The Serving our Community Gas explosion Since 1888 Firefighters douse blaze Item inside jewelry store. See A2 April 24, 2008 75 cents weekly of Millburn and Short Hills www.theitemonline.com Lawyer: Short Hills Caterers moves to refund all deposits Business sold liquor license to Cheesecake Factory last August By Patricia Harris and assets by about $500,000, accord- Anthony G. Attrino ing to Jurista. of The Item Jurista said it’s unclear whether any laws were broken, but added A township lawyer representing that he has not yet siezed the com- engaged couples and vendors who pany’s records, which remain gave Short Hills Caterers an esti- locked inside the building at 610 mated $500,000 plans to auction Morris Turnpike. off everything the business owns in Last August, Short Hills Cater- an attempt to return most of the ers sold its liquor license to The money. Cheesecake Factory Restaurants, “We have a combination of Inc., according to Township Clerk angry customers who placed Joanne Monarque. deposits for affairs and vendors The restaurant chain reportedly who gave them everything from plans to build a restaurant in The fish to meats to God knows what,” Mall at Short Hills. said Steven Z. Jurista of Wasser- Jurista said the sale helped Short man, Jurista & Stolz. Hills Caterers to raise about A notice on the front door of the $600,000, but the money was not hall invites creditors to present enough to keep it in business very their claims within three months to long. Jurista. Monarque said municipal offi- Jurista was appointed to liqui- cials were not involved in the sale date Short Hills Caterers’ assets price of the liquor license, although after the business shut its doors it is common knowledge that the and filed for insolvency in Essex licenses are worth about $500,000. County on Friday. Monarque pointed out a cater- About 60 couples were report- ing facility can ask clients to supply edly left without their deposits – in their own liquor, which can then some cases as much as $15,000 be served on the premises. She each – and left to find another likened the situation to the “bring STAFF PHOTO BY ANTHONY G. ATTRINO catering hall. your own bottle” policy of many Under state law, insolvency restaurants. Short Hills Caterers, located at 610 Morris Turnpike, filed last week for insolvency, shut their doors and will have their assets enables a business with more lia- Jurista said couples can also pay liquidated to cover an estimated $500,000 owed to creditors. Those creditors include about 60 couples who placed deposits bilities than assets to close its doors a liquor vendor directly to have for weddings and celebrations. while an attorney assigned by pro- drinks served at their affairs. Such bate court liquidates assets and a condition would be stipulated in and celebrations. indicated they were not the owners ing 20, he said. “Everyone’s been saying this is returns money to creditors. a contract, but Jurista said he has Janoff, the owner of the Crystal of the establishment themselves. Although their initial reaction going to turn out okay,” the cater- “It’s tantamount to a bankrupt- not yet seen those records. Plaza in Livingston, said Monday “I’m reaching out to all their was shock or anger, all but four or er reported. cy,” Jurista told The Item of Mill- Caterer and township resident lawyers representing Short Hills clients to minimize the pain,” he five of the 40 clients reached by the Janoff said he agreed to help find burn and Short Hills. Allan Janoff has been stepping up Caterers had approached him to said Monday. Crystal Plaza have been able to alternate sites to prevent caterers as Short Hills Caterers is owned by to help clients of the now-closed help those affected by the sudden Janoff and his staff have been make alternate arrangements, and a group preserve their reputation. Michael Bienstock, who claims Short Hills Caterers find alternate closing. Janoff did not wish to spec- able to reach about 40 clients, and Janoff is confident “we’re going to that his liabilities outweigh his sites for their upcoming weddings ify which lawyers they were, but he have left messages for the remain- land them.” SEE CATERERS, PAGE A3 EDUCATION Mock debate gives students a taste of national politics By Harry Trumbore lican and Democratic parties hold 58 delegates. However, Sen. With Obama ahead in the dele- of The Item their primaries and why the super Barack Obama edged Sen Hillary gate count last week, Raymond delegates are going determine who Clinton by a percentage point in told the students Clinton needed to With the results of Tuesday’s run will run in November as the the same primary and the two can- win big in Pennsylvania and keep Pennsylvania primary heightening Democratic candidate. didates had to split 72 delegates. winning “to make the argument the drama of the presidential cam- “The superdelegates are very “That tells you all you need to that the people want her.” paign, Millburn Middle School stu- important party people,” Raymond know about the difference Raymond’s presentation about dents can say they’re as knowl- told the students. “Twenty percent between the way the parties run the campaign was highlighted by a edgeable about the current politi- of the Democratic delegates are their primaries,” Raymond said. mock debate between high school cal scene as any pundit. super delegates. With the Republi- “All the drama is on the Demo- students Tess McNulty, who por- The students who attended the cans, the number is only 10 per- cratic side,” he added. “Neither trayed Clinton, and David Keith, Running and Winning program cent.” candidate can win a majority of the playing Obama. after school this past Thursday, got Raymond, who teaches the delegates without the super dele- With students Alex Hertz and an overview of how the presiden- Advanced Placement American gates.” Michael Langley moderating the tial primaries are conducted. Government and Politics course, And although those “very debate, the two “candidates” The annual program is spon- explained the Republicans hold important party people,” such as sparred verbally over topics regard- sored by the League of Women more “winner-take-all” primaries. governors, congressmen and state ing health care, Iraq and illegal Voters and is partially funded by The Democrats, on the other hand, legislators, may want to throw their immigrants. STAFF PHOTO BY HARRY TRUMBORE the United Way of Millburn-Short split the delegates proportionally. support behind the candidate they Keith managed to get McNulty Hills. Raymond said Sen. John think will win in November, it momentarily flustered when he Millburn High School debate team member Tess McNulty tries Millburn High School teacher McCain won by a percentage point could be detrimental if they don’t accused her of approving former her hand at politics by portraying Hillary Clinton during last Brian Raymond explained the dif- over Gov. Mike Huckabee in the back the candidate who has won week’s mock debate at the middle school. ferences between how the Repub- Missouri primary and garnered all the popular vote, Raymond said. SEE DEBATE, PAGE B3 In Classifieds Vol. 121 No. 17 CLASSIFIEDS D6, D7 MOVIES A6 Laxers on a roll COMMUNITY D1 OBITUARIES B5 For more classifieds, see pages D6, D7. For home delivery, Millers win three in a row. Flute & Guitar To place a classified ad in The Item of Millburn call 888-504-4280. COMMUNITY EVENTS A4 PUBLIC NOTICES D4 See C1 Very patient with young and Short Hills, and our other community newspapers, call 1-800-891-9467. EDITORIAL A4 PUZZLES A6, A7 beginners. Call Debra. www.debsflutelessons.com Please recycle. EDUCATION B1-B4 RELIGIOUS NEWS B5 ➧ At least 25% recycled newsprint 201-664-7286 100% recyclable ENTERTAINMENT A6, A7 SPORTS C1-C6, C8 Discover A New Level Of Luxury In Real Estate W374230-01 Each office independently 508 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills, NJ • 973-467-8522 owned & operated A2 Thursday, April 24, 2008 The Item of Millburn and Short Hills www.TheItemOnline.com GUARANTEED! On-Time Pick-Ups and Arrivals 24 Hour Limousine Service - 1-877-546-6428 TOWNSHIP WORKER KNOWS HOW TO DIG UP DIRT Brian Hanna of the township’s Public 973.482.3200 Works Department 973.467.0120 unloads mulch from a truck last Thursday W374304-01 [email protected] in the municipal Limousines parking lot outside % Town Hall. The mulch 10 off was later spread For All Occassions with this ad. The Item around plants, flowers and shrubs around the building. ORGANIC Drycleaning STAFF PHOTO BY ANTHONY G. ATTRINO • Draperies • Storage • Wedding Gowns • Tuxedos • Carpets • Tailoring Enjoy any DRY CLEANING at 50% OFF the regular price!!! (maximum discount $6.00) Offer expires 5/31/08 POLICE W374245-01 Flight of the bumble bee blamed Summit, NJ Street Fair & Craft Festival after a Jeep crashes into a Lexus th Sunday, APRIL 27 By Anthony G. Attrino The impact pushed Sanchez’s him. The employee canceled the card of The Item car into the rear of a car driven by Renga was issued a summons. but later learned three purchases FREE Admission Mary Werbaneth, 47, of Maple- A driver who made an improp- had been made at Qdoba Mexican A teen driver stirred up a hor- wood, police said. er left turn from Wyoming Avenue Grill, Johnny Rockets and at a gro- net’s nest on April 17 when she The third driver, Julianna D. north onto Glen Avenue was cery store in Irvington. blamed an unlikely culprit for an Mellitas, 18, of 91 Whitney Road, arrested about 7:30 p.m.
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