Report of a Meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee of Chard Town Council held on Monday 16 January 2006 Present: Deputy Mayor Cllr D M Bulmer Chairman Cllr A J Prior Councillors: Cllrs P D C Fitzgerald, Mrs B M Mooney, Mrs A Spencer, Mrs Wickenden and Mrs Wyatt (standing in for Cllr Miss Goldsmith) Administrative Assistant. 1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Miss Goldsmith 2. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Bulmer declared a personal and prejudicial interest in applications 05/03316/FUL and 05/03264/FUL. 3. Public Participation Time. For this agenda item the council will adjourn its business under Standing Orders 15 (g) and 68 to allow residents, employees or business people of Chard to address the meeting on any planning matter. RESOLVED: so suspend Standing Orders to allow members of the public so speak Mr Newberry addressed the committee concerning application 05/63127/LBC. He questioned the need to demolish this building which was listed and in a conservation area. He thought the building should revert to it’s previous use as a garage or converted into a dwelling. He was afraid the site would become a dumping ground for rubbish if the building were to be demolished. Mr Bicknell addressed the committee concerning the same application saying that he objected to the demolition of a listed building. This was a good stone building and could be converted into a dwelling in keeping with the surrounding cottages. There had been a previous application on this site to which there had been several objections and he thought if this building were taken down it would make room for even more dwellings. RESOLVED: to re instate Standing Orders 4. To consider the following planning applications:- 5. PLANNING 05/03127/LBC Demolition of stone outbuilding adjacent to Bath Lane. Land rear of 38 – 40 Holyrood Street Chard Somerset TA20 2ET. Mr S Stacey and Mr R Moss. NF Refused 05/03163/FUL Erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling (amended design to approved planning application number 04/01349/FUL to include conservatory to rear elevation). Two Ash Farm Tatworth Road Chard Somerset TA20 2NN. JM (Not within our Parish but adjacent to it) Noted Cllr Bulmer left the room prior to the following application being discussed 05/03264/FUL Proposed formation of a block of three two bedroomed apartments. Land at 65 Old Town Chard Somerset TA20 2BD. Mr N Cleal Motor Company. NF Approved – 4 for and 1 against 05/03307/FUL Proposed erection of 1 no 3 bed bungalow. Land adjacent 23 Bradfield Way Chard Somerset TA20 2BG. Yarlington Homes. LA Approved 05/03308/FUL Proposed erection of 2 no 2 bed bungalows. Land between Nos 3 & 4 and 7 & 8 Kennion Close Chard Somerset TA20 2BJ. Yarlington Homes. LA Approved – but would wish to see the rear access to neighbouring properties maintained Cllr Bulmer left the room prior to the following application being discussed 05/03316/FUL Erection of conservatory to rear of property. 46 Bryer Close Chard Somerset TA20 2LA. Mr Michael Hill. JM Cllr Prior read a letter of objection from Mrs Davey RESOLVED; Refused – height of wall and impact on neighbouring property 05/03329/FUL Demolition of existing Conservatory and erection of replacement with increased floor area. Monmouth House Fore Street Chard Somerset TA20 1QA. Chard School. GV Approved 05/03337/LBC Demolition of existing Conservatory and erection of replacement conservatory of increased floor area, to front elevation of property. Monmouth House Fore Street Chard Somerset TA20 1QA. Chard School. GV Approved 05/03349/FUL Proposed three bedroom detached dwelling and re-location of existing garage to 17 Nursery Gardens. Land adjoining 16 Nursery Gardens Chard Somerset TA20 1HH. Mrs G Down LA Approved 05/03350/COU Change of use to Four Residential Bed-Sit units. 2 – 5 Stringfellow Gallery Holyrood Street Chard Somerset TA20 2AH. Stringfellow Properties Limited. LA Approved 6. AMENDED PLANS 05/02303/FUL Proposed erection of a detached dwellinghouse and garage. Land adjoining Homefield Lordsleaze Lane Chard Somerset TA20 2HN. Country Village Homes Ltd. NF. (DB/JM) AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED 7 December 2005. Position of dwelling moved north west by 3m away from protected tree. Approved by SSDC under Delegated Powers 7. PLANNING 1. Review of Parish Boundaries Cllr Prior outlined proposals for changes to Chard Parish Boundary and told members this would be discussed fully at the Town Council meeting to follow. 8. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 1. Letter from Andy Foyne of South Somerset District Council dated 16 December 2005 and entitled `Planning (Development Control) on the move’. (Previously circulated) RESOLVED; to note Report of a Meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee of Chard Town Council held on Tuesday 14 February 2006 Present: Deputy Mayor Cllr D M Bulmer Chairman Cllr A J Prior Councillors: Cllrs P D C Fitzgerald, Ms D R Goldsmith, Mrs A Spencer, and Mrs Wyatt (standing in for Cllr Mrs Mooney) Administrative Assistant. 1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr J D Malcolm, Cllr Mrs B M Mooney and Cllr Mrs R T Wickenden. 2. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Miss Goldsmith declared a personal interest in application 06/00019/FUL and Cllr Mrs A Spencer declared a personal interest in application 06/00152/FUL. 3. Public Participation Time. For this agenda item the council will adjourn its business under Standing Orders 15 (g) and 68 to allow residents, employees or business people of Chard to address the meeting on any planning matter. RESOLVED: to suspend Standing Orders to allow members of the public to speak Mr Thomas addressed the committee concerning application 06/00008/FUL saying that highways had concerns over the access but following a site visit had said that, on production of proof of a legal right of way across the access road, they would recommend approval. He told the committee that there were not objections from adjoining residents, this was a brownfield site near the Town centre and met all the policy requirements and he asked that Councillors would support the application. RESOLVED: to re instate Standing Orders; to bring forward application 06/00008/FUL. 06/00008/FUL Erection of bungalow. Land rear of 23 Crimchard Chard Somerset TA20 1JS. Mr and Mrs P N Cornelius. NF Approved 4 for and 1 against RESOLVED: to suspend Standing Orders to allow members of the public to speak. Mrs Rymel addressed the committee concerning application 06/00152/FUL. She told Councillors that she had read the letters of objection to this application however she felt that it met all the development criteria in line with PPG3. RESOLVED: to re instate Standing Orders; to bring forward application 06/00152/FUL. 06/00152/FUL Proposed erection of 1 no dwelling. Land adjoining Pentire Lyddons Mead Chard Somerset TA20 1HD. Mr and Mrs J Rymell. IA. Approved RESOLVED: to suspend Standing Orders to allow members of the public to speak. Mr Rowe told the committee that application 06/00046/FUL had been brought back because of a minor amendment. RESOLVED: to re instate Standing Orders; to bring forward application 06/00046/FUL. 06/00046/FUL Proposed erection of pair of semi-detached dwellings (Amended Design to Planning Permission No 05/00455/REM). Land adjoining 30 Glynswood Chard Somerset TA20 1AH. Mr R Cridge. NF Approved RESOLVED: to suspend Standing Orders to allow members of the public to speak. Mr Rowe addressed the committee concerning application 06/00335/FUL saying this was a semi detached dwelling and owing to the front door opening straight onto the pavement the occupants were requesting a porch to the rear access which they always used. RESOLVED: to re instate Standing Orders; to bring forward application 06/00335/FUL. 06/00335/FUL Erection of a rear porch. 2 Crowshute Chard Somerset TA20 2EN. Mr P Collier. JM. Approved RESOLVED: to suspend Standing Orders to allow members of the public to speak. Mr Rowe addressed the committee concerning application 06/00276/FUL. Pre application discussion with planning and highway officers had been favourable and they were likely to recommend approval. Highways had requested that the access from the roundabout be removed. RESOLVED: to re instate Standing Orders; to bring forward application 06/00276/FUL. Approved 4 for and 1 against 5. To consider the following planning applications:- 05/02983/FUL Conversion of residential dwelling into 3 no. self contained flats. 49 Victoria Avenue Chard Somerset TA20 1HG. Mr J S Nichols. LA. Approved – 4 for and 1 against 05/03346/FUL Erection of a single storey rear extension. 7 Manor Farm Chard Somerset TA20 2EB. Mr C Birch. LO To defer this application – to request a clearer site plan 05/03387/TPO Carry out surgery works to trees subject to TPO SSDC (CHAR2) 1995 known as G1. 51 Britannia Way Chard Somerset TA20 1DL. JM Refer to SSDC arborist 05/03402/FUL Re-opening of disused vehicular access to rear yard. 58 Fore Street Chard Somerset TA20 1QA. Mr M Jeanes. NF Approved – 4 for and 1 against 05/03405/LBC Re-opening of disused vehicular access to rear yard. 58 Fore Street Chard Somerset TA20 1QA. Mr M Jeanes. NF Approved – 4 for and 1 against 06/00019/FUL Erection of a utility room and conservatory. 46 Old Town Chard Somerset TA20 2BE. Mr and Mrs T Field. LO Approved 06/00087/TPO Carry out surgery works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Order SSDC (Char 2) 1995 known as G2. 49 Britannia Way Chard Somerset TA20 1DL JM Refer to SSDC arborist 06/00226/TPO Proposed surgery works to Oak tree, subject to TPO SSDC (Char 2) 1995 at rear of 52 Redstart Road Chard Somerset TA20 1SD.
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