whatever your computer says ... Volume9 Number6 November/December 1972 Information Display • The journal of Data Display Technology PANEL DISPLAYS I") I ') I.J \ll z ,-. "t V l -J SELF-SCAN Panel Display Subsystem, 256"Ch.aracter . 7 0 t M t ix Characters 0.25 Htgh. ~:?c~~;~~~e~ lor~at, !~ailable with all drive ele_ctronics including memory, character generator, and ttmmg. Whether it's a police officer. mapa. 1 ~o 1ca r requestingd. t s informa-for h·t t speclfymg coor ma e lion on a suspect, an arc I ~clding or a type setter verifying type plumbing fixtures m a ne;E~~-SCAN panel displays guarantee for a mall-order catalogf f data between the operator and the most accurate trans er o uter dis lay and demand the computer. If yo~ ne~d a ~o~tw the le:d of Kustom Electronics error-free commun l cat~~n~, oce Accessories Corporation (1) in Chanute, Kansas, Cle ~ i Ke boards (3) in (2) in Southport, .connectlcdu:;,:~~~ ~th:r SELF-SCAN panel Belleview, Washmgton, an salesman demonstrate his displa.y a why the SELF-SCAN panel us~rs. H~ve Bu.~r~u~'~lssee Circle Reader Service Ca rd No. 25 a bnefcaffse .t. oman/machine interface device d"teisprmmlay ~ISlm th e most e ec lve available today. Burroughs Corpora t1.on, Electronic Components Division, Burroughs Plainfield, New Jersey 07061 . (201) 757-3400. ~~ A Technology Publ ishing Corp. Publicat ion Volume9 Number6 November/December 1972 Information Display The journal of Data Display Technology The Sykes 2220 Cassette Tape Controller receives, stores and transmits data between termi­ nals and communications lines all day long. Then after you've gone home, it keeps on working. taking advantage of lower tele­ phone line rates. It does this by means of remotely issued com­ mands. Table ol contents Some of its other virtues are: Versatility • EI A or TTY current loop FULS interface. Artl 1es and Feat res • One or two transport versions. The Setchell Carlson reputation for QUALITY and • Search capability-locate A SIMPLIFIED GRAPHICS LANGUAGE FOR MINI COMPUTERS 9 RELIABILITY is demonstrated over and over in every records in an average of D. Elms 12 seconds. S.C. Electronics monitor and monitor/ receiver w ith Consideration of prior art and current developm ents in the grow th of features such as plug-in circ uit modules (pioneered a drafting language designed to run on a sma ll com puter of the type used • Multiple switch-selectable by S.C. to assure operating dependability and ease to control automatic draf ting machines. baud rates-up to 1800 baud of maintenance) ; 100% solid-state circuitry for max­ asynchronous and up to 5400 baud synchronous. imum stability, long-life, low power drain, and a min­ A STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE WITH PLASMA DISPLAY PANEL 14 imum of heat; up to 640 lines horizontal resolution; S. Umeda and Teruo Tuba • Variable record lengths. and regulated circuitry that provides extremely sta­ A storage type YT display apparatus with plasma display panel is • Unattended remote operation ble operation while preventing raster size or bright­ described and pro blems for practical use are discussed. or keyboard control. • Full ed iting capability plus ness deviations due to line voltage fluctuations. CUMU LATIVE INDE X: 1964-1972, By Title and Author 17 Available in a broad line of screen sizes, Setchell copying and certifying. Carlson products lack only one thing ... a high price. Reliability Whatever the appli c ation, broadcastin g, CCTV, • Uses Cassette Tape Medical training, indust rial TV applications, custom Transports of time-proven remote installations, industry, education, or many design. others, Setchell Carlson has the monitor you need. • MTBF in excess of 3000 hours. Ask about them today at your nearest S.C. Elec­ • Data reliability field-proven 9 tronics dealer, or write for full information and de­ Departments to be up to 10 • scriptive I iteratu re . Economy ED ITORIA L : The Graph ics Are Here 7 • Low unit price SHOW COVERAGE: Sh ows of interest 27 • Liberal OEM discounts. ALSO ASK OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND FULL­ • No programming-simple COLOR LITERATURE ON OUR QUALITY installation. COLOR MONITORS. ID PRODUCTS : Innovations from many firms 28 Write or call for your free copy ADVERTISERS 30 of the Sykes2220 Cassette Tape Controller brochure and start moonlighting today. SC ELECTRONICS, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF AUDIOTRONICS CORPORATION 530 5th AVE. N.W. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55112 IIIII The cove SYKES OATATRD N ICS I NC. @ PHONE (612) 633-3 131 375 O RCHARD STREET In this photograph, !4-in. light-emilling displays are arranged in a mirrored chamber to ROCH EST E R,NEW Y ORK 14606 Circle Reader Service Card No. 1 depict " 7977." The digits are composed of arrays of light-emilling diodes. Abstract photo courtesy of Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp. ( 716J 458 -8000 T ELEX 97- 8326 Published bimonthly by Barrington Publications. Inc .. at 825 S. Barrington Ave., Los Angeles, Ca lif. 90049. Controlled circulation paid at Los An geles, Calif. SUBSCRIPTIONS for U.S., its territories, possessions, and Canada $20 per year. Foreign countries $40 per year. INFORMATI O N D ISPLAY, N ovember /December 1972 Ci rcle Reade r Service Card No. 2 5 Information Display Pu blished bimonthly by Barring ton Publications Inc. WE HAVE APROBLEM 825 S. Barrington A ve. (213) 826-8388 REAR PROJECTION SCREENS Los Angeles, Calif. 90049 {Correspondence regarding feature articles, ad­ vertising, reprints and nonmembership subscrip­ rions should be directed to the above address./ ... dammitl EDITORS & PUBLISH ERS . Martin Waldman Hal Spector Ch ances are, you've been receiving Information Display bimonthly- and EDITORI A L CHA IRMAN .. ... R.L. Kuehn ED ITORI AL COO RDINAT OR ... B. A tchison w ithout charge - for quite a few yea rs. Y ou've read solid, informative FEATURE ED ITORS . ... ...... .. articles relating to major data display developments.. news about T . Simkins .. ........... C. Schmidt M. Farl ey ........... ... ....M. Wood people, projects and products . .. reports on forthcoming seminars and PR ODUCTION M A NAGER ... C. Cambu rn indust ry events ... signed editorials by Rudolph L. Kueh n, a f ounder and CI RCULATION MANAGER .. P. Goldberg BUS INESS MANAGER ........ S. Graham f irst president of the Societ y for Information Display .. and page after ADVERTISING ... ... Do nald Mee ker ' -~~ - -· page of "meat y" material deal ing directly w ith your professional The graphics are here • - ,::4, interests. CLOSING DATES- Editorial cl osing date is I first of month preced ing month of issue. Adver­ · ~ ~ But we can't continu e. tising closing is first of month preced ing month Although we ordinarily rese rve th is space to comment upon the of issue. shortcomings and requ ired improvements in our chose n f ield, this CHANGE OF ADDRESS notices should be sen t Our " no charge" effort s (even w it h adve rtising t o ease the financial sting) promptly; provide old mailing label as well as time we would like to express some sa tisfaction with the increas­ must now be terminated. We must ask you t o pay for your 1973 sub­ new address; include Z IP code or postal code. ing appearance of moderate cost graphic terminals. For those who scription; t he Nov/ Dec issue is the last one w e can send you free. Allow two months for change. SUBSCRI PTI ON S fo r U.S ., i ts territories, pos­ may not be aware of t he product ann oun cements in the past year sessions and Can ada: $20 per year; $35 for two or two, it sh ould come as a pleasant surprise that graphics are truly It hurts to give you a message like this. You've been a loy al reader over years; $45 for three. Single copy price, $4.00. here in price ranges that open the door to nearly any application. the years; if we didn't have to ask you to pay, we would never even bring Foreign countries: $4 0 per year ; $70 for two years; $90 for th ree years. Com plain ts concern­ One need only pe ru se the ad vertise ments or attend any of severa l up the subject. But we have no choice. ing nonreceipt o f magaz ines must be made wi thin four mon ths of issue mailing d are. equ ipment exhibits to re cogn ize th at the state of the displ ay art How much are we talk ing about? Normally, domestic subscriptions are ED ITORIA L CONTRIB UT IONS must be ac· has made a significant advance. companied by stamped return envelopes and Eve n more than color, reaso nably-priced graph ic termi nals open $20 per y ear. But if y ou give us your O K now we'll chop that down to will be ha ndled wi th reasonable care; however, $15 pe r year, a substantial reduction. And you'll be getting better, more publishers assume no responsibility for sa fety the door to countless applications which are li mited only by the of artwork , photographs or manu scr ipts. Every imagi nation. With graphics within th e reach of smaller purses, inf ormative issues of Information Display than ever. precaution is taken to ensu re accuracy, but the publishers cannot accept responsibility fo r the there is the lurking danger of earl y se tbacks due to inadequate Will you take us up on this offer (which ends Feb. 1, 1973)? We can sure correc tness or accuracy of the inform ation sup­ applica tion and field engineering such as that wh ich still bese ts plied herein or for any opinion expressed.
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