Sino-Japan Environmental Model City Cooperation Program in Guiyang City of China Reducing Air Pollution and CO2 in Guiyang, China (Digest version) Aug.28-29 2006 Seattle USA Institute for Global Environmental Strat egi es (IGES) Director , IGES Beijing Office H.KOYANAGI Environmental Problems in China • Air Pollution • Water Pollution • Hazardous wastes • Soil pollution • Toxic chemical compounds • Desertification • AidAcid rain • Yellow sand storm, etc. • Climate change is not an urgent and prior issues for China! Sino-Japan Environmental Model City Cooperation Program is... one ofthf the programs cons is ting o fthf the 「Sino-Japan Environmental Cooperation Program for the 21st Century」 (※) proposed by the Sino-Japan summit conference on September, 1997 (※) ● Sino-Japan Environmental Model City Cooperation Program ((p)loan assistance + technical cooperation) ● One Hundred City Environmental Information Network Program (grant aid + technical cooperation) Sino-Japan Environmental Model City Cooperation Program is... 3 Targe t Mo de l Cities (Dalian, Chongqing and Guiyang) Beijing→・・←Dalian Chongqing→・ ↑・ Guiyang Sino-Japan Environmental Model City Cooperation Program is... • To establish measures for major air pollution sources and air monitoring system • Supported by total 30. 7 billion Japanese yen (267million US$) of loan assistance for three cities • To establish a recycling-oriented socitiety sys tem Sino-Japan Environmental Model City Cooperation Program is... • To give technical assistance on human and institutional capacity building by technical cooperation • To make a successful model case of environmental improvement Cooperation Program in Guiyang City of CCahina Area 8, 000km2 Population 3.5million (CBD Area 150km2 CBD Population 1 million) China Guizhou Province Guiyang City 2002F. Y. GDP/person・year 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 US$ 0 Guizhou Guiyang City Ave.of China Province 2002F. Y. GDP/person・year 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 US$ 0 Guizhou Guiyang Ave.of Japan(‘00) Province City China Air Pollutant Emissions in Guiyang City ton 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 SO2(t) 100,000 PM(t) Dust(t) 0 1997 1998 Japan(‘99) Air Pollution Concentration in Guiyang City Unit:mg/m3 Standard Level (AVG./yr:SO2 0.06, TSP 0.20) 0350.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 010.1 0.06 0.05 SO2 TSP 0 1997 Air Pollution Concentration in Guiyang City Unit:mg/m3 Standard Level(AVG./yr:SO2 0.06, TSP 0.20) 0350.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 010.1 0.060.05 SO2 TSP 0 1997 1.Summary of Cooperation Project by Loan Assistance 1.Summary of Cooperation Project by Loan Assistance ・Total 30.7 billion Japanese yen (267 million US$) loan for three c ities ・14.5 billion yy(en (126 million US$) for Guiyang city and same amount was prepared by implementing organization’ s own fund ・Total 7sub-projects were implemented in Guiyygang city ○ Measures for Large-scale Air Pollution Sources (1) Measures for Sulfur Dioxide and Dust from Guiyang Steel Plant (2) MfSlfDiiddDMeasures for Sulfur Dioxide and Dust from Guizhou Cement Plant (3) Measures for Sulfur Dioxide and Dust from Guiyygang Power Plant ○ Supply of Clean Energy (4) SlDlfidClClSupply Desulfurized Clean Coal (5) Supply Coal Gas ○ Strengthening the Capacity of Environmental Monitoring (6) Establishment of Automatic Air Monitoring Stations and On-line Monitoring System for Emission Sources ○ Preventing Mercury Contamination (7) Construction of new production facility without the use of mercury 2. Summary of CtiCooperation Project by Technical Cooperation ・Cooperation on human capacity development and institutional cappyacity development 2.Summary of Cooperation Project by Technical Cooperation (1) Assistance on Preparation of Master Plan for Air Quality Management in Guiyang City (2) Dispa tc h o f Exper ts (3) Assistance for Enterprises on Environmental Management (4) Assistance on Establishment of Recycling- oritdSitStiented Society System (4)Assistance on establishment of recycling-oriented society system ・Assisted establishment of Guiyang Circular Economy Ordinance (1) Guiyang Steel Plant Before After Expected Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants (1) Guiyang Steel Plant • SO2 Approx. 8, 600 t/year (84% of reduction rate) ・PM+DUST Approx. 5, 800 t/year (94% of reduction rate) Source: City of Guiyang Expected Emission Reduction % Rate of Air Pollutants 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 SO2 20 10 PM+DUST 0 BEFORE AFTER (2) Guizhou Cement Plant Before 4 Old Cement Kilns Expected Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants (2) GihGuizhou C emen tPltt Plant • SO2 Approx. 3, 900 t/year (84% of reduction rate) ・ PM+DUST Approx. 9,500 t/year (96% ofdtitf reduction rate) Source: City of Guiyang Expected emission reduction rate % of air pollutants 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 SO2 20 10 PM+DUST 0 BEFORE AFTER (3) Guiyang Power Plant 1998.8. Expected Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants (3) GiGuiyang P ower Pl Pltant • SO2 Approx. 102, 800t/year (94% of reduction rate) ・ PM+DUST Approx. 33,400 t/year (93% of reduction rate) Source: City of Guiyang Expected Emission Reduction % Rate of Air Pollutants 100 90 80 70 60 50 SO2 40 PM+DUST 30 20 10 0 BEFORE AFTER Expected Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants (4) SlDlfidClClSupply Desulfurized Clean Coal • SO2 Approx. 26, 500 t/year ・ PM+DUST Approx. 14,700 t/year Source: City of Guiyang Expected Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants (5)Supply Coal Gas • SO2 Approx. 18,200 t/year ・ PM Approx. 9,100 t/year Source: City of Guiyang (6) Establishment of Automatic Air Monitoring Stations and On -line Monitoring Systems for Emission Sources 1998. 8. OOldld MMonitoringonitoring FacilityFacility Expected Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants (7) MfMPlltitMeasures for Mercury Pollution at Chemical Plants • SO2 Approx. 3,600 t/year ・ PM Approx. 5, 300 t/year ・COD Approx. 5,500 t/year Source: City of Guiyang Conclusion Result of technical cooperation ・Preparation of master plan for air quality management in Guiyang city (2004. 11. ) ・Establishment of Guiyang Circular Economy Ordinance (2004. 11.) Expppected outputs from implementing model city cooperation program (Within Model Area140km2) • TtlTotal em issi on re duc tion o f su lfdiidlfur dioxide 163,500 t/year (Year 1996 203, 000t 81% o f re duc tion ra te) • TtlTotal em issi on re duc tion o fPMf PM an ddd dus t 57,000 t/year (Year 1996 86, 000t 66% o f re duc tion ra te) Source: Cityyyg of Guiyang Comparison with 1996 Emission ton Level (Sulfur dioxide) 400, 000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150, 000 163,500t 100,000 SO2 50,000 0 the entire Model Model Guiyang city Area(Before) Area(After) Comparison with 1996 Emission ton Level (PM + Dust) 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 57,000t PM+ 40,000 DUS T 20,000 0 the entire Model Model Guiyang city Area(Before) Area(After) Result of Model City Cooperation Program Emission change of SO2 in Guiyang city unit: ton 600,000 500, 000 400,000 300,000 200, 000 100,000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TtlSO2(tTotal SO2(ton ) SO2 from Plan ts (ton ) Change of Concentration of Sulfur Dioxide in Urban Area of Guiyang City Standard Level(AVG. /Yr:SO2 006mg/m0.06 mg/m3 ) Unit:mg/m3 0.35 0.3 0250.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.06 0.05 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 SO2 Co-benefit effects by model city cooperation program • Emission reduction of carbon dioxide(CO2) → 1.07million t/year Source: City of Guiyang Environmental Problems in China • Air Pollution • Water Pollution • Hazardous wastes • Soil pollution • Toxic chemical compounds • Desertification • AidAcid rain • Yellow sand storm, etc. • Climate change is not an urgent and prior issues for China! Effectiveness of Co-benefits • Promotion of program for climate change integrating with air ppygollution measures in such Guiyang city may be quite effective in developing countries including China Thank you!.
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