Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-20-2001 The BG News March 20, 2001 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 20, 2001" (2001). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6780. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6780 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University TUESDAY March 20, 2001 FOR THE KIDS: MOSTLY CLOUDY Silent auction again part HIGH50ILOW28 of DM entertainment; www.bgnews.cotn PAGE 2 independent student press VOLUME 90 ISSUE 114 Napster Web hurts GETTING A FACELIFT design business topic of By Chuck Soder USG REPORTER fair Despite lags in sales, local music shop owners insist their By Jeff Amett stores, and the industry as a TECHMOLOCr REPORTER whole, will survive Napster's The University held a Web attack. Resources Fair yesterday at lim Cummer, owner of Olscamp Hall. Its goal was to help Madhattcr Music at 143 F.. the people at the University who Wooster St., is undaunted by the work on web pages, according to threats Napster and similar Web Steve Kendall, chairman of tht sites pose to the industry. He said Web Advisory Group (WAG). he embraces music's new-found Many of the displays at the fail format. offered help for improving web Optimism aside, he said pages or making ones that are Napster, which allows users to consistent with the rest of tht download songs off the Internet University's website. for free, has almost certainly hurt For instance, one of the tables his sales, even if marginally. gave an "Overview of the Web Madhatter and Napster target Guide for University the same audience — college stu- Webmasters," hosted by Jim dents. Cummer said that Napster, l-'ousi. journalism professor and with its college audience, has member of WAG. The Web Guide probably hurt sales of alternative (http://www.bgsu.edu/offlces/ex and rock music most, which ecvp/wag/) lists required ele- make up most of Madhatter's ments for University pages, inventory. design standards and ways to Greg Halamay, owner of make pages accessible for the Finder's Records, Tapes and handicapped. Compact Discs, estimates that "They're basically things like Napster and sites like it might contact information," Foust said. have taken up to 10 percent of his Contact information, which the sales. Finder's, at 128 N. Main St.. University wants on all the pages, also focuses on selling alternative makes it easy for a reader to reach and rock music. the humans in the department Halamay remains optimistic who made the web page. Other Napster's effect on his or any busi- things WAG wants all University ness is uncertain, because factors pages to have: such as album release dates, -"Bowling Green State album quality and the economy University" in the page's title affect sales, he said. He added that -a link to the University's home though Finder's sales have page dropped about 6ve percent since -a copyright symbol and a date last year, Napster cannot be -a link to the webmaster proved respons.jle. -the date of the last update "I dont think (Napster's effect] is The Web Guide also provides as dramatic as some people templates, though Foust said that think." Cummer said. "Right now doesn't mean all the University's music just sucks." Good albums web pages have to look alike. usually sell, he said, citing how KnlnVorrmsBGNms "Our committee is not actually rapper Eminem sold over eight saying you should use this," Foust million copies of his latest album, TOWERING ABOVE: The Wood County Court House's clock tower has lit up the night sky of Bowling Green said. "We're giving you the tem- The Marshal Mathers LR during for over 100 years. It is now undergoing changes, which will be completed within the next two years. plate and saying, 'If you want to Napster's prime. The century-old clock This lifelong resident of Bowling degrade the stone face of the build- use this, you can.'" "CD burners have a great effect, Green, seen by thousands every ing lohn Kloor, who works on web too," Halamay said. Unlike cas- tower, which is a part day, will also undergo work on its pages for the Office of sette recorders, burners can copy The County Jail behind the of the Wood County gears, roof, exterior stone carvings Courthouse, located to the north, Admissions, said the standards CDs without sacrificing sound and gutters. will also undergo renovation. The are good for the University's web- quality. Downloaded songs, usu- Court House, is under- Restoration efforts, projected to exterior will look the same, while site. He said the Office of ally in MP3 format, can also be conclude in 2002, are soon to begin the interior will be transformed Admissions page was changed copied. Both stores sell blank CDs going restoration. on the Wood County Courthouse into a facility for county records this year to match the new tem- to meet the demand. Finder's usu- and its clock tower. The renova- storage and a law library. plates. ally sells about 200 CDs per week. By Jordan Fouts tions come in response to the dete- Both buildings' gutters will be "I think we should move toward Halamay said. CITY REPORTER rioration which it has been sub- replaced, and also the roofs, which the pages looking the same," he If each blank CD replaces a $15 A local celebrity is receiving cos- jected to since its construction in will be restored with tile from the said. "Right now it's kind of a album sale, any store selling 200 metic surgery, after a recent lOOth 1894. The current gutter system is original company. Replacements mess." blank CDs per week has reason to birthday. The face will be restored, responsible for the degeneration, Other tables at the fair gave worry. If the store keeps 20 per- and the hands will be replaced which has caused water runoff to help for optimizing web pages entirely. COURT HOUSE. PAGE 8 NAPSTER, PAGE 9 FAIR, PAGE 9 Advertising may have negative effects By Ivy Ickes dangers of diet pills is placed WOMEMS BEAT REPORTER "Kilborne's lecture opposite a diet product. The evils of advertising. makes you think The advertisment industry Its negative effects on women, tells women they can never their body image, and how it about the power of measure up with a basic mes- contributes to violence were advertising to create sage sent — that the more you analyzed last night by Jean subtract, the more you add. Kilbome. a climate supporting Therefore, a woman can simply Kilborne's lecture forced the violence and a disappear as a person and audience to take a closer look at become an object instead. advertising and the messages it negative body The advertising industry's sends other than just to buy the image." objectification of women also product contributes to violence against "Kilborne's lecture makes you HEATH HUBER. GRADUATE STUDENT women. If women are viewed as think about the power of adver- objects, she argues, it is easier to tising to create a climate sup- shaping us," said Heath Huber, abuse and assault them, porting violence and a negative graduate student because they aren't people — body image. Watching this pre- Kilbome says that the mes- just a sum of their parts., sentation made me realize how sages sent by advertising are "Jean Kilborne's visit to cam- affected I really am by advertis- mixed, such as women's maga- pus not only explored the issues ing 1 liked that she does not want zine covers telling how to lose women face each day, but she Tom IHO BG flews laws against it, but for people to weight, but also how to make the be citizens first then consumers perfect ice cream pie. Or when AUTOGRAPH: Jean Kilbome signs her book for University members in attendance after her speech. She so we can shape them not them SPEAKER,PAGE 9 an article is written about the spoke on dangerous effects of advertising last night at Olscamp. 2 Tuesday, March 20,2001 BG NEWS DANCE MARATHON I IIVK DAYS AWAY DM quilt one of many highlights By Katy Etewortti dents and parents piece together room, was sewn together by the and Sound. CAMPUS UFt REPORTER decorated squares for a new mother of a Dance Marathon In addition to a silent auction This year's Dance Marathon quill. member. In the past students there will also be bands playing entertainment boasts a few Quilt squares were sold to have constructed the quilt, but to keep the dancers moving. changes. anyone, from people in a partic- no students who quilt could be Unlike last year, however, Like last year, there will be a ipating organization to Dance found to piece it togther this none of the bands that will be silent auction and bands. Marathon committee members. year. playing have performed at However, there will also be Many bear the names of dancers Heather McCoy, public rela- Dance Marathon before. There speakers, family spotlights, and and organizations that partici- tions chairwoman, said that the will also be fewer bands than last other entertainers. pated. The squares are then quilt is significant because it year, and the music will be cover The silent auction has for sewn together to make a quilt.
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