In Sports... Spartan tennis Engineering teams' goal building is to win used in it all. made-for-NBC murder mystery. See story on page 5. ID1TYPol,11,11t-ii Xjo,t. 1. int cr,it 1914 Voluble 102, Number 16 Friday. February 18. 1994 Re-hiring controversy By Larry Barrett Spartan Wily Staff Writer laid off last Friday, said. matter how much it costs." (I unipstei s Wit 11( nit tegard for Former SJSU employee "These people handing out 'The students want to proper removal procedures Mike Ham, along with six fliers are worried about their know why their fees keep mandated by the state. SJSU employees, braved the jobs and they have good rea- going up," carpenter shop "Whether that debris was wind and rain to alert passers- son to be." foreman Bill Leonard said. asbestos or not doesn't mat- by to the university's policy of have to come behind 'Part of it is that management ter," Leonard said. "It should contracting out on-campus the contractor and fix the is paying double to do the be treated as such, regard- work to outside companies mistakes they make," SJSU same maintenance jobs. The less." rather than re-hiring former carpenter Rich Bornack said. contractors don't follow rules Mo Qayoumi, associate employees who used to per- 'The job is being done twice, and guidelines that we follow, vice president for administra- form these duties. and the university is paying so there's also a safety factor tion, confirmed that some "I'm already gone. I'm at for it twice. The contractors involved." projects are contracted out to the unemployment office come in, get their money and According to Leonard, private companies. every day checking the job leave. Management's philoso- contractors have removed Wit-IN vrAi, 7 A.' : listings," Mike Ham, who was phy is to spend money, no debris and dumped it into See RE-HIRE. page 8 Former SJSU painter Mike Ham talks with students at the Student Union Thursday Zoning laws ' li.' - r revised by City -a- I ---.-..... --- - ---- High-cost housing .... ........- ' By Michelle Lau ..iiii. Spartan Daily Staff Writer . -- . -._ Building owners like Hank future for San Jose ... Coca of Coca's Hank Down- 40.6 town Furniture store on 82 E. 'LI ----- - By Michelle Lau velopment Agency. 1 he mission of the ""-- Spartan Daily Staff Writer .,....._ ,.._ _......, . Santa Clara St. are able to plan _........ ... .:-= special ...on . ........ ’’’’..3..-= task force is to advocate the buildings that serve as both ........... * .:...7"."rort Ili Irm : 11111S.111111111. -"""----. ,.....!ikl - Senior occupational therapy major planning of downtown housing that is retail space and housing - - Dana Murata is one of roughly 450 res- mixed and balanced," Trask said. _, through a new zoning ordi- ellk I idents of the Colonnade apartments Members of the Downtown Associa- nance currently being drafted . 1101111111111-1111 on S. Fourth Street. Murata feels that tion worry that _ the Redevelopment . ....... VIVOIMMAIN by city attorneys. Zoning regu- ~Ibiumweiximineeetimioxiatrxxxxxx.e it is easy to get any old apartment Agency's plan for new housing is lean- a. 044141111.11 .11110111111001.0ffik arm., lates how land is used and pre- downtown, but finding a nice place is ing exclusively toward upper-income - ........ scribes development standards a challenge. households. Although much of the MOIL .0.0.0........**. such as the height of a build- GM =10 I116 =1 MM.. /8/0 m viall............ "It's either, you want nice, or afford- development is focused on upper to ing. . able. There are other areas that offer a middle-class, Trask said the Redevel- Mb +- f Beth Trask from the Down- good price, but they aren't that clean. opment Agency must allocate roughly , town Association, which repre- -- 1 ,a1.1101m. I guess you get what you pay for," 20 percent of the housing units to I! sents the downtown business , .111111111 Murata said. lower -- -4 . wenolmilemmilm, well= and moderate community, said that last year . intailillitmttlm. .0111 According to Murata, the income buyers. a task force proposed to = __ _ _-- . .................- around mmilmier , Colonnade has a clean, mod- Trask said people who replace the former 1929 zon- vaiNt ...... et tonamos. 411Im OM I ig.11111 ern atmosphere, is equipped move downtown are likely ing ordinance. Iliaile................«. at*- with security and provides to be those who enjoy the According to Darryl Boyd, -le- _I 11111M garage space. Despite the civic life. who works for the San Jose a.. v ..- ........ rilr Mini a: ammiiiiaiammilia advantages, with four people "Downtown offers so .... -,;..'.7. City Planning Department in _ ... sharing an apartment, each many amenities: mass zoning and re-zoning, the -- - _ roommate must pay $300 C a mitt IS transit, museums, gal- Mint _ 1929 ordinance needed to be I every month. leries. restaurants and cul- updated so it would be applic- ....k 111;a111110111 Following the opening of the tural attractions," Trask said. WM* able to the current needs of --, tommusi Wit Colonnade, the San Jose Redevelop- According to real tor Justin Dahl ammo ../ the downtown lifestyle. ment Agency began a campaign to from downtown real estate age! ii Boyd said the former zon- lb,1111111111, '...."'"' ...7:"."" construct more downtown housing. John V. Pinto Sc Associates, there is a - ing ordinance restricted devel- Future developments appear to be steady stream of people moving int() I 0 , opers from creating buildings inaccessible to college students with the downtown area. lik. 111kb for mixed us.se Mixed uses ,......._ strained incomes and are targeted at "Those people moving downtown refers to a building that hous- .1, .... middle-income urban professionals. are a mixed bag, and a lot of urban es both a level for commercial -ow According to Beth Trask of the San yuppies are moving here," he said. use and another for residen- _. Jose Downtown Association which rep- Rviand Mews condos tial -- use. resents the downtown business com- With those upwardly mobile people mn In the past, in order to cre- munity, the City of San Jose hopes to in mind, the San Jose Redevelopment '41 ate a building with mixed S. provide 8,000 new housing units by Agency currently has six housing pro- uses, a special permit was the year 2010. The Downtown Associa- jects in progress. Among the six, the 1111. required. According to Trask, ---, tion has formed a task force consisting 131 -unit condominium complex a special permit was expensive 0,....-- of reahors, financiers and other devel- called Ryland Mews is scheduled to and added a hassle. Moreover, opment professionals to facilitate the open its first 28 units in the ii.si the process was not appealing _1 construction of housing. month. Accorrli tf Ti .1,k the slat to potential developers. (FN TATIIA \ \ r: "The special task force serves as a The Paseo Plaza condominium complex located on Fourth Street will be completed in 1995. go-between for the City and the Rede- See DOWNTOWN. page 4 Low salaries hurt UPD hiring SJSU $22 million behind By Dhyana WOOd CSU police officers since 1991. "We always were ahead of Spartan Dally Stall Writer hi I jilld Anderson Salaries are the same through- them (other CSU campuses) by srocu, I t.ult Stall Writer of the campus facilities. leaky roofs are not fixed. Then Staff levels at the SJSU Univer- out the state for CSU police five or six positions. We have lost The value of SJSU's facilities over time conditiims w(irsen sity Police Department may drop departments. Lowe said the high the cushion we have historically SJSU has a $22 million is estimated at $450 to $500 and repair cost increases. considerably in the next few cost of living in the Bay Area and maintained," Director of Public deferred maintenance backlog, million, said Mohammad Qay- "When we have funds to years if officers leave due to long higher pay levels at other local Safety Ric Abeyta said. the largest backlog of all the oumi, associate executive vice make these repairs, it will take hi airs and low salaries. Many departments mean UPD salary Lowe said strict hiring CSUs. The CSU 1994-95 pro- president of facilities develop- much larger sums of MOHO; to PD officers are known to be levels are not competitive. requirements mean vacancies posed budget provides $24 mil- ment and operations. fix it," Qayoumi said. actively looking for other work. SJSU has one of the highest may go unfilled for as long as lion to address the deferred The campus needs 1.5 to 2 "Most of the items on the "Of the 21 officers, seven are crime rates in the CSU system. eight months. He said low salary maintenance backlog of all percent of that amount for deferred maintenance list need known to be testing for other Despite its traditionally high levels at UPD make recruitment C.SU campus- maintenance to be taken care of to lengthen jobs because salaries are so crime rate, the number of sworn difficult. (5. each year. the life of the facility," he said. poor," Lt. Bruce Lowe said. The officers at SJSU has fallen, rela- The 'It's just like if you Qayoumi esti- These items include roofs. state has given no merit raises to tive to other CSU campuses. See UPI). pages deferred main- mates $7 to heating and ventilation systems. tenance back- have things wrong $8 million a flex* tiles, lighting and paint. log consists of year is need- At the tttp of the priority list repairs and with your car. You ed. is classroom renovation. This Wednesday cinema offers bargain flicks replacement Sig includes those in the health of would fix the building, By Heather Hayes campus receives an science building and Sitn1211 Daily Staff Writer tor at the A.S Program Board.
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