 SFG, Sp Reed; appr by Sgt Leleux. Appr by G3, CPT Pate. Ntfy: 11 Bde, MSG Martin; FSE, CPT Sullivan. 29 1015 11 Bde, PFC Robinson, LRRP Oregon, BS599446 at 0905H. Fd 1xNVA base camp 3xmonths old. Checking for further information. 30 1145 196 Bde, Sp Boquard, C/1-46, BT177075 at 0915H. LOH near LZ Professional was extracted. Ref DJF entry #48 & #59 dtd 30 Nov 69. 31 1320 11 Bde, Sp Gilroy, LRRP Oregon, BS591431 at 1020H. Obsr 12xVC mov W on trail at above grid. 1230H, eng 8xVC mov W w/arty. Res: 4xVC KBA. 32 1305 198 Bde, Sgt Hill, R/6 ARVN, BS749847 at 1235H. Eng 1xVC. Res: 1xVC KIA, 1xM-16 CIA. (Info only) 33 1325 11 Bde, Sp Boquard, D/2-1, BT170257 at 1210H. Fd buried near hut, 1xNVA pack, 2xAK-44 rds, 1/2 PRC-25 battery, & misc equip. Res: Dest hut & misc equip. Evac remainder to Hawk Hill. 34 1400 198 Bde, Sgt Hill, 3/6 ARVN, BS516774 at 1350H. Rec 1xHoi Chanh who was wounded. Neg pack or wpn. Evac to Quang Ngai. Ntfy: IPW, Sgt Hyde. 35 1235 11 Bde, Sp Hicks, C/3-1, BS427618 at 1100H. Fd 4xhuts, 3xhuts 8’x10’, 1xhut 30’x15’. Also fd 5xfighting pos, fresh cut grass, flashlight batteries rigged w/petna for B/T, 300 lbs unpol rice (unfit for human consumption), 1xSoviet bayonet, 1xM-2 cbn, 1xNVA rucksack, 100xrds AK-47 ammo, docu, 1xNVA gas mask, 10 lbs of opium, misc canteens, & pistol belts. Dest all except wpn, docu, & opium which were evac to FSB #411 Ntfy: G2, SGM Stevenson. 36 1235 11 Bde, Sp Hicks, A/4-3, BS718377 at 1145H. Fd old base en camp w/10xbnkrs & mess hall & 1xtin hut. Also fd 47xrolls of blank printing paper. Dest. Ntfy: G2, SGM Stevenson. 37 1500 (DELAYED) 1st Recon, 1st Marine Div, Sgt Weatherhill. AO Req #47. DTG: 020001H-052400H Dec. Purpose: Combat Ops. Area: UL AT8330, LR AT8628. Passed to 196 Bde, CPT Russell; appr by CPT Russell. Appr by 4-31 Inf, LT Gonzales; G3, CPT Pate. Ntfy: 1st MAR Div, Sgt Jones; FSE, CPT Sullivan. 38 1335 11 Bde, PFC Robinson, Aero Scouts, BS611473 at 1200H. Eng 4xsampans. Res: 4xsampans dest. 39 0643 11 Bde, Sgt Baker. Air Cav Req. Time: BMNT-EENT, 2 Dec. Purpose: VR & Reaction Msns. Report to LZ Bronco for briefing. Call sign; Macon Fender; freq: 66.25. Appr by G3, MAJ Boozer, Aero Scouts. Ntfy: 11 Bde, MSG Martin; AAE, MAJ White. 40 0830 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer. Air Cav Req. Time: BMNT to EENT 2 Dec. Purpose: VR & Reaction Msns. Report to LZ Bayonet for briefing. Call sign: Cordite Gates; freq: 63.25. Appr by G3, MAJ Boozer (D/1-1). Note: APD Msn. Ntfy: 198 Bde, Sp Naradzay; AAE, MAJ White. 41 0830 196 Bde, Sp Bauer, Air Cav Req. Time: BMNT-EENT, 2 Dec. Purpose: VR & Reaction Msns. Report to Hawk Hill for briefing. Call sign: Raggy Shores; freq: 64.60. Appr by G-3, MAJ Boozer (Blueghost). Ntfy: 196 Bde, Sp Morrow; AAE, MAJ White.
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