PAGE 8 | FOUNDATION HONORS CHARLES p PAGE 38 | UNTIL THE FINAL SNAP THE RAINBOW DELTA TAU DELTA INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY WINTER 2012 The Citizens of Delta Tau Delta In partnership with 36 other fraternities and sororities committed to ending bullying and hazing on college campuses CONTENTS THE RAINBOW | VOLUME 136, NO. 1 | WINTER 2012 28 Cover Story Think Green We the Citizens, of Delta Tau Delta 5 Fraternity Headlines Insert topics he Expansions for Fall 2012 Delaware and UCSB Receive Charters Quinnipiac Brothers Grow ‘Staches for Cash PERIODICAL STATEMENT The Rainbow (ISSN 1532-5334) is published twice annually for $10 per year by Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at 10000 Allisonville Road, 10 A Lifetime of Service Fishers, Indiana 46038-2008; Telephone 1-800- MAGAZINE MISSION DELTSXL; http://www.delts.org. Periodical Insert topics Ken File Reflects on His Time Serving Delta Tau Delta p Inform members of the events, postage paid at Fishers, Indiana and at activities and concerns of inter- additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send re address changes to Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, est to members of the Fraternity. 10000 Allisonville Road, Fishers, Indiana 12 Annual Report p Attract and involve members of 46038-2008. Canada Pub Agree #40830557. the Fraternity via appropriate Canada return to: Station A, P.O. Box 54, coverage, information and opin- Windsor, ON N9A 6J5 [email protected] ion stories. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP p Educate present and potential 1. Publication Title –THE RAINBOW; 14 Alumni in the News members on pertinent issues, 2. Publication No.–1532-5334; 3. Filing Date– Sept. 25, 2008; 4. Issue Frequency–Biannual; Insert topi persons, events and ideas so 5. No. of Issues Published Annually –two; that members may be aware of 6. Annual Subscription Price–$10.00; 17 Delts in Entertainment and appreciate their heritage as 7. Publication Mailing Address–Delta Tau Delta Delts. Fraternity, 10000 Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN Insertics he 46038; 8. Publisher’s Headquarters Mailing p Serve as an instrument of public Address–same; 9. Publisher–same; Editor and 18 Books by Brothers relations for the Fraternity by Managing Editor–Brook A. Pritchett, same; presenting an image of the Fra- 10. Owner–Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, same; Insert ternity commensurate with its 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, Other Security Holders–none; 12. The purpose, quality and stature. function and nonprofit status of this organization 20 Delt Sportlight p Entertain readers with its infor- and the exempt status for federal income tax mation and quality writing and purposes has not changed during preceding 12 Inserpics here months; 13. Publication Title–THE RAINBOW; editing, so that it is a pleasure to 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data –January 24 Chapter Eternal read and share with others. 2012; 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation of Copies: A. Total No. of Copies (net press run) – Insert to HOW TO CONTACT 77,529/77,340; B. Paid and/or Requested The Rainbow Circulation: 1. Paid/Requested Outside–County Contact staff via e-mail Mail Subscriptions State on Form 3541 (US 26 A Tribute to Ed Heminger at [email protected] or by calling copies)–76,337/77,040; 2. Paid In-County 317-284-0203. Subscriptions –0/0; 2. Sales Through Dealers Insert to and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales and Other Non-USPS Paid Circulation –0/0; 4. Other 34 UniLOA Helps Define Delts SUBMISSIONS Classes Mailed Through the USPS –0/0; C. Total Letters to the editor, chapter reports, Paid and/or Requested Circulation – o alumni notes, alumni chapter re- 76,337/77,040; D. Free Distribution by Mail ports, news stories, photographs, (samples, complimentary, and other free): 36 The Men of Delta Tau Delta 1. Outside-County as Stated on Form 3541 (US manuscripts, subscriptions and comps) –0/0; 2. In-County as Stated on Form 36 The Brothers of Delta Omicron death notices for publication should 3541 –0/0; 3. Other Classed Mailed Through the be sent to Brook Pritchett, Director USPS –0/0; E. Free Distribution Outside the Mail 37 Jim Host (University of Kentucky, 1959) (carriers or other means) –0/0; F. Total Free 38 Julian Paksi (Albion College, 2012) of Communications, 10000 Distribution –0/0; G. Total Distribution – 40 Niles Austin Hill (Texas State University, 2010) Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN 76,337/77,040; H. Copies Not Distributed 46038-2008. –1,192/300; I. Total –77,529/77,340; J. Percent 40 Joseph Leckie (Washington & Jefferson College, 1950) Paid and/or Requested Circulation –98%/99%; 16. This Statement of Ownership will be printed ADDRESS CHANGES in the Winter 2012 issue of this publication. I Visit www.delts.org/info or call certify that the statements made by me above 41 Headlines of the Past 317-284-0203. Mail address are correct and complete–Brook A. Pritchett, Director of Communications. Insert to changes to 10000 Allisonville Road, 42 Karnea–A Legacy of Leadership Fishers, IN 46038-2008. : www.delts.org LETTER FROM THE INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT It’s difficult to write a tribute to Ed Heminger, because he disliked tributes, at least about himself. For a man of his remarkable accomplishments in life, he was one of the most humble people I have ever met. For as long as I’ve known him, Ed was an elder statesman of the Fraternity. He completed his service on the Arch Chapter when I was only 13 years old, preparing to transition from junior high to high school, and before I even really knew what a fraternity was. When I be- came active as an alumni volunteer, Ed was there with support and to offer advice. After join- ing the Arch Chapter, I got to know him better, and learn firsthand of his wisdom, his kindness, and his deep love of our brotherhood. Over the course of the past few years, and particularly as I served in place of Jim Selzer during his last illness, and now as president, I called on him for advice. He could always be relied upon for sound judgment, but only if advice was sought. He did not impose his views or tell you what you should be doing. During our last phone call about a month before he died, I asked him for advice with respect to an issue facing the Arch Chapter. Instead of telling me what he would do, he asked me what I thought I should do, and only then would he give me his opinion. It was very reassuring to hear Ed say: “I think you’re doing the right thing.” I am glad to have known Ed, proud to call him my brother, and privileged to have him as a friend and mentor. Our brotherhood has had its share of “giants.” Without question, Ed was one. He was the embodiment of phrases that run through Delt-speak—a Good Delt, a patrician soul, a man who lived an unselfish and noble life. He modeled the values we seek to instill in all our members. He is a man we cannot forget to remember, because all of us, young and old alike, should continue to emulate his example of service. The Chapter Eternal is a richer place with Ed around. Our job is to ensure that all he gave to our brother- hood lives on. p Alan Brackett International President 4 | THE RAINBOW p WINTER 2012 The Rainbow PUBLISHER Ohio State Delts Run Marathon Jim Russell The brothers of Beta Phi recently had EDITOR Brook Pritchett eight brothers participate in the Na- tionwide Columbus Marathon and International Officers half-Marathon. The group had more Alan G. Brackett President Travis O. Rockey Vice President and Ritualist participants than any other Greek Jody B. Danneman Second Vice President chapter on campus and was James W. Garboden Treasurer Steven A. Paquette Secretary awarded $2,500. Scott A. Heydt Director of Academic Affairs Anthony Albanese Eastern Division President Thomas F. Calhoon II Northern Division President Participants included: Lee Grace Southern Division President Jeff Pelletier (advisor) Bill Richardson Western Pacific Division President Robert L. Marwill Western Plains Division President Matthew Lehner (alumnus) Andrew Tirpak Central Office Chris Balzer DIRECTORS Jim Russell Executive Vice President Ted Rader Alan Selking Director of Business Affairs Fady Baky Brett Benson Director of Alumni Affairs Jack Kreman Director of Operations Nate Wilson Andy Longo Director of Fraternity Programs Hank Sonderman Brook Pritchett Director of Communications Ellen Shertzer Director of Leadership Development David Sirey Director of Chapter Services Mike Slaughter Director of Growth J. Crew Hosts Road Program ADMINISTRATION JoAnn Balek Administrative Assistant Vicky Halsey Executive Assistant The men of Theta Xi at Eastern The winners received a $25 gift cer- Candice McQuitty Accounts Receivable Veronica McSorley Administrative Assistant for Expansion Michigan took a typical Road pro- tificate to J. Crew. Lesa Purcell Administrative Manager gram of dressing for success to the Theresa Robinson Administrative Assistant Alumni Advisory Team member Kathy Sargent Administrative Assistant for Member next level. The chapter partnered and Road Advisor Brandon Jones Records with its local J. Crew store to provide Wendy Weeks Accounting Manager (Eastern Michigan, 2003) com- a hands-on educational training on mented, “All chapters need to imple- 2011-12 CHAPTER CONSULTANTS how to dress for three occasions: job Tim Gaffney Jake Johnson ment a dress for success event so Matt Muñoz Doug Russell interview, date night and casual. they are always put their best foot Matt Stein Ken Tubbs Eighteen members participated in Shane Vaughn Kyle Yarawsky forward. This way they are prepared the program. The training including for any situation.” Educational Foundation a competition where participants The Road is an integral part of EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION BOARD CHAIRMAN created an outfit for a certain occa- Robert F.
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