Supplement $0. 2. to C^e Palestine dSa?ette Bo. 574 of Sty <S®att% 1936. EXPROPRIATION OF LAND ORDINANCES, 1926-1935. CERTIFICATE I, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR ARTHUR GRENFELL WAUCHOPE, High Commissioner for Palestine, hereby certify that the construction of an Elementary Boys' School in the town of Safad, in the Sub-District of Safad, is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1935. A plan of the site is deposited at the offices of the District Officer, Safad, and of the Director of Land Registration, Jerusalem. A. G. WAUCHOPE 25th February, 1936. High Commissioner. (L/42/36) — 109 — — 110 — PALESTINE-SYRIA CUSTOMS AGREEMENT, 1929. NOTICE The following supplementary list of articles wholly manufactured in Palestine which fall under paragraphs (c) and (d) of Article 4 of the Palestine-Syria Customs Agreement, 1929, is published for information, in accordance with the terms of that Article, together with the names and addresses of the manufacturers. WEARING APPAREL TEL AVIV. "Serge-adin" H. Skolnik, 24, Azlan St. Artificial silk tissues and artificial silk wear. "Arnhemia" E. Dunn & A. Polak, Knitted wear. 65, Herzl St. I. Haftka, 53, Nachlat Benjamin St. Wearing apparel, bathing and dressing gowns. I. M. Bayer, 123, Nachlat Benjamin St. All kinds of knitted wearing ap• parel. "Shic Varshai" Haim Sznelling, Ladies' and children's wearing 92, Allenby Road. apparel. "Salmah" Solo Sprai & Wolpert, Ladies' wearing apparel. 4, Nachlat Benjamin St. JERUSALEM. "J.K.R.A." J. Krelenstein & Son and Babies' suits of artificial silk, A. Rot stein, Zichron Moshe. wool and cotton. J. Berger, 41, Ussishkin Road, New Neckties. Bezalel. JAFFA. "Tricoten" Jehuda Tentski, Knitted wear. Florentin Quarter, 26, Menashe Azlan Street. "Rekein" I. Sweranowsky, Knitted wearing apparel. Florentine Quarter, 7, Meir Zion Street. HAIFA. "Hasorgim" The General Federation of Pull-overs, jerseys, children's Jewish Labourers in Palestine, suits and underwear for men, Kvuzat Hahugim Village, near Eiu ladies and children. Haiod. _ 111 _ TEXTILES. HAIFA. "Ata" Textiles Co. Ltd. Cotton yarns, cotton threads, cot• Kfar Ata, Haifa Bay. ton and mixed tissue. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. HAIFA. Bruno Rabinovitz, Nazareth Road, Household articles and electrical near Rutenberg Station. fittings. BRASSWARE. TEL AVIV. J. Zaksenberg, Orange juice squeezing machines, taps and all kinds of brassware. Ha'alia St., Corner Salemeh St. WIRE NETTINGS. TEL AVIV. Mendel & Perlman, Galvanized wire nettings, barbed Bnei Brak, near Tel Aviv; wire and clamps. office in Tel Aviv, 94, Nachlat Benjamin Street. UPHOLSTERY. TEL AVIV. "Etun" R. Hirsch & P. Harn, Upholstery and curtain tissue, 22, Aliya Street. sofa and table covers and similar articles. PRINTINGS. TEL AVIV. Graphical Works Institute Embossed and printed labels and Y. Ashour, D. Kretschmer & M. other printings. Kirchheimer, 24, Avoda Street. FANCY LEATHER GOODS. TEL AVIV. J. Obstblum, Fancy leather goods, 138, Rothschild Boulevard, Arie Gurman, Leather coats. 83, Allenby Road. — 112 — Jacob Bornstein, Leather gloves. 37, Rashi Street. Winer and Rosenzweig, Fancy leather goods. 2, Melech Koresh St. "Leviathan" Co. Ltd., Upper and sole leather. S. L. Pieprz, Factory address: Yazour, near Jaffa. Office address : 22, Kalisher St., Tel Aviv JAFFA. Gruen & Friedlaender Ltd., Fancy leather goods. Schechunat Barselai, Hagra St., (Beth Freund). CANNED FISH. TEL AVIV. J. Ehrlich, Smoked and pickled fish and fish Nachlat Itzchak, near Tel Aviv. in oil. SOAP. TEL AVIV. Jacques (Jacob) I. Leon & Counio, Soap. Montefiori Quarter, near Sarona, Schederot Hatikva. RlSHON-LE-TsiYON. Sherf Soap Factorv Co. Common, toilet, medical and A. Sh. H. Sherf & B. Simon. shaving soap. CITRUS JUICE. JAFFA. "Tov-Tov" Albert Davidson, Lemonades of citrus juice and Bnei-Brak, near Pardess Katz. sweetened citrus juice. INSECTICIDES. JAFFA. "Perulina" David Altman, Perfumed liquid soap and insect• (Ismailoff House) Florentin St., Jaffa. icides. SHOE POLISH AND OTHER LEATHER PREPARATIONS. TEL AVIV. "EOS" Chemical Works, Shoe polish, colours for soles and Dr. S. Babad, 51, Nachmani St. preparations for hardening leath• Factorv address : 17, Hachashmal St, er. — 113 — SILK TISSUES. TEL AVIV. "Delfiner's" Silk Industry Ltd. Artificial silk and silk tissues. Delfiner & Yohananoff, Hayarden Street. DENTAL MATERIAL. HAIFA. The Newland Dental Fillings Manu• Filling porcelain, oxyphosphate factory, Ahuza, Mount Carmel. cement and drytex stone cement. ALUMINUM WARE. TEL AVIV. "Metallum" M. Epstein, Aluminium and silver plated 6, Ezra St. brass ware. BUTTONS. JERUSALEM. Moses Abeles, Bait Vegan. Buttons. PAINTS AND COLOURS. HAIFA. Dr. A. Marberger, All kinds of dry paints and colours. Industrial Centre, Haifa Bay. IRON WORKS. HAIFA. Mr. Braunstern, Iron and steel windows, doors, Station Street. iron rolling gates and similar iron works. J. HATHORN HALL 25th February, 1936. Chief Secretary. (C7393/31). — 114 — DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE, 1926. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 19. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 19 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has made the following rules :— Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Animal Quarantine (Amend• ment) Rules, 1936. Interpretation. 2. In these rules the term "principal rules" shall mean the Animal Quarantine Rules, 1931. Addition of new 3. The schedule to the principal rules shall be amended by the paragraph to addition of the following paragraph after paragraph X thereof, as schedule to the enacted by rule 3 of the Quarantine (Amendment) Rules (No. 9), principal rules. 1935. " Y. IRISH FREE STATE. (1) Cattle for breeding purposes or for the purpose of slaughter in quarantine may be imported from the Irish Free State. (2) Any person who intends to import cattle for breeding pur• poses shall obtain before shipment of any such cattle a permit from the Chief Veterinary Officer. The Chief Veterinary Officer may refuse to grant, or, when granted, may suspend or revoke any permit issued. (3) Any cattle shipped to Palestine directly from a port in the Irish Free State shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a Veterinary Officer of the Government of the Irish Free State to the effect :— (i) that no cases of foot-and-mouth disease, cattle plague or contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia have occurred in the Irish Free State during the six months immediately preced• ing the shipment of the cattle to Palestine, and (ii) that such cattle have been examined by him within twenty- four hours of the date of their shipment and have been found free from any infectious or contagious disease and, in addition, (iii) in the case of cattle for breeding purposes that the cattle have been tested for tuberculosis and bovine contagious abortion and found free from such diseases. — 115 — (4) The certificate required by sub-rule (3) of this paragraph shall state the pedigree numbers of the cattle, in the case of cattle for breeding purposes, and the dates on which the tests referred to in (iii) of that sub-rule have been applied. (5) Cattle for breeding purposes shall, on arrival in Palestine, be detained in quarantine for a period of forty-eight hours and, in the case of female cattle, they shall be strictly isolated on premises approved by the Chief Veterinary Officer and tested for bovine con• tagious abortion after an interval of thirty days from the date on which the test was made in the Irish Free State. Any animal which gives a positive reaction shall be slaughtered or otherwise dealt with as the Chief Veterinary Officer directs. (6) Any cattle shipped to Palestine via the port of Liverpool in Great Britain, shall, in addition to the certificate required by sub- rule (3) of this paragraph, be accompanied by a certificate issued by a Veterinary Inspector of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Great Britain, to the effect that the cattle have not come in contact with any other stock at the port of Liverpool while awaiting embarkation for Palestine. " 4. The Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Rules, 1936, pub• !Revoking rules lished in Palestine Gazette No. 565 of the 23rd January, 1936, are in Gazette dated 23rd January, hereby revoked. 1936. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 3rd March, 1936. Chief Secretary. (A/91/35). DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE, 1926. NOTICE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 16. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has declared that the undermentioned localities in the Sub-District of Haifa and the lands belonging thereto are infected areas so far as poultry are concerned, on account of the existence of cell inclusion disease of poultry therein : — 116 — Zikhron Ya'aqov Kafr Qari' Bureika Qannir Giv'at Adda Ara iirab at Turkman Wadi Ara Sufsafa Ar'ara Pardess Hanna Sindyana Karkur Sabbarin Binyamina Tantura Zarghanya Ein Ghazal Arab Barrdt Qisarya Ein Haud Qisarya Jaba' Mayer Shefeya Al Mazar Fureidis Kafr Lam Bat Shelomo Sarafand By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 25th February, 1936. Chief Secretary. (A/46/31). PRESS ORDINANCE, 1933. NOTICE OP GRANT OF A PERMIT TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. S. 94 has been granted on the 31st day of January, 1936, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MESSRS. HERMAN SWET and ISSAI KLINOW, residing at Rehavia, Jerusa• lem, and 56, Yehuda Halevy St., Tel Aviv, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at 54, Mazeh Street, Tel-Aviv, a newspaper in the Hebrew language, entitled Shiva'a Yamim (Seven Days), treating of theatre, concert, cinema and radio programmes and under the editorship of MR. SHMUEL MAISLIS. J. HATHORN HALL 26th February, 1936. Chief Secretary. (K/89/35). PRESS ORDINANCE, 1933. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF PERMIT GRANTED FOR PUBLICATION OF A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following change is made in the notice dated the 15th September, 1934, published in the Palestine Gazette of the 20th Septem• ber, 1934:— The "Sviataia Zemlia" religious review' will be edited by the REV.
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