6354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 5 May 2, 2011 SENATE—Monday, May 2, 2011 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was in a period of morning business until solute victory. America welcomes the called to order by the Honorable CHRIS- 4:30 p.m. today. Following that morn- success of our fellow citizens’ extraor- TOPHER A. COONS, a Senator from the ing business, the Senate will be in ex- dinary mission. State of Delaware. ecutive session to consider Calendar Even as we breathe a sigh of relief, No. 74, Roy Bale Dalton, of Florida, to though, we are not relieved of our duty PRAYER be U.S. District Judge for the Middle to be vigilant, to be persistent and de- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- District of Florida; Calendar No. 76, feat our enemy and to make our Nation fered the following prayer: Kevin Hunter Sharp, of Tennessee, to stronger. The leader of al-Qaida is Let us pray. be U.S. District Judge for the Middle gone, but his organization is not. We Almighty God, Father of all mercy, District of Tennessee. know our enemy is widespread and mo- let Your presence be felt today by all There will be an hour of debate, tivated. The truth is, it may be more on Capitol Hill and beyond. May the equally divided and controlled between motivated today then it was yesterday. awareness of Your nearness make a Senators LEAHY and GRASSLEY or their Our troops continue to fight. Our in- positive impact upon our thoughts, designees. telligence professionals continue to speech, and actions. As we learn to cul- At 5:30 this evening, there will be a work. Their families continue to sac- tivate companionship with You, may it rollcall vote on the Sharp nomination. rifice. We continue to support all of improve our decisions, our relation- The Dalton nomination will be con- them and support each other. ships, and our aspirations. Teach us firmed by unanimous consent. We also pause today to, once again, Your ways and lead us in Your truth. f lend a shoulder to those whose grief Lord, as millions react to the death never ends, not with time, not with bin of Osama bin Laden, may we remember OSAMA BIN LADEN Laden’s demise, not ever. This signifi- Your mercies to our Nation and our ac- Mr. REID. Mr. President, late last cant measure of justice is but a small countability to You. Bless the many night, we learned the news we have measure of comfort for those who lost who have sacrificed so much to keep us been longing to hear since the worst loved ones in America and around the free. We pray in Your merciful Name. morning in our memory: an American world, in New York and Virginia and Amen. operation brought Osama bin Laden to Pennsylvania, aboard the USS Cole, f justice. This was an American mission and in American Embassies in Africa, ordered by President Obama and ac- on trains in London and Madrid, and in PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE complished by America’s brave and so many other places. The Honorable CHRISTOPHER A. COONS brilliant military and intelligence pro- Bin Laden’s death does not bring led the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: fessionals. back the thousands of innocent people I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Last night’s news stunned the world. his thugs killed or make whole families United States of America, and to the Repub- But this operation’s success should sur- who will be forever incomplete. But it lic for which it stands, one nation under God, prise no one. America’s special forces is an important milestone that reminds indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. and intelligence operatives are the the world America does not suffer the f best—the best trained, the best wicked and will not submit to evil. Our APPOINTMENT OF ACTING equipped, the best led. resolve is strengthened when it is chal- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Every day of every year they risk lenged and our unity, though it too is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The their lives for our sake, for our safety. often tested, is unbreakable. clerk will please read a communication They are the most professional and Because of the hard work of coura- to the Senate from the President pro proficient forces on the planet. Yester- geous Americans and our military, in- telligence, diplomatic, and law enforce- tempore (Mr. INOUYE). day, they brought down the most want- The legislative clerk read the fol- ed mass murderer on Earth. Their suc- ment communities, a long evil chapter lowing letter: cess is the most significant victory yet in our Nation’s history closed yester- in the fight against al-Qaida and ter- day. Today, we welcome the spring of a U.S. SENATE, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, rorism and sends a strong and unmis- new optimism and renewed patriotism. Washington, DC, May 2, 2011. takable message to terrorists who The chapter now behind us ended with To the Senate: threaten our country, our people, and justice. We hope the chapter ahead of Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, our interests. us will bring security and peace. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby This success is a direct result of WORK CONTINUES appoint the Honorable CHRISTOPHER A. President Obama’s leadership and the While the Nation and the world ab- COONS, a Senator from the State of Dela- national security priorities he outlined ware, to perform the duties of the Chair. sorb this crucial development, the DANIEL K. INOUYE, when he took office and the green light work of the Senate continues. Today, President pro tempore. he gave our forces this weekend. Presi- we begin a new month and a new work Mr. COONS thereupon assumed the dent Obama insisted that we refocus on period and a new opportunity to come chair as Acting President pro tempore. Afghanistan and Pakistan as the cen- together to create jobs. I hope this tral battlefields in our fight against month will be a productive month. f terrorism. There are several important and time- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Those tremendous military, diplo- sensitive items on our plate. One, I LEADER matic, intelligence, and economic ef- hope to wrap up the small business jobs The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- forts are the reason we woke up this bill. This has been on the floor for pore. The majority leader is recog- morning in a world that is no longer weeks and weeks and weeks—far too nized. home to Osama bin Laden. But the end long—and we need to resolve it so we f of his life is not the end of the fight. can move on to other matters. Yesterday’s operation is indeed a meas- Two, we will have the same debate in SCHEDULE ure of justice, but it is only one meas- the Senate that the American people Mr. REID. Mr. President, following ure of justice. Absolutely it is a defini- are having at home; that is, the ques- any leader remarks, the Senate will be tive victory, but it does not define ab- tion of whether we should keep giving ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:13 May 20, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\S02MY1.000 S02MY1 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 5 6355 away money to oil companies that chestrated the 9/11 attacks and who This is indeed a signal achievement, clearly do not need taxpayer handouts. reveled in the horror of that day is a huge victory in the war against ter- That will be part of a larger debate we dead. And those who follow his twisted rorism, and a day of great pride for our will continue having about how best to vision are again on notice: America is country. The President made the right reduce our reliance on foreign oil and in pursuit. call, and we thank him for it. invest better and smarter in clean en- This was a long time coming. For We can never bring back those who ergy. two decades, Osama bin Laden and the died on 9/11 or those who have given Three, we will vote on the House- al-Qaida network he created, sustained, their lives in this long and difficult passed budget. A majority of the House and led has been at war with the war, but all Americans can say with re- has embraced it, a majority of the United States. newed confidence today that we have American people have rejected it, and The path of terror extended from the kept our pledge, and that this is a war the Senate will soon have its say. first World Trade Center bombing to we will win. Finally, we will confirm judicial the bombing of the Khobar Towers and Some will recall that Osama bin nominees, many of whom we have wait- the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tan- Laden launched this war many years ed a long time for in the Senate. If the zania, to the bombing of the USS Cole, ago on the false assumption that Amer- minority forces us to file cloture on to the horrors of 9/11, and through two ica didn’t have the stomach for the those nominees in order to get a final long and difficult wars that followed.
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