DOCUMENT RESUME ED 069 043 EA 004 665 TITLE Year-Round Schools. Hearing Before the General Subcommittee on. Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session on the Value of Year-Round Schools. (Washington, D. CO, April 24, 1972.) INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. PUB DATE 24 Apr 72 NOTE 428p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$16.45 DESCRIPTORS *Costs; *Extended School Year; *Quarter System; School Calendars; *School Districts; School Schedules; Trimester Schedules; *Year Round Schools IDENTIFIERS Congressional Hearings ABSTRACT This document contains statements by experts in the field of year-round schools and excerpts from publications dealing with various plans for year-round schools. The statements and publications discuss (1) the Valley View 45-15 continuous school year plan,(2) the Jefferson County, Kentucky, elective quarter plan, (3) various four quarter school plans,(4) the three plus system,(5) the Dade County Florida *quinmester* program, and (6) other extended school year programs. (JF) YEAR-ROUNDSCHOOLS ' re\ CD HEARING BEFORE THE GENERAL SUBCOMMITTEEON EDUCATION OF TILE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAND LABOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON THE VALUE OF YEAR-ROUNDSCHOOLS HEARING HELD IN WASHINGTON,D.C. APRIL 24, 1972 Printed for the use of the Committeeon Education and Labor CARLD.PERKINS,Chairman U.S. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, EDUCATIONd WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 79.120 0 WASHINGTON : 1972 FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY 4&4* COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman EDITH GRIM, Oregon ALBERT II. QU, Minnesota FRANK THOMPSON, JR., New Jersey JOHN M. ASIIBROOK, Ohio f JOHN II. DENT, Pennsylvania ALPHONZO BELL. California ROMAN C. PUCINSKI, Illinois JOHN N. ERLENBORN, Illinois DOMINICK V. DANIELS, New Jersey JOHN It. DELLENBACK, Oregon JOHN ItRADEMAS, Indiana MARVIN L. ESCII, Michigan JAMES G. 0.11ARA, Michigan EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN, Pennsylvania AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California WILLIAM A. STETGER, Wisconsin WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan EARL F. LANDGIAEBE, Indiana PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii ORVAL IIANSEN, Idaho JAMES II. SCHEUER, New York EARL It. ItUTII, North Carolina LLOYD MENDS. Washington EDWIN B. FORSYTHE. New Jersey PHILLIP BURTON. California VICTOR V. VEYSEY, California JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania JACK F. KEMI', New York WILLIAM "BILL" CLAY, Missouri PETER A. PEYSER, New York SHIRLEY CHISHOLM, New York CLIFFARD D. CARLSON, Illinois MARIO BIAGGI, New York ELLA T. GRASSO, Connecticut LOUISE DAY HICKS, Massachusetts ROMANO L. MAZZOLI, Kentucky HERMAN BADILLO, New York GENERAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION ROMAN C. PUCINSKI, Illinois, Chairman WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan ALPIIONSO BELL. California LLOYD MENDS, Washington JOHN M. ASIIBROOK, Ohio AUGUSTUS F. IIAWKINS, California EARL B. RUTH, North Carolina PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii EDWIN B. FORSYTHE, New Jersey SHIRLEY CHISHOLM, New York VICTOR V. VEYSEY, California MARIO BIAGGI, New York JACK F. KEMI'. New York LOUISE DAY HICKS, Massachusetts PETri:R A. PEYSER, New York ROMANO L. MAZZOIA, Kentucky HERMAN BADILLO, New York EDITH GREEN, Oregon CONTENTS Statements of Page Brewster, Albert J. Jr.,superintendent of schools, District No. 3, Unity, Mame Administrative Cantrell, J. C., director, ElectiveQuarter Plan, Jefferson County 68 Schools, Louisville, Ky Public Cove, James, assistant 21 No. 96, Illinois superintendent. Valley View SchoolDistrict 4 Henson, Dr. E. Curtis, assistantsuperintendent, Atlanta, Ga Prepared statements, letters,supplemental materials, etc.: 40 Brewster Albert J., Jr.,superintendent of schools, Maine Administrative District No. 3, Unity, School Learning," an article entitled Maine, "Less SchoolBetter Cantrell, J. C., director, Elective 67 Public Schools, Louisville,' Ky.:Quarter Plan, Jefferson County "Elective Quarter Plan,"a pamphlet entitled Estimated cost of summer 30 quarter 1973 and a projection (table)._ 28 Present school yearSeptemberto early in June (table) Present school yearJuniorhigh (table) 38 "Quotations from Articles 39 entitled on Year-Round Schools," an article 29 School year 1972-73 (tentative)in quarters (chart) Summary of pupil'upil Survey (table) 26 Erlenborn, Hon. John N., 27 State of Illinois: a representative in Congress fromthe Preface to statement of Statement of 1 Gove, James R. assistant 1 Romcoville, Ill.: superintendent, Valley View Public Schools, "A Board Member Looksat the Valley View 45-15 Continuous School Year Plan," an article entitled, by James D. Bingle__ _ 19 "A School Board President'sThoughts on the Valley View 45-15 Continuous School Year Plan," Martinez an article entitled, by A. Vito Statement of 19 9 "The Challenge at RomeoviLle,"an article entitled "The Valley View 45-15 17 article entitled Continuous School Year Plan,"an Henson, E. Curtis, assistant 20 Public Schools, Atlanta, Ga.:superintendent, Instruction, Atlanta "The Four Quarter SchoolProgram," a publication entitled "The Four Quarter School Year," 54 a compilation entitled 43 Pucinski, Hon. Roman C.,a Representative in Congress from the State of Illinois, samplecopy of letter sent to superintendents of schools, dated gpril 20,1972 3 APPENDIX rase Blaschke, Charles, president, Blair Curry, and John Sweeney, Education Turnkey Systems, Inc., Washington, 1).C., statement of 421 Cochenour, Don, administrative assistant, Public Information, LaMesa- Spring Valley School District., La Mesa, Calif.: Letter to lion. John B. Erlenborn, a Representative in Congress from the State of Illinois, dated April 17, 1972 235 "Year-Round School .. for Conintions Education," a publication entitled 236 "Year-Round School .. for Continuous Education," a booklet entitled 268 Deering, Richard J.; Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio, statement of 300 Rosie, Matthew. superintendent., Rochester Area School District, Roch- ester, Pa., letter to Chairman Pucinski, dated June 5, 1972,enclosing paper entitled, "The `Three Plus' System" 415 Johns, Roe L., National Educational Finance Project, "TheExtended School Year," an excerpt entitled_ 373 Lacher, Pitts J., superintendent, Mora Public Schools, Mora, Minn., letter to Chairman Pucinski, et al, dated May 9, 1972 283 MacRae, Douglas G. deputy superintendent, Fulton CountyBoard of Education, Atlanta, Ga.: "Four Term Secondary SchoolPlan,"an article entitled 149 "Fulton County Schools FourQuarter Plan," a publication entitled 153 Letter to Chairman Pueinski, dated May 17, 1972 148 Mueller, Ernest H., assistant to the Superintendent for Administration, Prince William County School Board, Manassas, Va.: "Evolution of Year-Round SchoolsA Planned Change Process," an article entitled 292 "Facts About Prince William County's Year-Round Schools," an article entitled 285 Letter to Chairman Pucinski dated May 9, 1972 285 "OverviewPrince William County Rescheduled School Year," an article entitled 296 National Center for Educational Communication, HEW, "Year-Round Schools: The 45-15 Plan," a publication entitled 381 National School Public Relations Association, "Year-Round School:Dis- tricts Develop Successful Programs," a publication entitled 308 O'Dell, Alan M., administrative assistant, Elementary Education, Francis Howell School District, St. Charles. Mo., "A General Report on the Francis Howell Year-Round School Plan," a booklet entitled.. 213 Olsen, Johannes I. principal, Champlain Valley Union High School, Hines- burg, Vermont, letter to Chairman Pucinski, dated May 3, 1972, enclosing booklet entitled, "A New View of the Use of Our Schools" 88 Patterson, Roland N., superintendent, Baltimore City PublicSchools, letter to Chairman Pucinski, dated June 6, 1972, enclosing material 407 Picollo, Marvin, superintendent, et al, Washoc County SchoolDistrict, Reno, Nev., letter to Chairman Pucinski, dated April 27, 1972 298 Redmond, James F., general superintendent of schools, Chicago, III.,let- ter to Chairman Pueinski, dated May 9, 1972,. enclosing statement 79 Rubenstein, Martin, project manager, Quinmester Program, DadeCounty Public Schools,Miami, Fla., letter to Chairman Pucinski, dated May 9, 1972, enclosing "The Quinmester Extended School YearProgram,,' a compilation entitled 137 Stoudt, E. F., superintendent, Cornwall-Lebanon School District, Lebanon, Pa., letter to Chairman Pucinksi, dated April 24, 1972, enclosing news letters 125 Wilson, Sam D., superintendent, Molalla Consolidated Grade School, Molalla, Oreg., letter to Chairman Pueinski, dated May 3, 1972 281 Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, "A Restructured School Year," a project entitled 299 (Iv) 4 (1) YEAR-ROUND SCHOOLS MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1972 . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, GENERAL SUBCOMMITPEEON EDUCATION OF THE COMMITFEE ON EDUCATIONAND Damn, 1Vershington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuantto notice, at 10 a.m., inroom 2257, Rayburn House Office Building,Hon. Roman C. Pucinski (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representatives Pucinskiand Mazzoli. Staff members present: JohnF. Jennings. counsel ;---Alexandra Kisla, clerk; and Cindy Banzer,minority legislation assistant. Mr. Pt:mm:1. The subcommitteewill come to order. Perhapsour witnesses would like to take theirseats at the witness table asa panel. Today the General Subcommitteeon Education is
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