Agenda Item 8 Report PC56/15 Appendix 1 South Downs National Park Preferred Options Local Plan September 2015 DRAFT 1 DRAFT 2 Foreword Page of text presenting the Preferred Options Local Plan Photograph MP DRAFT 3 DRAFT 4 Have your say The Local Plan Preferred Options consultation will run from 02 September 2015 to 23.59 hours 28 October 2015. There are three ways to respond to the consultation: • Accessing the consultation website: http://consult.southdowns.gov.uk • Filling in an electronic comment form and emailing it to [email protected] • Completing a paper copy comment form or writing to the SDNPA at the following address: Planning Policy South Downs National Park Authority South Downs Centre North Street Midhurst West Sussex GU29 9DH So that your response can be accurately recorded please record clearly which chapter and/or policy you are commenting on. Please note that all representations will be published on the SDNPA website and anonymous comments cannot be accepted. Please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Policy team by email at [email protected] or telephone on 01730 819284 if you have any queries about this consultation. DRAFT 5 DRAFT 6 Contents Foreword 3 Have your say 5 Index of Policies 9 Chapter 1: Introduction 13 Chapter 2 - Spatial Portrait 26 Chapter 3: Vision and Objectives 34 Chapter 4: Core Policies and Spatial Strategy 37 Chapter 5: A Thriving Living Landscape 61 Chapter 6: People Connected with Places 117 Chapter 7: Towards a Sustainable Future 133 Chapter 8: Strategic Sites 185 Chapter 9: Allocations 207 Chapter 10: Development Management 247 Chapter 11: Implementation and Monitoring 315 Appendices Appendix 1: Summary Maps for Towns and Villages in the National Park 316 Appendix 2: Evidence base studies 352 Appendix 3: Neighbourhood Development Plans in the South Downs National Park 357 Appendix 4: Village Design Statements, Parish Plans and Local Landscape Assessments 359 Appendix 5: Conservation Areas, Registered Parks and Gardens and Battlefields in the South Downs National Park 367 Appendix 6: Housing Trajectory 373 Appendix 7: CurrentDRAFT Development Plan Policies operating in the National Park 375 Appendix 8: The Special Qualities of the South Downs National Park 397 Glossary 401 7 DRAFT 8 Index of Policies Policy Page Core Policies Draft Policy SD1: Sustainable Development in the South Downs National Park 38 Draft Policy SD2: Major Development in the South Downs National Park 39 Draft Policy SD3: Ecosystems Services 46 Draft Policy SD4/CP: The Coastal Plain 52 Draft Policy SD4/ DS: The Dip Slope 54 Draft Policy SD4/ WD: The Western Downs 55 Draft Policy SD4/SS: The Scarp Slope 57 Draft Policy SD4/WW: The Western Weald 58 Strategic Policies Draft Policy SD5: Landscape Character 66 Draft Policy SD6: Design 72 Draft Policy SD7: Safeguarding Views 73 Draft Policy SD8: Relative Tranquillity 74 Draft Policy SD9: Dark Night Skies 77 Draft Policy SD10: The Coast 83 Draft Policy SD11: Historic Environment 88 Draft Policy SD12:DRAFT Biodiversity and Geodiversity 94 Draft Policy SD13: International Sites 101 Draft Policy SD14: Green Infrastructure 106 Draft Policy SD15: Flood Risk Management 107 9 Draft Policy SD16: Aquifers 108 Draft Policy SD17: Rivers and Watercources 114 Draft Policy SD18: Transport and Accessibility 121 Draft Policy SD19: Walking, Cycling and Equestrian Routes 123 Draft Policy SD20: Sustainable Tourism and the Visitor Economy 128 Draft Policy SD21 Recreation 130 Draft Policy SD22: Development Strategy 137 Draft Policy SD23: Housing 141 Draft Policy SD24: Affordable Housing Provision 149 Draft Policy SD25: Rural Exception Sites 150 Draft Policy SD26: Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 158 Draft Policy SD27: Sustaining the Rural Economy 164 Draft Policy SD28: Employment Land 167 Draft Policy SD29: Town and Village centres 169 Draft Policy SD30: Strategic Infrastructure Provision 174 Draft Policy SD31: Climate Change and Sustainable Construction 184 Strategic Sites Draft Policy SD32: Shoreham Cement Works 193 Draft Policy SD33: Syngenta, Fernhurst 200 Draft Policy SD34:DRAFT North Street Quarter and adjacent Eastgate area, Lewes 204 Allocations Policy SD-SS03: Land at Old Malling Farm, Lewes 211 10 Policy SD-WW03: Land at New Road, Midhurst 217 Policy SD-WW04: and at Petersfield Road, Midhurst 218 Policy SD-WW05: Land at Lamberts Lane, Midhurst 219 Policy SD-WW09: Land at Clements Close, Binsted 222 Policy SD-SS02: Land at Kiln Lane, Buriton 224 Policy SD-WW11: Land at Brookland Way, Coldwaltham 227 Policy SD-WW01: Land east of Cowdray Road, Easebourne 229 Policy SD-WD01: Land at Itchen Abbas House 232 Policy SD-DS01: Land between Church Lane and the A273, Pyecombe 234 Policy SD-WW02: Land at Farnham Road, Sheet 236 Policy SD-SS01: Land south of Loppers Ash, South Harting 238 Policy SD-SS07: Land at Meadow House, West Meon 240 Policy SD-SS06: Land at Floud Lane and Long Priors 242 Policy SD-DS03: Land at Hoe Court, Lancing 244 Policy SD-DS02: Land at Normansal Park Avenue, Seaford 245 Development Management Policies Draft Policy SD35: Provision and Protection of Open Space 247 Draft Policy SD36: Local Green Spaces 248 Draft Policy SD37: Energy Performance and Historic Buildings 249 Draft Policy SD38:DRAFT Conservation areas 249 Draft Policy SD39: Enabling Development 250 Draft Policy SD40: Archaeology 253 Draft Policy SD41: Sustainable Drainage 259 11 Draft Policy SD42: Public Realm and Highway Design 262 Draft Policy SD43: Car and cycle parking provision 263 Draft Policy SD44: Replacement Dwellings, Extensions and Annexes 266 Draft Policy SD45: Agricultural and Forestry 274 Draft Policy SD46: Farm Diversification 276 Draft Policy SD47: Rural Workers’ Dwellings 278 Draft Policy SD48: Conversion of Agricultural Buildings 288 Draft Policy SD49: Equestrian Uses 292 Draft Policy SD50: Shops outside centres 295 Draft Policy SD51: Shopfronts 297 Draft Policy SD52: New and Existing Community Infrastructure 300 Draft Policy SD53: Supporting Infrastructure for New Development 302 Draft Policy SD54: Advertisements and Signage 305 Draft Policy SD55: Renewable Energy 310 Draft Policy SD56: Telecommunications, services and utilities 313 DRAFT 12 Chapter 1: Introduction What is the Local Plan? 1.1 The Preferred Options version of the South Downs Local Plan is the first Local Plan for the whole of the South Downs National Park. It therefore plans for the National Park as a single entity for the first time. The South Downs was established as a National Park in 2010. It contains over 1,600 square kilometres of England’s most iconic lowland landscape stretching from Winchester in the west to Eastbourne in the east. 1.2 The Preferred Options version of the Local Plan follows on from the Issues and Options document that was published for public consultation in 2014. The SDLP sets out a comprehensive set of planning policies for the National Park focusing on living landscapes, people and places and ensuring a sustainable future within environmental limits. Specific areas range from landscape, conservation, tourism and recreation through to land for development whether it be employment or housing land. This will shape growth and new development up to 2032. On adoption these policies will replace all the saved local plan and core strategy policies inherited by the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) when it became the Local Planning authority for the National Park in April 2011. It will also replace all joint core strategies relating to the National Park adopted since April 2011. These policies are listed in Appendix 8. 1.3 The Preferred Options version of the Local Plan is being published for public consultation under Regulation 18 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The details on how and when to respond to this consultation is set out on page 3 of this document under ‘have your say.’ 1.4 This Local Plan does not deal with minerals and waste. Instead policies on minerals and waste are developed through joint minerals and waste plans, working with the adjoining minerals and waste authorities across the three counties covering the National Park. 1.5 On adoption the South Downs Local Plan will become the statutory development plan for the whole National Park along with the minerals and waste plans and ‘made’ neighbourhood development plans. Statute states that Government policy set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that decisions on planning applications must be taken in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 1.6 The Local Plan covers the time period 2014 to 2032. This means that it will cover a 15 year time period from its projected time of adoption in 2017. What does the Local Plan seek to achieve? 1.7 The Local Plan sets out how the SDNPA believes the National Park should evolve and manage development over the next fifteen years. This is based on the statutory Purposes for national parks as specified in the Environment Act 1995: • Of conserving and enhancing natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the area • Of promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the park by the public The SDNPADRAFT also has a Duty when carrying out the Purposes as follows: • Shall seek to foster the economic and social well-being of the local communities within the National Park. 1.8 In addition, Section 62 of the Environment Act 1995 also requires all relevant authorities, including statutory undertakers and other public bodies, to have regard to these Purposes. Where there is an irreconcilable conflict between the statutory Purposes, the Sandford Principle is statutorily required to be applied and the first Purpose of the National Park will be given priority. 13 1.9 The DEFRA Circular on English National Parks and the Broads (2010) provides guidance for National Park Authorities on how to achieve the Purposes and Duty.
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