Mr. Adigun Ade Abiodun Mr. Monowar Hussain Akhand Space Applications Section Ministry of the Establishment Office for Outer Space Affairs 19 Dhalka Nagar Lane United Nations Office P.O. Gandaria P.O. Box 500 Dhaka Vienna 1204 1400 Bangladesh Austria Tel: 00880-31-621005 Tel: 0043-1213-454-270 Fax: 00880-2-956-8735 Fax: 0043-1213-455-830 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ms. Kerry Albright Dr. Ziyadin Abouziarov Natural Resources Institute Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia Central Avenue 9-13 Bolshoi Predtechensky Per. Chatham Maritime Moscow Kent 123242 ME4 4TB Russia United Kingdom Tel: 007-095-255-1246 Tel: 0044-1634-88-3038 Fax: 007-095-255-1582 Fax: 0044-1634-88-3706 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ms. Teresa Abrantes Prof. Dr. William J. R. Alexander Institutu de Meteorologia STC Sub-Committee on Early Warning Rua C ao Aeroporto Dept. of Civil Engineering Lisbon University of Pretoria 1700 Pretoria Portugal South Africa Tel: 003511-848-3961 Tel: 0027-12-348-1795 Fax: 003511-840-2370 Fax: 0027-12-348-8980 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. Abdel Wahab Ahmed Dr. Alexander L. Alusa Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) United Nations Environment Programme New Extension Street, 53 P.O. Box 47074 Khartoum Nairobi Sudan Kenya Tel: 00249-11-471-845 Tel: 00254-2-623-455 Fax: 00249-11-471-340 Fax: 00254-2-623-410 Email: undp_khartoum Email: [email protected] Dr. Wilfried Ahrens Mr. Brahim Ambar Uzhydromet of the Republic of Uzbekistan Office National de la Meteorologie Observatorskaya 72 O.N. Meteo Taschkent B.P. 153 700052 Dar El Beida Uzbekistan Alger Tel: 007-3712-358-614 Algeria Fax: 007-3712-358-414 Fax: 00213-2-508-849 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alosisa T. Akanyele A.M.E. Zion Church P.M.B. 482 Serrakunda The Gambia Tel: 0022-393-694 Fax: 0022-374-054 Prof. Dr. Peter Anderson Dr. Abdelhakim Ayadi Centre for Policy Research on Science & Centre de Reserche en Astronomie, Technology Astrophysique et Geophysique Simon Fraser University BP 63 515 West Hastings Street Bouzaréah Vancouver Algiers British Columbia 16340 V6B 5K3 Algeria Canada Tel: 00213-2- 901-424 Tel: 001-604-291-4921 Fax: 00213-2-90-1424 Fax: 001-604-465-8797 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr. Oktay Babazade Prof. Dr. David Anderson Institute of Geology ECMWF Academy of Sciences Shinfield Park 29A G. Gavid Av. Reading Baku RG2 9AX 370143 United Kingdom Azerbaijan Tel: 0044-118-949-9106 Tel: 00994-12-952-050 Fax: 0044-118-986-9450 Fax: 00994-12-98-84-94 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr. Friedrich H. Arakelyan Dr. Thomas Bahr Institut AtomEnergoSeismic Projekt Institute of General & Applied Geology Jer HPS-2 University of Munich Hrazdan Canyon Luisenstr. 37 Yerevan Munich 375015 80333 Armenia Germany Tel: 003742-580-649 Tel: 0049-89-5203-304 Fax: 003742-151-805 Fax: 0049-89-5203-286 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr. Valery Arzoumanian Prof. Dr. Dietrich Bannert National Survey for Seismic Protection of the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Republic of Armenia Rohstoffe BGR Davidashen-Massiv-4 Referat 1.32 - Fernerkundung Yerevan Postfach 51 01 53 375054 Hannover Armenia 30631 Tel: 00374-2-28-28-11 Germany Fax: 00374-2-151-108 Tel: 0049-511-643-3007 Email: [email protected] Fax: 0049-511-643-2304 Email: [email protected] Dr. Arthur J. Askew Hydrology and Water Resources Department Mr. M. Fouad Bendimerad 41 ave. Giuseppe-Motta Risk Management Solutions, Inc. Case Postale, No. 2300 149 Commonwealth Drive Geneva Menlo Park 1211 California Switzerland USA Tel: 0041-22-7308-355 Tel: 001-650-617-6566 Fax: 0041-22-734-8250 Fax: 001-650-617-6490 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Hans Berckhemer Mr. Georg Buchholz Insitut für Meteorologie & Geophysik Arbeitsgruppe Feuerekologie Universität Frankfurt c/o Universität Freiburg Feldbergstr. 47 Freiburg Frankfurt 79085 60323 Germany Germany Tel: 0049-761-808-012 Fax: 0049-761-808-011 Mr. Cyril E. Berridge Email: [email protected] Caribbean Meteorological Organisation HQ P.O.Box 461 Mr. Ali Buhedma Port of Spain Gamal Abdul Nasser Str. Trinidad & Tobago Tajuri Building Tel: 001-868-624-4481 Benghazi Fax: 00868-623-3634 Libya Email: [email protected] Tel: 00218-61-909-5824 Fax: 00218-61-909-5823 Mr. Michael E. Blackford UNESCO/IOC International Tsunami Information Ms. Alessandra Buongiorno Center Remote Sensing Exploitation Department Suite 2200 ESA/ESRIN - APP-APU 737 Bishop Street CP 64 Honolulu Via Galileo Galilei Hawaii Frascati HI 96706-2928 00044 USA Italy Tel: 001-808-532-6423 Tel: 0039-6-941-805-45 Fax: 001-808-532-5576 Fax: 0039-6-941-805-12 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Peter Bormann Mr. Attila Bussay GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Division of Climatology & Agrometeorology Haus E, Room 428 Meteorological Service of Hungary Telegrafenberg P.O. Box 38 Potsdam Budapest 14473 1525 Germany Hungary Tel: 0049-331-288-1202 Tel: 00361-212-2699 Fax: 0049-331-288-1293 Fax: 00361-212-5153 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr. Philippe Boullé Dr. Burkhard Buttkus IDNDR Secretariat Federal Institute of Geosciences & Natural 8. Av. de la Paix Resources Geneva (BGR) 1209 Stilleweg, 2 Switzerland Hannover Tel: 0041-22-733-8869 30655 Fax: 0041-22-733-8695 Germany Email: [email protected] Tel: 0049-511-643-3242 Fax: 0049-511-643-3663 Mr. Mehmet Celebi Prof. Dr. Aderbal Correa U.S. Geological Survey University of Missouri 345 Middlefield Road E2509 Engineering Bldg. East Menlo Park Columbia California MD65211 94025 USA USA Tel: 001-573-882-2041 Tel: 001-650-329-5623 Fax: 001-573-882-4784 Fax: 001-650-329-5163 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. Andrew Craig Dr. Henry Chasia BKS (PTY) Ltd. International Telecommunication Union (ITU) P.O. box 3173 Place des Nations Gauteng Geneva 20 Pretoria CH-1211 0001 Switzerland South Africa Tel: 0041- 22-730-5111 Tel: 0027-12-421-3500 Fax: 0041-22-733-7256 Fax: 0027-12-421-3895 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ms. Brindusa-Cristina Chiotoroiu Prof. Dr. Ian Davis Naval Academy Disaster Management Centre Department of Navigation Cranfield University Str. Fulgerului 1-3 RMCS Constanta Shrivenham 8700 Swindon Romania SN6 8LA Tel: 00404-163-4506 United Kingdom Fax: 00404-164-3096 Tel: 0044-1793-785-287 Fax: 0044-1793-785-883 Mrs. Beate Coellen Email: [email protected] Innenministerium des Landes Brandenburg Brand- und Katastrophenschutz Mr. Sebastien de Bouard Henning-von-Presckow, 9-13 Ministère de l'Equipement Potsdam MIGT 5, Cité administrative 14467 Boulevard de la Liberté Germany Cedex Tel: 0049-331-866-2881 Rennes Fax: 0049-331-291-204 35021 France Ms. Jeanne-Marie Col Tel: 0033-2-997-817-34 United Nations Fax: 0033-2-99-7816-08 DCI-986 One U.N. Plaza Mr. Eduardo Del Palacio Fernandez-Montes New York Direcion General de Conservacion de la Naturale 10017 Gran via de San Francisco, 4 USA Madrid Tel: 001-212-963-8377 28005 Fax: 001-212-963-2916 Spain Email: [email protected] Tel: 0034-91-597-5601 Fax: 0034-91-597-5565 Email: [email protected] Miss. Zenaida G. Delica Dr. Louis Rolando Duran Citizen' Disaster Response Centre Desastres Naturales en America Central 72a Times St. Apartado Postal 6-3232 West Triangle Homes El Dorado Quezon City Panama Philippines Tel: 00507-236-1680 Fax: 00632-924-0386 Fax: 00507-236-1341 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. Mohammed Dkhissi Dr. Ulrich Ebel Direction de la Meteorologie Nationale Bayerische Rückversicherung A.G. B.P. 8106 Sederanger 4-6 Capa Oasis Munich 20100 80536 Morocco Germany Tel: 0091-1414-913378 Tel: 0049-89-3844-1389 Fax: 0049-89-3844-1882 Mr. Keiji Doi Email: [email protected] Japan Meteorological Agency 1-3-4 Otemachi Dr. F. Wolfgang Eder Chiyada-ku UNESCO Division of Earth Sciences Tokyo 7, rue Miollis 100-8122 Paris Japan F-75732 Tel: 0081-3-3212-874 France Fax: 0081-3-3212-2837 Tel: 0033-1-4568-4115 Email: [email protected] Fax: 0033-1-4568-5822 Email: [email protected] Prof. Dr. James Dooge c/o Department of Civil Engineering Mr. Christian Eikenberg University College Dublin IDNDR-Komitee Earlsfort Terrace Geschäftsstelle Bonn Dublin 2 Friedrich- Ebert-Allee 71 Ireland Bonn Tel: 0035-3-706-7499 D-53173 Fax: 00353-1-706-399 Germany Tel: 0049-228-541-1257 Dr. Thomas E. Downing Fax: 0049-228-541-1303 Environmental Change Unit Email: [email protected] School of Geography University of Oxford General Omar Khalil Mohamed El Banawi 1a Mansfield Road Egyptian Civil Defence Authority Oxford Extension of Ramsis St. OX1 3TB Medinet Nasr United Kingdom Cairo Tel: 0044-1865-281-180 Egypt Fax: 0044-1865-281-181 Tel: 00202-401-4208 Email: [email protected] Fax: 00202-401-4208 Email: [email protected] Mr. David Dunn United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi Kenya Tel: 00254-2-623-292 Fax: 00254-2-623-927/692 Email: [email protected] Dr. Russell Elsberry Prof. Dr. Jörg Erzinger Department of Meteorology GeoForschungsZentrum Naval Postgraduate School Haus B, Zi. 324 Room 254 Telegrafenberg 589 Dyer Road Potsdam Monterey 14473 California 93943-5114 Germany USA Tel: 0049-331-288-1421 Tel: 001-408-656-2373 Fax: 0049-331-288-1474 Fax: 001-408-656-3061 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr.
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