March, i g96 AMERICAN ENGINEER, CAR||BUILDER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL S3 The b oiler of a locomotive drawing the New York and ing a t rain of four cars which was switched by the motors Philadelphia express train on the Delaware, Lackawanna from the incoming to the outgoing tracks and up to the & Western Railroad exploded near Cassville, N. Y. , Feb. cable sheaves several times. The car made two round 18, killing both the engineer and fireman. trips over the bridge to the satisfaction of the officials pres The B rooks Locomotive .Works has an order from the ent. Northern Ohio for building six Mogul engines with 18-inch At a m eeting of the shareholders of the Mount Yamalpais by 24-inch cylinders. These engines are duplicates of those Scenic Railway Company, held early in February. Sidney MARCH. 1 896. for the Lake Erie & Western, which operates the Northern B. Cushing was elected President: David McKay, Vice- Ohio. CONTENTS. President; Louis L. Janes, Secretary, and the First National The B arney & Smith Manufacturing Company, of Day- Bank of San Francisco, Treasurer. A contract for grading Page. Page, ton. O., will built for C. J. Hamlin, of Buffalo, a private and track laying was let to the California Construction Illustrated A rticles: Editorials '. car for the transportation of racehorses. It will be 62 feet Company and work has already begun. Contracts are Twin-Hopper G ondola Car of Afn ""westingEouae'-Boyden lon8- and wi" 136 carried on six-wheeled trucks with steel- 70,000 Pounds Capacity— about to be let for engines, boilers, dynamos and other Northern Pacific Road 35 Suit........... 40 tired wheels. Motor T rucks and Motors for The P atent Office 40 requisites for generating power. Work on the power Lake Street Elevated Rail Manufacturing M ethods..... 40 The Chicago & Northwestern Railway is now equipping way in Chicago 35 Operating Locomotives by . ~~ ... w ... • u i 7., . house will be commenced at once. [experiments o n Locomotive the " Chain Gang" system . 40 its freight cars with Westinghouse air brakes at the rate with Firebox Lined with Fibri&ie!.L.i.ned. ?!„. 40 of 2r> cara I*1" day- Tue foundation brakes are at the same Some n ew machinery is being installed in the shops of Fire-brick 36 Construction a nd Mainte A N ew English Locomotive 40 time thoroughly overhauled and made to conform to M. C. the car department of the Lake Shore. road. At Cleveland nance of Railway Car The R evised Rules of Inter- _ , ~T a new 105 horse power Buckeye engine having a cylinder, Equipment 38 change 4 1 B. standards. Passenger L ocomotive for the 14» by 26 inches, will be put in, and also a No. 2 Fay di Great Western Railway of Miscellaneous : T he New York Central has given an order for 2,150 England 39 mension planer which can dress simultaneously four sides Box C ar of ttO.OOO Pounds Ca- Communications!.".'.''.'.'....^.' 3 4 freight cars, of which the Buffalo Car Company received of a timber 20 by 36 inches and reduce the size 2 inches at Sacity, w ith Steel Center WMtishTNaT?°il9r' t hB 39 1'250' the Union Car Works 500, and the Barney & Smith ills, &, B. & Q. H. R « one passage through the machine. At the Adrian shops a The M ost Advantageous Di "Industry" 4 1 Company 400. The first two allotments are coal cars, and No. 2 Putnam wheel borer will be installed, and at the mensions for Locomotive Engineering N ews 42 ., , . ... — Exhaust Pipes and Smoke Notes 7 4 2 the last platform cars. Englewood shops a No. 7 Greenlee hollow chiselmorticer, stacks 45 Trade C atalogues '. ... IS! " The N ew Baldwin-Westing- Personals 4 3 The New York, Chicago & St. Louis has put into service with straight and angle boring attachments. house E lectric Locomotive. 47 Centrifugal Sand Mixing MMmTao^utgP«ragM4>hi!; 4 8 the 10 new freight engines recently received from the The L ake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway placed Machine 47 Our D irectory 48 Brooks Locomotive Works and the Schenectady Works, car orders last month as follows: With the Michigan- and a re much pleased with them. They will soon receive Peninsular Car Company, 500 drop bottom coal cars of 60,- The L ehigh Valley Railroad is in the market for 2,000 three switchers from the same builders, 000 pounds capacity and 500 standard box cars of 60,000 froitrh t c urs . , . T he 10 mogul locomotives 1 — ordered . by 1 the— Illinois Central pounds capacity; with the Madison Car Company, 250 coal The D elaware, Lackawanna & Western will soon place from t he Brooks Locomotive Works will have 19-inch by cars and 250 box cars; with the Wells & French Company, orders for 1 ,000 freight cars. 26-inch cylinders. Belpaire boilers 62 inches in diameter, 250 box cars; with the Union Car Company, 250 coal and driving wheels 56 inches in diameter and long fireboxes. 100 box cars, which are to be lettered for the Pittsburgh & The C entral Vermont Railroad Company is having 13 The total weight of the engine will be about 125,000 pounds. Lake Erie and to be delivered prior to May 1. All the passenger coaches built by Jackson & Sharp. other coal cars are also to be delivered prior to May 1, but A p olicy of rigid economy has been decided upon by the the box cars are to be delivered during August and Sep The A dirondack & St. Lawrence has ordered 10 locomo new Atchison management in order to make a saving of at tember. tives from the Schenectady Locomotive Works. least $1,000,000 a year. President Ripley is making a tour of inspection of that system with the sole purpose of noting Representatives o f the Carnegie Steel Company and sIt i stated that the Missouri, Kansas & Texas has Bethlehem Iron Company appeared before the Senate decided to I mild new repair shops at Sedalia, Mo. the different points where the reductions can best be made. — San Francisco Bulletin. Committee on naval affairs last month to protest against the enactment of Senator Smith's bill providing for the The L ake Superior and Ishpeming Railway has ordered Indian E ngineering is authority for the statement that erection of a government armor-plate plant in Washington. 10 locomotives from the Pittsburg Locomotive Works. a German has been granted a 75 years' concession for the These companies asserted that to equip such a plant would An o rder for 400 ore cars for the Lake Superior & Ish construction of a carriage road from Teheran to Bagdad. cost more than $4,000,000, and they argued that in view of peming road, has been placed with Wells & French. He has also obtained a 90 years' concession for a steam or the fact that immense sums had been invested by private electric tramway, 10 miles in length, from Teheran to the persons in this business at the suggestion of the Govern The E lliott Car Works, Gadsden, Ala., are building 150 villages north of the city. ment, it would be unjust for the Government to render freight cars for the Chattanooga, Rome & Columbus. The M onterey & Mineral Belt Railway, of which ex- that outlay useless by the construction of competing works that could do the work no better and no cheaper. The O hio River Railroad has ordered 300 carsjfrom the General Manager Robinson, of the Monterey & Mexican Ensign Manufacturing Company, Huntington, W. Va. Gulf road, is one of the owners, is jto be extended to Mate- The a nnual report to the stockholders of the Chicago & huala, a rich mining section south of Monterey. The road Alton Railroad, issued last month, shows the net earnings The C hicago & North Western has ordered 100 furniture is now in operation a distance of 20 miles, and is doing a for 1895 to be $2,819,493, an increase of $155,944 compared cars from the Haskell & Barker Car Co., Michigan City, heavy ore business. — San Francisco Bulletin. with 1894. President Blackstone, in the report, takes occa Ind. The n ew hospital for employees of the Atchison , Topeka sion to declaim against what he terms popular control of The E rie has ordered 1,700 cars from the Michigan- & Santa Fe Railroad at Topeka has been opened. It is a railroads. He sets forth that the Supreme Court of the Peninsular Car Company and 500 from the Buffalo Car large and handsome building, four stories high, and cost United States long ago held that the charter of a railroad Company. about $125,000. The Santa Fe Hospital Association, sup corporation is a contract within the meaning of the con ported by assessments upon the employees, was chartered tract clause of the constitution, but that the people have The P aris Qas Company is putting a Luhrig gas tram ear failed to remember their side of the contract. One of the on the Paris Omnibus Company's tramway lines by way of in 1891. This association controls this hospital and also those at La Junta and Las Vegas. provisions of such contracts is that railroads shall always experiment. have power to collect reasonable rates, but the state has The W estinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, The P ennsylvania Railroad Company has ordered the passed a law enabling a state board to limit railway rates is equipping the Turtle Creek Valley branch of the Penn at their discretion. construction of 500 new gondola hopper coal cars at the sylvania Railroad with an overhead trolley wire to test Altoona shops.
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