333 ImpoN .,1aZc4,a Euip;vi 0=..n MolgozN 33W Fol g 4';41,z.4.4 f9,0,,c410-; .17)00-. 000000 CAN CO CP Mr.1 C(1C, 0000 00 NEWS BULLETINS ercry hour OH the hour A. IV. to midniyht orer PROGRAMS ON THE AIR COCO 0 WQX.12 11500 an entre dial) WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 1948 W Q X .1Z-FM MORNING (96.3 1411 and 11.9 me.) RADIO MORN1Nu 4:00-WINSRecorded Music 10 A. M.-12:45United Nations General Assembly, From ParisWNYC. 5,00-WORJoe Bier Program WJZThe Breakfast ClubVariety TELEVISION 5: 50-WNBCRecorded Music; Weather 8-0Original Amateur HourWJZ. WCBSBob line, News wcBs-Tr-Cha noel 2 Si 45-WJZRiturded Music WMCANews: Duke EllingtOn Show 12: 30-Alusic-: Program pre,,ek:;area titer WCI35Revellle Piogram and News 8:05-9Symphony Hall: Schumann's Piano Concerto in A Minor- WLIBNews: Country jamboree 12: 15-S011 Conservation Series 5: 5S-WNBCNews; Torn Page. Rural News WQXR. WQXRThe New York Times News 20-Film: Woman's World 6:00-WCRRambling With Gambling 05-WQXRJust Music. 1:59-Mtssus noes A-Shopping WJZFarm NewsPhilip Alampi 8:30-9The Great Gildersleeve, With Hal PearyWNBC. WLIBNcws ;Recorded Music a: 19-51uslc: Program Preview: Weather WCBSArthur Godfrey Variety Show 9:15-WNBCIvan Sanderson Program 6: 211-1-tk-kY Pup-Children's Show WMCANews: Fisherman's Guide 9-9:30Comedy: Duffy's Tavern, With Ed GardnerWNBC. WORPassing ParadeJohn Nesbitt 6:43-Rob Howard Show WMGMNewsreel Theatre WCBSThis Is New YorkBin Leonard 7: 1111-Film Sit orts WNEWRecorded Music 9-9:30Milton Berle Show; Victor Young OrchestraWJZ. 9:30-WNBCNorman Brokenshlre Show 6:30-WNBCNews: Bob Smith Show WOKThe AleCanns at Home 7: IS-Places Please: Barry Wood WJZKiernan's Corner 9-10--Your Song and Mine: Thomas L. Thomas, Mary Martha Briney, WMGMFun at Breakfast 7:30-News Report s-Dougia s Edwards WINSArt Scanlan Show Felix Knight; Guest, Vivian Della ChiesaWCBS. WNEWNews: instrumental Group 2: 13-Fare the Music: Johnny Desmond. WNEWNews: Anything Goes WINSThrec-COrner Club Sandra Dee,tinny Min Iola Trio 8:50-WNYCNews: Sunrise Symphony 9:30-10Play: "Mr. District Attorney," With Jay JostynWNBC. WQXRPlano Personalities S. 00-ttariel y: Knhhs Corner. with Stan Fritts, WJZBill Cullen, Comedy 9:45-WQXRKeep Up With The Times: Hone Krnei son. Joe Hurl :Others 7:00-WNBCNews; Bob Smith Show 9:30-10Representative Charles A. Halleck of Indiana, Speaking From Brooks Atkinsoninterv iewed my Alme 4:30-Quiz: Winner Take All, Bud Caliper WORNewsMelvin Elliott Mount Vernon, Ill.WJZ. Prntlars,e on the New Theatrical Season 9:110-Fj:m Shorts WJZNewsDon Gardiner WNEWJimmy Atkins Show 9:20-3-xing. Westchester county Center WAICANews; Recorded Music 9:30-10James Melton, Tenor; Frank Black OrchestraWCBS. 19: 13-Newsreel WINSNews: Art Scanlan Show ::S5-WNYCNews Reports WMGMTedd Lawrence Show 9:30-10What's On Your Mind? Forum"Are We Losing the Peace in 1. 00-WNBCFred Waring Show nnel 4 WLIBRecorded Music WORNews, Henry Gladstone 5: 30-Howdy Doody. Wil h Bob Smith WQXRThe New York Times News Germany?" Douglas Miller, Saul K. Padover, Henry Parkman, Leo WJZMy True StorySketch 2:30-you Aro An Artist-Jon Gooey 7: 05-WOXRBreak fast Symphony WCBSMIssus Goes A-Shopping 7:36-Newsreel Theat re 7:15-WORGarnbling's Musical Clock M. Cherne; Delbert Clark, ChairmanWQXR. WMCANews: Ted Steele Show 11:110-C.:r1 Aimut Town. With Kyle 5t0eDonnell WJZRiernan's Corner WNYC Dotted Nations General 8:20-NBC Presents: Film WMCANews: Rige and Shine 10-10:30The Big Story: Experience of Roy J. 13attersby, Former New Assembly, From Paris 8:30-Ted Steele Show 7: 28-WQXRWeather Report York Reportei; Robert Sloane, Narrator.--WNBC. WINSCharlie Starkey Mush- Shoppe 8:49-Richard Harkness: Int erview 7: 30-WNBCNews; Bob Smith Show WMGMTed Busing Bandstand 9:00-Play: Thu Truth Came. With Joyce WNEWNews: Anything Goes 10-10:30Bing Crosby Show: Guests, Ray Milland, Marilyn Maxwell, WNEWAlake-Belleve Ballroom iiayward WLIBIn rows Tonight: Music WLIBNews; Recorded Music 10:00-Newsreel WQXRBreakfast Symphony William Gargan and Joe VenutiWJZ. WQXRThe New York Times News 10:10-The V :Patin Barn 45-WCBSNewsHarry Clark 05-WQXRMorning NIeloriles WMCAUnity ViewpointTalk 10:30-11Curtain. Time :"Once Upon an Island"WNBC. In :15-WORMartha Deane Ping: am W.ARD-Channel WNYCWeather: City Careers 10:30-WNBCRoad of LifeSketch S:110-Small Fry (tie 7:55-W.12News Reports 10:30-11The Symphonette, /Wish& Piastro, ConductorWOR. WJZBetty Crocker Magazine 6:30-Russ Itodgr,-snorts WNYCNews; Musical Clock WCBSArthur Godf re), Show 6:15-Alan Dale Show 8:00-WNBCNews: Bob Smith Show 10:30-11Meredith Willson Show: Paulena Carter, Pianist; Josef and WNEWNews: Make-Believe Ballroom 7:1111-Birlltday y WONPrescott Robinson. News Miranda, SongsWJZ. 10:45-WNBCThe Brighter DaySketch 7: 10-Camera Headlines and Films WJZNewsPlartin Agronsky WJZListening PostSketch Sr ao-photoera Ph le )19,-1,0,,s wCBsMorning News Round-Up 10:30-11Tighe Woods, National Housing Expediter, Interviewed; From 00-WNBCThis Is Nora Drake 0:30-The C rrw':rr Pu ynes WMCANews: Antique Record Shop WashingtonWCBS. WORNews, Prescott Robinson 9:00-Boxing. Jamaica Arena WMGMLanny and Ginger Grey W.1ZKay KYser Kollege of Fun and W.17.-TV-Channel WLIBYoung People's Church TELEVISION Knowledge 5,70-Cartoon Tel e ta les:Si or-ter WQXRThe New York Times News WAICANews; Ted Steele's show 7:110-News and Views-Walter Kiernan 8:05- WQXRBreakfast Symphony 7:30-8Critic at Large. With John Mason Brown and Norman Cousins; W LIBNews: TomMy Dorsey Show 7: 1.1-The Fttrgeraids u: IS- WORBreakfastDorothy and Dick; WQXRThe Now York Times News Guest. Chet Aaronson Topic"Does the Siege of Berlin Mean War?"WJZ-TV, It 05-WQ X ROther People's Business: Alma 7:20-Critic a t La rge. With John Mason Brown WJZEd and Pegeen Fitzgerald Det finger and Norman Causins: Topic: Does the WCBSPhil Cook Show '7:45-8Face the Music: Johnny Desmond, Sandra Deel and the Tonyl 11:15-WNBCWe Love and LearnSketch Siege at BerEn 107111 War? WINSNews: Morning Matinee Mottola TrioWCBS-TV, WORVIrtnr Lindlallr fllt-l'ioaNineties Revue, With Joe Howard 8:30-WNBCHI JinxTalk: interviews II:3OWNBCJack Beret: Show a: in-Candid Microphone WCBSMargaret Arlen Program 8-8:20Girl About Town, With Kyle MacDonnellWNBT. WORGabrirl Beatles. Mailbag 8: 12-TI: ere Ahnot Turn --Va ri nc WMGMProgram Summary, Music WJZTed Malone 9: 00 -II: 00-t.V restling.0ti nen Wa-hington WNEWNews: Anything tiers 8-8:30Gay Nineties Revue, With Joe HowardWJZ-TV. WCBSG rand Slam, Musical QUIZ WM:K-(1. noel 11 WNYCFood Guide. Nutrition Talk WNEWNeWS: Bing Crosby RecordWQXRUnited WLIBRecorded Music 9-10Play: "The Truth Game," With Joyce HaywardWNBT. Nations Today 5:011-News: p:xie 5: lO.WNYCSoclat Security Series 11:4:1-'.VNBCLora LawtonSketch I5-Cninicts on Parade 8:45-WNYCAround New York Today 9-11Boxing, at Jamaica ArenaWABD. WORTello-Test Quiz 0:10_F renrelA 55-WNYCNews; Masterwork Hour WJZWha tblokes You TickiJ Man K. 110-News: Teen-Age ('la in School WJZ -Gems for Thought 9-11Wrestling, From WashingtonWJZ-TV. H. AlcCa f fery and Others 7:10-Newsreel WMGMNews: Carleton Fredericks. Talk 9:05-1IHarness Racing, at Westbury, L. LWPIX. WCBSRosema rySketeh 7: 10-3-el And PiPe Chin 9,00..WNBCNewsClyde Kitten WAICACecil Brown. Comments 0:110-Fel Irn:Voice oflite Penple WORNewsHarry Hennessy 9:30-10:45Boxing, From Westchester County CenterWCBS-TV. WQXRV Odin Personalities thno_tiews , 9:52-Harness Paring at Westbury. I. 11: 00-2tewsreel WATF-rha one:It Ii: 90 A. M.-Test Pattern 1: 13-Music and Announcements AFTERNOON AFTERNOON 3:00-Feature 12:00-WNBC-News, Charles F. McCarthy WMGNI-Morey Amsterdam Matinee WQXR-Musleal Memory Game WOR-Ladies' Man: Tiny Ruffner 4:00-Western Feature WON-Kate Smith Speaks and Sings WNEW-BeaUty-Rich a rd 3: 00-WNBC-LIfe Can Be Beautiful-Sketch W.1Z-Patt Barnes: People and Things 5:00-Junior Fralies WJZ-Interviews With Travelers WLIB-News: Alan Courtney Show WON-Red Benson's Movie Matinee WCBS-Galen Drake Program 5:30-Film Serial: Mystery Mountain WCBS-Wendy Warren and the News WQXR-The New York Times News WJZ-Ladies, Be Seated WhICA-NIr. and Mrs. Music 5:H1-Camera lilehltehts WMCA-News: Mr. and Mrs. Music I: 05-WQXR-Midday Symphony WCBS-David HarUm-Sketch WINS-Listen to Lacy 7:00-Film: Gun Smoke 51esa. With David WINS-Don Goddard. News 1: 15-WJZ-Nancy Craig Program; Guests, Dick WMCA-Ted Steele Show WNEW-News: Recorded Music O'Brien. James Newill WAIGNI-George H. Combs, News Hyman, Otto Soglow WLLB-News; Racing and Music 4:45-WNBC-Young Widder Brown-Sketch Black Raven, W:th George Zucca, WNEW-Show Business WCBS-Ma Perkins-Sketch WQXR-The New York Times News WJZ-Nelson Olmsted Program Wanda MeKay WLIB-News; Recorded Music 1: 30-WCBS-Young Dr Malone-Sketch 3: 05-WQXR-Recent Recordings WNIGNI-Joel Herron Orchestra WQXR-The New York Times News WON-Hollywood Theatre 3: 15-WNBC-Ma Perkins-Sketch 4:55- WNYC-News: Sunset Serenade 12:05-WQXR-Luneheon Concert WMGM-News; Morey Amsterdam WCBS-Hill top House-Sketch 5:00-WNBC-When a Girl Marries FM STATIONS 12:15-IVNBC-News Round-Up Matinee 3:25-WMGM-News; Recorded Music WOR-Adventure Parade (Dial SettInzs AlegarydeA) WCBS-Aunt Jenny-Sketch WNEW-News: Recorded Music 3:30-WNBC-Pepper Young's Family-Sketch WJZ-Challenge of the Yukon WFUV-90.7 (Channel 211) WINS-Peter Donald Show 1:45-WCBS-Gulding Light-Sketch WON-Jack Barry's Daily Dilemmas WCBS-Treasury Bandstand WHOM-Program Summary: Music WNYC-Weather and News WJZ-Galen Drake Show WMCA-News: Mr.
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