CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONFIDENTIAL This proposal is for the supply, transport by sea, installation and commissioning in Guinea of isolated photovoltaic solar systems for 50 villages. 1. Object The purpose of this project is to provide electricity in rural areas of Guinea. 50 villages were chosen in the first phase for the installation of solar systems with isolated storage capacity adapted to the needs of the connected devices. 2. Locations and insolation NUMBER OF IRRADIATION N° NATURAL REGIONS PREFECTURES VILLAGES VILAGES (kWh/m²/day) DOGMET – KANKAMA - 1 DABOLA 3 4,8 BISSIKIRIMA KINIERAN- SANGUIANA -SARAYA 2 KOUROUSSA 4 5,0 – CISSELA TOKOUNOU-BATENAFAYI- 3 KANKAN SANFINA -TOKOUNOU- 6 5,5 UPPER-GUINEA (24) BATENAFAYI -BALANDOU NORASSOBA-SIGUIRINI- NIANDANKORO – BAFINDA – 4 SIGUIRI DOKO- KOUREMALE – 8 5,5 FRENKAMAYA – KINGNEIBAKOURA – TIGUIBIRI 5 FARANAH TIRO- KOBIKORO- BANYA 3 5,0 1 DUBREKA KONFONYA 1 4,8 2 FRIA TORMELEN- BAGUINET 2 4,8 3 MARITIME GUINEA (11) BOFFA FONFO –KOLO 2 4,8 KOLIA – YONYA – SANGAREKO – 4 BOKE 6 4,8 TANENE – SINEYA -DARI DOUNET –OUREKABA- MARELA – 1 MID-GUINEA (5) MAMOU 5 4,8 TAMAGALE- SARAMOUSAYA 1 MACENTA SEREDOU 1 3,8 2 KISSIDOUGOU YENDE MILLIMOU 1 4,8 3 GUECKEDOU KAMALO – TEKOULO 2 3,8 FORESTED GUINEA (10) BOUNOUMA-KOROPARA- 4 N’ZEREKORE 5 3,8 YALENZOU-SAMOE- KOULE 5 LOLA BOSSOU 1 3,8 Insolation depends on location and meteorological conditions for each site. For power and energy consumption profile data calculated for each consumer of electricity equipment (loads), the insolation of the considered site determines the power of the photovoltaic field (W) and the storage capacity of batteries (Wh). CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES ● NEW YORK PHONE: (718) 440-1223 ● FAX: (201) 221-7701 ● E-MAIL: [email protected] CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES 3. Dimensioning 3.1. Households Electrical loads of a typical village have a total power of 6 070W and an energy consumption of 63 780Wh per day. Unitary Power Total Power Runtime Electrical load Quantity Energy (Wh) (Watt) (Watt) (Hours) Lamps of 7 Watt 350 7 2 450 12 29 400 Lamps of 11 Watt 200 11 2 200 12 26 400 Refrigerator 4 150 600 8 4 800 Recharging point of telephones 100 3 300 3 900 Radio cassette 2 50 100 6 600 Colour television 4 80 320 4 1 280 DVD Player 4 25 100 4 400 TOTAL 6 070 63 780 Regarding insolation of each site, PV power and size of storage system have been calculated for each village. Due to the large size needed for the storage system, a technical and economic optimum operating voltage of the DC bus of the system has been calculated at 120V. CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES ● NEW YORK PHONE: (718) 440-1223 ● FAX: (201) 221-7701 ● E-MAIL: [email protected] CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES NUMBER Minimum PV Storage DC bus Batteries Number of PV Configurated PV NATURAL IRRADIATION N° PREFECTURES VILLAGES OF Power/Village capacity/Village voltage capacity Modules/Village Power/Village REGIONS (kWh/m²/day) VILLAGES (Wp) (Kwh) (V) (Ah) (250Wc/unit) (Wp) DOGMET – 1 DABOLA KANKAMA - 3 4,8 18 982 101 120 844 78 19 500 BISSIKIRIMA KINIERAN- SANGUIANA - 2 KOUROUSSA 4 5,0 18 223 101 120 844 75 18 750 SARAYA – CISSELA TOKOUNOU- BATENAFAYI- SANFINA - 3 KANKAN 6 5,5 16 566 101 120 844 69 17 250 TOKOUNOU- BATENAFAYI - BALANDOU UPPER- GUINEA NORASSOBA- (24) SIGUIRINI- NIANDANKOR O – BAFINDA – DOKO- 4 SIGUIRI KOUREMALE – 8 5,5 16 566 101 120 844 69 17 250 FRENKAMAYA – KINGNEIBAKO URA – TIGUIBIRI TIRO- 5 FARANAH KOBIKORO- 3 5,0 18 223 101 120 844 75 18 750 BANYA 1 DUBREKA KONFONYA 1 4,8 18 982 101 120 844 78 19 500 TORMELEN- 2 FRIA 2 4,8 18 982 101 120 844 78 19 500 BAGUINET MARITIM FONFO 3 BOFFA 2 4,8 18 982 101 120 844 78 19 500 E GUINEA –KOLO (11) KOLIA – YONYA – 4 BOKE SANGAREKO – 6 4,8 18 982 101 120 844 78 19 500 TANENE – SINEYA -DARI DOUNET –OUREKABA- MID- MARELA – 1 GUINEA MAMOU 5 4,8 18 982 101 120 844 78 19 500 TAMAGALE- (5) SARAMOUSAY A 1 MACENTA SEREDOU 1 3,8 23 977 101 120 844 96 24 000 YENDE 2 KISSIDOUGOU 1 4,8 18 982 101 120 844 78 19 500 MILLIMOU KAMALO – 3 GUECKEDOU 2 3,8 23 977 101 120 844 96 24 000 FORESTE TEKOULO D GUINEA (10) BOUNOUMA- KOROPARA- 4 N’ZEREKORE YALENZOU- 5 3,8 23 977 101 120 844 96 24 000 SAMOE- KOULE 5 LOLA BOSSOU 1 3,8 23 977 101 120 844 96 24 000 TOTAL 954 927 5 062 3 915 978 750 Total PV power for the 50 villages is 979kWp corresponding to 3 915 x 250Wp modules and 5 062kWh of storage capacity. 3.2. Health centers CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES ● NEW YORK PHONE: (718) 440-1223 ● FAX: (201) 221-7701 ● E-MAIL: [email protected] CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES Electrical loads of a typical health center have a total power of 355W and an energy consumption of 1 720Wh per day. Unitary Power Total Power Runtime Electrical load Quantity Energy (Wh) (Watt) (Watt) (Hours) Refrigerator 1 150 150 6 900 Fan 3 50 150 4 600 Lamps 5 11 55 4 220 TOTAL 355 1 720 Regarding insolation of each site, PV power and size of storage system have been calculated for each village. Due to the size needed for the storage system, a technical and economic optimum operating voltage of the DC bus of the system has been calculated at 24V. CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES ● NEW YORK PHONE: (718) 440-1223 ● FAX: (201) 221-7701 ● E-MAIL: [email protected] CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES NUMBER Minimum PV Storage DC bus Batteries Number of PV Configurated PV NATURAL IRRADIATION N° PREFECTURES VILLAGES OF Power/Village capacity/Village voltage capacity Modules/Village Power/Village REGIONS (kWh/m²/day) VILLAGES (Wp) (Kwh) (V) (Ah) (100Wc/unit) (Wp) DOGMET – 1 DABOLA KANKAMA - 3 4,8 512 2,7 24 114 6 600 BISSIKIRIMA KINIERAN- SANGUIANA - 2 KOUROUSSA 4 5,0 491 2,7 24 114 6 600 SARAYA – CISSELA TOKOUNOU- BATENAFAYI- SANFINA - 3 KANKAN 6 5,5 447 2,7 24 114 6 600 TOKOUNOU- UPPER- BATENAFAYI - GUINEA BALANDOU (24) NORASSOBA- SIGUIRINI- NIANDANKOR O – BAFINDA 4 SIGUIRI – DOKO- 8 5,5 447 2,7 24 114 6 600 KOUREMALE – FRENKAMAYA – KINGNEIBAKO TIRO- 5 FARANAH KOBIKORO- 3 5,0 491 2,7 24 114 6 600 BANYA 1 DUBREKA KONFONYA 1 4,8 512 2,7 24 114 6 600 TORMELEN- 2 FRIA 2 4,8 512 2,7 24 114 6 600 BAGUINET MARITIM E GUINEA FONFO 3 (11) BOFFA 2 4,8 512 2,7 24 114 6 600 –KOLO KOLIA – YONYA – 4 BOKE 6 4,8 512 2,7 24 114 6 600 SANGAREKO – TANENE – DOUNET MID- –OUREKABA- 1 GUINEA MAMOU MARELA – 5 4,8 512 2,7 24 114 6 600 (5) TAMAGALE- SARAMOUSAY 1 MACENTA SEREDOU 1 3,8 647 2,7 24 114 6 600 YENDE 2 KISSIDOUGOU 1 4,8 512 2,7 24 114 6 600 MILLIMOU FORESTE KAMALO – 3 GUECKEDOU 2 3,8 647 2,7 24 114 8 800 D GUINEA TEKOULO (10) BOUNOUMA- KOROPARA- 4 N’ZEREKORE 5 3,8 647 2,7 24 114 8 800 YALENZOU- SAMOE- 5 LOLA BOSSOU 1 3,8 647 2,7 24 114 8 800 TOTAL 25 752 137 316 31 600 Total PV power for the 50 villages is 31,6kWp corresponding to 316 x 100Wp modules and 137kWh of storage capacity. CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES ● NEW YORK PHONE: (718) 440-1223 ● FAX: (201) 221-7701 ● E-MAIL: [email protected] CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES 3.3. Youth centers Electrical loads of a typical youth center have a total power of 455W and an energy consumption of 2 612Wh per day. Electrical load Quantity Unitary Power (Watt)Total Power (Watt)Runtime (Hours) Energy (Wh) Radio cassette 2 50 100 6 600 Colour television 1 80 80 6 480 Fans 4 50 200 5 1000 DVD Player 1 25 25 4 100 External lighting lamps 2 11 22 12 264 Internal lighting lamps 4 7 28 6 168 TOTAL 455 2612 Regarding insolation of each site, PV power and size of storage system have been calculated for each village. Due to the size needed for the storage system, a technical and economic optimum operating voltage of the DC bus of the system has been calculated at 24V. CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES ● NEW YORK PHONE: (718) 440-1223 ● FAX: (201) 221-7701 ● E-MAIL: [email protected] CAMTRACO MANAGEMENT SERVICES NUMBER Minimum PV Storage DC bus Batteries Number of PV Configurated PV NATURAL IRRADIATION N° PREFECTURES VILLAGES OF Power/Village capacity/Village voltage capacity Modules/Village Power/Village REGIONS (kWh/m²/day) VILLAGES (Wp) (Kwh) (V) (Ah) (100Wc/unit) (Wp) DOGMET – 1 DABOLA KANKAMA - 3 4,8 777 4,1 24 173 8 800 BISSIKIRIMA KINIERAN- SANGUIANA - 2 KOUROUSSA 4 5,0 746 4,1 24 173 8 800 SARAYA – CISSELA TOKOUNOU- BATENAFAYI- SANFINA - 3 KANKAN 6 5,5 678 4,1 24 173 8 800 TOKOUNOU- UPPER- BATENAFAYI - GUINEA BALANDOU (24) NORASSOBA- SIGUIRINI- NIANDANKOR O – BAFINDA 4 SIGUIRI – DOKO- 8 5,5 678 4,1 24 173 8 800 KOUREMALE – FRENKAMAYA – KINGNEIBAKO TIRO- 5 FARANAH KOBIKORO- 3 5,0 746 4,1 24 173 8 800 BANYA 1 DUBREKA KONFONYA 1 4,8 777 4,1 24 173 8 800 TORMELEN- 2 FRIA 2 4,8 777 4,1 24 173 8 800 BAGUINET MARITIM E GUINEA FONFO 3 (11) BOFFA 2 4,8 777 4,1 24 173 8 800 –KOLO KOLIA – YONYA – 4 BOKE 6 4,8 777 4,1 24 173 8 800 SANGAREKO – TANENE – DOUNET MID- –OUREKABA- 1 GUINEA MAMOU MARELA – 5 4,8 777 4,1 24 173 8 800 (5) TAMAGALE- SARAMOUSAY 1 MACENTA SEREDOU 1 3,8 982 4,1 24 173 10 1 000 YENDE 2 KISSIDOUGOU 1 4,8 777 4,1 24 173 8 800 MILLIMOU FORESTE KAMALO – 3 GUECKEDOU 2 3,8 982 4,1 24 173 10 1 000 D GUINEA TEKOULO (10) BOUNOUMA- KOROPARA- 4 N’ZEREKORE 5 3,8 982 4,1 24 173 10 1 000 YALENZOU- SAMOE- 5 LOLA BOSSOU 1 3,8 982 4,1 24 173 10 1 000 TOTAL 39 107 207 418 41 800 Total PV power for the 50 villages is 41,8kWp corresponding to 418 x 100Wp modules and 207kWh of storage capacity.
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