March LIC THE TEESDALE MERCURY. Wednesday, March 29th, hi, woloe,,lity• •il recently advertised for a clerk and Mr Alderson : Is there any guarantee that BARNARD CASTLE STARTFORTH COUNCIL. offered the handsome salary of II per year, the brigade will always be available ? and they were flooded with applicants. Mr Thoburn said he understood there was Mr Audas said he was sure there would a special engine always standing by for CRICKET eft, PROTECTION OF THE DISTRICT FROM be plenty of people in the village ready to use in the rural areas. FIRE. accept the position. Mr Alderson said it would be interesting to know to what extent the Darlington fire 100th ANNUAL MEETING, Mr Longworth Thanked. brigade would be able to bring water to RATE COLLECTOR WANTED FOR The Chairman said-he believed it was only Bowes, a village with one long street. right that the Council should place on STARTFORTH. Would they be able to take water from the Colonel i nH. tNhVeatisooaltihparaesaiadaeld noteeetli:. record their appreciation of the work of Mr Greta? There were a lot of isolated farm- Longworth as rate collector for Startforth. houses with limited water supplies. If this day g. at the A meeting of the Startforth Rural Council Mr Longworth had held the position for a information could be obtained it would be the Barnard Castle Cricket Club held;; was held on Wednesday, Mr J. G. Harris, long time, and lie was sure the Council a guide. Newgate Hall. There was a good ;; uYING & SEL J.P., presiding. would agree with him when he said he was Mr Gatenby : In the event of a scarcity of ante. a very valuable servant, and had carried A Congratulations. water, are there no chemicals they can use? Mr F. H. Wellman, hon. secretar CO MPLETING out his duties with every satisfaction. His And can we ascertain what the extra cost presenting the 100th annual report, Before the business heolin the ChairMan had been a most difficult task, but he had rei: offered congratulations to Mr .1. NV. Alder- would be ? to the club having completed a cei du,- By " PHILOK done it well. The Clerk : They would . bring all their existence and expressed the belief entptor (let t son, Bowes, on his appointment to the The Council concurred. apparatus. r magisterial bench. was almost if not quite the oldest ,"-V wholesomeo m Unemployment Problem. Mr Gatenby Are we sure they will use club in .the country. He proceedeS •%';‘ In reply Mr Alderson said he felt it an a to any other honour to receive such an appointment, Mr Alderson called attention to a scheme the chemicals?. think that for a club of such a long se. dog- tascommodities t The Chairman : We will find that out. we deserve a little better support IL. and lie believed that it was clue in no small suggested by the County COuncil concern- - 1 11°;s-sdi values from w The Public Health. have had during the last few years striking vari measure to his association with the Start- ing the employment of able-bodied men in rtioilar l y forth Rural Council. He said lie would the area, and proposed that the Council The Medical Officer (Dr. E. S. Haw- balance sheet shows a decided impr o ,. but i elot endeavour to carry out his new duties to should obtain. particulars of it. thorne) reported five births and five deaths on last year's working, despite the can get the best of his ability. Mr Welsh seconded.—Agreed to, in the district during the month. There times through which we have pa ssed an expert co were no cases in the isolation hospital. read of better times to come, so ' would be a r The Stang Road. Barningham Water. impro,.,, se ,linie the position will be greatly f dog He w-oul Mr Alderson said the complaint regard- Arm estimate of the Barningham water Bowes. next year. After a period of ten ye;,, sr''i vit of som ing the closing of the Stang Road was scheme submitted by the Inspector (Mr J. The suggestion of the Inspector to spend club held a gala and sports on td III-tfiey \ • wre e _Woul , before the Advisory Committee, who were L. Meson) showed rat the cost was likely £35 on the re-conditioning of Bowes sewage Monday, in celebration of its 100ti, • The demand to asking the Forestry Commissioners to place to be £410. works was agreed to. • The weather was not too kind, i s, cit. itnoallip.:eirO' n w 0 u 1 a gateway at each end of the road so that was pointed out that that would involVe Mr Albert Walker was appointed care- managed to show jraPtti-:11Nr.:‘.-111c:ahilldtill It a small profit. anyone. A good it would still be available for use. Barningham parish in an 8d. rate. taker of Bowes waterworks in succession to handicapped by lack of material (Hi us of the se11 er, to the late Mr Milner, pending the appoint- statal The Bridge at Cotherstone. The Chairman said it was rather a heavy to work, but we hope the next vents. ity, but dthe charge on Barninghtim and they could not ment of a permanent official. The vacant be a great success. We are indebted • absurdlot and a vern It was reported that the County Surveyor appointment is to be advertised. ant a had been investigating the complaint sent do anything in the absence of the repre- Town Committee for their valuable .. the reputa tion sentative of the parish. Isolation Hospitals. ante. We had another visit from is eftitovof by . this Council regarding the danger of nels. the bridge over the beck at Cotherstone The matter was referred to a sub-com- The Clerk submitted a letter and draft Macaulay, who brought with him a very few, occ mittee consisting .of the. Chairman and Vice- the Yorkshireun CkCountyoinudn,butT eaag no owing to the low walls. The bridge had scheme made by the North Riding County ■ goode crgoau"i6SA ut exhibiting at all been re-constructed by the Startforth Rural chairman, Sir Frederick Milbank, and Mr Council for the provision of isolation hos- ‘ -ea t bred an the game. We were glad to °Mat dogs District Council some time ago, and they T. \V. Garth. pital accommodation in the Riding. From hear thi•• ne cshparrapdiovniesariinouosti retained the style of the bridge. As the Protection from Fire. these it appeared that there would be. five members of the team that visited ps i appearance was most pleasing and con- large hospitals, one in each area, the Castle on that day were later chosen g's breeder has to b . Mr R. Walton moved : " That the resolu- against Australia, and we all know or' formed with the local standard of bridge- tion passed at the meeting held on 26th hospital for this district being provided ogu- es • The ordinary building, he did not propose to make any August, 1931, whereby it was resolved that with twenty beds, to accommodate cases great efforts which helped to bring is. mpanion dog can u alterations. no arrangement be entered into with the from Richmond Borough, and Aysgarth, Ashes to England. The annual dart. d puppy for a few Darlington Corporation, providing for the Croft, Leyburn, Reeth, Richmond, and a disappointment, and it is rather J.. 'es it an advantage t Inspector's Office. Startforth Rural Districts. With regard to aging to those who work year after of those that Mr R. Walton, chairman of the Finance attendance of their fire brigade at fires in possible the Council's area, be rescinded." He the treatment of small pox in Part II. of to make events like this successful. wing into money. So Committee, reported a paybill for the the scheme, it was stated that Startforth more support is given by the was- un in this wa month of £490 12s. 9d., leaving a bank reminded the Council that two years ago picked the Clerk was instructed to obtain from had an arrangement with the Barnard the club, it will requirecabreefualdetz ay= possible to tell h. balance of 21,226 5s. 2d. The Committee had Castle Rural District. tion as to whether it w ill elop under favourable considered the purchase of certain furni- Darlington Corporation particulars of the. amoulit they would require to ensure the The Council decided to agree with Part run an - annual dance in the future. ge beyond belief if tit ture for the Inspector's office, and recom- II. of the scheme. Dealing with the club's season Mr s gisonuefrasentcooyf mended that a table and four chairs be attendance of the borough fire brigade at fires in the rural area. 'the matter was Flooding at Bowes. man said the 1st XI. played 18 match one reputa purchased, that locks be fitted to the cup- which six were won,. eight lost, ant• getting boards, lighting by gas to be provided, and referred to the various parishes, but he was Mr Alderson drew attention to the flood- drawn. The 2nd XI. played 14 afraid that a certain amount of misunder- ing of Station Road, Bowes, caused by a maids also plenty of honest that a charwoman be engaged to keep the which six were won, seven lost, aid at with a reasonabl office clean.—The Council agree .' to the standing had arisen. It was a question portion of the drain falling in. whether it had been the duty of the local drawn. The 1st XI. batting average. able to buy cheaply, recommendations.
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