THE CONCORDIAN Volume VLVII CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA, SEPTEMBER 28, 1956 No. 2 "Lucky" Thirteen Named Candidates Student Association President Roger Hott Wednesday released the names of thirteen candidates Debaters Prepare For Season's Resolution for Homecoming queen, nomin- Nineteen debaters, including ated under the new rules adop- eleven without previous college ted this year by the student debating experience, have been body. meeting with debate coach, Mr. The candidatas with their Alwin Monson, for the past two home towns, majors and minors weeks doing background work are: Sonja Christianson, Moor- on the proposition: Resolved: head, elem. ed., art; Judy Gryte, That the United States should Wahalla, N. D., sociology, Eng- discontinue direct economic aid lish; Maurine Eiken, Clarissa, to foreign countries. Minn., bus. cd., English; Sonia Mr. Monson said Concordia Lee, Roseau, Minn., elem. ed., will be represented in eight col- sociology. lege debate meets throughout Viola Shannon, Hoople, N. D., the year, including that of the English, history; Audrey Huge- national forensics honorary so- len, Maddock, N. D., music, Eng- ciety, Phi Kappa Alpha, at the lish; Mardeth Bervig, Halstad, University of South Dakota. Be- Minn., bus ed., psych.; Marlene sides the annual Red River Val- Bergo, Riverdale, N. D., bus. ed., ley tournament here, Feb. 8 and psych. 9, Concordia will attend meets Eileen Br>njulson, Moorhead, at the University of South Dako- elem. ed., music; Margaret Rys- ta, at Vermillion; S.T.C., Eau stad, East Grand Forks, Minn., Claire, Wise; University of bus. ed., sp3ech; Donna Madison, Nebraska, at Lincoln; Northwest Big Sandy, Mont., socio-psych., College Tournament in St. Paul, First row, left to right: Shirley Olson, Geri Ness, Donna Madison. Second row: Sonia Lee, Viola music; Shirley Olson, Esther- and University of Minnesota. ville, Iowa, bus. ed., sociology; The University of Minnesota also Shannon, Audrey Hugelen. Third row: Sonja Chrisiianson, Maurine Eiken, Margaret Rysslad, Eileen Brynjulson. Back row: Mardeth Bervig, Judy Gryie, and Marlene Bergo. Geri Ness, Ada, Minn., music, plans a tournament for fresh- English. men teams, which Concordia will attend. Check Your Box Number Primary elections, which will Members returning from last Do you wan your mail de- reduce the field to five, will be year's team are: Jewel Knudson, livered more quickly? Notify Moorhead Plays Host To held Monday, October 1. Finals Gus Wanke, Ruth Braaten, Jack your friends and family of your are scheduled for Wednesday, Eichhorst, John Serkland, Ken post office box number. Con- October 3. Urdahl and Bruce Weber. sirable confusion is being caused Paul Dovre, after two years in by lack of box numbers in the Host Of Conferences the armed service, has returned post office. Anyone who has not Four conferences will be held in Moorhead during the Dr. Bailey Named to the team and is also serving been assigned a box, or is get- week end of October 4, 5, and 6. as debate coach at Oak Grove ting mail in two boxes is asked To Maritime Board High School in Fargo. to consult the postmistress, Mrs. LUTHERAN FACULTY CONFERENCE Upperclassmen new to the col- Austin. The Lutheran Faculty Conference Association will lege debate team are Duane Al- hold its annual nation-wide convention at Concordia on bert, Howard Erickson, Helen October 5 and 6. Every Lutheran college is eligible to send Ann Martini, Anna Lee, Jacque- Wanke Is Regional line Larson and Yvonne Lambie. delegates. Registration will be Friday, October 5 at 1:00 Freshmen members of the USNSA Official p. m., and the first session will be the Fellowship Supper team are Ephraim Isaac, Mary Concordia College sent lour at 6:00 p. m. in the North Gym of the Fieldhouse. Most of Ylvisaker, Janice Johnson, Mor- representatives to Chicago this the sessions are scheduled for the Carl B. Ylvisaker ris Dahland and Annette Bou- summer for the USNSA. Library. The United States National tiette. Gale Mitchell of the Concordia College art faculty is Mr. Monson urged interested Student Association is a loose persons, whether experienced or confederation of over 300 col- local chairman of this year's conference. inexperienced, to join the team. leges and universities, enrolling About two hundred are expected to register at the He meets with freshmen and over 700,000 students. It came convention. The 1955 Lutheran Faculties Conference was other inexperienced debaters into existence just ten years ago held at Wartburg College at Waverly, Iowa. Monday at 3:40 in Seminar 1 in in 1946 and Concordia has been a member since 1952. MATH ASSOCIATION the library. Those with previous Gerald A. Heuer of the math- college debate experience meet As the largest student group in this country, it exerts in- TEST REPEATED ematics faculty, Concordia Col- with Mr. Monson at the same lege, will give the principal time and place on Wednesdays. fluence in affairs both national and international. It has been paper at the annual meeting of ON OCTOBER 5-6 the Minnesota section of the instrumental in the formulation Concordia juniors who failed of much legislation advantageous Mathematics Association of Dr. Bailey any part of the Sophomore Eng- America, meeting on this cam- 'Cobber Cambus' to students. An example is the lish Proficiency Test given last additional $600 deduction for in- pus on Saturday, October 6. The Secretary of Commerce, Sin- spring, will take the test on title of the paper is "Invariant clair Weeks, has appointed Dr. Needs Volunteers come tax purposes allowed every October 5 and 6. Transfer jun- student. measure on topological groups." Carl L. Bailey, Dean of Concor- Bill Larson, producer-director iors and seniors are also required Shorter papers will be given dia College, a member of the of Cobber Campus, Concordia's The Ninth National Student to take the exams. Congress was held this summer by other mathematicians. Repre- academic advisory board of the TV program, has asked for over- Part one (cooperative) will be sentatives will attend from United States Maritime Aca- all student participation. The at the University of Chicago given Oct. 5 at 4 p. m. and part from August 21 through 31. Gus Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North demy. Members of the advisory program will be broadcast week- two (essay) will be given on Dakota, South Dakota, and board are selected from educa- ly and will feature various aca- Wanke, Valdemar Olson, Jerry Saturday, Oct. 7. These tests Svendsen and Glenn Halvorson Minnesota. tion, industry and labor for demic departments and campus will be given in the Fieldhouse, three-year terms. talent. were Concordia's representa- and a passing mark is required Dr. Sigurd Mundhjeld, head Larson would like four direc- tives. for graduation. of the Concordia College mathe- The United States Maritime tors, each handling one program The ten-day period was filled matics department, is in charge Academy is a collegiate-level a month. Volunteers are also with workshops, discussion of local arrangements. school which trains officers for needed for narrators, script groups, speeches, plenary ses- ELC - PROCUREMENT the Merchant Marine. It is lo- writers, people for set design and sions and the writing of resolu- LBI Series Begins; Beginning Thursday evening cated at King's Point, Long construction, typists and publi- tions. This Congress in many an ELC conference on "Procure- Island, New York. cists. ways closely resembled the na- ment and Training of Workers Dr. Bailey is beginning his October 7 is the proable date tional political conventions, Byers Speaker Concordia's annual LBI study for the Church" will open at the third year as Dean of Instruc- of the first program to be pre- which were televised with their FM Hotel. These meetings con- tion at Concordia College. He sented on KXJB-TV at 10:30 floor lghts, caucuses, key note series begins Tuesday, October 2 at 7 p. rn. in the Old Main tinue Friday morning and after- has been professor of prysics p. m. Sunday. speakers and oflce-seekers. noon. since 1947. Harold Bakken from Aitkin, Chapel. Fulbright Deadline Set Minnesota, a student at the Uni- Speaker for the eight-week The problems of getting teach- Fulbright scholarships for versity of Minnesota was elect- series will be the Rsv. Alvah P. ers for all age groups will be board of education of the ELC study in foreign universities ed to the national presidency for Byers of the Lutheran Bible In- discussed. The purpose is to im- will hold a one-day session in may be applied for before the present school year. stitute in Minneapolis. prove the quality of teachers, Moorhead. The morning moot- Oct. 15, Dr. Carl Bailey has and to train them more efficient- ings are scheduled for the FM Gus Wanke won the office of Pastor Byers will conduct a ly. Various divisions will be re- announced that seniors who student government vice-presi- series of talks entitled "Who Is Hotel, and the afternoon sessions are interested in graduate presented from other colleges for the Concordia campus. dent for the Minnesota-Dakota This?", based on the Gospel ac- and from the board of education. study are to see him or their Region and will afford Concor- cording to St. Luke. A former This is their annual mooting. faculty advisors before this dia with a representative on the ELC parish pastor, Byers joined ELC - EDUCATION and has formerly boon hold in deadline. Regional Staff. the LBI staff in January. On Thursday, October 4, the Minneapolis. Page 2 THE CONCORDIAN September 28, 1956 RAH! RAH! RAH! Enthusiasm is defined in Webster's New Collegiate Globetrotters Quizzed Dictionary as meaning "intense or eager interest; zeal; By Sherry Bjorklund, more domestic activities include photography. fervor." On most campuses this not only is understood but June Tawzer and Maurine Eiken knitting, and she showed me a Ephriam was asked how he liked Concordia to which he re- is quite evident in student action.
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