A1 Vol. 131, Issue 291 .50 East Surry advances INDEX Obits ... page 3 Opinions ... page 4 Business ... page 5 Sports ... page 6 Classifieds ... page 8 Sunny Serving Surry County since 1880. High Low Page 6 Forsubscriptions, call 786-4141. 80 61 The Mount Airy News www.mtairynews.com Printed on recycled newspaper Tuesday, October 18, 2011 Epperson facing charges in raid MORGAN WALL iff Graham Atkinson. The hand son has been charged with three directors to let them know of the STAFF REPORTER grenades had been modified to counts of possession of weapons situation on Friday. create an explosive device. The of mass destruction and six counts In the letter, McCrary assured ATF, once on scene, contacted the of third-degree sexual exploita- parents that Epperson “is not an A local man is facing charges Winston-Salem Police Depart- tion of a minor. Atkinson said the employee of Millennium Charter after a raid conducted at his home ment Bomb Squad to remove the investigation is continuing and Academy. He is a parent and a vol- on Thursday by the Bureau of Al- devices. he expects there to be additional unteer at the school,” and that “his cohol, Tobacco and Firearms and In addition to the hand gre- charges. duties as a volunteer have always Explosives. nades, Atkinson said officers lo- Epperson is a parent volun- been conducted out in the open, Deputies with the Surry Coun- cated photographic evidence that teer at Millennium Charter Acad- at publicly visible locations.” Ep- ty Sheriff’s Office contacted the indicated sexual abuse had poten- emy where he helped with traffic person has been relieved of all ATF after finding three simula- tially occurred in the home. control by directing cars so they duties associated with the school tor trainer hand grenades during The Surry County Sheriff’s could enter and exit the park- and has been asked to not be on a search at the home of Anthony Office executed the search as the ing lot safely. MCA Headmaster school grounds until the incident Gilmer Epperson, 56, at 165 result of an investigation that Ep- Kirby McCrary sent an e-mail to is resolved. Englewood Trail in Mount Airy, person, a convicted felon, was in the school’s faculty and parents according to Surry County Sher- possession of a firearm. Epper- as well as the school’s board of See RAID, page 2 Anthony Gilmer Epperson Parks to lead fight against prescription drug abuse locally TOM JOYCE an ongoing problem the lo- STAFF REPORTER cal law enforcement and medical communities have Her title is not drug czar, sought to address, linked to but Donna Parks is being dangerous substances find- looked to to play a key role ing their way into the wrong in reducing major problems hands. from prescription medica- Parks’ selection as coor- tion abuse in Surry County. dinator came during a meet- Parks, a Surry Health ing last week at Mount Airy and Nutrition Center em- High School attended by ployee, has been named about 55 people. coordinator of a group that “It was a real diversified will seek to implement so- group,” said Police Chief lutions to overdose deaths, Dale Watson, who was in- addiction, crime and other strumental in launching a issues associated with pre- task force to deal with the scription drugs. abuse. Along with the law As of Sept. 1, at least 25 enforcement and medical ar- county residents had died eas, there was representation from overdoses as part of See ABUSE, page 3 MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS One of the inflatables set up on the football field caused plenty of laughs as students tried to see how far they could run before being yanked back by an elastic band. County board pursues money for interstates MAHS celebrates its students MORGAN WALL sewer project STAFF REPORTER MEGHANN EVANS STAFF REPORTER The 550 students at Mount Airy High School received a surprise treat DOBSON — The county is requesting business owners Monday afternoon as the school’s in the Interstates Water and Sewer District send in mon- football field turned into a mini- etary pledges so it can decide when to move forward with a carnival. sewer project to the area. The carnival was designed to The Surry County Board of Commissioners gave County recognize students for their work in Manager Dennis Thompson the go-ahead Monday to send leading to the school being named out a letter to those who have previously pledged financial a National Blue Ribbon School in support for the Interstates Water and Sewer District project. September. As students flocked into Last month the board directed the county’s budget and the stands, the excitement of seeing finance committee to research the sewer project and give inflatables and a rock-climbing wall a recommendation to the board on how to move forward. was evident on their faces. No one, Thompson presented the commissioners with a packet on however, was more excited than Monday which included a suggested timeline. If the time- Principal Sandy George, the master- line is followed, letters to pledge partners will be sent out mind behind the event. this week, with the deadline for pledge payments set for “I’m so excited,” she said several Jan. 13. Between now and the end of the year, the county times during the event. “It’s about would contact various agencies to look for further funding them. The award is based on student assistance for the project. The board would then discuss the achievement so what else would you want to do but recognize the stu- dents? We just want to tell them keep See SEWER, page 3 doing what you’re doing and you’re awesome.” The school’s faculty, who were in on the planning for the event, helped Boston company to George keep the event a surprise for students. Planning has been ongoing since George learned of the school receiving the award. She announced spearhead Beck line to the student body that they would TOM JOYCE been vying for that oppor- be on an assembly schedule on STAFF REPORTER tunity for several months, Monday but did not elaborate as to which includes making var- the reason. Around 12:30 p.m., she Although Glenn Beck ious clothing items contain- called them all to the football sta- has selected another com- ing sayings such as “Death dium. munity besides Mount Airy to Tyranny” to reflect the “I had heard rumors but I didn’t to launch a new clothing ideals of Early America. know exactly what was going to line, Mayor Deborah Co- The 1791 label will honor MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS happen,” said Sara Pequeno, ninth- chran says the city could yet the year the Bill of Rights grader. Mount Airy High School students take advantage of a climbing wall set be involved in the endeavor. became part of the Consti- “I didn’t know what was coming. up to the side of the football field Monday afternoon. “I’m still hopeful,” the tution. I had heard rumors but I didn’t think mayor said Monday in light Those working with it would be real,” said Blake Bond, to have the opportunity to have fun.” schools with at least 40 percent of of an announcement in re- Beck to choose a suitable ninth-grader. Mount Airy High School is the their students from disadvantaged cent days that Beck had manufacturer for the cloth- There were in fact some rumors only high school in the state to be backgrounds that improve student picked American MoJo, ing found it “almost im- as to the reason for the assembly honored as a National Blue Ribbon performance to high levels as mea- an entity headquartered in possible” to find the right schedule. School this year. There were 314 sured by the school’s performance Boston whose operation is combination of factors de- “I hate to disappoint the rumor schools across the nation nominat- on state assessments or nationally- based on creating employ- sired during a search that that President Obama is coming. ed for the award with only 43 high normed tests. Mount Airy High ment opportunities for sin- began in January, based He’s in North Carolina but he’s not schools actually receiving it. The School will be recognized at a na- gle moms. on media accounts. These here,” George told students once program honors public and private tional award ceremony in Washing- After various options factors included an en- they were gathered in the bleachers. schools based on one of two crite- ton, D.C., Nov. 14-15. were explored, American tity with the “institutional “Today is about you. It’s better than ria: schools whose students are high Once they were released by MoJo was considered to knowledge” to create qual- Obama. The staff, when they first performing and ranked among each George, students flooded the field be “the one company” that ity, yet affordable apparel heard about this award, wanted to state’s highest performing schools to be the first in line at the activi- met all the criteria Beck was celebrate you guys and wanted you as measured by their performance seeking for his 1791 cloth- See BECK, page 5 level on nationally-normed tests, or See MAHS, page 10 ing line, according to me- dia reports. Mount Airy has A2 2 Tuesday, October 18, 2011 The Mount Airy News, Mount Airy, N.C. www.mtairynews.com Deweys kick off Teen Read Week celebration MORGAN WALL scary as the original tale. As part of National Teen STAFF REPORTER The story follows Ichabod Read Week, the library also Crane’s journey to the town will have a book chat on of Sleepy Hollow where he Thursday for readers of ju- To celebrate Teen Read becomes the school master.
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