© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2016 [Price: Rs. 29.60 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 7] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2016 Massi 5, Manmadha, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2047 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages. Change of Names .. 327-399 Notice .. tice .. NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 4712. I, S. Nithya, wife of Thiru M. Senthilvelan, 4715. My son, S. Poovarasan, born on 19th April 2006 born on 13th May 1977 (native district: Perambalur), (native district: Perambalur), residing at Old No. 1/88, residing at Old No. 1/88, New No. 1-126/85, Pudunaduvalur, New No. 1-126/88, Mariyamman Kovil Street, Mariyamman Kovil Street, Perambalur-621 212, shall Pudunaduvalur, Perambalur-621 212, shall henceforth be henceforth be known as A.S. NITHYASRI. known as S. PUGAL. S. NITHYA. M. ªê‰F™«õô¡. Perambalur, 8th February 2016. Perambalur, 8th February 2016. (Father.) 4713. My daughter, S. Gayathri, born on 4th March 2001 (native district: Perambalur), residing at Old No. 1/88, 4716. My son, A. Reshiwanth, born on 1st July 2009 New No. 1-126/88, Mariyamman Kovil Street, (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at No. 12, Pudunaduvalur, Perambalur-621 212, shall henceforth be Keelnandavanakadu, Nachalur Post, Kulithalai Taluk, Karur- known as N.S KESHIKA. 639 110, shall henceforth be known as A. RISHIVANTH. M. ªê‰F™«õô¡. S. ANANDHAN. Perambalur, 8th February 2016. (Father.) Karur, 8th February 2016. (Father.) 4714. My daughter, S. Dhanalakshmi, born 4717. I, S. Ramesh Kumar, son of Thiru P. Selvam, on 17th April 2003 (native district: Perambalur), residing at born on 9th June 1992 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), Old No. 1/88, New No. 1-126/88, Mariyamman Kovil Street, residing at No. 24/D, Bharathiyar Street, E.B. Road, Pudunaduvalur, Perambalur-621 212, shall henceforth be Tiruchirappalli-620 002, shall henceforth be known as N.S DHARANI. known as S. PERIANNA RAMESH KUMAR. M. ªê‰F™«õô¡. S. RAMESH KUMAR. Perambalur, 8th February 2016. (Father.) Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. D.T.P.—VI-4 (7)—1 [ 327 ] 328 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec. 4 4718. I, G. Manikandacholan, son of Thiru Ganesan, K., 4727. I, A.D. George, son of Thiru S.A. Arul Doss, born on 15th March 1987 (native district: Tiruvarur), born on 12th August 1979 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at No. 1/206, Koodur South Street, Mangudi Post, residing at No. 10, Madurai Veera Samy Kovil Street, Tiruvarur-610 103, shall henceforth be known as G.T. MANI. Puthur, Tiruchirappalli-620 017, shall henceforth be G. MANIKANDACHOLAN. known as A. GEORGEE FERNANDS. Tiruvarur, 8th February 2016. A.D. GEORGE. 4719. I, K.B. Meenakshi alias Sudha, wife of Thiru Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. M.K. Jairaj, born on 16th December 1971 (native district: 4728. I, P. Ramamoorthi, son of Thiru R. Palanivel, Coimbatore), residing at No. 19, Swathi Temple Street, born on 28th July 1995 (native district: Thanjavur), Maharani Avenue, 1st Phase, Vadavalli, Coimbatore- residing at No. 4-68, Middle Street, Pudukariyapatti, 641 041, shall henceforth be known as K.B. MEENAKSHI. Sengipatti Post, Thanjavur-613 402, shall henceforth be K.B. MEENAKSHI alias SUDHA. known as P. VIVEK. Coimbatore, 8th February 2016. P. RAMAMOORTHI. 4720. My daughter, K. Sneka, daughter of Thiru Thanjavur, 8th February 2016. V. Kaliyaperumal, born on 23rd December 2001 (native 4729. My son, A. Karupaiya, born on 20th February 2006 district: Thanjavur), residing at No. 168/1, North Street, (native district: Pudukkottai), residing at No. 1/72, Velar Thennamanandu Post, Orathanadu Taluk, Thanjavur- 614 625, shall henceforth be known as K. HARINI. Street, Sempattoor, Pudukkottai-622 501, shall henceforth be known as A. DHARINEESH. K. VIJAYA. Thanjavur, 8th February 2016. (Mother.) ÝÁºè‹. Pudukkottai, 8th February 2016. (Father.) 4721. I, A. Palanivel, son of Thiru S. Allimuthu, born on 3rd May 1971 (native district: Karur), residing at No. 21, 4730. I, V. Priya, wife of Thiru S. Senthilpandian, 8th Cross Extension, Ganesh Nagar, Tiruchirappalli- born on 27th December 1984 (native district: 620 019, shall henceforth be known as A. PALANIVELU. Thiruvannamalai), residing at No. 14, New Raja Colony, A. PALANIVEL. Beema Nagar, Tiruchirappalli-620 001, shall henceforth be Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. known as V. LAKSHMIPRIYA. V. PRIYA. 4722. I, S. Gowri, wife of Thiru C. Srinivasan, born on Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. 25th June 1964 (native district: Thanjavur), residing at No. 3, New Street, Banadurai, Kumbakonam, Thanjavur-612 001, 4731. I, V. Thayumanavar, son of Thiru R. Velusamy, born shall henceforth be known as S. ALAMELU. on 3rd July 1971 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at S. GOWRI. No. U-2, Sengulam Colony, Manarpuram, Tiruchirappalli- Kumbakonam, 8th February 2016. District, shall henceforth be known as V. THAYUMANAVAN. V. THAYUMANAVAR. 4723. I, R. Sithika Begam alias Sithika, wife of Thiru Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. M. Raja Mohamed, born on 14th August 1980 (native district: Dindigul), residing at No. 55-B/1, Hospital Street, 4732. I, R. Selvaraj, son of Thiru A. Rayappan, born on Thuvarankurichi, Marungapuri Taluk, Ponnampatti, 15th May 1986 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at Tiruchirappalli-621 314, shall henceforth be Purathakudi, Palayakottai, Manapparai, Tiruchirappalli- known as R. SIKKANDAR AMMA. 621 302, shall henceforth be known as R. ARULAPPAN. R. SITHIKA BEGAM alias SITHIKA. R. SELVARAJ. Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. 4724. I, A. Mohmed Esak, son of Thiru M. Anvar Basha, 4733. My son, K. Manavalan, born on 14th January 2006 born on 6th June 1993 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at No. 5/279, Indra residing at No. 5/201, Kamarajar Theru, Vannarampoondi, Nagar, Ettarai, Srirangam Taluk, Tiruchirappalli-639 103, V.Kalathur, Perambalur-621 117, shall henceforth be shall henceforth be known as K. HARIHARAN. known as A. MOHAMED ESAK. K. KONNACHI. A. MOHMED ESAK. Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. (Father.) V.Kalathur, 8th February 2016. 4734. My daughter, A. Sabanabegam, daughter of Thiru 4725. My son, R.A Anirudh Arun, born on 5th October Anwarbatcha, born on 8th May 1999 (native district: 2013 (native district: Pudukkottai), residing at No. 32, G.F.1, Mahathi Apartment, Rajiv Gandhi Street, Plot 17, Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 4/720, Bharathithasan E.S.I. Nagar, Thiruvanchery, Chennai-600 126, shall Nagar, 4th Street, Pappakuruchi, North Kattur, Tiruchirappalli- henceforth be known as A ANIRUDH. 620 019, shall henceforth be known as A. HAJIRABEGAM. R. ARUNRAJAN. A. F™ê£ˆ«ðè‹. Chennai, 8th February 2016. (Father.) Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. (Mother.) 4726. I, R. Bose, son of Thiru P. Ramachandran, born on 4735. My son, S.T. Vignesh Bapu, born on 4th September 23rd May 1961 (native district: Pudukkottai), residing at 2012 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at Old No. 21, No. 510, Pandiman Koil Street, Ponnamaravathy New No. 65, Ambethkar Nagar, Thiruverumbur, Tiruchirappalli- Taluk, Pudukkottai-622 408, shall henceforth be 620 013, shall henceforth be known as T. SUJIT. known as R HARIRAM. M.B. SALAI THENAGAN. R. BOSE. Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. (Father.) Ponnamaravathy, 8th February 2016. Feb. 17, 2016] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 329 4736. I, K. Giri, wife of Thiru R. Karunandhi, born on 4745. My son, M. Kaja Mydeen, born on 18th September 1st January 1957 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), 2000 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at No. 4/6, residing at No. 321, 6th Cross Street, Ganesapuram Kaveri Nagar, J.P. Nagar, Karumandapam, Tiruchirappalli- Main Road, Tiruchirappalli-620 013, shall henceforth be 620 001, shall henceforth be known as P. KAJA MYDEEN. known as K. KAMATCHI. S. PITCHAI MOIDEEN. K. GIRI. Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. (Father.) Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. 4746. I, Gopalakrishnan, V., son of Thiru Vellaisamy, P., 4737. I, R. Thanapal, son of Thiru S. Ramanathan, born born on 18th June 1979 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), on 1st July 1965 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at residing at No. 20, North Thapatti, Palakurichi, Tiruchirappalli- No. 34, Elango Street, Subramaniyapuram, Tiruchirappalli- 621 308, shall henceforth be known as MAGESH, V. 620 020, shall henceforth be known as R. DHANAPAL. GOPALAKRISHNAN, V. R. îùð£™. Palakurichi, 8th February 2016. Tiruchirappalli, 8th February 2016. 4747. I, S. Suryaprakasam, son of Thiru N. Selvam, 4738. My son, J. Hariharan, son of Thiru D. Jaisankar, born on 5th March 1994 (native district: Pudukkottai), born on 21st May 2000 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at No. 2/406, Keelathur, Vadakadu Post, residing at No. 4/1C, Edath Street, Perambalur-621 212, Alangudi Taluk, Pudukkottai-622 304, shall henceforth be shall henceforth be known as J. HARIHARASUDHAN. known as S SOORIYAPRAKASAM. J. BHUVANESWARI. S. SURYAPRAKASAM. Perambalur, 8th February 2016. (Mother.) Keelathur, 8th February 2016. 4739. My daughter, J. Oviya, born on 26th December 4748.
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