A n d iM n r E b^ K q Srn ilS F t m A T , s B P m i B m s t Tm ® Average Daily Circulation The Weather For tbe Month of Augnst, 1940 Forsosst of V. S. H’estber Bureau 6,331 Fair, not quite so eold tonight: Member of the Audit Sunday fair, slightly warmer. Bureau of Clreulstions SATURDAY Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm WITH VOL. LIX., NO. 307 wfClaaalflsd -Adverttitlng on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1940 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS DOUBLE i^^9C GI^EN STAMPS Attitude Toward British Aid Pondered; Given vnth Cash Sales Substandards of Hale’s Mattress Covers Special! 2-Year Guarantee! Can be used on any Innerspring or Beautyfest mattress sr box Rayon Gowns Finespun Sheets spring. Scissors and Shears Ameriean Nations Ready for Aggression Value* to $3.00. Qowna with half Irish rayon satla atriBM. full out la assorted colors. Sixes 10 and 17. ' " ’ 81ic:ht mlsweavei, oH apots or. uneven hems which do not Im­ pair wearing qualities. $1.09 59c,^ ea.e*. 2 for $1.00 6’^. r . 8” Shears 4” - 5” . 6” Scissors Fiflv Times Deatjlier Bomb Reg. $1.29 81x108 . $ Good quality muslin, with seams all bound and rubber buttons. Embroidery Scissors $ 1.00 1.00 Pedicure Bisson Featherproof Maniciire Scissors Singapore Base Deal, lan Cites Havana Reg. $1.19 81x99 . 89c > Notion Dept. — Pillow Ticks Slips ' Reg. $1.10 63x99 . 79c Regular 25c Rayon crep# and satin with lace or taUored trim— guaranteed teams. Colora; Tea rose or white. Sizes 33 to 44. Treaty’s Ratification; Arms Supply Studied; Another Shipment! 4 for $1.00 New Fall Anklets Terri or waffle weave with straight tops or turn back cuffs. Substandards— Regular 37c Lady Pepperell Percale Made of striped featherproof ticking. Re-cover your old pil­ A ll colors. Sizes 8 to 11. , lows at this saving.________________________________ $ 1.00 Pillow Cases Lingerie Dept. Japan Forced to Act Bombers Hit London 3 lb. Cotton Batts 3 65c Regular 69c D. G. A. Full Fashioned Mid - M orning .Attack .Aelion to Depend Upon .Senate Approves Paii- Axes, Saws, Other Tools Japuiiosp Krarlion (Irys- Chiifon and Service Weight M illinery Ftillows Furious Over­ Turn Bark Glorks Whether Help l.ikely 4 for $1.00 00c ea. Ameriran l*aet by Used in Big Aulopsy tallizpH in That Substandarda of the fine quality Lady Pepperell pillow cases— A beautiful assortment of hats in felts, corduroy and sued*. night Assault ^ inding O iir Htnir r«>iii)'lil 'r«> Affeel DeeiHively alight mlsweaves, oil spots, uneven hems. Stock up now while Makt your own puff*. 3 pounds stitched bstt of unbleached H osiery Large and small brims, off face models, turbans and bonnets. A ll Voire V’olt* Shortly .Aft­ Little Hock, Ark., Sipt. 28. UiiilPfl StatPH Mainly coUon. colors and head sizes. Up riiree Siieeessive Manehester, In common with ProgretsM of ar; Trad* our supply lasts at this low price. AU flrat quality, ringless•ini hose in new Fall shades. Dollar Dav '.fr The University of A r­ practically every community er Announcement in kansas Medical Schools f'e- Kpsponsiblr for f’on- Regular $1.19 only! W <*eks of Relentless In the F.aalein time belt, will ing of Over-.Age De- Substandards of Lady Pepperell Berlin of Japan l.ining pnrlmenl of Pathology last rliision of Treaty by return to the Standard Time night [>erformed what its offl- -Air Siege of British basis at. midnight tonight. RlroyerR Does Not Up with Axis Powei^s cl.vls describe!! as the largest ('.onsislpiit ami Unfail­ pr. $ 1.00 Capital: F'ighters In­ Mean (jiiifliel; Pact Novelty Lunch Cloths 2 Pr. $1.00 In A^reeinenl I*letl}i5- aulopsy in this slate’s hl.story. ing O|i|>osilion to l*oli- TURN BAf'K YOUR riXX'K.S Percale Sheets • Millinery Dept. - Teasie, 7,0(M) pounds circus tercept First Raiders. one hour upon retiring try- .Agaiii-t Intervention. — Hosiery Dept.- in^ Mutual AHsislance. elephant whlih liie'l Thursilay, rips in Fast Nine Years. night All .M a n c h e s t e r Reg. (1 .6 9 8 1 x1 0 8 ................. was the subject. rhun hea will operate on the $1.39 London. Sept. 28.— i/F)— .Standard Time schedule be­ Bulletin! $ 1.00 Washington, Sept. 28.—(/P) Using axes, aaws and other Tokyri, Sept. 28.—(/P>—Ja- Basement Specials carpenter shop instruments, German homliers struck at ginning tomorrow. Berlin. Sept. 28.— <4’)— The Hand blocked prints, homespun checks and pure linen with —Senator Pittman (I)., Nev.) I phy.sieians and stinlents <liseov- paiifc.st! reaction to the new | Reg. $1.59 81x99 ................... colored borders. Buy for yourself or for gifts. Rayon Underwear London again today in a mid- three signatories to the Ger­ $1.29 citing ratification of the I ere,! Tessie dieil r>f tetanus atul Uonie-Iterlin-Tokyo i>act crys-: Kilray satin stripe undies in smartly tatlorud styles. Vests, Regular $1.25 Galvanized Garbage Cans— A 4 /\/\ morning raifi after a furirm.s man-Italian-Japanese m ilita ry Panties, Briefs, Step-ins. Treaty of Havana a.s new' that sill' al.so suffererl a lung , tallii-.ed t<p(lay in the view, Special I 70” x 90” All White (with covers)..................................... V 1 e U L I overriglit as.saiilt that wounrl pact have agreed on the area Reg. $1.59 72x108 . $1.29 proof of Pan-American .^oli- ‘ eongeslion • that the United States was Sizes 36 to 44 Regular $1.25 Kitchen Step-on Cans— f\t\ uji three successive weeks of British Look in which the Red star of So­ Slight miaweavaa, oil apota, uneven hems. 3 for $1,00 (iarity, declared today that I niairdy responsiMe for conclu­ Ivory, White, Green ........................... , U U the western hemi.'^phere na-j relentless air siege of the viet Russia is to be the con­ Sheet Blankets sion of the treaty through liiitisti capital. R. F. light­ trolling s\ mhol. the authori­ Larger Sizes fion.s are jireimred to meet ; ron.sistent atid unfailing op- For Closer Tie Substandards of Regular 25c Solid Color 2 for $1.00 Regular $1.25 Cake Covers—Single and A j Willkio Will er plane.s im m ed iately swarrn- tative commentary, Dienst ‘‘any aggression" wliicli ' lio.sition to JapaiK'se polici<'s Hand and Face Size Main Floor— Right.* double sizes in assorted colors............ V X a U v l erl up to inlei'ceiit the tirst aii-r Deutschland, said t«>day. 7 9 c might arise from tlie (ier- in the last nine years. “ In rairler.s and after a short time In NeAA Linen|> man-Italian alliance with Ja­ S|jleak .short," a highly placed .lajia- Ijirge six#, good quality all white sheet blankets with stitched Simulated Leather Mirro Bun W a rm ers........ Loniloners emerged from R'Tlin, Sept. 28.—(/P>— ends. $ 1.00 pan. The Senate ratified the nese told The .Assoi’iated Turkish Towels J their shelters— ready for an­ German conjecture centered Regular $1.29 Door Mirrors— Full length in ^ ^ A C k treaty liy voice vote yester­ Press, "the attitude of the See Stronger Uinking 70” X 99” S iz e ........................................................... $1.00 III the East That aerial bomb whirh Rergt Frank Newl<rn Is hohling none oth er ner\c-taut da\ o f in ter­ todav on tlie R'lme-Berlin- maple or walnut fra m es..................... V X e v i v r day shortly after announce­ H andbags United Stiites fiprced .lapan I'yo glngerlv at San l.tngo. Calif., is no pl.'ivthing Ne-Aton. hea<l ^ ilh U. S. as Result Tokyo attitude under tht; Special! 72” x 90” Part Wool ment in Berlin that Japan ol the Fort Rosecrans Ordnanc e DepaiTmenl aii'l r-< ognized Army mittent alarms. ^ All copies of better*r bagsbnps in calf, alligatorallij or seal grain. Colors; Regular $1.29 Magazine Racks— Maple or 0 ^ A A to take sides. We have done The Briti.rrh .said th- overnight new world-front military pad 6 $ 1.00 had lined up formally with To Aflflress New Ytirk so. authority on combustion, said he had developed a new cnnstnic- Of Japan's Joining Black navy, brown,, wine. raid.s against l./indon and towns , mahogany finish ................................ V X e v H J lion meUiod tnrreaslng tximb s destne live ch(>hi ity lifty fol‘1. toward any United States' H s M BtiawaaTM which do not impair wearing qualities. Blue, the Axis powers in a(n agree-, ' .lapan s fnenil.ship need never of England. Rcotland and Wales The Rome-Berlin .Axip. G. O. P. Cttiivention at Army Ordnance officers are experimenting with the new bomb con­ 'deal to u.se Britain'.s Singa- f r * m and peadi with novelty borders, In 16" x 28” sire. Also Double Plaid Blankets Regular $1.29 0 m g\g\ ment which pledged the three | ' have been alienated," he declared struction. j h.id rn.st the Germans heavily. white with colored borders In blue, gold, green, peach "particularly since America ha.s ' pore .N’aval base and toward ea. Maple Foot Stools...................................... V A e V lx J nations to assist each other | Yonkers Raee Traek; I A second alarm sent l^vndoners i Ixmdon. Rept 2« R The Brit- $ neither economic nor strategic to shelter this arternrsin just as . 1.00 ish pr^iv almost without ^xcep- ''continued aid to Ffritain in Regular $1.00 Hurricane Lamps— A 4 i\r\ in the.
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