Page 2-MEL(tDY MAKER, July 27,IFIfig Advertist me MUSICIANS' INAPARTHIEDROW n,1 UNION MAY MOVE FIFTHCOLUMN PLUS TWO You <antellIt'sToll,and rem. .187.7 Festival GRAM betterway MU APPLAUD ing-andwhat In startthe season,JOHN DANK. WORTHand CLEO TAINS gulp, vlSitorsto Ir.cllyals 'They areappearing to i this month and this a, bound to heplaying Role, PARSONS'REFUSAL fromtheir manyI. Ps-taking first, CLEOhas Suite a 1 (5) MONY MONYTommy Jamesand the Shondells, Major Minor ladies Musicians' Union mayconsidertherefusalselectionofmaterial on FOR, 2 (31I PRETEND Des O'Connor, Columbia TANA, like"SHAKESPEARE- THEof future applicationsfromforeignmusicians THAT JAZZ" (STL 3 I) AND ALL I BABY COME BACK intend Equals, President to play in Britain if theyhaveworked, or 5209stereo,TL 52119 mime). 4 (4) YUMMYYUMMY YUMMY Ohio Express, Pye to work, in South Africa. Likethetitlesays,this e. week's with a musical 5 (2) THE SON OFHICKORY HOLLER'S In a statement to MelodyMaker,followinglast Shakespeare TRAMP...O. C. Smith, CBS of hisre-hacking, somewhat lay ,n 6 article in which ex -Byrd GramParsonsspoke (7) MACARTHURPARK Richard Harris, RCA with theSyrtis,MU assistant -clinedIt'sa small group wits fusal to play in South Africa of thewell-arrangements byJOHN DANK. 7113) FIRE Crazy World ofArthur Brown, Track secretary Harry Francis said"Inthe light Union,which isstronglyWORTH-in thelast title. THE 8 (6) YESTERDAYHAS GONE known policy of the Musicians' dIS WORKS, Cupid's Inspiration,Nems opposed to apartheid and anyother formof racial COMPLEAT CLEO Parson through every one of thr 9 118) THISGUY'S IN LOVE CRAM PARSONS crimination,we mustapplaud the actionOf Grant sings Herb Alpert, A C.7 M to gotoSouthbard's known works and it 10 (20) MRSROBINSON in refusing Simon and Garfunkel,CBS Africawith theByrds. really is something -1didn't 11 {24) HELPYOURSELF " We thinkthat ourexecu-realise hehad written quiteVI Tom Jones, Decca expect things, and CLEO'S vocal 12 tivecommitteewill many (8) MY NAMEIS JACK who are per- on thisdifficult Manfred Mann, Fontana foreign musicians Britain toperformance 13(17)I CLOSE MYEYES AND COUNT mitted toperform in piece is wellworthhearing TO TEN Mick Jagger conform to theUnion's policy"WOMAN TALK" (STL 5916 in whichbans engagements 5318 is Dusty Springfield, Philips South Africa toits members stereo, T1. Mono) 14 (26) LASTNIGHT IN SOHO and the Byrds'decision to per-totally different withbig band form there maywell lead ourbacking and manyofthebig Dave Dee, Dozy,Beaky, Mick and Tich,Fontana committee torefusetocon -standards of yesterday andto. 15(15) HUSH...NOT A WORD TOMARY John Rowles, MCA alderfutureapplicationsforday, including a fabulous to star in foreign musiciansto performarrangement ofPLEASE DON'T 16 114) ONE MORE DANCE Esther and AbiOfarim, Philips in Britain if theyhave recentlyTALK ABOUT ME WHEN I'M performed there, or arelikely 17 10) JUMPIN'JACK FLASH Rolling Stones. Decca GONE, andanequallystart. to do sointhe future." lingperformanceofLITTLE 18 (9) BLUEEYES Gram Parsons left the Don Partridge,Columbia is 19 (11) LOVIN' Byrds on the eve of theirde-BOAT, CLEO'S latest album THINGS Marmalade, CBS dramatic parture for a ten-day touroftitled "IF WE LIVED ON THE 20 (22) GOTTASEE IANE South Africarecently. TOP OF A MOUNTAIN" (STL R. Dean Taylor,Tamla Motown 5464stereo,TL 5484mono) 21 (21) WHEREWILL YOUBE Sue Nicholls, Pye SPINNERS RESIDENT Now for a fast bit of chat ahout 22 111) HURDYCURDY MAN MR. DANKWORTH'S L.P.s. His Donovan, Pye THE Spinnersareresidentfirst for FONTANA was "WHAT 23 (27) UNIVERSAL on the newFriday night Small Faces,Immediate film role BBC -I television show, How IITHE DICKENS!" (STL 5203 24 (16) YOUNGGIRL Is, Introduced by Peter Asher.stereo, 11. 5203 mono) and Union Gap, CBS guess what?-it's dedicated to 25 (-) SUNSHINEGIRL MICK JAGGER will shortly return from America, where Today (Thursday) they record Herman's Hermits, Columbia he is working on anew Stones album, to start work another spot for the show andmany of the characters in 26 (28) KEEPON Bruce Channel. Bell on his first dramatic screen role In the Warner Bros -Seven tomorrow appear at the Coun-Charles Dickens' books! It Arts film Performance. try Club, BeIsIze Park, London.features, among others. TUBBY 27 119) D. W.WASHBURN Monkees, RCA On Saturday theyaretheHAYES, RONNIE SCOTT and Film starts shootingon Monday (29), but Mick will not guests 28 1-) DANCETO THE MUSIC Sly and the Family Stone, appear onthesetuntil some time afterwards.Allexterior special on CountryRONNIE ROSS, andisstill one CBS scenes are being shot first, and these involve James Fox and Meets Folk (Radio One andof my particular f avottrites 29 I-) DAYS Two) and then Wolverhampton"ZODIAC VARIATIONS" (STL Kinks, Pye other members of the cast. folk club (28), Battersea Park, 30 (-)'HERE Mick portrays a " dropout" fromthe" socialstream 5229 stereo, TL 5229 mono) is COMES THEJUDGE Pigmeat Markham,Chess of contemporary life "-until heruns into a vicious gangster, London (30), Radio One Break-the nexton thelistDedicated played by James Fox. fast Special recording (31)andtothose who readtheirstars LOPIGACRE PRESSLTD., 1968 Mick is writing the musical Flow ItIs recording and thein the Sunday papers, this score, and will sing one song Tees -side International Eis-features peoplelikeCLARK Inthe film teddfod. Middlesbrough(Aug-TERRY, BOB BROOKMEYER POP 30PUBLISHERS Melody 1). and LOOT SIMS. JOHN'S latest WHO SINGLE forusis "THE MILLION DOL- I P1011010, NO, 2 SPENCER TVSONG Morris. Patricia; 3 Kossner, 20 lobete/Corlin, 21Welbeck, 22 Donovan, 13 LAR COLLECTION " (STL5445 .1 TM My., 5 Burlington,6 Carlin;7 Essex, 8 imediate, 24 Dicklomes, 25Monique, Who's next single will stereo.TL 5445mono).This Fonkirn, 9 Blue Seo/Jac,10 ater 11 Valle, 26 Maker SPENCER DAVIS has re- 12 sekkrion,13 Carlin,14 Lynn; 15 .-croiroBernstein,27 THEbe " Magic Bus," released album is dedicatedto a million Intone;16 Screen Gems,28 Carlin, corded theopeningsongdollars' worth of ,pall, 17 Mirage; 18EssexInt,19 Gollico; 29 Dovroy/Corlin, 30Jewel. on August 23. They will return oilPRInFin1F fora children'smagazinepro- Whilst I have been Writme from their current highlysuc- 161 Fleet St, LondonEC4 cessful American tour on gramme called Magpieto beabout JOHNand CLEO, Num& US TOP Telephone:01-363-5011 screened TEN TOP TEN LPs September I to promote the by Thames Tele-MacPlurdley hasburst into mY disc. vision, thenew London week-officeagainjumpingupand As listed by'13111600rd " I III OGDEN'S NUT GONE FLAKE On their return they willgo daycompany. down about theFOLK side of I ill GRAZING IN THE GRASS Srrion Faces, Immediate into the studios to complete Thesong, called "Magpie,"the CambridgeFestival-really, Hugh Masekela, Unl Jack Hutton is based thisman isnever '21 LADY WILLPOWER 2 (2) THISIS SOUL Various 'Wefts,Atlantic theirnew albumwhich is ASSISTANTEDITOR on a nursery rhyme. satisfied- Dory Pork. ond the Union Gap, Columbia planned for release at the end Spencer iscurrentlyrecordingbutashe'stallerthan meI 3 131 THE SOUND OF MUSIC Soundtrack,RCA Bob Houston 3 151 STONED SOUL PICNIC of September. an albumfor UnitedArtistssuppose I'd better tellyou about 5thLASH Dimension, Soul City (7) HONEY Andy Williams, CBS Plans are under way for the FEATURES EDITOR tobe releasedin Septemberpeople like ODETTA, HEDY III JUMPIN' JACK F Bob Dawbarn 5 141 LOVE ANDY group tostart aBritiSh tour Next monththegroup tour theWEST, STEFANGROSSMAN, Rolling Stones, London .. Andy Williams, CBS Continent, and NOEL 5 (51 THE HOR in October. NEWS EDITOR startingat MURPHY-who, by 6 151 DOCK OF THE BAYOhs Redding, Sfax burg. where Ham-the CliffNSEobtes and Co, Phil L A of Soul Alan Walsh they willattend way, have recordsonFON- 6 r 1, HURDY GURDY MAN Donovan, Epic 7 191 JUNGLE BOOKSoundtrack,Disneylond BRIGGS LEAVES' STAFFMEN the filmpremiere of TANA.First we haveour latest Go "Here WeODETTA i41 THIS GUY'S IN LOVE WITH YOU I 110, SMASH HITS Max Jones Round The L.P. called "ODETTA Herb Alpert. AGM . hmi Hendrix, Truck Bush." MulberryAT CARNEGIEHALL" (ELL 9 181 CLASSICAL GAS EAD guitaristVicBriggs Laurie Henshaw 9 (VI JOHN WESLEYHARDING Bob Dylan,CBS 409mono only).Asthetitle Mason Williams, Seven Arts and bass guitarist Danny Chris Hayes LONGEST tellsyou, 9 I . 10 1-1 CRAZY -EVER this was recorded at "II HELLO, LOVE YOU ..Doors, Elektra WORLD OF ARTHURBROWN McCulloch have left Erie Bur- TOUR? Chris Welch the Carnegie In'101 INDIAN LAKE . Hall anditillus- Cowsills, MGM Arthur Brown, Track don and the Animals. Bill Walker trates the McCulloch willgo solo and AMENCORNER,the Move electrifying effect she c ' has Ton on audiences, HEDY WEST Is recording an albumfor and SkipBifferty be haveisthenext on the scene with MGM which features him sing- Asr signedforwhatcould"SERVES ing, Briggs Is expected to E T b the longest-ever British 'EM FINE" (STL con- MANAGER tour. popeen 5432 stereo, centrate on his playablemono). recording Peter Wilkinson Promoted Thisvery fine American singer work, by DonArdeni hasade Andy Somers,lateofthe start October Britain her home and last 42 days. 15andrealfolkenthusiastsare very Soft Machine and Dantalion's playingonlypleasedabout Chariot,replacesBriggs. The EDITOR majorvenues. ittoo-sodo star Three otheryourselfa big favour and get Kenwright rest of the line-up is Eric 'Jor- Jerry Dawson names haveyet signed. tobe rselfalistentoSERVES don and Coot Money Ora and 2-4 OxfordRoad nCSaturdaorner cis), John Weider (gtr) and Manchester1 guesty( -this Barry Jenkins (des). Timethis in Dee time a gentleman-STE- Lore's Telephone,Central3232 they wh FAN GROSSMAN.STEFAN has Eric has been asked tore- will feature their27) a c" rr t niceChun, a single,"High on FONTANA cord a pilot show for pos- In TheSky." called"AUNTMOLLY'S MUR- sibleaeriesof 20 weeksfor "RAY FARM" BingCrosbyProductions In (STL 5483 stereo, Mac* & White TI, 5483mono)on whichhe America. treats Plans are under way for him ustoararecollection CMGM1340 rifbluessongstraditional and to make aseriesofBritish original. Stefan dales backed by a bigband. was once a pupil of theREV, GARY DAVIS, so he'sno fool whereblues are NEW KING DISC) concerned.
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