16— MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, May 10,1991 98 AUTO SERVICER ^8^JTO8TOVTCWi_ 91CAR8FOR8ALB OlCARSFORaALB FREE-Junk car removal. FORD-1978 Galaxy. Call 1985-Fiaro. Low mites. NEWIN Buying late model after 1pm, 645-1218. Clean. Runs well. New MANCHESTER WEEKEND EDITION wrecks. Call Parker Very good condition. tires. $2695. Call 646- Street Used Auto Parts, Asking $500. 2796. CENTER Spcciolis^D ifit.* 649-3391. PLYMOUTH-VOYAGER JUNK-Cars. Will M V $5 to S E 1987 59K, air. AM/ MOTORS 02 TRUCKS A VANS Auto Repair Center tow your car. Call Joey. FM, luggage rack. Nice! 528-1990. Need title. $7000. 643-7064. FOR SALE CARPENTRY/ 11 |WATERPROOFING 369-371 M ^ s t L A W N C A R E PAINTING/ 6 4 9 - 4 3 0 4 DODGE-1982 yan. W hat Miakes W a nt PAPERING REMODELING 84 Buick Skylark WET BASEMENTS? Cargo, 8 passenger, -FREE Towing* Ad sW orii? YARDMASTERS FRANK YOUNG GENERAL slant 6. Automatic, 59K *Free Brake Insp.* WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. Hatchways, (oundalion cracks, $2,495 Peopld like you w4io H lanrhpB tpr M pralb CONTRACTOR miles, good tires, reese Spring Clean-Up Quality work at a sump pumps, tile Hnes, gravity : •Tune-ups rem a nd use the Kitchen and bath remodeling 83 Chrysler 5th Ave hrtch. $3300. 643-1653. Lawns, Bushes, Trees Cut reasonable pricel feeds, and dry wePs. Also damp­ • Altematon Want Ads every day. Yards, gutters, garages • Roofing • Vinyl • Siding TO YO TA-1986 4x4, AM/ • Startera Interior a Exterior • CoobnflSyatems 643-2711 • Replaoement Windows ness proofing of concrete walls $3,995 FM cassette, 5 speed. cleaned. Lawn Fertilizing. Appli­ Free Estimates • Custom Decks • Additions • The Mounting St Balan- ances Removed. Carpentry, Call Brian Weigie and floors. Chimrtey dean outs, Excellent condition, dntf 64M774 87 Cutlass Ciera • ComplDtc B tbIcc SywteinB Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper Hauling, Backhoe Work. 645- 8912 • nietii— ** Nww V amhra$ctmm stonewalls, and concrete repairs. 50K miles. $6000. 647- g S WANTED TO BU T/ Newsstand: 350 - Home: 300 1231. • Bette . Saturday, May 11,1991 Any Job Considered. — iSI Over 40 years experienced. Sen­ $4,495 •OU-Uibe-FUter _______ TRADE ior citizen dtecounts. •Trouble Shooting MARTY MATTSSON CUSTOM QUAUTY 86 Buick Regal •Moat Mechanical Needa Call 643-9996 One stop finprovemenls. 9 4 MOTORCYCLES ft W ebuy clean, latemodel used Painting Interior/Exteiior Albert Zuccaro PROFESSIONAL CAl Framing to Painting. $4,995 MOPEDS C U EA N IN O cars and trucks. Top prices Happy Mother’s Day FRENCirS LAWN S TREE SERVICE Wallpapering Licensad & Insured. Waterproofing Bolton rally now aooapllng mowing aooounta • BuOlng • Waxing paid. lor Ihit lawn Mwon. Uany Other Used \W s MOTORCYCLE- Inside Today,, 30 Years Experience B.B.B. Member 646-3361 • InterlorShampootrig Mr. Duff - Carter Chevrolet • Lawn Cut S Trim Can Dave Adamick for a tree quote. To Choose From Insurance. Friendly • Engine De^raalng a Formal Hadga Trltmring References, Insured service, competitive • ^^AUathe^ 1229 Main Street • Traaa A Shruba Planlaa 645- 6523 Conditioning e Pnining • Spol Saadiiu • Fartiliat 649-4431 BOB RILEY rates, same day • Plnatrlplng Manchester, CT • Vagatabla Qardan* rtoto-TMad HOME coverage. Crockett • MaaterCaid AVtea stirs emotions ■ Television listings • Drlvawayi SaaM OLDSMOBLEA/OLKSWAGEN 6 4 6 4 4 6 4 RICK'S h a n d y m a n Agency, 643-1577. Accepted FrnaWHWanEWImalaa IMPROVEMENT 259 ADAMS ST., MANCHESTER grid ■■••■•■aRage 6,7. 6*5-1312 G.L McHUGH PAINTING Inlerior/Exterior Painting CARPENTRY SERVICE “It*s a selective lock-out,** said DaoK*, AddHiont, RamotMIng, L A HOME IMPROVEMENT 91 CARS FOR SAT->~ 91 CARS FOR SALE 91X^W FOTIR/M ^ By HAROLD C. SHAYER Wallpapering - Paper removal n«(wifi, SliMtnxk 649-1749 Aloysius Ahem, newly elected to Specializing In: Manchester Hersrid ■ Religion and seniors news. Ceilings repaired and replaced * Abo Cbanlfig 6 Hauins the Board of Selectman, and chair­ “EASY DOES tr’ Serving Home Owners East of the Sonior Cdbon dboount Interior ■ Exterior Restorallone P ag e 5. iiturad - rWoranoM Interior ■ Exterior Painting BOLTON — Inside Community man of the Common Sense Coali­ Is the way to desobe River Since 1975 646- 1948 tion, a grotq) that has spt^en out Call today tor your estimate Bathroom & KItchan Remodeling HalL children fidgeted in their seats ■ Children’s games, hob­ placing a want ad. Framing Decks ■ Sheds ■ Garages HOW LOW, against school spending. **It*s not 643-9321 aS' their parents got a pep talk on Just cod 643-2711 end bles aBBaaaaaaaaaaMMaaaaesaM Rage 15. CARPENTRY ★ Can and ask about our spring how to gtt out the vote. exactly democracy in action, but wedotherestl MASONRY specials w ii-i. W E GO areas we*U honor the request** TDM PAINTING & And on the lawn outside the halL CEMENT WORK Fully Insured Free Estimaias There’S Only One Way TO Know. W more children shouted and played in WALLCOVERING What was going on inside was Call T o n y 645-1439 Get to Scranton Chrysler Plymouth As Soon As You Can. the cool evening. “Save Our Schools,** a rally or- N e w s MOWING & PRUNING Complete interior & exterior after Sp.m. But also outside, were disgruntled gaitized by school siqiporters in wallpapering 'We Honor All members of *The opposition** — Rrst Cut Free 6 4 9 -0 8 1 1 HEATING/ Credit Union Sales 1988 Plymouth Horizon 4DR I n B r i e f 646- 1894 9.5 % Financing 4 Cyl Eng • 5 Spri. Tr»is. • AMIPM Re^ • Veiy low who weren*t allowed inside. Please see RALLY, page 8. PLUMBING 7 Yr. or 70,000 Warranty Financing As Low As 4.9% ^Mileage • One Owner • Remaindef Of 7 Yr. or Light Hauling Fully Insured Free Estimates 1991 Plymouth Sundance America 70.000 Wte Warrenty sTfS092 1990 Dodge Spirit 4DR 4 Cyl . 5 Sod Trans • Rear FURNITURE IraiBiBlion and RfiptaosniBnt Black Chany With Burgundy Inttnor • 4 Cyt Eng Dal. .AMlFMSWrao • 3 9 9 5 Leaders target —— Auto Trans * A/C • PS * F6 * AM/FM Stereo • Cruise ofOI,Gasftdeciric • Plus Mudti More ST05SS * 7 9 9 7 * 1987 Plymouth Reliant LE ADR REPAIR It Includes Frsl Ti . AuB. Tlinl • A« • PS• PB- AMrnjSWW no-income tax •Water Heaters Low Mleege • OneOi^ Mlemik^ 017 Yr. Of Baker wants Lawn Mowing, BOOKKEEPING/ * 8 9 9 5 W e repair a l types of wood fur- •VIbnnAirFunaoes 70.000 Mile Wwrenly jy ejOTM HARTFORD (AP) — Top Stump Grinding. 1990 Chrysler LeBaron 4DR IN C O M E T A X nitura and antiques Including •Bolers Senate Democratic and Wh«WitliBurnuncl*lnleriOfV6En(| -Aulo Tr«n> • 5 9 9 5 Free Estimates new parts, wood turning and Wilson OH Compaiw vaL U E in . A/C • re • PB ■ AWFM Stereo • Cruise Republic9n leaders met privately Joseph P.Denwo, Jr. Plus Mo* More s, ..j,, VOYAGER SPECIAL 1989 Eagle Medallion Wagon 649-0758 wood carving. 6458393 WhiB With Ten inwrior • ' Riday with the House GOP or CertIfiM Public Accountant EsIlmaiBB am fma • * 1 0 , 8 8 8 NEW 1991 Plymouth Voyager 7 Pass. SE Cruise • AWFM Stereo • troops home 8rmM butinwM aooountinp and tax Black Cherry Pearl CoalP»n|.SeelTrirn-Ctolh-Peoeerd STS»s» Ownef • RemaihdBr OI7 Yr. or 70.000 tele Warranty leader and moderate House CaN 1990 Dodge Shadow 4DR SBraoe Console • Storage Drawer sr/Loek * FWO * 4 Spd Aulo 57 44265*1 872-8993 aarvioai. C corpocationa, S Manchater Hardware t'ranV- • UltfadnveUltiednvo • 3 3L3lOHC OHC MPIV6MPI V6 Eng • 'HO -Suspension------------ Democrats, hoping to lay the oorporationa. Partnarahipa. Financial Champagne With Tan Interior • 4 Cyl Eng • Auto • 5 6 8 5 _______ WASHINGTON (AP) — The “I am not willing to accept the •tatamant auditt, raviawa. oonpllationa. 643-4425 MASONRY Trens • A/C • Cruise • PS • PB • Plus Much More Scranton List Price - *17,052 groundwork for agreement on a Aooounting wrHa^ and payroll tax CT axSTK Discount IndudioQ Rebate • 2^1 IfiMPontlieSunWrdGT sT«»eo*5285 United States may ask the UJ*4. judgment of some that is impos­ 1986CtevfOlelCipric«9Pis».Wi9on sTs5oe4*4975 budget balanced without an in­ MANCHESTER aarvioat. K & R MASONRY * 8 3 6 8 YOU PAY ONLY • *14.411 Security Council to authmize send­ sible,** Baker said. “I think the 643-9034 Brick, itane oorKxate poSoi a 19670WlffloMlCullMlSupilffl*«R sitsoei *5495 ing a police ftxce into Iraq to protect come tax. cNmneytepdr. 1990 Dodge Dynasty 4DR countries of the Security Council are HONDA |lM ChevfoW Civilief Wigon st *5295 “We’ve checked ... our af­ KITC H EN & B A TH )6i«an«aMMnoiL Teel Blue Metallic With Teal Blue Interior. V6 Eng .33041 Kurdish refugees and to permit al­ concerned about the humanitarian fdlykmjBd AuB Treni • Arc • PS • PB • PW • PDL • Cruise • IWTGIICS-ISJliimK stm2m-i *8395 filiation at the doOT and came REM O DELING UemmB523im. AWFM Stereo • Plus Much More lied forces to depart. Secretary of situation there.** H»gUar9d\i^lhoonMMnm IHKPtynwulliVoififier_______ . st min *5195 State James A. Baker IB said I^day with our sleeves rolled up, RENTS ELD ER C A R E PRICED TO SELL AT * 9 4 9 5 Baker referred to the wideqiread pntacton. night notion that the Soviet Uiuon and prepared to work,” said Senate KITCHEN R BATH 569-7671 President Pro Tbm Jdm B. Lar­ Roto Tillers & N UR SE’S-AID E “We would like very much to turn China might veto a resolution in R EM O D ELIN G son, D-East Hartford, who at­ Power Carriers Years of experience Visit our beautiftj show­ this over to the UJN. as soon as pos­ order to bar further intervention in sible,** Baker told reporters. Iraq. Both countries have restive tended the meeting with Senate 1/2 Day & Full Day Rates Care tor Elderly room or call for your LOAM Majority Leader Cornelius P.
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