14554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE SEPTEMBER 1 i:· Robert W. Prater, Jr., Uleta, Fla., in place Thomas H. McMahon, Rosemont, Pa., in NEW YORK of J. F. Potts, resigned. place of A. A. Connelly, deceased. · Rolan E. Rice, Holland. , GEORGIA Charles L. Johnston, Waynesboro, Pa., in Robert J. Conklin, Richfield Springs. place of W. A. Thompson, resigned • . Carroll E. Toole, Garfield, Ga., in place of NORTH CAROLINA R. J. Walsh, retired. SOUTH DAKOTA Leon C. Frederick, Ca-Vel. James D. Kilpatrick, Quitman, Ga., in Charles S. Adams, Burke, S. Dak., in place Linville L. Hendren, Elkin. place of E. T. Williams, retired. o.f M. E. Smith, transferred. Howard E. Moricle, Reidsville. IDAHO TEXAS Leonard S. Daniel, Warrenton. ·Willis J. Lyman, Rexburg, Idaho, in place Aubrey Lee Davee, Brady, Tex., in place of OREGON of G. A. Hoopes, dece.ased. I. J. Burns, removed. Harold T. Lay, Enterprise. ILLINOIS Lucile Fairman, Goldthwaite, Tex., in place of M. Y. Stokes, Jr., transferred. PENNSYLVANIA Nola G. Lee, Xenia, Ill., in pla:ce of :,, E. J. Smith Cluck, Leander, Tex., in place of John P . Rumancik, Crucible. Goff, transferred. J. 0. McBride, transferred. David M. Barnhart, Stoystown. INDIANA Hulan P. Armstrong, Menard, Tex., in place SOUTH DAKOTA of Perry Hartgraves, resigned. James Neugebauer, Gary, Ind., in place of · Joseph E. Jiran, Bristol. W. J. O'Donnell, deceased. UTAH Wallace J. Schiferl, Davis. Amel Siebe, Lynnville, Ind., in place of L. Percy W. Seay, Magna, Utah, in place of Frank M. Brooks, Florence. A. Madden, transferred. D. H. Wilkin, removed. Vincent W. Hanrahan, Lemmon. • LOUISIANA VERMONT VERMONT Edwin J. Pierce, Westwego, La., in place of Richard M. Bradford, Putney, Vt., in place George H. Huban, Middlebury. L. B. Parrino, resigned. of William Harbutt, resigned. Angelo G. Restivo, Richford. MARYLAND WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Dorothy E. Sasscer, Cheltenham, Md., in Louise E. Metzler, Snoqualmie Falls, Wash., Donald W. Fern, Maple Valley. place of M. P. Efort, resigned. in place of P. B. Burrill, retired. Daniel G. Donovan, Monroe. MICHIGAN WISCONSIN William R. Allhands, Sedro Woolley. Irma B. Hogan, Linden, Mich., in place of Richard E. Graichen, Coloma, Wis., in place WEST vmGINIA J. E. Dooley, declined. of H. A. Parkin, retired. Herman Taylor, Hopemont. Ralph B. Baker, Ovid, Mich., in place of Norman W. Helgoe, Durand, Wis., in place Lillie M. King, Switchback. J. H. Robson, Jr., removed. of A. C. Smith, removed. Vaughn L. Fleming, Wallace. MINNESOTA Leora C. Zeiger, Lake Beulah, Wis., in Benjamin L. Frye, Wardensville. Catherine T. Merrill, Glencoe, Minn., in place of L. F. Mengert, removed. Robert J. Stoetzer, Wellsburg. place of H. L. Peters, transferred. WYOMING Robert W. Curry, White Sulphur Springs. · Viola B. Pederson, Holloway, Minn., in Leslie H. Luedtke, Dubois, Wyo., in place of place of O. L. Bahl, transferred. W. H. Watson, retired. MONTANA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ralph L. Benjamin, Shelby, Mont., in place CONFIRMATIONS of G. M. Cox, resigned. NEBRASKA Executive nominations confirmed by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1950 dra F. Stegeman, Chappell, Nebr., in place the Senate September 11 <legislative day of July 20) , 1950: The House met at 12 o'clock noon. of w. E. Mccaulley, resigned. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ Augusta M. Martin, Stamford, Nebr., in POSTMASTERS kamp, D. D., offered the following prayer: place of B. L. Baughan, deceased. ARIZONA NEW YORK Margaret H. Connor, Clarkdale. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, Frank R. Cougevan, Canandaigua, N. Y., in Fred E. Morris, Coolidge. from whom cometh our help and place of A. J. Linehan, resigned. Elbert A. Frick., Jr., Lupton. strength for this day, inspire and equip NORTH CAROLIN A ARKANSAS us with those capacities and ·abilities John P. Betts, Beaufort, N. C., in place of Frank E. Denson, Fountain Hill. with which to meet all our obligations W. H. Taylor, retired. Alfred Wade Bishop, Lincoln. and opportunities. George W. Cooper, Jr., Clemmons, N. C., in Elmer Peter Blanton, Marked Tree. Grant that in our search for world place of Birdie Allen, retired. COLORADO peace and a nobler civilization all the Wilbur B. Lane, Pinnacle, N. C., in place citizens of our beloved country may be of S. P. Covington, transferred. Hollie B. Wade, Calhan. Frank A. Pomponio, Denver. ready to yield themselves to the stern NORTH DAKOTA Clarence F. Matthews, Ordway. demands and disciplines of that quest. Anadine A. Ensor, Belcourt, N. Dak., in Harley N. Beery, Sterling. Help us to see more vividly that, if place of I. C. Hogue, retired. CONNECTICUT this quest for peace is ever to become a Edward J. Sondag, Sykeston, N. Dak., in glorious conquest then we must have place of Lena Kremer, retired. William G. Adams, Canton. Leonard S. Appell, Nev,r Britain. the spirit of devotion, self-denial, and OHIO John J. Berger, New Milford. sacrifice, each giving according to abil­ George R. Spencer, Fredericksburg, Ohio, in ILLINOIS ity and all with equal fidelity. place of J. Z. Lytle, transferred. Michael J. Gallo, Benld. Show us how we may conquer and Luther C. Brokate, ·Fremont, Ohio, in Elwood J. Ellis, Bismarck. place of F. J. Daubel, retired. banish forever the tyrannies of war. Charles N. Fisher, Carlyle. Transform our hearts and illumine our Marjorie G. Liff, Harrisburg, Ohio, in place Alois N. Modaff, Geneva. of M. L. Smith, resigned. Alvin E. Young, Hanover. minds by the spirit of the Prince of Ralph C. Scott, Londonderry, Ohio, in place Albert T. Oswald, Springfield. Peace and may we follow Him in faith, of H. R. Poole, transferred. Richard L. Fisher, Villa Grove. humility, and courage. Marion C. Schleinhege, Lucasville, Ohio, in place of J.C. Violet, transferred. · INDIANA Hear us in His name. Amen. Grover P. Wires, Tontogany, Ohio, in place Karl R. Oster, Corunna. The .Journal of the proceedings of of A. F. Sautter, retired. Jacob L. Kincaid, Jamestown. 1950, Sara B. Brammer, Mount Summit. Friday, September 8, was read and OKLAHOMA Charles E. Pendry, Rising Sun. approved. Alphonse A. Bourassa, Minco, Okla., iii MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE place of C. E. Halley, transferred. KENTUCKY OREGON Anna K. Rice, Ghent. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Joseph M. Tong, Lyndon. Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that John E. Ferrell, Brownsville, Oreg., in place William Arthur Scott, Springfield. of H. L. Straley, transferred. the Senate had passed a concurrent res­ Ermine K. Gentle, Monmouth, Oreg., in MINNESOTA olution of the following title, in which place of O. L. Groves, transferred. Ray F. Schisler, Worthington. the concurrence of the House is re- PENNSYLVANIA NEW HAMJ:>SHIRE •quested: Dale W. Salsgiver, Kelly Station, Pa., in Bernard E. Robie, Kingston. S. Con. Res. 105. Concurrent resolution au­ place of Guido Donati, re;noved. Charles H. Dalton, West Lebanon. thorizing the appointment of a committee 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 14555 to attend the general meeting of the Com­ UNIVERSAL CORP., JAMES STEWART period within which a suit might be monweal th Parliamentary Association to be CORP., AND JAMES STEWART & CO., brought by the James Stewart Corp. in held in Australia or New Zealand. INC.-VETO MESSAGE FROM THE PRESI­ its own behalf or to the use of the Uni­ SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED DENT OF THE UNITED STATES versal Corp. has not expired and will not Mr. KILDAY asked and was given per­ The SPEAKER laid before the House expire for some time, there is no need mission to address the House for 15 min­ the following veto message from the for enactment of this legislation, insofar utes today following the legislative pro­ President of the United States: as they may have claims for breach of gram and any special orders hereto!ore contract. The reason for inclusion of To the House of Representatives: the parent company in the bill as a entered. I return herewith, without my ap­ claimant is not clear, as its connection COMMUNICATION FROM THE CLERK OF proval, the enrolled bill <H. R. 6095) for with the contracts is not indicated. THE HOUSE the relief of Universal Corp., James It is to be noted that the bill provides The SPEAKER laid before the House Stewart Corp., and James Stewart & Co., for suit against the United States for the following communication from the Inc. alleged damages arising out of the per­ Clerk of the House of Representatives: The bill confers jurisdiction upon the formance of the contracts. It may be United States Court of Claims to hear, that the contention will be made, in the SEPTEMBER 11, 1950. The Honorable the SPEAKER, determine, and render judgment upon event of suit under this legislation, that House of Representatives. the claims of Universal Corp., a subcon­ the act creates a special cause of action Sm: I have the honor to transmit herewith tractor, James Stewart Corp., prime con­ not now authorized by law, as the con­ two sealed enevelopes from the President of tractor, and James Stewart & Co., Inc., a tract actions permitted under the Tucker the United States, addressed to the Speaker parent company, for alleged damages Act are for the breach of the contract of the House of Representatives of the United arising out of the performance of cer­ and not for damages arising out of the States, received in the office of the Clerk at tain contracts with the Navy Department performance of the contract. In any 10:40 a. m., on September 9, 1950. for the construction of naval hospital event, the language of the ·bill is not The message informed the House that the facilities at Houston, Tex., during World clear in this respect. President had, on the dates noted, approved War II. Section 2 of the bill provides It is true that the bill contains the and signed bills of the House as set forth in that suit upon such claim shall be proviso "That the passage of this act the accompanying lists.
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