. 2 . BACK TO G I LGA ND RA" ,;� ❖--•---------·---------·-···r l OFFICIALS •=♦-Q-1 ..,__._...._...�,�--.ci_.._..-.., __.._....._._......_,.�,......�•� -,-n1111a1.1__.,4tI •5'..a-- � 'r', IN an effort to particularly I c!) have chosen to "' is the fact that ,; I' r here, naturally institution in a of which depe In prepa of research fo1 .. -;,'i . cor.siderably !, ... ,__,-�,. - - _.,.,,J. in an endeavo1 "' district• s story Secretary: Mr. C. N. Francis f·res1dent: Mr. P. P. Fallon It is but less, some err Patrons: Miss A. Curran, Mrs. E. J. Beveridge, Mrs. M. C. Garling, Messrs. securing infon carefully che A. H. N. Reichelt, G. A. Semmler, J. H. Hitchen, M. McLeod Pty. Ltd ., 0. J. McCutcheon, J. Vaughan, J. J. O'Brien, F. D. Pye, P. J. Ryan. � We of J whose mighty Hon. Treasurers: Messrs. J. J. E. Andrew and W. A. Brown. :,,. the proud mo Executive Committee: Messrs. J. Nelson, C. F. Myers, H. Collison, A. Townsend, 1 We han [ velopment, ai W. Creenaune, G. Christie, R. Diggs, Mrs. E. Townsend, Mrs. F. Varcoe, '] a1:1spici�us ,�­ Mrs. J. K. Alexander. f p10necrong llli times. Mode 1 greater effo Committee: Miss Travers, Miss J. Williams, Miss B. Dalmain, Miss N. Taylor. [ Mesdames H. Taylor, W. A. Brown, J. Fleming, N. J. Clements, J. Foran, � Gilgan Stanley, [ moudly ac Messrs. E. Townsend, R. F. Varcoe, W. Coomber,. J. Morris, ! . 1· E. Collison, J. Hiatt, R. Offner, B. Gould, J. Fleming, R. J. Nelson, E. Ellis, J. Curran, F. Astill, A. J. Habgood, F. Purdon, C. Offner, F. Paul, E. ; Bogie, L. D. Serisier, A. Schuemaker, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Clements. 1 Booklet Committee: Messrs. J. Nelson, A. Schuemaker, H. E. 0. Campbell. 0� "B A C K T O G I L G A N D R A" ®���F�����������������������������© J � � � f[ ❖•-·----·----·-·-·-·-·--·---·-·----·-❖ i ' i ;� J FOREWORD I r � ❖-I. n i 1 _,,_,_,,_,,_,._,,_,_,_,_,,_,,_,_,_,,_,_,,_,_,_, ,_,_,__ J _ ,_,.;. f[ � J � � [ J JN an effort to meet their present obligations to the District Hospital it 1s 1 i particularly fitting, for many reasons, that the citizens of Gilgandrn should r J have chosen to publish a brief survey of the history of the district. Among these JI is tl-ie fact that th,e minds of present residents and of those who previously lived � r here, naturally turn to the past and that time when the benefits of such an 1 °tfJ institution in our midst were unknown and then on to the future, the prosperity r of which depends upon present effort, J � I.',/( In preparing this outline the committee was faced with the formidable task r;, J of research for material not previously published in any form. This work was rj­ � /( considerably assisted by those older res idents who willingly gave of their time '); � in an endeavour to supply many of the important links in the chain of the r � � district's story, J � It is but natural that many facts of interest have been omitted, and doubt- � � � less, some errors have crept in, but the utmost care has been displayed in (? IfJ securing information from only the most reliable sources, and this h�s been R J carefully checked. � °t( r � We of Gilgandra must ever treasure the memory of those stalwart pioneers 1 J whose mighty efforts Australia has developed in face of tremendous difficulties to f ;,- the proud modern Commonwealth we hail and revere to-day. t t:;'1fYo0 "'Yo We have in our midst old residents who saw and aided much of the de- � f velopment, and to whom, also, we must express our profound thanks, in this f auspicious week of our history. We would ask you to remember that, as well as � pioneNing in our early days we are still pioneering in these more complicated (?� times. Modern knowledge and methods must stir us to still greater skill and R greater effort, that our memories may, too, be treasured by generations to come. �r Gilgandra and district is regarded as one of the State's finest assets. We pl oudly acknowledge ownership and accept it as 1� THE GOLDEN GIFT OF OUR PIONEERS. r r1 � K' 1 '? K' ��������������������������:.--,.0""-,dl�:-d)l< 0 ,- -� ' i - 1 4 "B A C K T O G I L G A N D R A" ·=·•-f-�ll-l)-C-{I-C-�f-ll-f-l-(-1-1-l-l,......ll-(_(,_tl-fl-(_(,,__ ♦:♦ I i I PROG·RAMME I i •!•-0-1,_,,_o-o .... c,1,�1-n .... ...... 1_,,_n_,,_1,_u_,,_,,_,,,,_,,._.,1_1,_1,_n._.1,_,_�• __ M-.:tnday, 20th September Wednesday, 22nd September 10.30 a.m. ( Half Holiday for Storekeepers) Official Welcome to Visitors at Council Chambers. Morning free. 2 p.m. Car Tours of District. First Day of Gilgandra Diggers' Race Garden Party at the Gili;andra Park. Meeting, at Gilgandra Racecourse. Bowling Green, Tennis Courts and Golf Excellent day's sport assured. Prize Club open to visitors. money for meeting amounts to £ 120. 8 p.m. Ball at Curban Hall. Lorna Lance Or­ 8 p.m . chestra. A royal welcome awaits Ball at Collie. Lorna Lance Orchestra. all ex-Curban residents. Pictures at Western Monarch Theatre. Pictures at Western Monarch Theatre. "Back to Gilgandra Week'' funds "Back to Gilgandra Week" funds to receive 25 per cent, of the gross to receive 25 per cent, of the gross takings. takings. Carnival i:1 Bridge Street. Professor Carnival in Bridge Street. Professor V/allc,ce's Punch and Judy Show, Wallace's Punch and Judy Show, etc. Gilgandra Band in attendance. etc. Gi!gandra Band in attendance. Tuesday, 21st September Thursday, 23rd September ( Public Holiday) (Half Holiday for Storekeepers) 9 a.m. Monster Procession to Show Ground . 9.30 a.m.: Clay Pigeon Shoot, to be Procession will leave from corner held on Gilgandra Race Course. of Miller and Wrigley Streets. .5-econd Day of Gilgandra Diggers' Race Meeting- another excellent day's 10 a.m. sport assured. Gymkhana at the Show Ground . Also Athletic and Novelty Events. 8 p.m. Luncheon and Refreshment Booths on Ground. "Back to Gilgandra Week" Ball, to be 2 p.m.: Official Opening of "Back to held in the Australian Hall. Lorna Gilgandra Week." Lance Orchestra. Splendid floor , 8 p.m. and good supper. An ideal place Old-Time Ball, to be held in Australian to meet old friends. Price3: 7 '6 Hall. Lorna Lance Orchestra. Ad­ gents; 5 /- ladies. mission prices 6/- and 4/-. Carnival in Bridge Street. Professor Carnival in Bridge Street. Professor Wallace's Punch and Judy Show, Wallace's Punch and Judy Show, etc. Gilgandra Band in attendance. etc. Gilgandra Band in attendance. 14 .. B ACK TO G I L GAND RA' McTaggart's store was situated in born on the Castlereagh below Curban. Lower Miller Street, near where a clump "T ooloon" was the next property taken of cedar and pepper trees are now grow­ up by Gibson and Patterson, but as their ing. He was one of our very earliest wives could not agree, they later sold storekeepers. McTaggart' s store was the property to two Scotchmen. hardly a general store-it kept merely 'f. 'f. '(, knick-nacks, but in the 80' s Russell and Another resident whose descend­ Moore, of Dubbo, opened a branch here. f'T\ts live in the .district was James It was the first big general store. Christian. He came over from the Mud­ 'f. 'f. 'f. gee district about 1836. He had a hotel Other early storekeepers were .T o'l::n ;and post office combined on "C:ulgan­ Collison, Charlie T ym and James H3ll dra" Station, but on leaving "Carlgan­ and Son. The latter were burnt out about dra" he selected "New Breelong (Mr. three or four years after they opened up K. McAllister's present home). While in business. Collison' s store was also there a bale of wool fell off the skids burnt down. ,vhen loading -the tea.ms and killed him. 'f. 'f. 'f. I-le W"-S buried near McAllister's house The only relic of the old Bushman' 3 and the remains of the grave may still Arms Hotel (later the Telegraph Hotel), • be seen there. which occupied a pos1hon on the '(, 'f. 'f. western side of the old river crossing The two young Scotchmen, who at the intersectio:1 of Court and Miller 1--ow?"!--,t "Tooloon" from Gibson and Streets, is portion of one of the chim­ Patterson, provide a link with early neys. Gilc-?.ndra. This is the story: These young 'f. 'f. 'f. men emploved four Chinamen on their John Fi:sher Smith opened a branch rrooertv. One of them had very severe store towards the site of -the prese11t ide"s of discipline and often -took the race course, and later still. built the old stockwhip to his celesfri.l employees hotel at the junction of the Co,rnamble when they displeased him. He was and Mendooran Roads. This building frequently reminded of the µossibilitv of still stands. -�'">ri,nls, but it rem.3.ined unheeded. O:1e 'f. 'f. 'f. d"" his stock horse returned without its Two old residents of Gilgandra are rider, and a diligent search failed . to descendents of verv earlv pioneers. They ,,,,ve,il the whereabouts of the station an� James Madgwick and Charles .Tames 0W!'er. An aboriginal, however, discov­ Gibson. The former's father, in 'iSS'lcia­ ned that the m'in had been buried in tion with John Jones, took un "Ewrih]-." the sheep yard.
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