WOMAN'S SUFFHAGE I3XJITION The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County JENTY-FODRTII YEAH—No 17. WESTFDSLD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY "?4, 1014. TWENTY PACES—2 CENTS l¥E VIEWS ON CLUB DR. POTTERTd BIG GUNS AT ] NEWGURRENCYLAW MAKE GOOD TO LECTURE HERE MEN'S FORUM M fehiBr Van Dusen, of Newark Second Performance of "Char- Will Talk on "Norway, the Mayor Evans and Arthur N. Sttitl; *T| inking Company Addresses ley's Aunt" a Credit to Land Gf the Midnight Pierson Discuss Commis- Local Bankers Club Members and Coach Sun" sion Government GOOD ATTENDANCE PLAYHOUSE WELL FILLED ILLUSTRATED BY SLIDES APPLAUSE IN RfJ. E. CHURCH CHRISTMAS CLUB spite of the bitter co!d evening After a week of rehearsals the The lecture scheduled to be held in The value of the Men's Christian 'o was a fairly good attendance at members ot the Plio Club and their tho Washington School next Saturday Forum of tho First M. B. church as uotliig of Us Bankers Club iielc] an open giound for debating or other- assistants gave the second perform- evening will bs by Dr. T. E. Potterton wise considering the live toplc3 of o Town Hall last evening, ance of "Charley's Aunt," at the and his subject will be "Norway, the tho day was strikingly Illustrated at FOR 1914 ipeaker of the evening was Mr, Playhouse on Monday evening, and of tho Midnight bun." last Sunday's m«etln«'when a numbar cashier of too National as predicted in last week's Leader, Dr. Fotterton has bees here several of Westilcld'e moat distinguished clti- ark Basking Company, who gave raada^good. times before and in every case his lec- icns enmo together, at the Forum's icy interesting talk on the new Invilatiou, and heard read a report The house waa well filled and there ture haB proved to be bcth instructive on the now politics ag seen In tho STILL OPEN ency bill. was a number of people in the audl- r. Van Dnsen gave a brief review and Interesting. He Is a man . of Commission Form of Oovcrumont, e early Tilstory o! the bill and enco who had witnessed the first per- commanding personality and hisdellv- and then discussed it. ^k that the present bill contained formanco. Stage Manager Cosce had ery of tho best and he never falls to His Honor, Mayor Harry Evans, , that had been advanced in the moke a hit with hla interesting travel Ex-^Inyor Augustus Alpers, Tax As- THE OLDEST BANKING INSTITUTION IN WESTFIELD his end well In hand and the changes talks, and the rare judgment shown sessor Den man and Arthur N. Pler- introduced by former Congress- of the ecenery were made with little Ftmler and later by Senator Al- by him in, seloctttug the subjects for aoti were among tha political lignts or no delay. the pictures used to Illustrate bis who came either to lluten or talk and aatd that the present bill ^as Charles Taylor, in the role ot talks proves him a man of wonderful there were also a number of strang- product of a good many minds, "Charley's Aunt," was greeted with resource. ers. The attendance was the largest as tt stands it is a very exoel- a round of applause at each succes- A limited number of tickets have aoen since the Forum was organizsd meaiure that will make a much sive appearance. He played the part been sent to the Leader office for dis- last October, about 75 men being Another Cosy Dwelling fed reform and put us on a beto-f the elderly lady, with enthusiasm tribution and will be given to those present. So groat was the interest fbasis and if properly handled will and spirit that gave the entire pro- who call for same. and earnest the discussion that the tremendous good for the coun» duction snap and vim. Hi* make-up meeting ran a halt uour over tbe We are now erecting another dwelling on was great and during the entire per- TOWN LOSES usual period. [r. Van Duseu then went into th« formance he did tho part full jus- The utmost good feeling prevailed Everson Place. It is an attractive and model itlon of decentralization of banks tice. IMPORTANT CASE though decided differences of opin- very excellent reason for Prank Traynor was at his best. ions developed as tho result of the Prank has been a favorite with those Attorney Taggart Wins Worth Tree Commission Government report, design. Before you sign your lease ior another iiviews. He added that a great t'asu in Court of Error*, depended on the men that were who have followed the various pro- which vas read by .1, Fred Wright, ductions of tho PHo Ciub and his The Court of Errors and Appeals chairman of the committee. The re- year inspect this house. Will be ready to •led ag the "Board" and that be port, . while presenting both sides of sure the President would select work of Monday evening assured has juut handed down a decision af- him of a place In any future produc- flrmlng the Judgment obtained by tho question, leaned decidedly in fa- of forenlgnt, and ability and it vor of the new system and apparent- occupy March 15. sien were selected only good tion. Ho did some clever work and Julia F. Worth for detstructioa of had his part well in hand. shade trees on South, avenue. This ly tho basis has been formed for an fd come from toe provisions of the effort to Inaugurate the new rule for bill, Harrison Taylor, as Stephen Spet- decision is the la«t wotd In this fam- tigue, and Charles Brower as Charley ous case, as no further appeals are Westfleld. It will naturally be op- widest Johnston presided at tho posed by those who ahamplon the old tog an dlntroduced the speaker. Wyckham, both handled their parts now possible. well. The contloversy arose in the fall party system, 214 E. froad Edward Parker, as the College of 1909, wnon tJie town authorities, Before opening tho discussion MOVIES" INSTRUCTIVE Seout, showed up good and when the in laying a sidewalk in front of theLeader Beattys restated the position ot the Forum. Ha said Christian nool I,nne Iioomia Gives Inter- chance afforded did some clever act- Worth property on South avenue, cut ing. DeWayn© Seaman and Harry down six shado trofls. The town au- citigenghlp stands for respect for au- Telephone 168 ting Talk WHIt Pictures at Randall, also members of the cast, thorities refused to make an allow- thority and for government. It Sunday Evening Service. contributed their share to the suc-ance for tho damage done by the re-stands opposed to Indiscriminate and cess. moval of the trees and In the fall of unJustiBable criticism «nd denuncia- i largest audienco ot the season tion of government and oiBcllag. It bbled at the Westflelfl Theatre on Too much cannot be said of the1910 the suit was commenced against young ladlea who assisted the mem- does not aastime that all officials and |ay evening. Ttio singing of the tho town for damages, The- case all public men are bad until they are hymns WBB, as usual, very en- bers o? the club in staging the per- tried in May, 1911. Many wit- formance, Miss Margaret White. Miss proven to be good. It stands for |laatk\ the eweet volcea of tho rreasea, Inehullrig diaries Clark, town justice lu th© performance of all SUBSCRIBE NOW! ^ let the audience form an attrac- Ray Harrison sad Mlsa Elizabeth clerk; Aloxander W. Vars, town sur- Johnson, who have appeared before public duties and for a buildltiK up For one or more shares of stock in tho feature of the music. Soine of veyor; Arisen V, Grant, Bidewalk In- and not a tearing down process in verses were sung by .the boys in productions of tho Plio Club, spector; Assessors (Jllby and Marsh; were in turn received with applauyo Mayor Alpers, Councilman Schmidt public affairs. Where evils and in- and thoy added another to their for- ami an array of real estato experts justice exist in the administration of Westfield Building and Loan Association rue subject of the erenlnff wag mer successes. government, Christian citizens should ; and Praying." Alter oliow- were examined, hit them, and hit them bard but only Incorporated December <l, 1833 r a number of plcturee, illustrating Mlsa Francis I'eircts, new In the_, Tho jury brought In a verdict for within the limits of these principles ? historic struggle for the freedom Plio Club production, was exceeding- Mrs. Worth ogalusst the town of $400. referred to. These are the things Meets tho Tliird Tuesday in every month. I independence of our country. Dr. ly clever In nor part and much favor- Tho town attorney promptly appealed for which our Christian Forum Robert W, Harden, Sccrclury. boils announced as his test tli« able comment wsa hoard through the to tho Supreme Court, which affirmed stands and stsouid forever stand. f<Js, which WWP also thrown upon audience each time she appeared on trie judgment, saying It the treo8 were Don't Fall to secure one of tha Anniversary Certificates whore removed as an Incident to tha change The report on Commission Govern- screen, "Fisht—tho Good Fight tho stage, la the final ment was then read by Mr. Wtlght. Faith." Ela OeleHay, (Mlsa Peirco) and Lord of grade of tho Bldiiwalk, the plain- t Babberly,, (Chan, Taylor), are rotiff- s were entitled to damagpa, and Hpsieo forfrkU any morn than u briof rfe told how the 1'dguin tribo of couduMutlon ot It, in this wenk'u attacked tho caravans of utslted after a long separation, tho If tho removal of Uio troes wre not acting of the couple brought out nfliu'Bsary lu the changing of th« I.ftichir but we hope to print this re- •1 whilo they were patting port in full at a lator <lsiU\ Tho re- oufh the wilderness and how the loud afpl^us*".
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