CIF-SS BULLETIN VOL. 82, NO. 3 SPRING 2020 For Full CIF-SS Winter Playoff Results See pages 7-10, 14, 17-22 Serving High School Athletics Since 1913 Page 2 CIF-SS BULLETIN -- Spring 2020 CIF-SS COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES return to their original school of enrollment and continue their participation with full eli- January 28, 2020 gibility. 1. OPENING BUSINESS nations - The following candidates have 6. Proposed Bylaw 209.C.(1) Revision A. Call to order by Dr. Monica Colunga, been nominated to serve as President-Elect: - Disciplinary Transfer - This revision would President of the Council - 9:04 am John Becker, Sac-Joaquin Section; Marty eliminate language regarding if a disciplin- B. Pledge of Allegiance Bitter, Central Section; Chris Oseguera, ary action contributes to the C. Roll Call Northern Section; The following candidates student’s transfer. D. Introduction of Guests - Chris Fahey, have been nominated to serve a two-year B. SOUTHERN SECTION NON-ACTION State CIF, Director of Corporate Sponsor- term on the CIF Executive Committee: Terry ITEMS ships; Steve Fryer, Orange County Regis- Barnum, California Association of Private 1. Proposed 2020-2021 CIF Southern ter; Eric Sondheimer, LA Times; Matt Rain- School Organizations; Andrea Bustamante, Section Budget - The 2020-2021 Southern water, Assistant Principal, Trabuco Hills HS Oakland Section; Scott Giusti, San Diego Section Proposed Budget was presented by E. Adopt Agenda - 1st and 2nd to approve Section; Dave Grissom, Central Coast Sec- Commissioner Wigod and CFO Mitch Carty. the agenda as written. Motion Passed: 86- tion; Chris Oseguera, Northern Section; Commissioner Wigod reviewed the dues 0-2 Carter Paysinger, Southern Section; Rianne increase that was presented and passed in F. Approval of Minutes - 1st and 2nd to Pfaltzgraff , North Coast Section; Matt Soz- 2018-2019 and then followed up by showing approve the minutes as written. Motion inho, Central Section how our reliance on ticket revenue has de- Passed: 83-0-5 3. Proposed Bylaw 503.M Revision – Ejec- creased while our income from rights fees 2. PUBLIC HEARING SESSION tion Policy - This revision would implement a and sports revenue has increased to a more A. Recognition of anyone wishing to ad- statewide policy to standardize the penalties balanced level. Mr. Carty then presented dress the Council. Speakers must limit their for game ejections and to set expectations the budget for the 2020-2021 year that in- remarks to three minutes. Matt Rainwater, for the behavior of student-athletes, coach- cluded a 1% COLA for administrative staff , Assistant Principal, Trabuco Hills HS speak- es, parents and spectators. 2% COLA for non-administrative staff and a ing on behalf of Unifi ed Sports participation. 4. Proposed Bylaw 303.B.(6)a and b Revi- projected balanced budget at the conclusion Matt wanted to encourage members of sion – Multi School Applications - This pro- of the fi scal year. the council to attend the Unifi ed Track and posed change would extend the deadline for 2. CIF Southern Section Executive Field Championships at Trabuco Hills High schools to submit multi-school applications. Committee Nominations - The following School on May 23, 2020. 5. Proposed Bylaw 208.B Revision – CIF candidates have been nominated to serve 3. ACTION ITEMS Student Study Aboard - This revision would as President-Elect: Jim Perry, District Ath- A. STATE FEDERATED COUNCIL AC- allow CIF students to study abroad for up to letic Director, Huntington Beach UHSD; TION ITEMS two consecutive semesters and participate Dr. Paula Hart Rodas, Principal, Lawndale 1. Proposed Bylaw Additions 1501 and at the scholastic and/or club levels during High School. The following candidates have 2603 - Baseball and Softball State Champi- this time period. They would be allowed to See COUNCIL on next page. onships to not support 3-17-0 - 1st and 2nd to approve the motion as written. Motion Failed: 33-49-6 California Interscholastic Federation 2. Proposed Bylaw Revision 1703 - Southern Section TCC egional Championships - 1st and 2nd 10932 Pine Street to approve the motion as written. Motion Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Passed: 64-15-10 3. Proposed Constitution Revision Ar- (562) 493-9500 * FAX (562) 493-6266 ticle 70.E and 70.F - Executive Committee Nominations/Elections - 1st and 2nd to ap- OFFICERS prove the motion as written. Motion Passed: Dr. Monica Colunga, Principal 84-2-4 Irvine HS, President of CIF-SS Council B. SOUTHERN SECTION ACTION ITEMS 1. Proposed Bylaw Revision 32.B.4.B - Releaguing Procedures - 1st and 2nd to ap- Mike West, Principal prove the motion as written. Motion Passed: M.L. King HS, President-Elect 71-17-2 2. Proposed Bylaw Revisions Sports Carter Paysinger, President Sections - Summer Dead Period - St. Bernard HS, Past-President 1st and 2nd to approve the motion as writ- ten. Motion Passed: 45-40-6 3. Proposed Bylaw Revision 3320.2 – Jeff Jordan, Dir. of Educational Services Playoff Divisions for Golf - 1st and 2nd to Walnut Valley USD, Treasurer approve motion as written. Motion Passed: 84-1-5 Rob Wigod, Commissioner of Athletics 4. Proposed Bylaw Revisions Article 5, Section 54 - Commissioner Duties - 1st and 2nd to approve the motion as written. Mo- BULLETIN EDITOR tion Passed: 89-0-2 Thom Simmons, Assistant Commissioner 4. NON-ACTION ITEMS A. STATE FEDERATED COUNCIL NON- EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ACTION ITEMS Anita Fopma, Program Coordinator 1. Proposed 2020-2021 State Budget - The budget was provided which showed an expected income of $6,473,035 and ex- Photos provided by Heston Quan penses of $6,402,377. Bulletin published three times yearly by CIF Southern Section 2. CIF State Executive Committee Nomi- CIF-SS BULLETIN -- Spring 2020 Page 3 COUNCIL student-athletes and all those attending our events. (January 28, 2020 Continued from page 2) C. Commissioner’s Report - Rob Wigod - been nominated to serve as Treasurer: Chris Commissioner Wigod recognized Tom Frek- Calderwood, Assistant Principal/Athletic Di- er for his work on gathering new offi cials for rector, Rancho Mirage High School; Paul Lo- all sports. Tom has had contact with over pez, Principal, Glendora High School. The 400 potential new offi cials: 96/football, 96/ following candidates have been nominated basketball, 76/soccer were the ones with to serve as Activities Director Representa- the largest increase. Mr. Wigod and Carter tive: Todd Arrowsmith, Activities Director, Paysinger will be attending the CIF Football West Ranch High School; Don Skaggs, Ac- Summit to be held in Sacramento on Febru- tivities Director, Great Oak High School. The ary 6. The mission is to look at how we can following candidates have been nominated best promote and improve football safety. to serve as Boys Athletic Director Represen- Commissioner Wigod fi nished by asking the tative: Rich Imbriani, Athletic Director, Cajon Council to promote and support the Cham- High School; Chuck Shore, Athletic Direc- pions for Character Golf Tournament that tor, Gladstone High School. The following funds our student-athlete scholarships. Fi- candidates have been nominated to serve nally, May 1 is the deadline for nominations as Girls Athletic Director Representative: for the Hall of Fame and Distinguished Ser- Tiff any Gordon, Athletic Director, Grand Ter- vice awards. race High School; Michelle Spencer, Athletic 7. ADVANCE PLANNING Director, Marina High School. A. DATES 3. Proposed Bylaw 1212 Revision – 1. March 26, 2020 – CIF Southern Section Change of Due Date - for only Winter sport Executive Committee Meeting, CIF South- schedules to the assignor/liaison from July ern Section Offi ces, Los Alamitos, Califor- 1st to September 1st. nia, 1:00 p.m. 4. Proposed Bylaws 3319, 3319.5, 3319.7 2. March 31, 2020 – CIF Southern Section and 3314.1 - Revision - Football Playoff Council Meeting, The Grand, Long Beach, Groupings - This proposal calls for the use of California, 9:00 a.m. current year data to rank and then place all 3. May 6, 2020 – CIF Southern Section teams in order throughout the 14 playoff divi- Executive Committee Meeting, CIF South- sions. All automatic league qualifi ers would ern Section Offi ces, Los Alamitos, Califor- gain entry into the football playoff s. nia, 1:00 p.m. 5. Proposed Bylaw 504.M Revision – 8. ADJOURNMENT Sunday Cheer Competition - This proposal A. Time of Adjournment: 11:28 am would allow for schools that participate in the National High School Cheerleading Submitted By: Championships to have a one-time exemp- Mike Middlebrook, Assistant Commissioner tion to the Sunday contact rule. 6. Proposed Bylaw 3320.4 Revision - Approved By: Swim Playoff Divisions – Proposal A E r i c Rob Wigod, Commissioner of Athletics Henninger – Swim Advisory Group - This proposal calls for the creation and use of team power rankings to create playoff divi- sions. 7. Proposed Bylaw 3320.4 Revision - Swim Playoff Divisions – Proposal B - This proposal calls for girls and boys swim teams to be placed in the division that is appropri- ate for the individual team which may diff er from each school’s opposite gender. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposed 2020-2021 CIF Southern Section Meeting Dates 6. REPORTS A. Treasurer’s Report - Dr. Jeff Jordan - Dr. Jordan reported that the section offi ce received a clean audit for 2018-2019. Dr. Jordan also reported that the net profi t for the organization in 2018-2019 was $49,703. Revenue is currently up $794K through the completion of the Fall sports playoff s. Final- ly, fi ve schools still have not paid their mem- ber dues as of today. B. President’s Report - Dr. Monica Col- unga - Dr. Colunga spoke to her attendance at girls’ volleyball, football, cheer and water polo championships. She congratulated the Southern Section staff for their management of the playoff s. She also recognized the re- sponsibility of all members as far as promot- ing appropriate behaviors on the part of our Page 4 CIF-SS BULLETIN -- Spring 2020 2020-21 VIRTUAL SUMMER WORKSHOPS The CIF Southern Section Offi ce has designed several free workshops to help your athletic administration and pertinent staff brush up on important eligibility rules, processes and computer programs utilized by all athletic departments in our section.
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