ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) SIGNAL ECG Noise QRS Wave PROCESSING filtering detection delineation LEIF SO¨ RNMO Lund University Sweden Data Storage or PABLO LAGUNA compression transmission Zaragoza University Spain Figure 1. Algorithms for basic ECG signal processing. The timing information produced by the QRS detector may be fed to the blocks for noise filtering and data compression (indicated by 1. INTRODUCTION gray arrows) to improve their respective performance. The output of the upper branch is the conditioned ECG signal and related temporal information, including the occurrence time of each Signal processing today is performed in the vast majority heartbeat and the onset and end of each wave. of systems for ECG analysis and interpretation. The objective of ECG signal processing is manifold and com- prises the improvement of measurement accuracy and operate in sequential order, information on the occurrence reproducibility (when compared with manual measure- time of a heartbeat, as produced by the QRS detector, is ments) and the extraction of information not readily sometimes incorporated into the other algorithms to im- available from the signal through visual assessment. In prove performance. The complexity of each algorithm many situations, the ECG is recorded during ambulatory varies from application to application so that, for example, or strenuous conditions such that the signal is corrupted noise filtering performed in ambulatory monitoring is by different types of noise, sometimes originating from much more sophisticated than that required in resting another physiological process of the body. Hence, noise ECG analysis. reduction represents another important objective of ECG Once the information produced by the basic set of signal processing; in fact, the waveforms of interest are algorithms is available, a wide range of ECG applications sometimes so heavily masked by noise that their presence exist where it is of interest to use signal processing for can only be revealed once appropriate signal processing quantifying heart rhythm and beat morphology proper- has first been applied. ties. The signal processing associated with two such Electrocardiographic signals may be recorded on a long applications—high-resolution ECG and T wave alter- timescale (i.e., several days) for the purpose of identifying nans—are briefly described at the end of this article. intermittently occurring disturbances in the heart The interested reader is referred to, for example, Ref. 1, rhythm. As a result, the produced ECG recording amounts where a detailed description of other ECG applications to huge data sizes that quickly fill up available storage can be found. space. Transmission of signals across public telephone networks is another application in which large amounts of data are involved. For both situations, data compression is an essential operation and, consequently, represents yet 2. ECG PREPROCESSING another objective of ECG signal processing. Signal processing has contributed significantly to a Considerable attention has been paid to the design of new understanding of the ECG and its dynamic properties filters for the purpose of removing baseline wander and as expressed by changes in rhythm and beat morphology. powerline interference; both types of disturbance imply For example, techniques have been developed that char- the design of a narrowband filter. Removal of noise acterize oscillations related to the cardiovascular system because of muscle activity represents another important and reflected by subtle variations in heart rate. The filtering problem being much more difficult to handle detection of low-level, alternating changes in T wave because of the substantial spectral overlap between the amplitude is another example of oscillatory behavior ECG and muscle noise. Muscle noise present in the ECG that has been established as an indicator of increased can, however, be reduced whenever it is appropriate to risk for sudden, life-threatening arrhythmias. Neither of employ techniques that benefit from the fact that the ECG these two oscillatory signal properties can be perceived by is a recurrent signal. For example, ensemble averaging the naked eye from a standard ECG printout. techniques can be successfully applied to time-aligned Common to all types of ECG analysis—whether it heartbeats for reduction of muscle noise. concerns resting ECG interpretation, stress testing, am- The filtering techniques are primarily used for prepro- bulatory monitoring, or intensive care monitoring—is a cessing of the signal and have as such been implemented basic set of algorithms that condition the signal with in a wide variety of systems for ECG analysis. It should be respect to different types of noise and artifacts, detect remembered that filtering of the ECG is contextual and heartbeats, extract basic ECG measurements of wave should be performed only when the desired information amplitudes and durations, and compress the data for remains undistorted. This important insight may be ex- efficient storage or transmission; the block diagram in emplified by filtering for the removal of powerline inter- Fig. 1 presents this set of signal processing algorithms. ference. Such filtering is suitable in a system for the Although these algorithms are frequently implemented to analysis of heart rate variability, whereas it is inappropri- 1 Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, Copyright & 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2 ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) SIGNAL PROCESSING ate in a system for the analysis of micropotentials, as such cular frequency component; the PQRST waveform is at- potentials spectrally overlap the powerline interference. tributed to higher frequencies. During bradycardia, the heart rate may drop to approximately 40 beats/minute, implying that the lowest frequency contained in the ECG 2.1. Baseline Wander is approximately 0.67 Hz (2). As the heart rate is not Removal of baseline wander is required in order to mini- perfectly regular but always fluctuates from one beat to mize changes in beat morphology that do not have cardiac the next, it is necessary to choose a slightly lower cut-off origin, which is especially important when subtle changes frequency such as 0.5 Hz. If too high a cut-off frequency is in the ‘‘low-frequency’’ ST segment are analyzed for the employed, the output of the highpass filter contains an diagnosis of ischemia, which may be observed, for exam- unwanted, oscillatory component that is strongly corre- ple, during the course of a stress test. The frequency lated to the heart rate. content of baseline wander is usually in the range below In certain situations, baseline wander becomes parti- 0.5 Hz; however, increased movement of the body during cularly pronounced at higher heart rates such as during the latter stages of a stress test further increases the the latter stages of a stress test when the workload frequency content of baseline wander (see Fig. 2). Patients increases. Then, it may be advantageous to couple the unable to perform a traditional treadmill or ergometer cut-off frequency to the prevailing heart rate, rather than stress test may still be able to perform a stress test by to the lowest possible heart rate, to further improve base- either sitting, running an ergometer by hand, or using a line removal. Linear filtering with time-variable cut-off special rowing device. In such cases, baseline wander frequency was initially suggested for offline processing of related to motion of the arms severely distorts the ECG ECG signals and later extended for online use (3,4). signal. The other crucial design consideration is related to the The design of a linear, time-invariant, highpass filter properties of the phase response and, consequently, the for removal of baseline wander involves several considera- choice of filter structure. Linear phase filtering is highly tions, of which the most crucial are the choice of filter cut- desirable in order to prevent phase distortion from alter- off frequency and phase response characteristic. The cut- ing various wave properties of the cardiac cycle such as off frequency should obviously be chosen so that the the duration of the QRS complex, the ST–T segment level, clinical information in the ECG signal remains undis- or the endpoint of the T wave. It is well-known that FIR torted while as much as possible of the baseline wander filters can have an exact linear phase response, provided is removed. Hence, it is essential to find the lowest that the impulse response is either symmetric or antisym- frequency component of the ECG spectrum. In general, metric; however, FIR designs result in high filter orders. the slowest heart rate is considered to define this parti- 4 2 0 -2 Amplitude (mV) -4 -6 0 20 40 60 80 100 (a) 2 0 -2 -4 Figure 2. (a) Electrocardiographic baseline wan- Amplitude (mV) der because of sudden body movements. The am- -6 plitude of the baseline wander is considerably larger than that of the QRS complexes. (b) A -8 50 52 54 56 58 60 close-up in time (10 Â ) of the ECG signal framed in (a), the estimated baseline obtained by fitting a Time (s) cubic spline to the series of knots (indicated by (b) dots), and the corrected ECG signal. ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) SIGNAL PROCESSING 3 Forward-backward IIR filtering is a useful technique the output of the filter. The QRS complex acts, in fact, as that exhibits the linear phase property. Although an IIR an unwanted, large-amplitude impulse input to the filter. filter meets a magnitude specification more easily with a As linear, time-invariant notch filters are generally more much lower filter order than does an FIR filter, it comes sensitive to the presence of such impulses, powerline with a nonlinear phase response. The use of forward- filters with a nonlinear structure may be preferable (8). backward filtering remedies this disadvantage because In order to assure that a filter does not introduce unac- the overall result is filtering with a zero-phase transfer ceptable distortion, its performance should be assessed by function.
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