148°30'E 148°15'E 148°20'E148°25'E 148°35'E 148°40'E 148°45'E 148°50'E 148°55'E 149°00'E 149°05'E 149°10'E 149°15'E 149°20'E 149°25'E Dingo Reef (No 2) Dingo Reef (No 6) 19-056 18-038b 18-038f 19°10'S 19-284 19°10'S Darley Reef Dingo Reef (No 1) 19-057 19°11.280'S 148°54.000'E 19-043 19-038a P-19-19 19-058 MNP-18-1076 19-059 MNP-18-1076 19-077 Tiger Reef 19-060 19-062 19°12.480'S 19-054 Jacqueline Reef 19-306 19-061 149°26.709'E 19-078 19-277 19°14.105'S 19°14.399'S 149°11.085'E 19-276 149°01.518'E 19-295 148°53.040'E 148°44.424'E 19°15.267'S 19°15'S Kangaroo Reef (East) 19°15'S 19°15.528'S Kangaroo 19-310 Reef (West) 19-063a 19-293 19-063b 19°16.197'S 19-299 19-064 Faith Reef 148°55.200'E 19-079 19-301 19-044 19-288 19-080 19-286 148°29.114'E 19-289 19-294 148°50.400'E Ellen Reef 19-081 19-300 Hope Reef 19-281 19-065 19°19.200'S 19-046 Elizabeth Reef 19°19.755'S 19-082 19-083 19-311 19°20'S 19-282 19°20'S 19-066 Eulalie Reef 19-085 19-084 19-091 19-088 19-307 19-069 19-086 19°21.579'S 19-067 Charity Reef 19-070 19-287 148°53.808'E 19-089 148°57.324'E 19-047 148°40.893'E 19-092 19-087 19-090 19-285 19°22.839'S 19-280 19-068 Cobham Reef 19-093 19-309 148°37.212'E (North) 19-074a Gould Reef 19-073 19-308 19-072a Kennedy Reef 19°25'S 19°25'S Cobham Reef (South) 19-096 Wallaby Reef 19-074b 19-236 19-071 19-094 19-072b 19-072e 19-095 148°58.200'E Net Reef Showers Reef 19-097 19-237 19-072c 19-072d 19-076 Seagull Reef 19°29.400'S # 19-107 148°55.200'E 19°30'S Martin Reef Wansfell 19°30'S # 19°30.600'S 19-297 19-075 Reef c Fairey Reef (No 1) 19-098 19-298 19-111 19-117 19-118 19-109a19-113 f # 19-108 19°31.800'S ba 19-112 d Knuckle Reef 19-114 e 19-302 19-116 # 19°33.000'S 19-121 19-304 19-119 19-115 Outlier Reef 19-120 Fairey Reef (No 2)MNP-19-1101 19-303 # 19-109b 19°34.200'S Fairey Reef (No 3) 19-109c # 19°35.271'S 19°35'S 19-122 19-125 19°35'S 19-123 # 148°45.018'E 149°00.600'E 19°37.210'S WHITSUNDAY PLANNING AREA # (Plan of Management provisions apply) 19-296 148°57.600'E GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK 19-305 # 19-126 TOWNSVILLE / WHITSUNDAY MANAGEMENT AREA # 148°51.450'E 19°40'S 19°40.485'S 19°40'S # 149°11.985'E Block Reef 19-127 # Line Reef MNP-19-1104 19-128 19°42.213'S CP-19-4065 Sinker Reef # 19-133 149°10.660'E Holbourne Island (NP) 19-103 19°43.862'S 149°15.006'E # MNP-19-1110 Hardy 149°15.848'E Reef 19-135 19°44.880'S # 149°17.047'E 19-130 19°45'S 19-129 19°45'S 19-132 149°03.376'E 19-136c Nares Rock 19°46.202'S L # 19-104 CP-19-4067 19-131(a-g) MNP-19-1102 19°46.879'S Circular Quay Reef 19-134 # Hook Reef 19-136a Barb Reef 19-138 Bait Reef 19-136b 19°48.240'S # 19-137 19°48.717'S 148°57.600'E 19°49.766'S # 19°49.766'S 19°50'S 19°50'S 149°16.927'E 149°16.326'E 149°15.480'E # 149°03.367'E 149°05.520'E 148°43.812'E # 148°30.075'E 19°54.947'S 19°55'S 19°55.491'S 19°55'S # 19°56.847'S 148°33.656'E 148°32.998'E Queens North Rock 19-105 L # Beach Gloucester Head Queens Cape Edgecumbe Gloucester # Bay Middle Island (NP) Island (NP) 19°58.800'S # WHITSUNDAY PLANNING AREA 19-106 20-003 (Plan of Management provisions apply) Rattray Island (NP) 19°59.431'S b # 19-110 148°36.962'E CP-20-4075 Bowen Kings Beach c d 20°00.000'S 20°00'S 20°00'S 20-001 a 20°00.480'S # # CP-19-4074 # Whitsundays Public Appreciation Special Management Area MNP-20-1112 # North Head Eshelby Island e applies to that part that is in the Conservation Park Zone. Island 20-002 Round Hill Point 20-012 P-20-21 Port f 20-013 Dolphin # These areas must not be used or entered for any of the Point Stone Island g 20°01.920'S MNP-20-1111 following purposes: Bluff 148°34.200'E 20-004 # ! 148°57.849'E limited spearfishing; Point h -010 148°55.355'E Edgecumbe # 20-005 Denison 20 148°52.200'E ! the conduct of a harvest fishery; Arkhurst Island (NP) Hayman y # a ! 20°03.380'S Black Currant - 20°03.246'S 20-801 Island B aquaculture operations. Island ly Cape Gloucester # b Manta Ray Reef y Saddleback Island (NP) 20-015 20°03.600'S L rf h LPinnacle # 20-014 te Winter Shoal 20-010 Ra Black t g Point # 20-008 # George Point u 148°38.400'E Island (NP) B # Passage Islet 20-006 20-621 L Chyebassa Shoal L20-814Manta20-620 Double 20-017 Double t 20-007 # 20°04.759'S in 20-016a land (NP) MNP-20-1113 Cone Rocks Po Thomas Island (NP) a Is Langford Island (NP) # b en 20°05.220'S Islands (NP) i 20-018 20°05'S ide 20-009 ld 21 20-019 Hook 20°05'S la -0 148°37.497'E 20-024 O f Brisk 0 Armit Island (NP) Bird Island (NP) Ade 2 Island # 20-022 e Bay Poole Island Bay Gumbrell Island (NP) MNP-20-1115 20-011 # Baird (NP) 20-020 20-023 20-028 20-025a Edwin Point Saba Bay # Jester Rock 148°51.910'E a Rock 20-088 20°07.080'S CP-20-4076 Whitsunday # 20-025b L CP-20-4077 20-026 148°38.163'E # 20-027 (NP) 148°59.940'E Leeper Shoal 20-080 BR DRYANDER CP-20-4075 UCE Callum L MNP-20-1114 20°08.760'S Minstrel Rocks 20-821 Shoal L Grassy Island (NP) d 2 o LLL 20-1271 0 w t - 20-030 # c Earlando ! I # 0 s Datum 148°40.143'E Deloraine Island (NP) 20-089 lan # 29 d (NP) L y Rock Border L t # r t b o 20-815 W e g l e Island n l LL re n I c h I 20°10'S G (NP) 20°10'S k Grimston Point i a b e NATIONAL t r a a e Roseric s a r n 20-067 Ireby u N Dumbell o C r Double 20-626 Shoal c L n Island CP-20-4079 Island (NP) L Woodwark 20-031 d a M 20-817 R Bay a (NP) 20°11.400'S Petrel 20-071 iv y L e Bay # a 20-068 Wirrainbeia # r Islet # 20-625 # CP-20-4078 Island (NP) Longford Group 20-069 CP-20-4080 Esk Island (NP) 20-073 Harold North Molle Island (NP) q MNP-20-1116 PARK 20-624 20-033 Apostle 20-070 t Island 20-623 149°03.672'E Haslewood (NP) Pioneer Rocks Mid Molle Island (NP) p b Bay L e Poin Island (NP) 20-074 Bluff Point 20-032 20-034 20°13.588'S Almora Islet 20-078a # # Pioneer Conder Shoal c ongu H 20-045 o T Sillago Island (NP)20-072 IG Mandalay # 20-036 20°14.280'S HW Point d AY Pioneer Point d 20-038 20-037 Edward Island (NP)20-075a # slan 149°06.900'E Pigeon MNP-20-1119 Daydream I -802 Yuindalla Island (NP)20-075c Island Planton 20 Whitsunday L 20°15'S Island 20-039 Lagoon 20-077 20°15.661'S 20°15'S 148°51.540'E L 20-403 L L Lady Bay 20-035 Island (NP) Island (NP) Rock a Buddibuddi Island (NP) 20-075b 20-628 20-043 (NP) L g 20-041a t Workington CP-20-4082 South Molle 20-076 # (NP) L le 20-629 Island 20°16.256'S Island (NP) n # t I 20-630 149°02.155'E 20°16.442'S Airlie Goat Island n e l 149°03.118'E b 20-079 Shutehaven 20-042a l il Cora n # Cid Island I H Beach P Gunn Island (NP)20-042b Martin Islet oint l e e ! 20-046L 20-040 r 20-803 f Cannonvale 20°17.385'S Denman a 20°17.402'S Lupton L ln Whitsunday Island (NP) u Island (NP) Low Rock m G Nicolson 20-047 20-044 # MNP-20-1118c 20-078b Repair Island (NP) 20-049a l k Island Tanc re d Island (NP) 20-049b Alert East e d h White GungYe (NP) Bank Rock w L T MNP-20-1117 Shute Island (NP) 20-048 Rock 148°51.975'E L Henning z eagu rumbi 20-050 x g Fr Nung 20-081 149°07.140'E 20-054 h 20-051 Plum Island j f ith wiy 148°50.025'E y e Isl 20-052 h Ro a Isl a Isnna Is Pudding (NP) # u v ck and (Nland (N 149°06.900'E CP-20-4083 20°19.638'S # Island 20-053 23-804and (N a Pelican Fitzalan Island CP-20-4081 land L (NP) MNP-20-1121 Island 20-041b (NP 20-409 P) P) P) 20°20'S c Perserverance 20°20'S b Long 148°52.021'E 20-805 a Hamilton Island Pro 20°20.562'S 20-082b20-082a se 20-057 Island (NP) ) rp 20-631 Island # in 20-060 CP-20-4085 20-055 e 148°52.647'E CP-20-4084 d L Dent Island C Surprise 20-058c o e Rock CUMBERLAND w b c 20°21.958'S Pine L 20-826 20-062b L r L 20-083 CONWAY i 20-827 e 20-825 Island # 149°07.071'E # I 149°02.281'E d s 20-059 (NP) f (NP) 2 la 20-062a 0 n Dungurra 20°23.390'S 20-061 -0 d MNP-20-1125 R 58 Island 20°23.280'S iv # b e 20°23.164'S g (NP) r Pentecost Island (NP) e 148°55.800'E NATIONAL 20-056 20-085 Three Fathom Proserpine 148°54.000'E L20-404 Lindeman The Patch 20-063 149°00.081'E 20°24.600'S e Island 20-087 Inlet P nn 148°51.008'E 20°25.048'S a L A Maher Island (NP) C s 20°25.173'S L Little Lindeman o 20-064 # w sa L 20-405 # 20°25'S 20°25'S Island (NP) Island (NP) Cole Island PARK Ca 148°53.303'E g 20-086 20-099 l Baynham lf Island (NP) e # a d a Repulse Island (NP) 20-065 20-829 20-091 Creek k Sidney e Gaibirra Island (NP) Wilson Island b j 20-102b 149°08.400'E MNP-20-1123 20-092 Comston Long Shoal c Beach Puritan 20-066 Seaforth b h Island (NP) 20°27.600'S Bay Lindeman Island (NP)Chrome L # Rock Round Mansell Island (NP) ! 20-812 Island (NP) 20-095 20-094L 20-093 c # Head # L 20-096 20-090 Spitfire RockL Yellow 20-102a Triangle ! Rocky Point Rock 20-101 B 20-636 20-097 Island (NP) L R L L U Conway 20-830 g 20-100 C 20-813 L Brush Island 20-098 f L E 20-635Genesta Bay Beach d Shaw Island (NP) 149°08.280'E Volskow Burning Point h 20-637 20°30'S 20-204a e Island (NP) 20°30.480'S 20°30'S c a Defiance 20-833L # # 20-231 e Defiance Reefs CP-20-4088 B (Dalys) Island Platypus 20-204b 20°31.145'S 20°31.149'S L Keyser 20-203 20-205 Rock Group # L i Island (NP) w LRipple Rocks 20-834 e 148°44.638'E Long Rock 20-232 20-206 N 20-233 L CP-20-4086 a 149°07.200'E Cape Conway 20°32.406'S hL Thomas Island (NP) L 20°32.406'S bf 20-234a A 20°32.643'S Cape Rock 20-207 St Helen nd R L ro # Rock e L m iv L g ISLANDS e MNP-20-1127 c a # 20-236 d r 148°52.200'E Fairlight Rock 20-235 c Repulse he C um Dead Dog Island (NP) 20-234b b 20°34.200'S er # Rive r la n
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