L e a f l e t Greenbank Parish Church Minister’s Letter Braidburn Terrace, EH10 6ES No 643 May 2015 Dear Friends Pulpit Diary A couple of weeks ago early church? Or was Je- the BBC showed a tel- sus pointing to himself May 3 evision programme as the rock? Or perhaps 9.30am First Sunday Service led by called “In the footsteps it was Peter’s faith in him World Mission of St Peter”. It was a re- that was the rock? At first 10.30am Morning Worship peat of a two–part doc- glance this looks like a umentary, filmed in the multiple choice question Holy Land and present- in an exam paper. May 10 ed by the actor David But we will never know 10.30am Morning Worship Suchet. I don’t remem- in which direction Jesus ber seeing it before. And was looking or point- May 17 this time round I only ing when he spoke these saw the first part, which words. And it could be 10.30am Morning Worship took you through the that Jesus or even the life of the apostle Simon Gospel writer was us- May 24 Peter from his early days until the death ing a piece of inspired word-play here and of Jesus. I would have liked to see the sec- more than one of the above options was 9.30 Pentecost Communion ond part of the programme which charts intended. This question, like many others 10.30am Morning Worship for Pentecost the transformation of Peter from impetu- that arise as we explore the Christian faith, ous, bewildered and grieving disciple into cannot be treated like a multiple choice May 31 respected leader of the early Church, and question in an exam paper. Rather each who tradition has it eventually died a mar- possible answer invites us to work out its 10.30am Morning Worship tyr’s death in Rome. But that will have significance for ourselves and to consider to wait until the programme is repeated how that option corresponds to other bibli- Jun 5 (Friday) again, as it no doubt will be! cal narratives. This takes reason and imagi- 7.30pm Pre-Communion Service However In the first part of that pro- nation, study and prayer. gramme there is a particularly memora- At this time of year when we prepare to ble scene where David Suchet is at Banias celebrate the birth of the Church at Pente- Jun 7 (Caesarea Philippi). Banias was a centre of cost, we could do worse than reflect on that 9.00am Communion pagan worship and the programme showed question posed by David Suchet against the huge rock face in which we can still see the background of the Temple at Bani- 10.30am Communion (Springboard and today the remains of numerous ancient as. Because the answers we arrive at help Spectrum meet as usual) shrines to many different gods. Tradition shape our understanding and vision of the 3.00pm Communion (Braid Room) has it that it is here that Simon Peter first Church and the part each one of us has to To make contact with any of the organisations refer- recognises Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of play in its present and its future. I leave you enced in this Leaflet, please use the tel no given, if the living God. And that Jesus responds to to work that one out for yourselves! there is one. Otherwise please contact the Church Peter saying, “And I tell you, you are Ce- As I leave you too, to work out for your- greenbankchurch.org phas” (Cephas is Greek for rock). Jesus selves what to do with a ballot paper that www. Office. Website: then goes on to say, “And on this rock I will again looks a bit like a multiple choice For information about church organisations, build my church” (Mt 16:18). exam paper. For here also the options re- ,please contact the Church Office (Mon–Fri 9.00am–12.00 noon, 1.30pm–3.30pm): Suchet, with the ability of actors to place quire to be tackled with reason and imagi- Mrs Virginia Johnston themselves into the scene, wonders just what nation, study and prayer that would seek a tel and fax: 0131 447 9969 Jesus meant by this. He wishes he could see vision for the present and the future of our e-mail: [email protected] where Jesus’ hands were pointing when he country and our nation in which all have a The pastoral team can be contacted through the said it. Were they pointing to Peter – whose part to play. Church Office: name means the rock? Or were they pointing All I would say is please use your vote and Rev Alison Swindells to the rock-face that formed the backdrop please do come along to share our Pente- tel and fax: 0131 447 4032 to the conversation between Jesus and Pe- cost celebrations. email: [email protected] ter – and by implication to all the gentiles for With warmest wishes Rev W. Peter Graham whom this was a centre of worship, and who tel: 0131 445 5763 would certainly comprise the majority of the Alison I Swindells Youth Minister: Rev Bill Stone Parish Minister tel: 07883 815 598 email: [email protected] care, partnerships with churches around the which the human right to food and health Stewardship world, the Moderator and General Assem- is combined with sustainable food pro- bly and the central administration of the duction, education and employment, were Sunday Church. discussed. 26th April 2015 Further information on the work of the Church of Scotland in relation to food jus- As you may recall Greenbank, following The Open Door Presents tice can be found at http://www.churchof- the request of the General Assembly that all scotland.org.uk/speak_out/social_issues/ congregations operate a stewardship pro- Ian Rankin food_justice gramme, has designated the last Sunday in conversation with Nigel Griffiths of April as our Stewardship Sunday. This on Tuesday 26th May year that falls on 26th April and in accord- ance with a three year cycle of stewardship at 7 pm for 7.30pm of time, talents and money, we will be fo- Morningside Parish Church Hall, Braid Spectrum Update cussing on time. We are very grateful for Road Over the last few months, our Spectrum GREENBANK PARISH CHURCH PARISH GREENBANK the generosity shown by all our members Tickets £15, including a glass of wine, classes have been very busy, and we’d like in the giving of all three. But many chang- available from the Open Door to share with you a few highlights from our es can take place within a three year period winter term. and so we also encourage you to review an- You probably know that this January nually your financial support of the work of marked the 100th anniversary of the death Christ’s Church. Pledge cards to assist with this accompany this Leaflet. They should Mission and Service be completed and returned to the Treasur- Church and Society April er by the beginning of June when they will be brought into Church and dedicated at the Newsletter 10.30am communion service. Among many interesting articles, this A separate article explains how our contri- month’s issue of the newsletter notes the bution to the work of the Church of Scot- meeting between the Rt Rev John Chalm- land is used. ers and Pope Francis where the issue of cli- mate change was discussed. The Moderator commented: of Scottish Missionary Mary Slessor. The “Climate change is perhaps the most press- Church of Scotland sent representatives to Greenbank’s ing issue in human history, its effects are Nigeria to meet with local churches and most keenly experienced by the poorest of attend memorial services. Life and Work Ministries and the world’s poor; so, it is also a matter of published an article on her, and the World social justice and it needs to be tackled with Mission council launched a post card com- Mission great urgency.” petition, inviting children throughout Scot- land to participate. Visit the Church of Scotland website to find Contribution to the out more about this meeting. On 22nd February our Spectrum classes met all together to learn more about who Closer to home, in Glasgow, towards the Work of the Church Mary Slessor was, and how she had worked end of February, the Church of Scotland, hard to help people in Nigeria. After hear- Faith in Community Scotland, and the of Scotland ing about Mary, we talked with Rev Bill Centre for Human Ecology joined forces to The General Treasurer of the Church of about things that we could do to share explore how sustainable food equality can Scotland has written to thank Greenbank God’s love with other people and make the be achieved. for our support to the worship, mission and world a better place. We then drew these service of the Church through our offerings. The impact of welfare reform has had ideas on postcards and submitted them His letter explains how our contribution of most impact on the poorest in society. The to the World Mission Council’s postcard £141,747 will be used in 2015. number of individuals and families relying competition – which received over 2,600 on food banks and other forms of emergen- £121,902 (86%) will go towards the costs of entries! cy food aid has increased. over 1000 ministers and other parish work- Also in February, we had a special lesson ers, for salaries, recruitment and training.
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