THE ROLLING STONES LIFE ON THE ROAD INTERVIEWS BY JOOLS HOLLAND AND DORA LOEWENSTEIN SCHIRMER/MOSEL CAPTIONS & CREDITS Credits are given spread by spread, with captions where information is available and relevant. Top: Bridgss to Babylon audience- LFI/Kevin Mazw Voocco LOJIII e - Vlus dor B.V.-'Chudr: ( Bottom- University of Illinois, Champaign IL, 15 Nuve-iber 1969 - Re* Features/Ethan Russell THE ROLLING STONES A LIFE ON THE ROAD Contact sheet frnm Nofh American tour October- December 19 Musidor B.V./Arr.un Corbiin Ron • tram The Birrs publicity shot. All other photos - F Gered Mankowitz © Bowstir Ltd 1998 Features/De^o Hoffman 12 13 Brian • Res Features/Dezo Hoffman. Right: on HMS Discovery, Lett: Marquee Club - LCI. Right: Musidor B V./Claud« Gas London, August 1953 - Pictorial Prass/Tony Gale. Keith's 3rd quote, page 12 - Rolling Stone, August 1971 Iht IIIMJIII; , irollf bll'l 115 IW i/hin Ihoy M« itmln. We Hots oil going Fuck. Hint I ihe furling flcnllts ill luck . 18 19 2D 21 22 Left: El Mowmbo Club, Toronto, March 1977 - Res Features. Lett: The Crawrjaddy Club, May 1963 - Ren Features/Dezo Hoffman. Left- Retna/King Collection. Right: tioster for an August IS Right The 100 Club, May 1932 -M.nro Sounds arcdive/Wichael Rutland Right background- Marquee CIJO, 1963 - Pictorial Press 11 Liue-poul that was cancelled berause H"e venue had b damagec by tire - Pictorial Press r~ 24 26 27 age 21 l=ft • Musidor B.V./Pavid Anderson. Page 24 right - Musi da r B.V./Miki( Left • Munro Sounds archive. Right: on Ready Steadv Go!, 1963 - Pictorial ^ From top: Vusidor B.V./Fugene Adebari: Munro Sountfs arc Ariga Page 25 top: on Ready Steady So!, 1964 - Pictorial Press/Tony Gale. Musidor B.V./Mikio Ariga Page 25 bottom: on Ready Steady Go!, 1965 - Ken Features 30 31 32 33 Page 3D tup: Keith Richards al a campsite on an AiMcrie reservation near With Andrew Loop Oldham at RCA Studios, Hollywood CA. Re» Features/D«o Hoffman >hoen \ hL 6 December 1965 - Gered Mankowitz © Bowst r Ltd 1998. °arje 30 December 1965- Gered Mankowrte© Bov/sti-1 td 199S bottom: Ren Featu-es/Marc Sharratl. Page 21 'eft: Tour ol the Americas, 1975 -Christophers men Sykes co 'lection. Right Voodoo Lounge-Musidor B.V./Mikio Ariga. Keith's Is: quote page 12 - Rolling Stcne, August 1971 . THI Hll GIG WAS IN SAN lit WA,:INO. IT WAS IGHTCAS, MAN. '-iri ii.-!""-': '71-. "-^ ,-.-:- Hi •I mLs 36 37 40 r ftp le'!: p ess conference atBeveryRodeo Hate,, Los Angeles, Decemoer Bill Graham Presents Left: Playing cards with Nona HendryH of Patti LaBelle and th 1965 • Gered Mantowit! ® Bowstir Ltd 1998. Bottom left: at London Blue Belles on Nortri American tour OcroberOecember 19fib Airport, 1964-Ren Features. Right: North American tour OctoDer- Sered Mankowib © Bowstir Ltd 1998. Right North American t er 1965 - Gered Mankowitz © Bowstir Ltd 1993. Keith's 1st quote, October-December 1965 - Gered Mankowit! © Bowstir Ltd 191 ge 37 - Ro'lmg Stone, August 1971. Mick's 2nd quote, page 27 Rolling Keith's quotes, page 4C • Rolling Stone, August 19/1 Stone, October I960 42 43 44 45 Left: Voodoo Lounge - Musidor B.VJClaude Gassian. Right: Page 44 top left - Re* Features. Page 44 too right Bridges to Babylon press Se: Basel, Urban Jungle tour, 27 June 1990- Musidor October 1966 - Pictorial Press/Tony Gale. Background: New :o."'ferenr-F!. Brooklyn Bridge, 16 August 19S7 - Musidor R.V./Kevin Mazur B.V./Claude Cassian. Page 47 top lefl - Rei features. Page M so EUabethan Ballroom, Belle Vue, Manchester, 9 August 1964- PagaW bottom: Mick shopping at Cerutli's in Paris - Rex Features/Michel left: Festhalle, Frankfurt, 30 September 1973 - Retna/Michael Put Mirrar Syndication International. Keith's quo!=. page 42- Rolling Ginies/SIPA Press. Page 45 top left. Niagara -alls, 1975 • Ch'is:suher Page 16 right: F.arls Court, London, May 1976 • Retna/Michael fu! Stone, August 197] Simon Sykes collection. Page 45 lop right: Basel, 1990 • Musidor B.V./Clsude G.issian. Page 15 centra - Retria/Rocky Winder. Psge 45 bottom loft1 at Londor Airport on route to the USA, 23 June 1966 - Re* Features. :i8ge45 hotton -iglr: Bueros Atres. February 1995 -Jane Rose v .;•... i .,• -, • ;•••- L ' you'ifot ao.B3t. at I througriSsinh GShe ••* air vents. "Get oft my Toreskir get off my loresk 1 it, ''.V.'TtC'.pt SoklnS'Sla11? 50 51 Louisiana State Fair, Shrevenort LA, 20 November 1965 -Gered Keith and his Bentley - Gered Mnnkowitr © Bowstir Ltd 199 Page 52 mam - Rex Features/Marc Sharratt. Page 53 inset - R Mankowitz © Bowstir Ltd 1998 Aaron. Pages 52-53 bottom: Voodoo Lounge • Miisirtor B.V./C Page 33 top right - Re* Features HI m in i UrnSi 54 55 56 57 Page 54 top left: Vooaoo Lounge, Japan, March 1995 - Musidor Led: leaving London Airport for the USA, 23 June 1966, via what Left: Cnuck Leavell, 193? European tour - Musiflor B.V./Dei t.V./Mikiu Ariga. Page 54 centre: 'Live at the Ten Spot', 1997 - Musidor the original press caption called "a hard struggle for the gather- Right: Jacksonville FL, August 1975 - Christopher Simo B.V,/Kevin Mazur. Page 54 bottom right Brixton Academy, London, 19 no-moss boys" - Rex Features. Right - LFI collection July 1955 - All Action/Dave Hogan. Page 55 top: Bridges to Babylon - Musi no- B.V./Albert Ferreira. Page 55 bottom - Mdsidor S.V./Albert Ferreira. Keith's quote, page 54- Rolling Stone, August 1971 61 62 63 Paris, 1990 - Musicor BA'./Clauds Gnssian Page 62 top: 19/6- Pictorial Press. Page 62 bottom • Rex Left: Les Abattoirs. Paris, June 1576 - Rex Features/SIPA t Features/SIPA/Thier ry Bocon-Gibod. Page S3:1982 European tour - Bocon-Gibod. Right: Voodoo Lounge - Musidor B.V./Mil Musidor B.v./Denis D'Regan 66 67 69 Page 66 top left: 1992 European tour - Wusidor B.V ./Denis O'Regan. Page 66 top Lelt: January 1967 • Ren Fe3tures/Bill Orchard. Right: Palazzo dello Sport, Page 7(1 top left -Munro Sounds archive. Page 70 botb centre - Musidor B.V./Mikio Arigd. Pdge 66 :op right - Ren Fcatures/SIPA/Thierry Rome, 6 April 196/ - Re* Features. Keith's quotes, page 68-Rolling 5tone, Retna/Michael Putland. Page 71 • Retna/Michael P Bocon-Giboti. Page 66 Bottom right-Bill Grattam Presents. Page 67 left-Ren August 1971. Mick's 2nd quote, page 69 • Rolling Stone, October 196S Features. Page 67 right: Musidar B.V./Claude Gassian 72 73 71 75 1 Left: Scotland, May 1982 - Reoia/Wchaal Rutland. Centre: ihe Rolling Stones Rock And Roll Circus' images - Ren Features/David Polak/Davk Page 76: Mick and Darryl Jores - Musidor B.V./Claude Gassian. returning from Berlin, the last show of the 1973 European tour - Magnus; Munro Sounds archive/Michael Putland; Pictorial Press. Mick and Page 77 bottom" Srian pulling a 'nanker' face - Gered Mankowitz f Retna/Michael Putland. Right - Ren Features/Marc Sharratt Marianne Faithfull at the Duke of Bedford's party for the Supremes, King's Road, Chelsea, January 1968-Pictorial Press. Bepgars Banquet session June 1968- Pictorial Press/Vinyl E*perience. Keith's quote, page 74 • Rolling Stone, August 1971. Mick's 1st quote, page 74 - Rolling Stone, October 1968 jy;i ". ',": •..• • . 79 81 82 Left • Ren Fea tu res/Hj gene Adebiin. Page 80: on Ready Steady Go!, 1966 - Pictorial Press/Tony Gale. Page 8 Page 82: May 1963 - Pictorial Press. Page 83 lop left - Munro Soun Right top jnd bottom- MusrrJor B.V./Claude Gassian left strip - Rex Features. Page 81 top right; on Ready Steady Gol, 1965 • I laves. Page 83 centre left: at Supremes party, January 196S - PICK Rex Features. Keith's quotes, page 81 • Rolling Stone, August 1971 83 bottom - Retna/King Collection. Page 83 right • Munro Soun 87 Left - Re* Features. Righ: - Redferns/ftavid Redfem. Mick's Both images: North American tour October-Dec ember 1965 - Hyde Park, 5 July 1969 -LFI quotes, page 84 - Rolling Stone, July 1969 Gerefl Mankowitz ffi Bowstir I trj 199S .. "• '- • 90 91 92 93 frnge Oft Hyde Park, 5 July 1969 - Retna/Michael Putland. Page 91 clockwise Page 93 top left and right: Tour of the Americas 1975 - Christopher Simod Sykes At Stephen Stills' house, Laurel Canyon CA, D closer-November 1 WOK to: left: Mick and Marianne Faithfull - Retna/Michael PuHanrf; Retna/Jak collection. Page 93 Bottom left and riflht: on the plane during the US tour November- Rex Fea1ures/Etnan Russell flby; Httna/Ray Stevenson; Mick Taylor introduced to the press, 13 June 1969 December 1969 - Rex/F.than Russell. Keith's 1st quote, page 92 - Rolling Stone, Rei/DKO Hoffman; RBdferns/Peter Sanders; Retna/Ray Stevenson August 1971. Mick's 2nd quote, cage 92 - Rolling Stone, December 1969 ee concert, Aitanont Speedway, Lfvermore CA, 6 December 1969 - Jm Marshall Page 98 - Munro Sounds archive. Page 99 top left: Jim Callaghan and Joe Scahrook - Royal Albert hall, 23 September 1966 Pictorial Press Musidor B.V./Paul Natkin. Page 99 top right-Munro Sounds archive Page 99 background: Hyde Park, 5 July 1969 - Re* FeaturEs/tJezo Hoffman 102 103 104 105 Page 103 tap left - Michael Putland. Al other images. Tour cf Page 104: Munro Sounds archive Page )0b top left- Munro Sounds archive. Europe 1970 • Munro Sounds archive Page 105 bottom right: Hyde Park, 5 July 1969 • Radferns/Peter Sanders. Mick's quote, page 105 - Rolling Stone, July 1969 108 109 112 1 T no in Left- Mun-o Sounds archive. Right: Mick aylor wearing an afrn wig, Page 1121 Lsa Fischer and Mick - Musidor B.V./Mikio Ariga.
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