• eS5 Ie .Am.erica ~ Copyright lUS by IS Cents Vol. IX, No. 14 Sunday, March 20, 1955 Transition to New Rating Plan Conducted by Posit,on No.• 117 Proves Easy and Painless To Clubs RU SS ELL CHAUVENET Despite ~ears voiced in lIdvance by severnl critics, ",: h.o. i~ th ~ main did not wait to learn the details and plan bebre cnUC!lZ!Dg It., ~e END solutions to Position No. Revised USCF Rating Regulations have gone into effect in a ~o s l pam­ S 157 to UusscJJ Chauvenct, 721 less manner, being greeted by almos.t 4111 thc chcs:> organizations ~on­ Gist Ave., Silver Spring, Md., by tncled so far with enthusiasm as belDg more equitable ilnd workable April 20, 1955. With your solution than' the regulations previously in effeel. please send analysis or reasons sup­ , Several previously unalliliuted groups hastened to wlt.h porling your choice as "Best Move" ~IIIII:lle the USCF, finding the new plan for af!iliaUon more. SU ited. 10 th~r or moves. membership" and uf the e ight tournaments tu be hel~ iR Api'll or Ma.~ Solunon to Position 1S1 "" III appear which have heCI! repor1.ed to CH":;SS LIFE, sevcn wll.l be Y)O % USC~ In the M;ly 5. 1955 iss.... "- rated events. The e ighth, the Louisville OpCn Ch:lIllllwnsl!lll t.poIlS(l]·('ci NOTE: Do "01 plat'~ 100I.IhO"1 to ' ..0 by the USCr-' aHitiated Louisville Chess Clu b. m .. y :ll~o h(1 :I 1'111t'ti ()V e nt porit;,,,,, On one ttl,d; be IU,t to indk.rtc but did not specify in thcll' :1I11l0Ullccmcnt. com:cJ p'J1itjon ,btj"8 IO/'Yca, number "I Of Ow toul'Ilamelll-; anIiIHIIIC('II. - "n4 gil" tht ".,d I1dJUII 0/ 1"1i "d"" thc New .jpr:-.c), lIigh Scllnul CAPELL TAKES tht 1lI/"r, io <I,Sill ;11 p,op" ardiling of Ch 1l1npi (ltl~ hi]l will I ... rate'li 1111(1('( SALT LAKE MEET so/,,'Hm, B lac k t o p l~y the old plan, as announced prior­ to March 1st. The Inland Empire Martin Capell, president of thE WOMEN'S TOURNEY PEDERSEN AGAIN Open will begin the new era under YMCA Chess Club of Salt Lak( the ncw plan. followed by the In­ City and candidate for II Ph.D. de SET FOR OCTOBER IN MINNESOTA diana State Championship. gree at the University of Utah, WOt USCF President Frank R. Graves .For the second straight year vic­ Then the Maryland Slate Champ­ the Salt Lake City Championship has been notified by FIDE that tory in thc 4O-playcr .Minncsota ionship, on two weekends, come in 4%·lh. In second place with 3%· the Women's World Championship Stale Chess Championship, beld at a unique manner, being co-spon­ Ilh was defending champion Far­ Candidates Tournament has been t!:;.e Downtown YMCA in St. Paul, sored by four USCI" AUiliated rell L. Clark with 31/.z·11/.z. Third to :;; ::l:~t.l(!d tc r.t.:l:'"t ~ :' !:-.;t d:l~' :: b . \', e::.t !..) K _ ~r. :\;.;1crseli 0,( ~iLne­ CluOS: 1\1'101> \:-hess t:ht), Ma ryland f'un on SoD with ~·2 eaet. ~e, ·e Dick October at Moscow. The U. S. en­ apolis wilh 5 1/.z-I/.z, drawing with Chess Club, Glenn L. Martin Co. Heilbut, Gaston Chappuis, and lran15 in this event are Interna­ former Minncsota Champion ~til­ Chess and John Hopkins Univcrsity Larry Jacobsen. In the "B" tourna­ tional Women Mastcrs Gisela K. ton Otteson. Second and third wilh Chess Club. ment, the victory went to Alex Gresser, Mona May Kadf, and 5-1 each were Fred Galvin and Finally. 'Memorial Day weekend Rizos wllh a perfect 5-0 score. Will Sonja Gral-Stcvenson. Victor of the W. E. Kaiser. Fourth at 4'h-Ph sees three large and notable events Gardner was second with 4-1, while Candidates Tourney plays the tiUe­ was W. R. Jones. Fifth to twelfth ~a ll USCF rated-the 2nd Annual third and foul'th on S·B with 3-2 holder Cor the Women's World with 4-2 were Milton Otteson, L. P _ Great l.akes Open, the 31st annual eaeh were Emerson Snider and Championship. Narveson, Ceo. S. Barnes, Dane Tri·Slate Open, and thc Texas State W31ly Morgan. Text of the cablegram from FIDE Smith. Eugene Hocllin, Werner Championship. Both victors, Capell and Rizos, was as follows: Schroeder, Louis Persinger, and From the ev\dencc to hand, the bold the distinction of being the Pie ... " iIIdvlseo- .nd (:ommunJ. J-Iarry r~ield. The 6-round Swiss was new Rating Regulations and Af­ only two Utah players to defcat ut. Grillf Gresser KiilrH Liildies C.n­ dirccted by U!wis George and was filiation. P lan will serve to broaden Grandmaster Samuel Reshevsky in did.fn Tourn. ment ,",OKO'" ".rl· a 100% USCF rated event. Ing f int dillY' October. the field of rated evenl1l. rather his simultaneous exhibition at Salt A t the annual meeting of the FIOECHECS than contract it as some peSS imist­ Lake City last February. Minnesota State Chess Association, ic observers have prophcsied. Dane Smith of SL Paul was elccted LEININGER TOPS prc.<; ident, Melvin Semb of Winona COLUMBUS BOWS fi rst vice·president, Milton Otteson BISGUIER GOES LANSING MEET of S1. Paul sccond vice-president. TO ARGENTINA TO CLEVELAND Eujt:ene Leiningcr with 6-1 won and Eugene lIoellin of SL Paul u. S. Champion Arthur B. Bis­ In the first team match rated the Lansing City Championship in sccretary·treasurer. Sheldon Rein, guier will participate in the Gold­ under new USCF regulations, the a 2O·player 7·rd Swiss conducted Werner Schroeder, K. N. Pedersen, en Wedding Tournament, celebrat­ Clcveland team downed Columbus by the Lansing Chess Club. Lein· lIterl Johnson, and Geo. S. Barne9 ing the 50th anniversary of the 14-5 in a match nt Columbus, joint· ingel' 10000t one game to Ed ~ar­ were chosen directors. founding of the Clnb Argentino de ly sponsored by USCF afliliates, the wick. Seeond place went to .John Ajedrez. Play will commence on Clevciand Chess Ass'n and tbe B. Kelly with S%-l l/.z, losing to PLAN USSR MATCH April 17 at Buenos Aires and the Columbus Y Chess Club. In a con­ Leininger and drawing with James event will l35t 25 days. Other in­ current Junior team match, Cleve­ Kinton. Third and fourth on S-B FOR JUNE-JULY vited players are Alexandcr of wo n from the Columbus juniors wtih 5-2 were Leo Zaikowski and Plans arc reported progressing Great Britain, Unzicker of West 7-1. Robert Slocum, while James Kin­ lor an unofficial match with the Gcnnany, Pachman oC Czechoslo­ Scoring wins for Cleveland were ton was fifth with 4lh-2lh. Sixth USSR in Moscow in June or July vakia. Szabo -of Hungary, li nd Gli­ R. Pitschak, A. Nasvytis, M. Pat­ to tenth with 4-3 were Alan Strel­ of this year. Tbe American team is gorich and Ivkov o{ Yugoslavia. rick, J . Cohn, E. Somlo, J . Gilchrist, ze[[, Ed Barwkk, Don Green, Rich­ reported to consist of Rcshevsky, R. Owens, Willa Owens, M. AntunO­ ard A. Holmes, and Edwi.n .John­ Evans, Bisguier, the Byrne broth­ C LEAVER SCORES vich, A. Burgyan, and lL Corfman. son. Richard Holmes took the Jun­ ers, and probably Fine-with Den­ For Columbus S. Terrible and S_ ior title as ranking playcr among ker, Pavey, Kashdan and Kevilz on ALLENTOWN WIN Lin tallied the victories. the four juniors participating. the reserve list. Mahlon Cleaver emerged victor­ Sin~e thc match is privately ious with 13-0 score in the recent U. S. OPEN sponsored by a New York group. Allentown City Championship. Sec­ U. S. JUNIOR headed by Alexander Bisno, Jose ond place went to Minotte Chat­ CHAMPIONSHIP CHA MPIONSHIP Calderon, Lesing Rosenwald, and ficld with 9·4, while J. l\fack placed Augu.. 8-20, 1955 Mauricc Kasper, if will not be a third with 8lh-41h. Tied for fourth ­ July 15-24, 1955 return match to thc encounter in with 8·5 each in the 14 player event Long Beach, California New York in 1954, which was of­ w-ere 'V. Young, C. Ztigler, and Lincoln, Nebraska fi cially sponsored by the USCF. Paul Sherr. Queen elty (Buff.lo) Chass elub: Mas­ ter Emeritus Roy T. BLack won the 24- player club challl1llonshlp 8'>'1·H/o!, los­ ALL'S_WELL THAT ENDS WELL ing One game to runner·up Vemon CI. ... efJ. Gable and drawing with P aul E. Green· ough. Vernon Gable scored 8·2 for scc­ Mm~ terin.g thp. End Game place, draWing WltD AIDert £. vos.sler and Dr. Henry Freitag, while Josin& to .!In n.w Yor/' By WALTER KORN, Editor 0/ MCO Grtlenough. Paul Greenough Was third with n ... ·~\.'J; A lbert Voule r fourth By Allen &wfnwn FINDING ONESELF IN THE WRONG CORNER! with 7·3; and Arnold Krul filth with 6 .... S ixth to tenth on S-B with $'h.-4'h. NCE the exclusive pl'operty of N tqe previous chapter we scrulinized the aspects of tbe position given eacb w,ere V I'. Henry Fella&:", Robert L. Mekus, James J . Barrett, Her Dert M..,· O a talented few, the art of I there in Diagram 16, and repeated here, from a game Barcza-Rethy. Gau&:"hey, and Normlln K. Millard. A kibitzing has grown so that today and today we append the outflow of moves from that position onwards.
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